Breaking the Rules [Inactive]


Ace Character - Final 4
RubyRose submitted a new role play:

Breaking the Rules - We never saw it coming because we were never allowed to see (Mutant-ish RP)

There are two sides to every coin because without that other side there would be no balance in the world. Two sides… and the middle side, the gray area, which so many people forget about. We all have a bit of gray area in us; we all don’t follow the perfect black and white rules at some point.
For now the world is at peace. It has been like this only a short while now and tensions still run fairly high because the ice is thin and we never know when it will crack. When all will fall to...
Read more about this role play...
The day started out just as any other had. We were awoken with the sun and went into breakfast. We ate and we got dressed and headed out to training.

Today was our day for quick sprints to work on our foot work instead of our overall speed (though it could be argued that the quicker you were the faster you could be in the long run). We went through other exercises before we were released to head to our mental work outs.

A new face greeted us in this class... it was so strange for routine to be broken. We always had the same professors... always had the same things at the same times with the same people. What were they doing, changing a professor like that? To give us routine for so long and then change it.... What did it all mean?

(OOC: Feel free to run through how the morning started for each of your characters if you want :) I just figured I'd give an overview of the day so far so we all knew where we were. Also, the only real rules is we've all been raised the same in the same place... otherwise things are flexible. Your character can be one to be friends with the guards and have goods smuggled or one that slacks off or even skips class. Keep in mind though that eventually skipping would get the character into trouble. :) )


The sun seemed strangely brighter today than it had yesterday, but then... didn't it always? Kamryn greeted it with a nod before heading to the dining hall for breakfast. Everyone sat close quarters but Kamryn didn't speak to anyone - what was their to say. She instead ate their 'nutritional meal' in silence. She wondered what it meant to have food that had 'flavor' (She had been overhearing some of the soldiers talking again. She found their amusement in her lack of knowing the words strange).

After finishing what could only really be called 'gruel' Kamryn walked briskly towards the training grounds, eager to get started. She really loved the freedom that being outside gave her... the only time they were really allowed outside except on weekends when Krayas were allowed to do extracurricular activivites that related to their ability or education in some way...

Time passed quickly as Kamryn's limits were reached and pushed passed and it was too soon for her when they were heading back inside for a quick breather/refresher before heading to the first of their mental strength exercises. She took a seat at the front, pulling out her notebook before realizing that the always ready presence of the usual professor was not there. Worried that they might be sick Kamryn twisted one of her braids around her finger.

When a tall, blonde figure came in Kamryn blinked and did a double take. Who was this... someone to tell them the professor wasn't feeling well?

"Good afternoon class. My name is Troy Reese but please call me Troy, or Mr. T if you prefer." The man greeted. Kamryn looked at him quizically... calling someone by their first names? That wasn't allowed in here... she didn't even know most of the professor's first names.

"I'd like to take a quick roll call so that I can learn all of your names and then if you wouldn't mind telling me a little about yourselves? Then we can get on with the lesson."

Kamryn glanced around at her classmates, wondering who this guy was. Asking about who they were? Why would he do that? What was the importance? She looked to her fellow students for help in understanding because she was hopelessly confused.

The sun glared in Zak's eyes as he was woken up, like most mornings he never really appreciated the wake up call, but he couldn't imagine it any other way. Lazily, he wanders over to the dining hall. He knew exactly what he was going to eat, it was the same bland goop that was served there everyday, perhaps he would have wished for something better, but he had never experienced anything better than this. He sits alone as he chomps through his meal, sitting in the far back corner of the hall, away from sight. He looks around as he eats, the other Krayas almost sit in the same spots everyday, as well. Zak feels a little put off, he tries to sit somewhere else in the hall for every meal, simply out of habit.

After cleaning his plate off his food, Zak sets out for his first activity in the training grounds, a smile spreading across his face as he breathes in the fresh air. He loved being outside, but he loved the activities more, even though it exhausted him, it was better than the lectures that awaited him during mental training. He felt as though barely five minutes had passed before they were already called indoors. Disappointed, Zak obliges, following the rest of the Krayas back inside.

The professor was late, for the first time, as he sat there awaiting the beginning of the class. Zak's mind raced with possibilities, what would happen if a professor was away? He hoped they would send them back outside. His train of thought was broken when one of the nearby guards tapped him on the shoulder, his green rocky hide had grown along the side of his neck and singed his collar without him noticing. Embarrassed, he wills them back, and they retreat into his skin. Only a few moments later, a tall, blonde figure enters the room.

"Good afternoon class. My name is Troy Reese but please call me Troy, or Mr. T if you prefer." First names? He hadn't heard someone tell him their first name is a long as he could remember. The man commanded attention from Zak, he was the first unusual event to happen in a long time, and he was enthralled by it.

"I'd like to take a quick roll call so that I can learn all of your names and then if you wouldn't mind telling me a little about yourselves? Then we can get on with the lesson." Zak was more excited than confused, he looks around at a few of his classmates, and they all look astonished, but he was eager to see what happens next.
Ignises night was like an other. He could see it clear as day a burning house, people screaming, burning fire everywhere and then nothing. He shot up in a cold sweat the images still fresh in his mind.

Ignis proceeded to get dressed in his normal attire, skipping breakfast he went outside to get some air, and blow off some steam. Igniting his hand he flung some fireballs at random targets trying to get last night out of his head.

After what felt like 10 minutes he heard the call to class. Ignis slowly walked to the room getting there late because he walked in on who seemed to be a new teacher introducing himself saying "Good afternoon class. My name is Troy Reese but please call me Troy, or Mr. T if you prefer." the weird thing is he gave his real name and first name. Usually they were just Smith or Doe, but he was not finished as he continued,""I'd like to take a quick roll call so that I can learn all of your names and then if you wouldn't mind telling me a little about yourselves? Then we can get on with the lesson."

Ignis had a little panic attack 'He wants to know about me? Why?'
Troy didn't seem to notice the confusion that was filling the room- that or he was ignoring it. "If we could just start at the front and work our way to the back, that would be splendid." He replied, seeming to bounce in his excitement. "So names, some things that you like doing, maybe a little bit about your special abilities, and anything else you might want to say."

There was... something wrong with his face. Kamryn had noticed it before... even noticed it on other Krayas but... the upturn of the mouth was Never seen on a professor. This man must be broken or something. She didn't notice when it had come to be her turn and he was looking at her expectantly.

"I'm.... Kamryn." She replied slowly, remembering the name after a moment.

Troy nodded, slowly. "What are somethings you like to do, Kamryn? What are your abilities?"

Like? What did she like... She thought about her days there and quite honestly she enjoyed most of what they had to do. Why wouldn't she? She frowned in thought as she tried to puzzle it out. "I like... the outdoors? And I like weekends. We can play games sometimes." When she got to the second question she had to pause for a moment. Her abilities? Was he allowed to ask that? Well... he was a professor so.... "I can make people see what I want."

Troy nodded, his face still showing that strange expression. He moved on to the next person in the room and continued through everyone. He seemed pleased with the responses for the most part. Some people refused to answer his questions at first but it seemed like the logic of him being in charge got through to most of them. The ones who were seriously stubborn... well the guards were menacing enough now without actually doing anything to us. Most of us had learned our lessons from then when we were young to know not to challenge them now.

Kamryn paid more attention to the answers now, looking around at her fellow classmates. She found she really enjoyed hearing them speak... finding out their names again and listening to their answers. It was... 'refreshing' she supposed. It was new and entirely interesting to her.

Once he had listened to everyone Troy started writing on the bored. 'Self-Awareness'. He turned back to us. "Today and for the next few days you will be learning a little more about yourselves. We're going to delve further into your minds because the better you know yourself the stronger you will be."

Kamryn listened, taking notes. She had never heard that before... what difference did it make who she was? She was Kraya- like everyone else in the room save the professor and guards- she had always been happy just being and supporting her 'family.' She wondered if she even wanted to learn anything more about herself. It could change the way she thought and that was dangerous... but maybe that was the point. Putting her faith in the professor Kamryn buckled down, listening to the words like they were a life-line.

(OOC: If any of you have ever taken a Self-Awareness class it really is just the psychology of the self.)
Cedric opened his eyes to the bright sun light streaming through his window right at his face. He fliched a little and grudgingly sat up, wiping his face tiredly. Another day. Another freaking day. He was sure that he would hate this place if he had enough emotion to feel it. He didn't. And it wasn't like he was there most of the time anyway. Cedric stood up, stretching his stiff body, then did what he always do. He tuned the world out.

He does that everytime he felt bored, and that was 95 % of the time at the facility. The routines are so familiar that it became part of his reflex, and he had learned to use it to skip the boredom. He let his body do its things with 10 % of his mind functioning while the rest of it went dormant. The breakfast, the exercises, everything went by in a flash. Just as usual.

Cedric came back to himself as he felt a jolt from behind. Turned slowly, he found a guard glowering at him. "Move faster kid. Go inside before I make you." He tilted his head and frowned in thought. What had he done that had led to this situation? He couldn't remember. The guard's face turned redder and he pulled out a tazer, waving it threateningly. Cedric almost smiled. Didn't the guy know what circumstance he's in? It would be so easy. One touch and the guard would be gone, with no traces of what had happened. One touch and his problem would be gone. If he could feel anger or fear, he certainly would have done it. Lucky for the guy, Cedric had neither. Also, the collar on his neck would bring him even more trouble. He turned around and walked into the classroom. But Cedric couldn't help a trace of annoyance. Getting back into his trance was always more difficult than in his room.

He paused his effort as the atmosphere changed to one of confusion. Curious, he looked around at the unfamiliarly familiar faces of his classmates. He had spent plenty of time with them, he realised, it was just that the important part of him wasn't present.

The source of the confusion appeared to be the professor. It took him some time recalling the subconscious memories to realise that he wasn't the usual teacher. Troy, he said? That was new too. He wondered what did the organisation have in mind this time. For the first time in a very long while, Cedric felt interested. He had chosen to sit way in the back, so he got to watch the entire drama unfold.
Ignis sat in the back of the class trying to be noticed as little as possible. This guy Troy started asking a girl questions hearing her name is Kamryn. She answering the questions with a carefree attitude, and he envied her for it. 'Interest's? Abilities? Is this a class or a cleverly disguised integration.' He questioned to him himself as Kamryn answered them.

"My name is Ignis, and I don't really do much. I have the ability to manifest and manipulate fire." He said in a quite voice. His body language showing his wariness about the new teacher.
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Zak had sat near the middle of the class, so he was able to hear a few of the responses before answering himself. He felt a little strange as his classmates would tell the professor their names and then describe their powers, he had heard all the names before, and witnesses the powers first-hand, but it still felt weird to hear them.

Soon, it was his turn, he was energetic in his response, embracing the change in the usual routine. "My name is Zak, I, outside, chasing...I guess, and I can do this" and then putting his arm out. Reveling to use his power outside the usual restrictive practice rooms, his skin bulged to reveal his green, rocky hide, he stopped when his power had almost doubled the size of his arm and cast a greenish tinge on his face. A stern look from one of the guards and he wills it to slowly retract. "So, yea " he says finally, the professor was smiling at him as he listened to him, and there was a small awkward silence as he continued to the next person.

After the professor was finished, he turns to write on the board. Zak was already excited, but now the professor said that this would be going on for a few days, he wondered what the purpose of this was, he was looking forward to finding out. He brings out his notebook and titles a new page 'Self-Awareness' he looks at the words for a few moments, he wasn't sure why knowing more about himself would help him become more powerful, but he didn't openly question it. He listens attentively to the professor and writes down the notes with vigor, something he hadn't done in a while, another change in routine, Zak loved it.
"You've been learning strength of the mind is just as important as physical strength in your previous classes but you can't unlock true mental power until you're own mental limits have been found." Troy said, his voice not the boring drawl that most of the other teachers acquired during lecture. His voice was vibrant and full of energy... he was really enjoying being here. The strange upturn to his mouth had continued to grow as he had listened to all the students and it held as he began his lecture.

Kamryn was still reeling a bit from the one boy... Zak? Who had the guts to use his powers so openly in a non-ability environment. And... the professor had seemed impressed. She had begun to wish she had shown him her ability as well, instead of just explaining it. Another few people and their abilities had caught her eye and she couldn't help but glance around the room. She had grown up with these people but... how well did she actually know any of them? 'Bout as well as I know myself, really.' She thought, shaking her head a bit in disappointment. She failed... she knew so very little when just this morning she had been confident that she knew all that was important.

"Everyone has a different way of thinking and scientists believe that that has a very important roles in the way your powers work." Troy continued, gesturing as he went. As the lecture continued he drew images on the boards and told the class about experiments in the past that showed different levels of understanding at different ages.

Kamryn kept up with notes and hadn't even known that time for this class was passing longer than it usually did until she had to turn the page to continue her sentence and had glanced up briefly at the clock. Troy's next words had her forgetting about the time all over again.

"Further speculation comes from whether or not your parents abilities affect what you came out with." Troy had begun to pace the room as he talked. His face was finally that of a familiar scowl, showing that he was deep in thought or seriously considering his next words. That was a normal expression... something familiar for once. "That can't be said for all of you since some of you had human parents but that also links to another theory of if everyone has the Kraya capability but lack the ability to unlock the power for one reason or another."

'Human parents? We're not... test tube experiments? Not... man-made weapons? We... are.... human?' Kamryn dropped her pencil, staring open mouthed at the professor. Was this some sort of joke? She was finding herself heavily questioning what he had said now. There was no way any of them had human parents... humans were inferior. That's why Krayas were kept here with only the most intelligent of the humans- they didn't want them corrupted by human ignorance or stupidity (though something could be said about those guards...). What Troy was saying could change everything... if they weren't being kept here for their own safety, then why were they here?

(OOC: Feel free to create Troy's reactions within reason. He's a pretty open minded, level tempered guy and finds Krayas fascinating. He's more likely to be disappointed than angered and interested than disgusted. It's obvious he wants to be here and finds everyone amazing so... keeping that in mind... I just figured I'd put that out there in case anyone wasn't sure. I know when I'm roleplaying elsewhere I tend to be pretty weary about taking control of characters that aren't my specified character
:) )
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"I'll call BS." Ignis stood from his desk looking him in the eyes and said, "I've seen people on the TV and the doctor that get to leave, and from what I've seen none of them can do this." Two large fireballs manifest in his hands out of no where. "So you can how saying that we.. this comes from those normal people...." The flames start to die down. "Sounds like a bunch of crap."

"We are not people, we are not living..." He sits back down with a sad expression."We are weapons in human form nothing more."
"My name is Cedric. When I touch something, I can break it." Cedric said simply, deliberately leaving out the hobby part. The less information he gives, the better. And when he describe his ability, he wasn't lying, but the real limit of it was far from anything the scientists suspected. They thought that he could destroy objects with a touch, so be it. Cedric had always beeb careful to hold back while training, saving the true extent of his power as a nasty suprise when the chance represents itself.

The class was unlike anything he had had before. The teacher was actually revealing some details and information. He could feel the murmur and excitement from his classmates. Was this guy an amateur and slipping up? Didn't seem like it. So that means the organisation had given him to permission to distribute some of the common knowledge. Even more interesting, he thought. So he waited, intending to make the most of the situtation.
Yammat was sitting in the back row of Mr. T's class. When called on for roll, Yammat blushed and replied, "My name's Privileged Information. I specialize in utilizing the darkness to my greatest advantage. Hobbies?I suppose...reading, writing, drawing, singing..." He didn't want to mention dancing. "...that's it." Yammat laid back in his chair, catching T's words of human origin. When this Ignis character started talking against it, Yammat felt like he had to step in. "What about your soul? The thing that gives you feelings, a personality. Are you going to deny that?"
Zak watched the reactions of the other Krayas, though he was definitely surprised himself. This strange new professor, Troy, had come in here and basically questioned the entire understanding of their existence. Alot of the other Krayas had a much more adverse reaction, he noticed. The girl near the front named Kamryn looks as though she experienced an epiphany, she could hardly comprehend the information being relayed to her. A boy named Ignis at the back seemed to outright refuse the information, flaring up his power like Zak had done not long before. Another boy who called himself "Privileged Information" decided to start an argument with him.

The reactions were noticed, through the corner of his eye Zak saw that the surrounding guards were getting on their nerves, fidgeting with the tazers strapped to their sides, worried about the unnatural power being portrayed right infront of them with such carelessness. Zak quietly reflected on the new information himself, if they were human, what separated them from the powerless humans? What characteristic gave them these abilities that other humans didn't have? He scribbles the question down in his notebook, trying to remove attention from himself. He knew from experience that messing around with the guards was not a good idea, and didn't like the idea of being charged with a tazer.

Even though he wasn't vocal about it now, his mind was still reeling from the new information, he didn't quite want to believe it, but a sense of curiosity had already developed in him, and with it, a plan developed in his mind.

Looking up from his book to see the situation develop, Troy's face was still as blank as slate, Zak couldn't tell if he had perhaps accidentally slipped the information, or simply said it to evaluate the reaction among the Krayas. Zak shifted his legs under the table, he had bolted out of a classroom before when there was trouble, and he prepared himself to do so again.
"Alright let pretend for a second your right and we are humans born into this world." Ignis said looking between Tory and Privileged Information, "Where are our parents? Because the way I see it is we were ether kidnapped, abandoned, or they are flat out dead." Ignis looked down at his desk with a sad look. "So.... Mr.T... Which is it?" He asked looking at him with cold stare.
"Boys, please, there's no need to argue over this. Ignis, if you wouldn't mind taking your seat again." Troy smiled kindly and gestured for Ignis to sit down, his eyes obviously moving to where the guards were shifting restlessly. He made a pacifying hand gesture at them but it didn't seem to do any good. "I assure you Ignis, what I say is only but the truth. Why else would I say it?"

Kamryn's heart was pounding as she watched the fire manipulator. He had spoken up, talked back to a Professor. Who was he...? To have the guts - or stupidity - to so openly oppose a teacher. Still, she felt the same way. They.. couldn't be human. Humans were so... drawl and ridiculous. They were better, they were made for a purpose. Why was Troy saying things that were so opposite to what they had been raised to believe?

"I don't really know why you wouldn't believe it. Have you been told otherwise?" Troy paused as Ignis spoke. "Well, not all of you have Human parents... some of you have Kraya as well. Where the other Krayas are I don't have that information... but the humans. Well there was a law to give Krayas up at first sign of different. Can't have you running around out there, reeking havoc."
Ignis sitting in his desk 'Prison we are in prison for being alive... For the mere act of breathing and who are parents are we have no rights.' His mind drifted to a darker side 'What happened to those who tried to escape, to those who refused to live like this?" He built up the courage to ask. "So what happens to those who refuse this system?" He asked fearing the answer.
Troy looked a little taken aback at this question. He rubbed at his chin thoughtfully, beginning to pace back and forth. "Those who don't conform will most likely be terminated... What reason would anyone have to keep around people who cause trouble? No one has tried to escape before, and the possibility of escape is so low that the consideration of trying would be senile."

Kamryn turned around, staring at Ignis with round eyes. Escape? From their home? This was all they had ever known... where else would they even go? She turned back to look at Troy... no one had tried to escape before. Well why would they? This was all they had ever known. But Kamryn was beginning to wonder what else was out there...
Cedric watched everything played out emotionlessly. He didn't really care that an argument was starting to boil up in the room, so much as that the atmosphere was forcing the teacher to spill more information. Eventually, no matter how careful one is, something important would slip. And he was patiently waiting for that moment.

On the other hand, the already revealed secrets didn't affect him nearly as much as they did the others. So what if his parents are human? It wouldn't change a damn thing about the situation he was in. May be later, it might lead to the answers that would partially satisfy his curiosity, but at that moment, it was not important. Cedric watched "Mr. T" closely, trying to read the man, but the posture and body language of the teacher betrayed nothing.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the guards getting tense at the direction the conversation was going. Subtly, he moved closer to a more vantage point where he could keep all of them within his view, which wasn't hard as he sat way behind from the others. Cedric slowly opened his hand, palm down on the table. He was ready for any trouble.
Yammat couldn't say much to that, considering he hadn't seen his either, but he didn't remember going out of a test tube. He became infuriated at the thought of someone denying the fact of a soul. He took a look around the class in order to get a good feel of the students. He noticed a remarkably attractive woman with a baseball cap. If Yammat recalled her name was 'Kamryn'. Of course he didn't know how to spell it. He should go try and talk to her. It'd be a good attempt to make-wait! "Escape!?" Yammat said unknowingly. He blushed brightly at the attention he received and lowered his head to where it looked like he didn't have a neck to begin with. "N-not that...I wasn't...." Yammat regined his composure as his blush faded away. his face turn stone cold. No expression, no emotion in his voice, and absolutely no sign of remorse of future talk. "What...could influence someone to escape? And furthermore..." Yammat had a question that was always on his mind. "What exactly are we to expect here?"
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A broad smile creeps across Zak's face, Troy had said something about some Krayas that weren't kept on the inside of this facility, again he wasn't sure that the professor was telling the truth... but he didn't really have a reason to lie. Nobody had ever tried to escape simply because there was no reason to, but now the class knew about the existance of the free Krayas, and some members of their families surely must be among them.

Zak had a feeling that escape was on the forefront on the minds of everyone in the class by now, it was nearly unthinkable only a short time ago. But who would have the guts to try it? How could these guards, with their pitiful tazers, even stop a group of powerful Krayas?

Zak still tried remaining quiet, examining the arguing Krayas with the rest of the class, and hoping that the class would end so he could continue with his plan in more detail.
Troy gave the class a genuine smile. "What you're to gain is safety. And... there obviously isn't anything that would drive people to escape because it's never been done."

There was something interesting about the way that Troy was looking at the class, something in his expression that wasn't being said. He had a rather knowing smile that the guards didn't seem to catch. "This is a safe environment, it's meant to protect you and others from you. It's always routine to make sure you never think outside the box, never see past what's been planned out for you day by day. What future do you have if every day is the same?"

Kamryn was watching her classmates now, wondering if they were as thrown off by all of this as she was. Several of the guys looked ready for anything. And the one boy who had blurted 'Escape.' Yammat... surely he wasn't considering it. Why would he? But... why else would he have said it unless it was at the forefront of his mind? Kamryn fixed her ball cap out of nervous habit before her fingers began to tap nervously against the table. Would anyone try to escape? Would she join them if they did? Her fingers sped up, reaching a steady rhythm as she debated the pros and cons of leaving the only place she had ever known.
Ignis pulled out a notebook inside was a bunch of sketch of a house on fire, that he has been having recurring nightmares about, taking out a pencil he continued to detail the sketch hoping if drawn he could make better scenes of the dream. ' This a really morbid house.' he thought to himself needing to take his mind off it. He looked around and saw the girl named Kamryn smirking to himself he started to sketch her, tuning out everything else.
RubyRose updated Breaking the Rules with a new update entry:

How much control do you guys have?

The question was asked:
Hey again, I wanted to ask, how much control are we allowed over guards/class-times and all that?

I remember you saying something about that we can have relationships with guards, but how far can we go?

Here's my response:

Considering I hadn't even considered having guards at the beginning.. :) You have as much control as I do, as long as you're considerate of what other people have said and the day that I've already laid out you are free to do...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Jo woke up for another day of the same old good rutine. She never got much sleep at night, she got caugh up in her books or trying a new animal form. Calmly she walked as she pictured the lives of the people walking amoung her, as she always did. It was part of the rutine. It always is.

Never sleeping more than 5 hours, sitting down and imagine different tastes for the food, and her favourite, avoiding physical training; disappearing from a while and rest under any shadow she could find until she heard the calling back to the rooms. But thats when it all changed, after going to her same front sit on her class, she saw him. It didnt really matter who it was, but the fact that he was there. A new teacher..perhaps? Jo felt her heart pounding, it couldnt be anything good, the day had been just the way it was supposed to be, until now. As always she showed none of her insecurities on the outside, but this time she was so scared she couldnt even face him, she locked her eyes to the ground and tried her best to get distracted about what he was saying... Maybe she could dissapear? No, she was all the way on the front, someone would notice... "I just need to ignore him until things go back to the rutine" she thought to herself.

But suddendly everyone was caught up in what he was saying, people started to talk about their abilities, Jo didnt wanted to talk, she didnt wanted to share. Everything about what was happening felt wrong and Jo kept her eyes on the ground, even when she had the chance to introduce herself, she just stayed quiet, as she was supposed to be. always. Gladly for her, it didnt took long for other people to step up and introduce themselves... but then she could'nt help but to hear Terry, or whatever his name was say :: ---said for all of you since some of you had human parents but that also links to another theory of if everyone has the Kraya capability but lack the ability to unlock the power for one reason or another."

Her heart nearly stopped, now she was sure, this guy meant trouble. nothing else mattered anymore, She didnt care who he was, or where he had come from, but he needed to leave, she didnt trust him, not one bit... But she wasnt the only one, for soon some guys would be arguing about it. Everything had gone upside down.

"There is no way this guy knows what he's talking about, we dont have parents and we are NOT human beings, its silly to think so, it makes no sense. It doenst fit. He's going to get us into trouble... I dont want to hear about it anymore" she said as she listened to eveyrthing going on, and her eyes, still on the ground.

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