Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

Never heard of Magic Mike before since I just like how Alex Pettyfer looks and haven't actually seen him act but I googled it and LOL! OMFG, Channing Tatum's in it too!?

(So. I did my entire form before. But after some technical glitches I lost the entire thing which I spent a good hour on. So I'm going to be lazy and most likely less literate than usual.)


Morgan Avery Thomas


17 (Almost 18)

Year in school:



Morgan has always been a bit of a hot-head. She has a lot of trouble holding her tongue and can't seem to be able to keep what is on her mind to herself. She's quite impatient and impulsive which leads her to make a lot of bad decisions. Some of them leading to the rocky road Chase and her are on now.

Special Attributes:



Punk. Art Geeks.

Clubs and/or Teams:

Art club. Poetry club. And a very sad attempt at tennis and soccer.

Best Class:


Worst Class:


Grade Average:


In a Relationship With:


Love Interest:



Having the impulsive, hot-tempered, impatient personality Morgan has, it's not a surprise that she didn't exactly fit in when she was younger. She had a lot of trouble making and keeping friends. She tried every single clique in school without any luck. The cliques that did accept her she quickly blew it by saying something to rude or doing something to impulsive and out of her simple impatient attitude. She spent a lot of time alone. She didn't have many friends who would actually put up with her quick mouth and felt that no one understood her. She spent most of her time buried in books and watching television. Soon, she discovered how calming it was when she wrote poetry. Not long after that she took up painting and drawing. Not long after this did her parents begin to notice how calm she was getting, and relaxed, and less burdened. And her attitude and art kept getting better the more she poured herself into this. When she was in eighth grade when she was accepted to Briarwood. Her work said to be exceptional and personal. And before leaving for boarding school she decided that it was time for her to re-invent herself. She changed just about her entire personality. She became someone who actually liked people, and tried not to look at them as cold and judgmental anymore. To accept people like they hadn't done to her. Once getting to the school, she realized fitting in wouldn't be so difficult now that she was around people who weren't that different from her. She earned Chase as a special prize. But slowly but surely that mask she had on was beginning to slowly fade away. Her temper was starting to flare more than ever before, and slowly growing more impulsive, not thinking things through as carefully as before. Which slowly led to her growing away from most of her friends and the problems with Chase began. Everything was beginning to get even worse than before.


She spends a lot of time in her room or walking around campus, trying to sketch the scenery.




Logan Jason Thompson



Year in school:



Saying he's dated a lot of girls would be an understatement. No doubt he's a player. He's not a hit-it-and-quit-it type of guy. He just judges quickly. Hw sees what he wants and goes after it. If he doesn't want something anymore he'll let it go. With all his flaws he's a really good guy when you get down to it.

Special Attributes:

His voice.


Populars. Jocks.

Clubs and/or Teams:

Football. Chorus. Theatre.

Best Class:


Worst Class:

Social Studies

Grade Average:


In a Relationship With:


Love Interest:



He had a rough childhood. His dad walked out on his mom and him when he was five and his mom was an on-and-off drinker. So when he came home from school he'd either see her smiling and fine or passed out on the floor and her radiating the scent of Vodka. He eventually went to stay with his aunt and uncle who discovered that he had a very beautiful voice. So they forced him (out of love) to audition for Briarwood.





[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] [Andrea] is now accepted.

[MENTION=2447]RayneStyles[/MENTION] Both characters are definitely accepted.
Crap. If you guys want someone else I'll pull my characters out. My computer was being glitchy and I kept getting timed out and it took me two hours to correct everything. And I didn't see any of the posts before..
Hi Rayne! Umm, it's ok, MagicPocket explained the circumstances to me so, there's no need to pull your characters out, unless you want to give me one of them. I mean, there's seriously no problem if you don't want to. :) )
No, Rayne was here first, it doesn't really seem fair to pull your characters, they were impressive. :o But do as you like.
I totally agree with that, MagicPocket. It's her choice. But she was here first so it'll be so wrong if she pulled out her chars. :)
Name: Naiire Watson

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Is confident, kind and compassionate, especially when making a first impression. She is a very honest person, and very determined. Though independent, she is at her best when there is a team to back her up.

Special Attributes: Highly athletic, believing a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and a great, yet aggressive, leader. A real go-getter, she never lets anything or anyone stop her from reaching her goal. Also a good listener.

Style/Clique: Since most of her time is dedicated to her sports, she is mostly around the Jocks. Will tolerate others though, if they give off an initial good vibe.

Clubs/teams: Captain of the Volleyball team (fall sport,) Center Forward on the Soccer team (winter,) Track Star (spring.)

Best Class: (If you don't count gym as a class xD ) Psychology

Worst Class: Calculus

GPA: 3.9

In a Relationship With: Isaac

Love Interest: --

Background: Naiire was raised in a household that encouraged her to always try her best to be the responsible, truthful, hardworking, considerate, and respectable young woman she now is. Although her mother was around during most of her childhood, Naiire had always considered herself a daddy's girl. Her father had served as a Marine Specialist for twenty-two years, and Naiire had always seen him as a hero. One would even catch her "destroying the enemy" during her young tomboy years with her brother, who is also currently an active Marine. She had developed her fearless attitude from her father, and her nurturing side from her mother. Though her family had grown successful in their wealth, they had never flaunted it, and strived to use enough to take care of the necessities, as well as a little treat here and there. Their monetary surplus is placed in an emergency-only trust fund. Naiire's father especially believed that success would have to be earned for their children, and never discouraged his children to be the best they possibly can in life, and Naiire mirrors just that.

Other: Naiire typically gets into a "zone" whenever she is passionate about accomplishing a task, that she can even be stubborn, or as some of her teammates would call it, "bitchy." She can be found every day at the crack of dawn, taking her daily run throughout the garden.

Name: Isaac N. Platt

Age: 19

Year in school: Senior


A class clown, happy, mischievous, and friendly, a people pleaser he is popular and loves it. A façade used to hide himself as he is often interested in others more.

Special Attributes: Charisma (Charm), Witty, Friendly nature, Attention to detail

Style/Clique: Hipster/ Can hang out with most cliques, without it seeming off

Clubs and/or Teams: Literature Club, Newspaper

Best Class: English/Literature/Writing

Worst Class: Geography

Grade Average: 3.3 (is this too low?)

In a Relationship with: Naiire

Love Interest: --


Isaac didn’t get into this school because of his grades, the only high marks he ended up with were in English, and that’s the only reason the average levelled out so ‘high’. The reason he got into this school was because of the essay he wrote on the entrance examinations, an essay he actually entitled “Why I should be accepted.”

Not only was it true to his nature, it showed his superb writing skills and they asked him to test again, in case he was purposefully writing bad in all other subjects. It turned out he wasn’t, but his charm had won over people anyway, and he was temporarily accepted. Although they had stated it was ‘temporary’, he is in his graduating year now and with the help of many tutors, keeps up.

Due to the way he was accepted, no scholarship was given out and that forced his parents to pay for the tuition. Isaac’s parents weren’t exactly wealthy, but they weren’t poor either; his mother was a chiropractor and his father worked in the tower at the airport, operations something-or-rather. With a little bit of saving and frugality, they were able to pay his tuition in full, although they may need to save again for his little sister to go anywhere.


Isaac and Naiire just started dating, they met over the summer break.

Not many people know Isaac’s a reporter, he tries to keep it under wraps and even publishes under a pseudonym.


Eyes are green, hair is brown.
I suppose you could have roommates. I'll go with yes, I think it will make things more interactive.

--- Merged Double Post ---

We will now have roommate assignments! Post below who you want to be bunked with--unless you want me to do that--and I will organize it in this post!

@MinYoung , @Xx-Katherine-xX , @KaitWink , @14hca14 , @RayneStyles , @Ash Autopsy , @Marira , @Kagura

Naiire Violet
Danielle Khloe
Moon Megan
Cameron Morgan
Veronica --
Matthew Chase
Nathan Dane
Logan Connner
Isaac --

Pretty sure I got them all.

By the way. This will probably be the last time I get on for a while. I will be "radio-silent" for at least a week if not a several days more. I will try to catch up now. But for the time being, I give permission to Marira and Kagura to post for me if that's okay with them .

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