Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Asuna started move her body to the beat and smiled with true content. She hadn't done anything since her abilities except play her violin and sometimes it wasnt enough. She startled at Hiro's voice and glared at his comment. "I am so scary, I had you quivering with fear when you first saw me." Asuna laughed at the insanity of her reply. She really wasn't scary. She was a little standoffish without meaning to be but not scary.
"Quivering, oh my you misread that body language. I was stunned by you, not out of fear though, out of how dangerously pretty you really are." Hiro could feel the temptations of crashing the hopes of females rising up in his throat but he negated it. Asuna was nice and unlike the other women in the club he would actually have to see her again.

But who said he still couldn't have a little fun with the females he was never going to see again? Hiro moved back to Asuna, a little closer than before, and laid his hand on her hip ever so lightly,
"Don't have to much fun, I'm going to go... scout, the crowd out." With that he smiled and let his hand slide off her hip, he moved farther in to the crowd striking up conversation with the first female bold enough to confront him. He kept Asuna and Hitomi in his peripheral vision though, just in case anything did go south.
"What's the point? Dancing only brings fond memories back, what use are those to me?" She said crossing her legs, lightly tapping her head to the beat. She had an urge to join them, but she resisted, she shouldn't, she was no good without a partner anyways and he was dead... 
(Everyone feel free to join us at the club :3!)
Kohaku looked around and sat down. He didn't like this place it smelled bad. "Things like this...should just disappear.." he said quietly and began drawing on the table with his chalk knowing nobody would care enough to do anything about it.
Asuna's jaw dropped. She clenched her teeth and joined Hitomi. "Im going to kill Hiro if another contractor doesnt do it for me. I think until we part ways, he going to keep thinking up ways to get me to be embarrassed. " She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and sighed. "Go dance Hitomi. Make new memories."
"You like the feeling, don't know, when you knock down the hopes of another. It excites you, doesn't it, in ways others cannot describe".

The oddly built man, his black hairing tussling with the music, suddenly stopped, noticing his presence for the first time.

"Do I know-" he started to which he stopped, recognition slowly setting in.

"If you'll look over my in formalities, I never properly introduced myself. The name's Seren, Seren Angelo. Nice to meet you," he said, stretching out a freshly bloodied hand.
Hitomi shrugged and the club soon appeared as her old dance classroom, for a moment she believed it, she was happy. But it was all a ruse, fathomed by her cruel contractor mind. She looked to Asuna and shook her head. "Dancing won't bring new memories, only old.."
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Kohaku looked began looking around the bar. "What are they doing." he said to himself looking towards the dance floor. Kohaku had thought of an idea. He would go to the dance floor and watch the people closely. Kohaku stood up and walked over to the dance floor watching carefully but then tilted his head with a confused look. "No.." he said out loud.
"How could you say something so awful, you're a terrible person!" The crying words were followed by a sharp and precise smack. Hiro could feel the hand print of the girl on his cheek, his face un-moved and a smile still plastered on his face the girl ran to the group of her friends. Giving disgusted looks but keeping their distance, eventually they left.

Hiro smiled to himself, he stretched and let out a laugh. It was drowned out by all the noise of the humans dancing among the floor and the obnoxious music playing. Finishing off his drink he walked up to the bar and ordered another drink, looking over at the girls he saw them just sitting there. Shaking his head no he ordered another two drinks to accompany his and sauntered back to the table. Setting the drinks down he propped his face on his hands which were be supported by his elbows on the bar table.

"Now ladies you have to tell me, why the sad face? And Hitomi I believe you owe me a dance, or maybe it was you Asuna..." letting his voice trail off he looked at both of the girls and waited for a response. He stood back up and panned the room again, still no contractors... maybe it was going to be a quiet evening after all.
Asuna sighed and grabbed Hitomi's hand lightly. "Those old memories are old... we arent even really the same people anymore. Just shadows being forced to live a meaningless life because the old us refuses to die. So honor the old Hitomi and go dance. Make new memories with Hiro and I. And even the other contracters. Maybe we dont all have to be so hostile and lonely." She smiled. "Lets both give Hiro that dance we apparently owe him."
Hitomi let out a long drawn out sight and shrugged. "I guess one dance couldn't hurt, it was my favorite thing at one point after all. But how do you plan on going about on a three way dance? Ring around the rosey?" She said in a slightly more optimistic tone than before.
"You know, with how pretty we are or at least with how pretty I am, we could bring ring around the rosey back." Giving Hitomi a wink he downed the rest of his drink and set the glass down firmly. Bowing at the hip he extended his arm out towards the dance floor. "Well ladies if you wait any longer you'll get old."
Asuna laughed. "Ring around the rosey it is then!" She downed the rest of her drink and without thinking about it, she link her arm with Hiro's and tightened her hold on Hitomi's hand. "Lets go dance."
Hiro was startled by the motion, at first he got defensive and ready to fight, but as soon as he saw Asuna's face expression his worries were gone. She seemed so excited, it was weird to be this happy. Was it the alcohol? Could hanging out with other contractors really be this good? His mind started to race and somewhere, deep inside, a small voice whispered,

Just live.

With that Hiro stopped all thinking and let out a laugh, he pulled Asuna in a little bit closer and smiled at Hitomi.

"Let this be a night to remember ladies."
Kohaku was getting bored. He looked around for anything at all to do. "Circle time.." he said walking over to the doorway. Kohaku made sure not to be noticed, and then drew a yellow circle in front of the door way. "Fun..." he said eating a piece of the chalk. Kohaku went back and sat down at his seat and put his head down onto the table.
"Wait I wasn't being- never mind let's just see how this goes.." She said holding onto Asuna's hand, not noticing she even was. This'll be interesting, she thought and looked to Hiro and nodded nonchalantly.
'Am I actually making friends... nope thats weird. Im just getting a little comfortable. This is good Asuna.' She thought to herself. She led the two to the dance floor and let go of them as she started dancing again. Hopefully they could relax for a bit before any real trouble started.
Hiro danced for a moment with the girls and than noticed the gentleman by the door drawing a circle, Hiro couldn't help but wander over.

Shouting back behind him to the girls, "Ladies, I'll be back in a moment!"

"Well hello there,"
now at Kohaku's chair. He took a seat next to him and pushed his hair out of his face. "I have an offer for you and I already know you can't say no, so you might as well just come with me." Hiro inhaled, ordered another drink, than stood up. Nodding his head at Kohaku he motioned over to the dancing Hitomi and Asuna, "We might as well have a good time before we might die, right?"

Kohaku looked at the man. He had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Kohaku was hoping for something to happen though. "You..." he said to him but followed him without a fight.
"Ladies! Let me introduce you to my new friend here." Giving a small wink to Kohaku he motioned towards the girls, "Meet the terrifyingly cute Asuna and the our gorgeous hostess, Hitomi. Go ahead, introduce yourself!" Hiro stepped back and hope Kohaku would take the forefront. Getting all of them together in an environment when they could bond could realistically only help them. Knowing someone on a personal level always helps your fighting compatibility.

It has nothing to do with that, you just want friends again.

Hiro went white, the small voice had popped up again but this time he knew what it was. It was his human self, just memories and delusions that his contractor mind was building just to hurt him of course but still... It was strange but also encouraging.

"Little voice you're right, I don't need a reason, I just want to have a good time."
"So," Seren murmured, rolling around a set of keys," how many are there in total?"

Enjoying the night air, he jammed another node from the metal ring into the mans legs, hoping to unlock his answers.

'It was odd,' he thought to himself,'why didn't he use his powers? There was always the off chance that he was humam but... that couldn't be, could it?'

"Hey," he yelled, his coarse voice rising, "I'm talking to you." Using his "destruction" always had such unnerving effects to his attitude.

"I can be here all night," he muttered, eyeing the neck orifice he'd make his keyhole," unless you tell me how many are in there."

He moved to jam it into the only socket he knew, both an eye sore to look at.

"Four!" The man quaked, desperately fighting for his life. "One's the bartender, one's the Dj, and the others the guard. "

"Now that's more like it."

Seren smiled, the end he would give this man a quick one.

"Wait," he wondered, thinking out loud," that only makes three..."

He stabbed the key into his leg.

"Who's the last member?"

The man cried in unbearable agony.

"Asuna,"he wept," the girl named Asuna. She's the final one. This was all her doing! Finish her and you'll end everything!"

Seren killed the man easily, his time now heeded.

Hitomi looked to the boy and tilted her head in confusion. "Hiro you can't just pick up strays willy-nilly! He might get-" She said stopping mid sentence.

The room went silent as Hitomi's eyes fell onto the bar tender. Her hands drained a drunk man, only a hairy shriveled up shell of a human remained. Her eyes illuminated blue, and the men at the counter all screamed, running out the door: they were the lucky ones...

The woman threw the man into the crowd of dancing people. Sequential to this Hitomi grabbed Asuna's body and threw her towards cover under a nearby table (you can resist). The man exploded and cut the incoming screams of the dancers with death. Hitomi was knocked back from the blast, her face slightly incinerated but she was still conscious and alive.

The smell was no longer booze and perfume... it was blood.. 
One moment allow me to edit)) 
All right there we go :) ))
Hiro stunned by what happened, froze for a second, then decided processing was not important, "Hitomi."

Running over to her side, Hiro immediately positioned himself in front of her, "Hey I need you to talk to me, are you okay? More importantly can you fight?" Any send of friendship had dropped from his face now they were comrades and her well being was not as important as her ability to fight. Hiro looked for Asuna but saw nothing in the plume of dust that was created by the initial blast.

"Well here we go, the true life of a contractor."

Kohaku looked around a little confused. "Some weird effects they have..." he said looking around at the mess. He began walking back to his seat to get his chalk pieces.
Asuna yelped as she felt Hitomi pull her down. Having no time to react, Asuna followed her down to the ground. A blast blinded her and the dust choked her. Coughing, she rolled over and started at Hitomi's face with horror. "Oh no." She whispered. With no hesitation she moved Hiro away and set her hands on Hitomi's face. In just a few seconds, it was healed with only a red tinge that would last for only a minute. Exhausted, Asuna leaned over and kissed Hitomi's cheek then fainted from the shock.

(Gotta go guys! I will catch up tomorrow if you decide to keep going. Night!)

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