Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

"Home? For whom? People with abilities like me?"

He cringed at the mention of porridge. He'd had some rough days with finding food sometimes, but he'd rather starve than gulp down some ungodly slop.

"Sounds good to me. I think you'll find that I have a lot to offer. That is, if things need cutting or if heads need knocking."
Darekk got in his room and tried to hold back all the angry thoughts and bitter feelings he had, but it was useless, so much had happened these days he was overwhelmed with it, first, he starts thinking about escaping just for Jo to act as if he had betrayed her somehow, after that regaining his memories and having so much new informations he still got headaches from it, and after that he had got beaten time after time just to remind him how weak and unprepared he was, and now a bunch on new krayas appear and want to join their escape, it was too much for just a couple of days, and he felt out of place, on top of it he felt as if his only friend, Jo, was a complete different person.

He knew he shouldn't be like this, after all, as far as he knew no one had bad intentions, and also, the escape plan would work for what he wanted, then again, what did he really wanted? he used to think he wanted to find a better place for Jo but then again, was that still true? maybe he wanted revenge from his parents for abandoning him, maybe he wanted to see the world, bust most likely he didn't knew.

The fact that he didn't even knew what he wanted annoyed him even more, so he grabbed a little statue he had since he remembered and threw it at the far end of his room, as it shattered to pieces he heard a knocking on the door.
After seeing there was no one on the feild, Jo went to Darekk's room. She wasnt sure what she was going to say or do, or if he would even want to talk to her. She wasnt usually the one to clam the other down. But with everything he had done for her it was the least she could do. She stood a few seconds in front of the door. She heard something smashing and breaking inside; Jo flinched, she was scared and feeling guilty.

She turned around to see Zak walking towards her, he was probably looking for Darekk too, she looked at him and looked back at the door, she hardly felt like talking at all. She saw some guards passing by and realized she wasnt allowed to be roaming the boy's dorm. She shapeshifted into an average looking male kraya, she gave a worried glance at Zak and tried cleaning her tears witht her sleeves and knocked on the door.

-Dar......I know you're in there; I just wanted to talk, please, we haven't had the chance to since this madness begun..." Her voice was cracking again. But she felt like she had to be the strong one in this situation...

((OCC:: just for the lols, cuz I thought about this while writing this post::

*Knocking* Darekk..?

please..I know you're in there

People are asking where you've been..

They say "Have courage", and Im trying to

Im right out here for you, just let me iiin

We only have each other

Its just you and me

What are we gonna doo?

Do you want a build a snowman xD ))
Darekk heard Jo's voice outside his room, what was she even doing here?, so he opened the door to see a guy with teary eyes, he took a while but then he recognized him, it was Jo's usual transformation when she disguised as a guy, he also saw Zak approaching from the far end of the hall but he didn't want too much people around, even talking to Jo seemed like too much, but he knew after the library that was something he couldn't avoid, so he grabbed her by the arm, took her inside and locked the door.

He stared for a while at her in silence, he had calmed down a little bit since the library but he was still far from calm, he thought about 20 different possibilities of what he could say to her, all kinds of phrases from go to hell all the way to sorry, but all he said was "What do you want Jo"
Darekk dragged Jo inside and quickly pulled her inside the room, closing the door for Zak. She was going to ask why he didnt let him in but given his current emotional state she figured it was better to let him do whatever he wanted to relief stress. She hadnt really thought about anything to say, she wasnt all that experienced with dealing with people. She tried calming her crying, so that she could actually talk without sobbing. She returned to her usual shape slowly and looked back at the door wondering about Zak. She was too scared to look at him directly, she kept on thinking how to arrange the right words for the situation.

"It's cold outside.." She said looking at the window as her tears stopped pouring down her face. "A cloudy cold day like this was the first time we met, wasnt it? I was crying alone and nobody seemed to hear me, but you did." Jo said with a nostalgic tone, she didnt remember it with much detail since she was so small but she could finally talk to him about it. "I thought you were a superhero, or something" She paused for a bit. "Look, Im not ..exactly an expert with people, or feelings..But I do know you" Jo crouched to pick up the pieces of the broken statue one by one. "I dont know what kind of friend I've been, but if you want to talk about, Im all ears...I should be the last person saying this but...we cant let this whole situation overpower us.." Jo stood back up with the pieces in her hand and placed them gently in a nearby desk. "There is no point in escaping this place if the price is losing ourselves..." She finally said looking at him; she stood on the tip of her toes and ruffled his hair as she always did. "Maybe Im just being selfish but....with all the things I want to know about myself, I wouldnt want to figure out who I am without you.." Jo snaped out of her speech, and stopped herself from saying something else, she blushed a bit. She felt embarrasingfor saying something so cheesy...But for now she just hoped he had found some relief in her words and he could calm down.

((OOC :: shipping fuel, bwahahahahahahha, you shall be next YammatxKamryn!!!!11!1!!ELEVEN!!11!))
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Darekk heard as Jo talked about their past together, he started thinking about his newly regained memories and his old memories with Jo and as he did a warm feeling expanded on his chest, they had passed a lot of time together, faced a lot of things with each other, even his new memories had some happy moments with her, but more important, she had taken care of him while he slowly lost his memory, she had always been there for him, and here he was, mad at her for something that had happened in two days.

His anger faded as the warm feeling took place in his chest, and then, he heard Jo saying "Maybe Im just being selfish but....with all the things I want to know about myself, I wouldnt want to figure out who I am without you.." when she said that Darekk felt as if someone had punched his stomach, but it wasn't a bad feeling at all, it felt great, and before he knew he had taken two steps towards Jo and now he was hugging her tightly "I wouldn't want that either" he said in a whisper
Kamryn followed Zak as they chased after Jo and Darekk but fell back when it looked like they were having a... moment. She hadn't meant to overhear what they were saying but she couldn't really help it at this point... she could easily see them as more than friends although she could obviously still picture them as just really close friends. It wasn't strange to love a best friend, afterall... or at least that's what Kamryn had read. When they started talking softer Kamryn almost moved closer to hear them before stopping herself- this was none of her business and she needed to keep her nose out of it. Biting her lower lip Kamryn looked to Zak to see what they were supposed to do now... wait until Jo and Darekk had made up? Would the be putting their plan into action right now?
Zak slowed up when he saw Darekk drag a disguised Jo into his room, though he didn't quite know why she would disguise herself. It didn't deter him though, and he was about to march up to the door to force his way in, but decided against it, he knew the two of them were close friends and they were going through trying times, so he figured he would give them a moment... Mac wasn't going anywhere.

He props himself up beside the door as he waits for the two inside, watching casually as Kamryn catches up to him, he was much calmer now than when he was in the library, but he knew there was alot to do. He shrugs to Kamryn, he wasn't really sure what to do in a situation like this, he wasn't exactly a social expert, but he figured it was best to let them sort out their problems. For the mission they were needed for later, it was important there were no distractions.

As if realizing he had forgotten something, Zak gets up with a start off the wall and goes down the hallway, turning to Kamryn to say quickly "Wait here for them." before disappearing around the corner.
((OOC: Just so you guys know… MAC IS GOING TO DIE!!!! I can't really post anything else without killing him, so I have to wait for you guys to help him out.))
After a long period of silence, which seemed to last days, Mitch felt something pressing on his consciousness. It was beginning. The computer was threatening to erase his very identity. There was nothing he could do, no one he could reach out to for help. out of sheer terror, Mitch took his consciousness to the core of his being, to his faded paradign. Hoping to put up one last defense. He did his best to lash out at the monsters coming to eat him away. The monsters in his head were wining. I will not let you hurt my friends! That is why I can't let you win! Oh but I already have won. I am one. I am you, where you once stood. But now you are nothing, and I am all. Grrr! Aaah! Get out of my head!!!! You're not welcome here! I won't let you win! I can't! In a breath of relaxation, the tension dissipated.

He opened his eyes and was greeted by a strange man in a lab coat. The man told his his name was Stephen, and that everything would be fine. Upon hearing the name Stephen, there was a sort of ding that rang through his consciousness, then it faded. He had just been knocked unconscious from a day of practice. He was let out of the bed and allowed to roam the halls. The entire school seemed just like home to him, but he didn't recognize any of the people. Then he was greeted by his father. He ran up to his father and gave him a big hug. He was thankful for everything his father had taught him. Then his father waved goodbye, whispering one more warning to him before returning to his own office. Mitch started walking down the hall toward his room, smiling brightly. Then he saw someone he thought he recognized. Is that someone I know? No. Another ding in his consciousness. There was no recognition.
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After a while of holding Jo Darekk let her go awkardly, he didn't knew where the hug had came from but he felt strangely good with it "Uhm, so....I'll go and look for something else to eat, we'll talk later, bye" He said and left his room, he saw Kamryn and Zak talking in the hall, they gave him a weird look which he ignored and walked towards the cafeteria as fast as he could, he was still a little anxious and he tend to eat a lot when he was anxious.

When he arrived the cafeteria was almost empty so he took some food and sat down alone in a room while considering the escape plan and how was he supposed to find Mac "I mean, I can find him but I don't even know in which part of the building to look for him first, they could've even taken him to a different place" He thought as he ate in silence, completely ignoring his surroundings
Mac walked into his room. Perfectly clean. No annoying maps on the wall. No unnecessary clutter of comic books. Just a bed, a dest, and a notebook. Just pristine as he always had it. Mac looked out of the window and saw his normal home. His stomach growled a little. "I need a salad," he said to himself. Mac went to the cafeteria and got a small bowl filled with lettuce. Then he went and sat at a table by himself. In the quiet of his own mind, that's how he liked it. He looked over and thought he recognized someone. When he took a closer look, he heard a small 'ding' echo in his head. No, how could I know him? I don't talk to anyone. He continued to eat his lettuce.
Jo looked as Darekk opened the door revealing Kamryn and Zak just standing there. She felt a little embarrased thinking they might have heard the conversation; but didnt give too much importance to it. She looked at them both taking a while to mesure her words. There wasnt much time to lose at all, and after that little pause in plans she finally got some time to breathe before continuing with the plan without filling sofocated by how much was going on so fast.

-"Well.......uhm, Darekk is ready to help now, I think he's feeling better now..." She finally said almost spacing out. She looked at the hall and back at Kamryn and Zak, she wasnt sure how much more they had discussed with the new commers or if they werent suspicious they didnt ran to rat them out as soon as they left. She hoped Yammat would be able to control the situation by himself without revelaing too much dangerous facts. "Well...even if they tried to rat us out.........." Jo stopped herself from spacing out again, she had realized how sharp Zak could be, and Kamryn was a mental no matter what.

-"So, when do we start?" She finally said with a quick nervous smile.
Darekk was so focused on his thoughts he stared for several minutes as his food,, he would've stayed like that far longer but he had a strange feeling, as if there was something he was missing "Or someone...." He thought, then he realized the weird feeling was coming from his mind, it was the same feeling as when he felt a familiar conscience near, one he had made contact with before, but it was different, this conscience was.....foggy, it was the best way to explain it.

So he scanned the cafeteria to see where the feeling came from, his eyes stopped and opened widely with surprise when he saw Mac eating a salad a few tables away, he stood up and went almost running towards him, he yelled "Mac!" While grabbing him from his shoulders "Man! You're here! Did they do something to you? What did they say?" He asked quickly, but before he could say something else he noticed Mac was looking at him completely confused, then the guards came and dragged him away violently, before Darekk could do anything they had taken him away to the halls and threw him to the floor after insulting him, he stood up while trying to understand what had just happened, the confused look on Mac's eyes, the fact that he was on the cafeteria after plotting an escape, then all the pieces came together and he finally understood, so he ran towards his room hoping Jo, Kam and Zak were still there, or at least near, he had to let them know.
The guy that Mac recognized from before suddenly started shaking him and calling out his name. He spit out his salad angrily. Then, the name triggered something deep in his conscience and sudden memories came rushing back to him. "Derek? Where…" Another ding resonated in Mac's head, but this time, excruciating pain followed. He yelled out in pain as Derek was dragged away. When his thoughts cleared, he yelled out, "Keep him away from me, he tried to kill me."
Jo heard her stomach growl in hunger so she excused herself with Kamryn and Zak and shapeshifted into her usual form as a male. She giggled thinking that maybe it looked weird for zak or kamryn that she did that. When she got to the cafeteria she searched the place with her eyes until she found Darekk. She opened her mouth to say something but before any sound could leave hher mouth Darekk stood up in surprise and started rapidly moving. She couldnt hear what he was sayign but he seemed pretty shocked at something, then suddendly the guards got him and started dragging him out of the cafeteria. Jo felt so confused at that moment, her insticts were to follow the guards to see if Darekk would be fine but she stopped herself and turned around running back to the cafeteria.

She went inside trying not to call anyones attention, given that the whole situation had gotten some attention Jo couldnt go back to her usual form, she was scared the guards would suspect something from her using her powers when not in class. Still looking like a male kraya she strolled around where she spotted Darekk to see what he had seen that had startled him in such a radical way, specially being the calm quiet kraya that he usually was. She stood there and looked around for a bit when she suddendly saw mac sitting down in the other side of the cafeteria saying that Darekk was trying to kill him. She couldnt understand what was happening at all, but she tried to calm herself down as best as she could. Whatever it was that had been done to Mac or not, it was dangerous to just ask him, maybe he was being used a bait...

Jo stared at him for a while in confusion, quickly remember that she didnt look like her usual self and thus Mac wouldnt recognize her, hopefully. She grabbed a plate and calmfully sat down in the same table as him, gave him a quick smile as if they were already friends and waited for a response, decided with that to test his current state of mind.
Mac jumped when someone else sat by him. Then he looked up and said, "I don't remember seeing you around. How do you like my dad's school?"
Jo was trying to make sense of it all and what they had done with Mac's mind. She felt kind of heartbroken to know there was a chance all of that passion that he had for sappy korny speeches was gone. It was almost a melancholic feeling. She wondered where to go from here and who to be personality wise. "Should I push his confusion further more....or maybe try to know what kind of person he was meant to be.." Jo got a big spoon of tasteless goo and quickly ate it down to get some time to respond.

-"I think its ok, it could be cool if we had more trips outside.." Jo said in a calm matter and deeper voice, hoping it her tone wasnt shaking too much and could be disregarded as puberty "Your dad huh?, the principal?" Jo said lifting her eyes to Mac, almost as if hoping he would recognize her somehow. She wasnt sure what would mean if the principal had chose to make him think as his son. And whatever message he was trying to send to everyone else trying to escape. "Why would the principal do doesnt make sense with what he planned.......or.." Jo shook her head. She looked back at some of the guards keeping an eye on the whole area.

-By the way, what happend just now with that kraya and you...?" She said almost without thinking staring at the guards.
Mac gasped, "More trips outside? But it's dangerous. I really should tell dad." Mac started to move, but then the other kid started asking other questions, so he calmed down. "Duh, my dad's always been the principle. You honestly didn't know that? Then you must be new here. I'm Stephen." Mac took a few more bites of his food until the person asked him another question, "He pushed me and was trying to kill me. He made my head hurt because…" Mac started feeling pain again, grimacing. Then he looked up at the new kid in horror looking like he was about to call the guards.
"Mac, are you ok!?" Jo said completly forgetting the delicacy of the situation and letting her usual tone of voice out. She covered her mouth inmediatly, and looked at him in sadness. She quickly stood up and waited a second looking at Mac in all his confusion. She leaned down to hug him, just like she had done when his paradign went out of control. "Im so sorry." She took her things and waved at Mac.

"Gotta run, see you later Stephen!" She said as she rushed out of the cafeteria with her deepened voice; she ran to the entrance of the bathrooms, checked for guards and went to her usual form. She had to let Kamryn and Zak know. In her way to the boy's dorm she kept on repeating her conversation with Mac and wondering how the pieces worked together...
Mac jumped when he heard his name again. He flung his hands over his ears and gave a painful grimace. Suddenly he yelled out, "Get out of my head!!!! You're not welcome here! I won't let you win! I can't!" When the boy hugged him, Mac's head cleared and there was finally silence. Yet something was familiar to him, "J-Jo?" As he said this, there was another ding in his head and he grimaced again. Then he looked back up to the boy in horror. "I don't want to die," he whimpered as the boy ran off. Mac sat in a daze. There was still a battle going on in his head.
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