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[ Ayyyyeee.
xD So, I have a question about Kyserrr. Should he have like, previous interaction with either Beth or Danny? And then they like called him over when their parents disappeared, because I have no other idea as to how he would've been one of the warriors. xD OC struggles. ]
[ Okie, Beth I think. Dude, I don't know what it is, but I freaking love Kyser, like he's my most favoritest OC ever ahh. How do you want to start? ]


[ Really? I thought my Ed was absolutely terrible. He did that angel absolutely no justice whatsoever. Damnit, I still need to make Cursed too.
xD I don't have my laptop though and it has the page. e~e ]
[ Well just start asap xD And I'll start on here... ]

IN A WORLD.. there, I said it.

Why? This was the word repeating in Beth's head as she sat very boringly across the table from Danny and his weird little wheat pilgrim. They had spotted and 'rescued' him last night after his little sea voyage.

Much to no surprise, the little Jelly Kid was staring behind his shoulder constantly, afraid that Catbug wouled be there. But he continued to make bread for Danny, since it was his breakfast.

"Yeeeeeee Jell-AY Kid!" Danny slathered the freshly animated bread in jam and stuffed it in his mouth. This morning wasn't very eventful.

[ Wheat pilgrim.
xD ]

Kyser, who'd been up before the sun, as usual, sat perched on a stool sipping a luke warm cup of coffee. He watched Jelly Kid preform his only notable talent with a sideways smirk, then remebered that he hadn't actually had any real breakfast that morning besides his drink. So, of course, he did what any responsible adult would do--protruded a half-eaten packet of jelly beans from his pocket, popping three into his mouth at once. Health.

After a certain... "incident," Catbug obviously wasn't allowed anywhere near Jelly Kid. The poor thing certainly didn't need another decapitation right off the bat, yet that certainly seemed what Catbug had in mind for him. He was currently locked in Wallow's room, pouting and scratching at the door.

"Anybody want toast?" Danny asked, glancing around. It seemed very empty. Where was Chris and Wallow?

"Oh what the heck." Beth leaned forward and held her hand out.

"PSHEW." Jelly Kid materialized another piece and placed it in her awaiting palm.

Beth nodded her thanks, leaning back and slapping some jam on it.

Kyser watched Danny and Beth with a disdainful shake of his head. "You two might have toast, but aren't you JELLY of my JELLY beans?" He asked, cracking up at his own terrible, terrible pun. The extra emphasis only made it worse. What a try hard.

Catbug gave a huff, slumping to the floor on his round tummy and frowning. Then suddenly, a little lightbulb flashed above his head and jumped up, wings unfurling and buzzing as he flew up to the ceiling, particularly to the air vent. He pawed off the cover and wiggled inside. "Bug... Catbug." He said in a smooth, James Bond voice.

[ Oh my gosh, Catbug. ]

"We've got jelly. Real jelly." Danny shook his jam jar and smirked. "Nice try, Kysore. I've got Jelly Kid, the best thing ever!" Danny picked up his little bread goblin and hugged him close.

"You love that little guy too much." Beth rolled her eyes. "Aren't those jelly beans moderately old?" She asked Kyser.

"I suppose so," Kyser contemplated, shoveling another handful of jelly beans into his mouth. Except these, when he went to bite down, were stale and rock hard. He whimpered, then spit them all over Beth and Danny.

Catbug scampered over until he was above the living room, did a ninja roll, and landed on his belly, watching the congregation from the vent opening below him. "Targets spotted... mission commence."

"Oh- Hey-!" Danny and Beth wiped jelly beans off of themselves.

"Come on, Jelly Kid." Danny strapped on some sort of container and opened it, setting his favorite chum inside. "Let's go to the Holo John."

"What is that?" Beth asked, pointing to the little thing that looked basically like a high-tech baby sling.

"Oh, it's my Catbug-proof-Jelly-Kid-Mobile-Protective-Case." Danny displayed it proudly from his chest.

"PSHEW!" Jelly Kid waved a piece bread from inside.

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