Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Hitomi's eyes shot open, however she couldn't process what was going on. All she could feel was a smooth hand grace over face, followed by a pleasant moist kiss on her cheek. Surprisingly she felt no more pain and heard Hiro's voice.

"Can you fight?"

On those words her eye sight returned to normal. She noticed Asuna unconscious over her, but she was alright, she was still breathing. Hitomi opened her mouth and a cloud of smoke floated out. She made eye contact with Hiro and nodded as she slowly got up.
Kohaku finally retrieved his chalk pieces. He looked over to them thinking carefully. "I take guys aren't normal huh?" he said to them not really paying attention to his surroundings.
"ah good ill be right back then" Kiba said quickly dropping his cigarette and running over to the clothing store when he entered he found a shirt and a waist coat like the one he was already wearing but a bit more of a lighter grey color he picked it up and went to try it on he quickly took his old shirt off and tried the new one "prefect fit" he muttered to himself as he went to the checkout "Just the shirt and waist coat" pointing to the shirt he had on and the waist coat in his hand he didn't wait for a answer he just paid the cashier and walked off back to where Ritsu was.
When kiba ran of ritsu sat on a bench and patiently waited for him. While she was waiting she looked through her bag to see what she had left ' ok....I have all my throwing knives....and my 2 hunting knives.....5 flash bomb...4 smoke bombs...4 bombs...hmm...yeah I should be fine...' by the time she was done checking kiba was done shopping. She looked up and saw him in the same outfit " same thing?" She asked.

"yes i prefer it good choice by the way not many place sell it"kiba said smiling "so shall we head out to this cafe it has me interested it sounds very good" kiba added noticing he left his cigarette packet in the waist coat he left at the shop he was thinking 'dam' as he went to check the rest of his pockets just in case.
"yes my cigarettes now i remember why i buy that crap brand its dirt cheap its fine ill pick some up somewhere" Kiba said letting out a long sigh thinking 'dam i always do this lucky i still have my lighter' as he pulls it out of his pants pocket just to make sure.
Ritsu nodded and got up to lead when she noticed luka was gone. She looked around a bit and she wasn't anywhere.

After about one minute luka appeared behind kiba with his cigarette box in his mouth. She jumped on her shoulder and dropped it on his hand and meow. Ritsu chuckled and took luka off his shoulder "well isn't that nice of you" she said to her.

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"any chance i can steal this cat off you it comes in very handy" Kiba said in a jokey manner before going all serious after he petted the cat he quickly lit a cigarette and began to smoke it thinking 'that cat must come in really handy in fights stopping the price being paid and forgetting something light it can get it quicker than a human'.
Ritsu chuckled "told ya she's smart" she gave luka a treat and put her on her shoulder. ' those scientists must have done something to her to make this intelligent..' she then began walk to the pastry shop with kiba.

"where did you find her if you don't mind me asking" Kiba asked as he followed Ritsu knowing its none of his business he just wanted to make conversation and this was a topic he seemed interested in.
"In one of my missions...I was sent to kill a certain scientist and steal data on his research...I found her locked up in a cage with an IV bag that had a weird liquid inside strapped to her paw. After I killed the scientist she kept meowing and looking at me as I stole the data. I looked at her and sighed and decided to let her I opened the cage and removed the iv bag. I thought she and I will go our seperate ways but she ended up following me...I thought she was following me to find a way out but....she was actually following me...I didn't give a thought for about a week then she started to grow to on me...I started teaching her tricks...and after about a month she and I started to go on missions together...." ritsu explain.

She smiled at the memory 'I guess something good did come put from having these powers and joining the organization....'

"Unfortunately, we are the farthest thing from normal there is." Responding to Kohaku's question, for some reason his answer brought a smile to his own face. He knew that this was how the night was going to go so why bother getting his hopes up on a peaceful evening.

Hiro propped himself up with his arm, watching Asuna's power take over and noticing Hitomi's quick recovery. An internal sigh of relief was let out, than Hiro knew what he had to do. Standing up slowly he nodded to both of the girls, walking towards the now fading plume of dust, he found a broke light still flickering, trying to hold on.

Picking it up Hiro exhaled and could feel the jolts of electricity starting to die out, he couldn't help but grin. His eyes got darker, he stood a little taller, and any sense/shred of human he had left was now buried deep for the fight. Looking up his eyes had obtained a red tint and a smile so big it was almost monstrous. Striding back to the two females, he started focusing on the little bit of life left in the lamp and stole it. Dropping the light and letting it crash in front of him he now held the small pulse of electricity in his hand.

"A dance to the death, the only kind of dance that I really enjoy."
Kohaku looked around at the place holding his chalk in one hand. "I'm going." he said to the man."Clean up..." Kohaku said turning around and walking towards the door.
"You're gonna leave now my dear! But the fun has yet to begin." Hiro's voice was shrill and filled with excitement, any sense of level-headedness he lost in the midst of the initial attack. Looking at the boy he waited for a response. Whether he left or stayed didn't really matter to him but you can never have to many team members when playing a Contractors versus Contractors war.
"hmm never thought about helping something or someone when being sent on a job i normally just kill it or them along with my target no witnesses human or nonhuman makes things go a lot smoother normally but you should keep hold of that little bit of humanity don't let it go" Kiba said in a down tone remembering all the ones he could have saved if he even tried to.
"Well have our fun...eventually...but for now I have to... return." Kohaku replied looking back at him and continued walking to the door. Kohaku reached the door looking back one more time "fun..." he said quietly walking outside.
Ritsu looked at him and nodded. They arrive at a building, with a porch with a few tables outside. " here it is" she said with a smile. The signs was yellow and black. It said " Jolti's delicious cakes"

"hmm smaller than i thought it would be it looks nice tho shall we go in mademoiselle" he says in a posh but sarcastic voice as he walks over to the door and holds it open for her.
"Well that was a first..." Asuna grunted as she tried to pick gerself up. "I cant believe I fainted. What hap-" she trailed off as she saw an orb of electricity sit in Hiro's palm. She saw destruction all around her and bodies lying limply and lifeless on the ground. "Shit." What could she do to help?? She was now powerless in this battle. All she could was sit and protect Hitomi.
Ritsu chuckles a little and walks into the cafe " thank you sir". She goes over to the counter and looks at the different cakes. ' which one should I pick...'

Kohaku looked around outside an flipped out a phone, and hit a button on the phone. "They died." he said into the phone."Those other...they live.." pausing for a moment."Got it..." he said turning off the phone and deciding where to go next.

(Character sheet updated)
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"get whatever you want and get two of them one foir you and one for me i'll pay for both" Kiba said as he walked outside towards a open table and sits down and notices a ash tray "perfect" kiba muttered to himself looking at his surrounding just in case.
Ritsu looked at the cakes "hmm...what do you think girl?" Luka meowed and pointed at strawberry shortcake with her paw. "Hmm...ok...what about for kiba?" Luka then pointed at oreo cake " alright" she looked at the counter lady and told " I would like the oreo cake and strawberry ahoet cake please" the lady smiled and gave her the two cake. She paid for both and went over and put his cake in front of him and sar down with her cake.

Kohaku began walking around once more, noticing an alley way he walked into it. He drew two circles, and a flash of light happened. Kohaku looking at his hands said to himself "Perfect." He began walking out of the alley way and his stomach rumbled. "Hu..ngry" he said to himself walking the streets, he bit a piece of his chalk off and ate it.

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