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Brain Storming

Stormee Fae

Senior Member
Hey! @xxRoobixx

Since you are like me and you are pretty good with almost any genre, are there any you don't do ever? Are you in the mood for any kind of roleplay or genre now? And do you currently have any ideas?

P.S. Sorry for making it modern, but I had to choose something xD
So just a few things about me, referring to the questions above. I usually won't do demon and vampire boarding high school RPs, unless the story idea is really original, but otherwise I am good with almost anything as long as I get an inspiration for a character. I have a handful of RP ideas now, some 1x1s and some group RPs. I usually like to play males, but I also ply females too. In every RP I have multiple characters. I always end up having romance and drama in every RP but the majority of the time it is not the main focus.
Romances and Dramas are my top. I also like actions and BUNCH of twists. I can do human, vampire, angel, demons pretty much anything. I can play male or female. I can do yaoi or Yuri. Or just plan male and female. I usually come up with my own ideas. So ^_^ anything works for me
Wow! Haha! You sound very versatile. I usually come up with ideas too. I actually have some right now that we can talk about. Do you have any you would like to share incomplete or complete? And someone else wants in on this brainstorming action as well.

Bring on more people ^_^ and usually I have great ideas. But at the moment my brain is on the empty side lol let's hear yours
Hi to both of you!(: & thanks for allowing me to join up.

I'm pretty flexible and USUALLY have ideas as well but my brain is going on

overdrive and what not. . .

I prefer RPing as male, I can do female if

its needed, it doesn't really matter and I enjoy having more than one character

because lets face it, having just the same ones or twos gets boring, then you don't

really know where else to go? I don't know.

like Roobi, I'm very into the whole twist and turn RP's especially when you have

no idea WHAT should happen and you just go with how you feel it should go.

For some reason, those seem to turn out the best.

I think a set plot kind of takes away the fun and pushes you to stay on a path

that should spiral out in alllll directions and keep each person involved wanting


I am sleepy, I'm not even sure if this makes sense.

I have crazy ideas and want-to-do's I'm just not really sure what to throw out

there because I'm more interested in knowing EXACTLY what you two would enjoy


Magic? Alien earth invasion?! Lost in space trying to find ways back to earth? Shapeshifters,

werewolves, vampires, humans/humanoids? Demons and Angels? God-like characters that

can bend the rules of time and all that jazzy stuff? Witches, wizards, sorcerers? Bounty Hunters?

I COULD keep going, lets work something fun out?

Doesn't even have to do with anything I just listed.
Haha yeah me too. Sorry for the few days of absence, guys. My work scheduled me everyday so far this week so it's been crazy and a long week. Feels like it should be friday >.<

Anyway, I am excited to share ideas. These are the main genres of rp ideas I have just to give you guys some ideas (these are very general, if you want me to elaborate I can).

1. A roleplay that focuses on character development and overcoming struggles. Highly psychological RP which deals with trauma and an individual's journey to overcome.

2. Magic RP of some kind (very new idea, I haven't spent much time on it) takes place in early America.

3. Werewolf RP (I love the traditional idea of werewolves neing monsters, and I would like to play with that)

4. Post-apocalyptic RP whoch focuses on the rebuilding of society. Lot's of chances for interesting character interactions and difficult moral decisions.

5. Scifi-hisotrical fiction RP? Not sure whay genre this is. Basically people start appearing all throughout modern day who vanished in their time period and they're the same age as when they vanished. They remember nothing of their disappearance, just of their life in their time period prior to vanishing.
I like number 4. I would like number 3, if you could be more than just a werewolf. I was never too good at playing one for some reason. We could combined 1 & 2 magic high school where a character is struggling, but slowly over comes it with the friends he/she makes? plus adds all high school drama and stuff, plus having magic and stuff >_>
If we do my idea for 1, I would want it to only be a realistic world. However, I had had an idea for basically mutants in today's society who are the target of hate and discrimination banding together in am urban setting. Street rats kind of thing. Not the biggest fan of high school as a main setting/driving force for drama. But I DO love drama! :)

And we could see what other things you could be in idea 3. I was thinking it could take place in gothic europe turn of the century or 1900s, or even America 1900s. It would be fun and creepy/spooky. If you have any questions about my ideas, I can elaborate more about what I had in mind for it, and if you have your own ideas, feel free to share them! :D
When you say creepy and spooky... I think creepypasta. lol But creepy and dark role plays are also fun to do ^_^ Whatever anyone picks I will be okay with it :)
Okay, so what time period and what location do we want to do? I was thinking mid to late 1800s, maybe turn of the century. We could do America or we could do Europe. I know more about American history, but what do you think?
Me too! :)

So I am not sure how people on here RP, but I have always RPed where you make a thread, write up a plot, write up rules, the profile skeletons, and then people send you their profiles and whoever made the RP thread adds them in.
I am okay with that. Just make a thread and we can start planning and stuff like that.... I've done it in threads, I have done it in PMs so anyway is fine. I am not very picky,

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