Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

I say y'all whenever i'm trying to say you all because it just does not sound right xD And yeah, I'll be gone most of this week because i'm STILL not out of school. I get out thursday :l But I might be on and off this summer because I'm trying to make it count! And also, The first week of August I wont be posting at all.

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] Sounds good.
[MENTION=2447]RayneStyles[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] , [MENTION=2060]MinYoung[/MENTION] , [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1001]Marira[/MENTION]

Anyways, I think I'll give the rp a few more days if not a week for you guys to wrap it up before time skip--a solid week at the most. If anythings not done by Monday of next week, too bad,I'm time skipping anyways. That should be enough time. I don't want to drag along on the same day for ever.
Tomorrow is Monday, I will time skip then. Wrap it up if you want. And I apologize that I haven't been on, I had my post all written up--though I saved it--and my internet quit on me. . . .oh well. Hopefully after the time skip, everyone will have more of a chance to rp more openly.
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] Hey, I might be posting short replies for sometime and my spelling and grammar might be really sucky. It's because my computer is really messed up so i'm using my brothers but i'm in the dark because he's sleeping.
[MENTION=2447]RayneStyles[/MENTION] Nothing really to catch up, I just did a time skip. Since Xx-Katherine-xX won't be active for a while, Logan can find Conner in the gardens, they're both music types, plus theyre roommates?
Okay. So. Obviously. I keep taking long breaks and I was going to start getting on again but I feel like I've held everyone up enough already. So I think I should pull myself from the RP and my characters should be given to someone else, who's been more active.
Well, I wouldn't speak so soon. It seems that we're on a bit of a break anyhow. Experiencing a spell of inactivity. I'm not going to give up so easily though.

[MENTION=2447]RayneStyles[/MENTION] [MENTION=2060]MinYoung[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]

If any of you guys need someway to fit in your characters, you can have them bump into my characters. Conner is in the gardens, if you're musical you could meet up with him. If you're character is one in a difficult place in their relationship or something and they want advise, Veronica is wandering the halls and would be happy to stand in as a kind of councelor--or improvise or something.
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] sorry for the inactivity, I had a week of power outages here, then I got married and went to NY for military in-processing, so I've been SUPER busy the last 3 weeks and have not been on the site at all except to let people know I couldn't post (on the more active RP's, So I wouldn't get left behind)
Okay cool... I guess not a lot of stuff has happened anyway.

To anyone who has a wandering character that needs occupied, my character Violet is on her way to the cafeteria. She's zoned out, so feel free to run into her. Literally.
Hey Magic! This RP looks really cool!

I know all the characters are taken, but would I be able to join? I really wanna throw in a bad-girl to this school and see what happens. :D
Yay! Okay, here she is:

Name: Tatiana Noel

Age: 17

Year in school: Junior

Personality: Tatiana is a rock solid bad ass. She doesn't give a damn what you think about her or what you say to her. She will willingly mess up everybody's day just to get that tiny bit of attention. The truth is that Tatiana is so desperately vying for attention from her parents she doesn't care if it's in the form of shouting or being grounded - not that she even gets that. She will willingly get into a fight anyone and hates prejudice against girls. She oddly enough loves nature and can often be found in the garden, the lake or the beach when she's not causing trouble.

Special Attributes: Tatiana has won various gold medals and awards for her excellent swimming skills. She is also a highly skilled acrobat.

Style/Clique: Tatiana is the non-interested/loner. She is in no cliques but could be classed as many. Some call her one of the rich-bit*hes. Some call her a slut. Some call her in the bullies group and sometimes she's in the 'bad ass' group. Yet she doesn't hang around with any of them.

Clubs and/or Teams: Tatiana has only just arrived at the school, but is likely to be asked into the swimming and acrobatic team/club - if they exist.

Best Class: P.E / English

Worst Class: Trigonometry/Calculus

Grade Average: 3.0

In a Relationship With: No-one

Love Interest: She doesn't have one....yet.

Tatiana Noel is an only child, born to two rich parents she has everything she could ever want: A huge house, luxurious life style, money on demand and all the best clothes, shoes and bags - expect her parent's attention. Her mum, Bree Noel, is a well known Hollywood actress, and her dad James Noel is a serious business man who owns so many companies that Tatiana can't even keep track. So naturally they had little to no time for their sweet little daughter. Tatiana grew up, used to only really seeing her nanny and chef, rarely getting to see Mummy and Daddy.

Her first attempt at attention was to work super hard and get the best possible grades she could, this of course labelled her as a nerd in middle school and she was bullied for her shy demeanour and for being the 'teacher's pet' When Tatiana got A's in all subjects except Maths (she got a B in that), her parents responded by telling her she needed to bring her Maths up. No well done for doing so well in the others subjects. So, Tatiana changed her approach and became a wild child. She started staying out at all hours of the morning and dyed her black hair white, beginning to buy black leather pants rather than pink girly skirts. Still, nothing. So she went all out dropping almost all her subjects and getting into fights with boys at school. Her parent's barely noticed. So, Tatiana's last resort was to take all of her Mother's jewellery and chuck it into the sea down at the beach. After a massive argument, it was decided that Tatiana would be sent to Briarwood Preparatory Academy, perhaps it would encourage her to become a politician, doctor or even an actress like her Mother.

Other: Tatiana is quite good at English - having a good perspective of things - and will oddly enough stand up for a kid if she sees them being bullied - obviously it reminded her of herself when she was in middle school. Her hair is curly when it is down.

I was thinking Veronica would spot her and want to welcome her as a new student - since she's senior student council president

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