Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

Are girls bunked with guys? Cause I was going to say that if they are Megan can be bunked with Conner so that's how they get to know eachother. And I didn't even get a notification for that tag >:3
Yeah. I don't care much either.

But I do have a question, maybe it was written down and I over looked it. But do boys and girls stay in the same dorm/building?

Sorry, if the answer is there. I probably just over looked it..
I'm sorry, but could I receive some replies to at least Moon. It's somewhat frustrating. Sorry, I'm not in the best of moods today, if it seems a little rude.
[MENTION=2060]MinYoung[/MENTION] I'm the same way ): I've seen replies from like everyone except Conner /: I'm just impatient though lol
Wow. Okay. Partial nevermind. Seems like the only time I can get on is at 6 in the morning. I'll try to get on every couple days.

About the dorms I'm going to say that they have separate buildings but theyre close to each other for convience purposes.

Chase, Morgan, and Danielle, I'll leave that question open. Most of the storylines I left open for interpretation--either they can be broken up already or soon-to-break up, if you want to rp the fight or something. You guys can talk it out here, unless you just wanted it decided for you, because I would say not broken up yet and let it unfold true character traits--but if thats not what you want, cool beans, talk it out here (:

As far as people not replying, I would say tag user here so they know, but since the darn tag system doesn't seem to be working...Just tag them in the rp thread. For now, thats all I can say.
Name: Anna Hendriths

Age: 18

Year in school: senior

Personality:Shy at first, but when you get to know her shes funny, sweet and loyal to friends. You dont want to make her angry, she throws a great fit, but loves when others give her attention.

Special Attributes:Great at writing poetry, very skilled runner

Style/Clique:She usually wears very slim jeans, and a cute T-shirt or top with accesories to complete the look when not wearing her uniform.

Clubs and/or Teams:Cross country, Soccer

Best Class:Writing

Worst Class:Calculus

Grade Average:3.9

In a Relationship With:None, but would like a boyfriend

Love Interest:Matthew

Background: Anna's parents were always out gambling. They never encouraged her at all, and were hardly there. Being ignored by her parents caused her to strive for the best, getting as high grades as possible. When she comes out with a bad grade it severly bothers her. Her parents havent seen her since she left, never call, write, etc. The only family she has is her friends at school.

Other: N/A



Name:Chase Ezeckiel Smith

Age: 19

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Chase is a player. He can be a jerk, but usually is lighthearted, funny and outgoing. He trys to minipulate girls into dating him, no matter what rumors say. He has lots of charm and loves to play football.

Special Attributes: Great athlete, also good at languages and picking up girls.

Style/Clique: Anything that makes him look hot.

Clubs and/or Teams: Football team, Hockey team

Best Class: P.E

Worst Class: Science

Grade Average: 3.0 ( Barely )

In a Relationship With:none

Love Interest: Cameron, Moon

Background: Chase gets his personality from his dad, and looks from his real mom. His dad has married 5 times, two have been chase's mother. Chase grew up in a family where you were free to run wild. As a child he was a daredevil and his father let him do anything.

Other: N/A

Um, not to be rude and all, but did you read through the info? There is already a character named Chase, I have that posted in the character pairings. Anyhow, the sign-ups are closed. This is a role rp, and all rolls are filled, I'm sorry.


Well there has been a change in plans, that I was not expecting. :8D: I got my iPod back, so now I can be on periodically through the next week or two while my family finishes house renovations, since we'll be moving eventually. I have the dubious job of painting, so lucky me, iPod. :o
Are we allowed to design our own rooms because at first I thought they were all the same but everyone is describing their room differently?
Rooms should stay the same for the most part, realistically. But it should be stated if one was to bring their own blankets etc thir own room decor.

Wnd about Isaac, I couldn't remember if he was vice president or not and figured I would just do it that way. Student officials getting their own rooms, I mean.

Again. I would like to remind you all that ALL OOC should remain out of the rp thread unless absolutely necessary. It is irrelevant and clutters the thread, and to be frank, I don't care to see it. Relevant OOC shall be posted here.
Yeah, but I can move him around, I don't mind. Whatever you guys want :o

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I'd also like to propose a plan, see what you think of it:

Most of the rps I've been in, most people loose interest because it goes nowhere or it takes to long to get there and time is very slow. So right now, it's move in week. I don't want to spend forever on one single day. So I propose another couple of days to finish the day off--because I indestand people cant get on all the time too--and then a couple of days on a day further along in move in week or skip to school starting? A longer term plan, is take a time skip at the end of every month or so to the next month in the rp--or every month skip a couple weeks. Based on what's happening in the rp, times can be rearranged acordingly to the situation.

So how does this sound?
[MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION], [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION], [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION], I'm trying to start a fight between Matt and Morgan, then leading to Matt hanging with Moon. How's that sound?

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Sounds good. :)
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] kikinavi is not in this rp. @MinYoung is person you wanted to tag?

And I believe you meant Megan? It's okay.

It sounds good to me. I know Min hasnt been able to post for a while. And it hasn't been very fair.
Yeah, sorry. I've been so exhausted with all the summer crap that my siblings have been doing and trying to keep up is hard.

I need to let y'all know I will be gone for most of July. I will not be posting at all during the first two weeks of July. Then, I'll be off and on. Just letting you know in advance.

^^ [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION], @Rayne Styles, [MENTION=2060]MinYoung[/MENTION], & whoever plays Dane since I'll interact with y'all the most. ((Excuse my country slang. It's just a thing where I come from, when addressinga group of people ya say 'y'all'))
Will people still trying to finish their shit up be given more time?

Like if Me and ria are fighting while you guys want to time skip...

Will we be given that time?

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Also, It's fine that Isaac's alone. :D

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