Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups


EMT Extraordinaire

The Briarwood Preparatory Academy is located on the coast, outside Connecticut's second largest city, New Haven. The entire campus takes up a little over five acres of lands, the estate around the Academy stretch out to be a total of four hundred and seventy six acres; forty-five of that belong to the manicured grounds, the rose gardens for which Briarwood is legendary. The rocky beach of New England's coast is roughly a ten minutes walk away; and Lake Pershing, twenty-five, for those Eco-friendly adventurous students, good luck finding it. The weather is generally mild and partially cloudy in the summer; overcast and rainy during spring and fall; and dry, cloudy, and snowy in the winter. Briarwood's colours are red, black, white, with navy operating as a minor colour. The mascot is a stag. Uniform is a red blazer with the school chest on the left chest, any white collared shirt beneath it, a black neck tie, and black slacks, skirt, or shorts.

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{Images should be fixed.}

~ ~ ~

Khloe** and Logan** are the schools power couple, they've been together going on two years now. Logan** is a notorious player, somehow he's been able to keep things quiet behind his girlfriend's back. But when he meets Moon**, his life might as well have changed for good.

Dane** and Cameron** have been going out for a while. Dane** is the school's mysterious bad boy, who seems to be attracting some attention from Khloe** when they are put together for a project.

Matthew** and Megan** are the school's cutest couple. They'll be together forever, no doubt they'll get hitched right after graduation. However, Matt** is hopelessly confused; torn between his feelings for Megan** and the thrill of his secret fling with Moon**, Megan's** best friend, an addiction that has him thinking he's in love.

Morgan** and Chase** used to be star-crossed lovers. But ever since summer break their relationship has been rocky and unstable. They find themselves arguing more than usual and it seems that their being together is more effort than its worth. Its got Morgan** really wondering why they got together in the first place. But when Chase** starts dating Danielle**, Morgan** is green with jealousy. Not realizing what she had until it was gone, she will do anything to get him back.

Violet** has always been a bit shy. Though, she is a firm believer of 'love at first site', as she's had eyes for Matthew** ever since she met him. All she wants is for him to be happy, even if the guy she loves has his eyes on other girls; all she is to him is a friend. Violet** finds herself as the median, trying bring the peace to his existing conflicted relationship. Will she have the courage to bring Matthew** to his senses when his relationship falls apart?

Danielle** is one of Briarwood's current MVPs. She's always been focused and dedicated to her sport; when it comes to her love-life, she's basically been sitting on the sidelines. So she is excited when Chase** asks her out, and elated when they have a great time when they're together. But when tensions erupt between Chase** and Morgan**, Danielle** suddenly finds herself in the middle of action, caught in the crossfire. Will she fight or flight when it comes to her new-found happiness?

Nathan** is Briarwood's next rising MVP climbing the social ladder. When he meetsCameron**, the school's resident art freak, Nathan** does his bestF to hid the feelings he has growing for her.

Megan** has a big heart, but she feels like her relationship is going nowhere. She turns to Conner** for support, but it turns out to be something more.

Meet Veronica Holiday**, class president of Briarwood Preparatory Academy, future president of the United States. Veronica** has talked to every single person in Briarwood at least once and is a good person to know if you need something done or you need someone who can pull some strings. With an impressive social network of contacts, she is as shrewd and cunning as a fox. She's been told she should be a lawyer, but Veronica** has something more diplomatic in mind; she is a politician and an excellent leader. Veronica** has been in class office ever since her first year; however, you may be surprised to find that she is more aware in the affairs of her students than you think. Veronica Holiday**--remember that name, it will be important one day.

{Characters with a double "*" next to them are taken.}


Khloe Xx-Katherine-xX
Logan RayneStyles
Dane 14hca14
Cameron me
Matthew Xx-Katherine-xX
Megan Ash Autopsy
Moon MinYoung
Morgan RayneStyles
Chase Ash Autopsy
Danielle 14hca14
Nathan MinYoung
Connor me

Sorry for all confusion! ^^"

~ ~ ~


  • No God-Modding including OOC fighting etc.
  • No one-liners, I can understand from now and then--but please not every post.
  • No anime.
  • I will label this as a semi-literate RP--please respect that as such.
  • Cursing is allowed. *Is totally guilty herself*
  • Must have at least one boy and one girl to keep it even. However, exceptions can be made as needed.
  • Character ages must be between 16-19
  • No Sex. Do as they did in Shakespeare--exeunt, what happens backstage, stays backstage. Its pretty clear what's going on.
  • Overall, just keep it, say, PG-13.
  • Characters must stay on campus. Talk to me if you have an idea.
  • You may change the name of your character as long as you inform me who it is you're picking and I will change it on the info above.
  • Questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions? Please private message or visitor message me. ~mp

The years in high school generally are:

Freshman - 14 to 15

Sophomore - 15 to 16

Junior - 16 to 17

Senior - 18 to 19


~ ~ ~




Year in school:


Special Attributes:


Clubs and/or Teams:

Best Class:

Worst Class:

Grade Average:

In a Relationship With:

Love Interest:




Name: Veronica Holiday

Age: 19

Year in school: Senior

Personality: She is perspicacious in its definition. Self-confident, dignified. Her manner can be described as politically correct, formal, and thoughtful. She is very amiable and charming, and can be quite persuasive when she wants to.

Special Attributes: Superior intellect, Charismatic, Mastermind.

Style/Clique: Preppy, Popular

Clubs and/or Teams: Captain of the Debate team, Senior Student Class President, Student Council, National Honors Society, Student Delegates

Best Class: Advanced Composition

Worst Class: Art

Grade Average: 4.0 GPA

Background: Veronica was accepted to Briarwood purely for her brains. Ever since she arrived at the Academy she involved herself with student oriented clubs and projects. Even at a young age she showed signs of great leadership, and at a school like this one, she excelled farther and eventually resolved that her future careers would be best suited to leadership roles with high powers to govern. Though Veronica knows a lot of people, nobody really knows her. Contrary to ordinary thought, she is an introvert; and despite all the people around her, she is alone--however, she prefers it that way. As the student body's president, Veronica has a lot more to do with the workings of the school than anyone could have ever thought.

Other: Likes to hang out down by the beach, or in the rose gardens. When she's good, she's good. When she's bad, she's still good. Veronica has never served any detention or punishment...though she has gotten into trouble many a several times--she can always talk her way out of it.


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Name: Cameron Epcott

Age: 17

Year in school: Junior

Personality: Depends on when you catch her. You don't want to catch her in a bad mood, seldom as that may be. She is emotionally some-what reserved, not easily amused. She does weird things sometimes just to see how they turn out. She likes to experiment and figure things out. She finds herself in trouble a lot. Cam doesn't like being told what to do, how to do it, or what not to do. She does what seems sensible to her--which is what gets her into trouble most of the time--though it is justified in her own way, she is generally right. Cam is a free-thinker. And will be generally blunt when she speaks her opinion or her mind.

Special Attributes: Creative, intuitive, ingenious. Jack of all trades--she's good with her hands--whatever she picks up, she can work with whether its sculpting to photography to sewing to drawing.

Style/Clique: Rocker, punk-ish, artsy

Clubs and/or Teams: Art & Design Committe

Best Class: Art

Worst Class: Calculus

Grade Average: 3.0

In a Relationship With: Dane

Love Interest: ...

Background: Cameron was accepted to Briarwood on a scholarship for being the next "Little Da'vinci". Though her grades in the public school system showed nothing spectacular, except for art of course, her test scores proved otherwise--that was what drew Briarwood's attention to her, but her artwork finalized the deal. When she was thirteen, her parents shipped her off to the Academy where she could live in the dorms for free off the scholarship. And so she did. And here she is, starting her fourth year at a place she never in a million years though she would ever be--but the novelty wore off after the first year, so she feels at home at Briarwood.

Other: Usually always covered in paint. Prefers to be called "Cam" or "Cammie". Likes to hang out at the beach; its where she gets inspired and gets into the 'Zone', she usually draws or paints there if the weather isn't too bad.


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Name: Conner Greyson

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Laid-back, casual kind of easy-going guy. Bern is calm, never hot-headed--but if he is, then you know of course he must be pissed as shit. He is reflective, creative, innovated.

Special Attributes: Musical prodigy. Mastered piano, saxophone, violin, guitar and can play a couple other instruments decently.

Style/Clique: Indie, Artsy, Band-"geeks"

Clubs and/or Teams: Band, Orchestra

Best Class: Sociology (surprisingly)

Worst Class: Music Theory/History (He's better in practice than in theory)

Grade Average: 2.7

In a Relationship With: ...

Love Interest: Andrea

Background: Bernard has always been gifted with instruments even as a young boy. His parents were the ones to get him into Briarwood. He, personally, didn't care private vs. public anyways. He didn't actually blow off the audition, more like he didn't do as good as he actually was--he didn't try too hard. But with a little "contribution"--what Bern corrected his parents term later as, bribe--to the "school's" pocket. Needless to say he got in.

Other: Says that the beach creates an pristine atmosphere of sound mind and body for the core to reflect on the itself and let the sound energies flow. Even the gentle tide of the ocean smooths the roughest of stones. Goes on and off intervals of vegetarianism.


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Name: Moon Smith

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Unique

Special Attributes: Vocal Skills & Combative Arts

Style/Clique: Own Style

Clubs and/or Teams: None

Best Class: English

Worst Class: Physics

Grade Average: 3.5

In a Relationship With: None

Love Interest:

Background: Interracial parents, no siblings. Moved all the way from Texas to attend the school and is ready to find out more about herself.



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Name: Nathan Trachen

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Outgoing, always up for a challenge, friendly and smart.

Special Attributes: Continuously Active, Cooking & MMA

Style/Clique: His style is fresh always looking nice. He gets along with just about anyone, but is part of the sports clique.

Clubs and/or Teams: Baseball Team

Best Class: P.E.

Worst Class: English

Grade Average: 3.8

In a Relationship With: None

Love Interest: Cameron





Khloe Eliza Dixon {1st} & Matthew 'Matt' Lucas Illiadis {2nd}


Khloe Eliza Dixon



Year in school:




Special Attributes:

Her Singing Voice & Acting Skills



Clubs and/or Teams:

Cheer, Volleyball, Drama, & Choir

Best Class:


Worst Class:


Grade Average:


In a Relationship With:


Love Interest:








--- Merged Double Post ---


Matthew 'Matt' Lucas Illiadis



Year in school:




Special Attributes:

His Artistic Abilities & Piano Playing


Isn't Really Sure Right Now

Clubs and/or Teams:

Art & Music

Best Class:


Worst Class:


Grade Average:


In a Relationship With:


Love Interest:









Name: Violet Snow

Age: 17

Year in school: Senior (she skipped 4th grade because of perfect grades)

Personality: Violet has a shy, sweet demeanor. She usually keeps to herself. She is the artsy type, enjoying drawing (and other fine art forms) performing arts, photography, and playing music. She owns multiple instruments and writes music. She always puts others before herself.

Special Attributes: musical and artistic talent

Style/Clique: she shies away from cliques, wanting to focus more on school

Clubs and/or Teams: Photo club, band/orchestra (whichever the school offers)

Best Class: English and Art

Worst Class: Algebra

Grade Average: 4.0

In a Relationship With: No one

Love Interest: Matthew

Background: Violet's parents always encouraged her to be well rounded. They made her take many extracurriculars in elementary school so she could get into the prep school, and never accepted less than perfect grades (hence the 4.0 GPA). However she was often left alone when they went on trips. She is used to being alone which is why she's so shy now.


Appearance: (No piercings)
Name: Dane Shotsworth

Age: 17

Year in school: Junior

Personality: Dane is quiet and smart, he has paid people to spread rumors of him doing drugs. Yes he has smoked and drank but not any more, it makes his mind too foggy. He has however gotten into fights with people when they threatened to tell his secret interest in cooking.

Special Attributes: He can cook and actually has a good take on literature but doesn't apply himself

Style/Clique: He doesn't really hang out with anyone he is the loner bad boy who just kind of appears and disappears. Everybody just ignores him and don't really care if he is around because they are scared of what he might do if they challenge him. He keeps a dumby knife and a real one on him. Although he would never use the real one he likes knowing it is there.

Clubs and/or Teams: He isn't a member of a club but he struck a deal with the school chef where he could sneak in afterschool for lessons.

Best Class: Chemistry

Worst Class: English he just finds analyzing poetry pointless even though he likes to read.

Grade Average: 3.0r

In a Relationship With: Cameron

Love Interest: Cameron

Background: Dane's parents pressured him to be this or to be that all of them were their interests. They wanted him to be a Doctor or a lawyer maybe even a politician but Dane hadn't a care for such jobs. You wouldn't know it but he actually loves to cook but he hides it behind his bad boy facade. They sent him to the Prep school in hopes of changing his mind.



: Rosalind Foxsmith (Daniella)

Age: 16

Year in school: Sophmore

Personality: Rosa is a sweet, cheeky girl who you hardly see without a smile on her face. However nobody really knows a lot about her because she always manages to deflect questions about her family. But most people think she is pretty nice, unless they find out what her father does for a living. After that they look at her in a new light that is more than painful to Rosa. That's why she spends most of her time at the barn and away from people, however in class she is very friendly.

Special Attributes: She is glorious rider and has brought the school multiple Dressage (a style of riding) trophies.

Style/Clique: When not in her uniform or riding gear she wears a mix of preppy clothing and color blocked dresses. Rosa used to sit with the equestrian team some days or some the girl's from the knitting club on other days but now that she is with Chase she spends a lot of time with him.

Clubs and/or Teams: She is a member of the knitting club(that is a secret that she keeps well hidden) and the star on the Equestrian Team

Best Class: She only takes on AP (Advanced Placement) class and that is AP World History and she loves it. Although it is a lot of work she manages to keep a low A

Worst Class: Calculus, she actually likes math and her teacher she just has trouble remembering everything.

Grade Average: 4.0

In a Relationship With: Chase

Love Interest:Chase

Background: She is very embarrassed by her family, for her Dad is Marcus Foxsmith, a billionaire business man with a heart of stone. He runs his factories solely to gain money and does not care whose life he is hurting. On top of that he is a raging alcoholic and has hit both Rosa and her mother. Rosa's mother convinced him to pay for Rosa to go to this prep school so she was out of the house.

Other:Her horse Thorns Race

Appearance: She has rich brown eyes and brunette waves with a hint of red
Kaitwink, 14hca14 both accepted.

I didn't add it into the sign-up info soon enough, I've been running since last night. But I'll will be tweaking the plot as the rp goes on to make it more dynamic, dramatic, traumatic.... >; ) Essentially: You think regular high school is dramatic--you can't escape it, lest not at Briarwood, where if it's not worse things are more intense and dynamic. There will be a bit of a mystery element in there.
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] thanks :3 could you maybe add more for Violet? Other than the stuff in my skelly and the few lines about her crushing on Matthew there isn't a lot else to go on. Is she like the loner type that never gets the guy but ends up happy with what she has? I mean that's how I read it but there wasn't much about her to go on. You can just post it to my profile if you'd rather talk that way.
I guess I kinda have to be Morgan and Chase.

Name: Megan Clay (Andrea)

Age: 17

Year in school: Junior.

Personality: Megan is sweet and she loves making new friends. She gets lonely when she see's happy couples, knowing that she doesn't have anyone.

Special Attributes: Acting.

Style/Clique: Megan avoids cliques

Clubs and/or Teams: Drama club

Best Class: English

Worst Class: History

Grade Average: 4.0

In a Relationship With: Well, No one really..

Love Interest: Logan >:3

Background: Megan grew up with her dad and her stepmom Ann. Ann never liked her and tries to get her out of the house and away as much as possible. Now, Ann is pregnant and Megan avoids home as much as she can so she tries to stay anywhere away from them. Her mother died when she was 10. She always hoped for a boyfriend but no one's ever really liked her so she's sad when she sees happy couples.

Other: N/A


Name: Chase Elwood

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior

Personality: Chase is nice but also can be flirty.

Special Attributes: Drums.

Style/Clique: Popular

Clubs and/or Teams: Hockey

Best Class: Art

Worst Class:Math

Grade Average: 3.4

In a Relationship With:Danielle

Love Interest: Danielle

Background: Ask him.

Other: N/A


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Nevermind, I guess Chase is taken so I don't have a guy..
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] when will we start this? I don't check Slice of Life that often so it'd just be helpful to know :3
Please bear with me while I get all the confusion sorted out...I don't know what crazy shit was going on in my head while I was doing all the updating character story info things....I'm getting everything worked out. I'm also waiting on one person. The most would be maybe a week? Least being when I can get my laptop back in a couple of days anyways.

Logan and Andrea are for sure not taken--but there are some character things that need to be cleared up--like I said, please bear with me here....
@Ash Autopsy Chase is accepted, though you can't really be Morgan, since they are involved together anyways. Andrea is the other girl left.

I have someone who might rp as Logan and Morgan.

So should I start the rp or wait several more days? If I start it, it would be about tomorrow or possibly the day after.




@Ash Autopsy Mind if I keep some of the info you gave?

: Blair Waters (Morgan)

Age: 17

Year in school: Junior.

Personality: Morgan is sweet and she loves making new friends but ever since Chase started dating Danielle, She's gotten sort of shy and quiet.

Special Attributes: Writing

Style/Clique: Morgan avoids cliques

Clubs and/or Teams: School paper

Best Class: Literature

Worst Class: Geometry

Grade Average: 3.9

In a Relationship With: Well, No one really..

Love Interest: Chase

Background: Blair had always been sure of herself in everything she did. That is until her parents started fighting and filed cases against each other. Now, being an only child, they're fighting over who gets custody of her. Blair doesn't want to get stuck in between so she usually turns to Chase for support but now, having unstable emotions because of her parents, Blair and Chase's relationship got rocky over summer break. Now that he hangs with Danielle, Blair has lost the sureness she used to have in herself and she's retreated into the shadows and has learned to be shy and quiet.



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Name: Logan Reese

Age: 18

Year in school: Senior.

Personality: He's a bit arrogant and sarcastic in a way that girls find attractive. He's never been the serious type in life or relationships. He's a flirt and a charmer, thus being a player

Special Attributes: Guitar

Style/Clique: Jocks

Clubs and/or Teams: Football

Best Class: PE

Worst Class: History

Grade Average: 3.9

In a Relationship With: Khloe/Moon(?)

Love Interest: Khloe/Moon (?)

Background: He's known by his high school to be a player but what they don't know is that this was the result of being turned down multiple times in middle school. Now he thinks he can get away with anything but when he meets Moon, things change for him


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Isn't he just hot?!? LOOOOL, thanks, btw.


Made a mistake there under Logan's rels... I guess it should be Moon and Khloe sorry LOL.
Hehe I changed it up and her crush is Logan >:3 but can you change her story? It took me ages to think of xD

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