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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

McMajestic said:
It's fine, I get it xD I'm not sure how you can jump in right now but if you find a way go for it
I could always just have them walk through the front doors of the academy and look around in confusion. That's always a solid way to kick things off. :P

@redwood Okay :D
Name: Dante Bonavich

Nickname: The Queen Bitch (not recommended), Dogmom (close friends)

Age: 19

Grade: 12 (Senior)

Gender: Genderfluid (masculine presenting neutral); female pronouns (she uses them to avoid answering unnecessary questions)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: Generally nervous and shy but can be bold, though her moods are extremely volatile and can change at the drop of a hat. Highly (passive) aggressive toward those she dislikes or sees as suspicious.

Art (drawing, theater, music etc.): Drawing (traditional and digital), music (singing/choir), Writing (freelance, independent, has written four novels but never published them publicly in any form)

Background: (Under construction) Born in Russia but her parents died when she was only a couple months old leaving her to be put up for adoption, was brought into the care of a lovely couple from Germany (mother was bisexual and father was pansexual) who raised her on the outskirts of a little farming town near the Black Forest. Had a happy, relatively normal childhood without much bullying regarding her orientation or gender identity. However she did receive quite a lot of scrutiny due to another aspect of her (non gender related) identity that she ended up trying to hide at a fairly young age to avoid harsher bullying; she will try to quickly change the subject or will simply shut down if anyone tries to investigate this part of her identity. She currently lives with her sister on the edge of town after being transferred to the academy.


  • Height: 5’7
  • Weight: 190 lbs
  • Build: Chubby but buff. Think a heavyset swimmer’s body. Thick body with pronounced hips and breasts and toned arms and legs.
  • Hair: Medium length, white, kind of choppy/messy, with "emo" bangs.
  • Eyes: Bright yellow/yellow-hazel
  • Clothing: Over sized baby blue sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, a white or black leather collar, and beat up red converse.
  • Scars: Self harm scars on thighs, stomach, and upper arms. Shot gun wound on her back over her right kidney (hunting accident at age 13).

Other: Non gender identity is otherkin (( Policy - Our definition of Otherkin )); tundra wolf/Siberian husky. She tries to hide it to the point where it can become extremely stressful for her. She also has a high functioning form of Asperger's. With her otherkin identity and her difficulties of her Asperger's if her emotional state becomes more excited than normal (rage, fear, joy, etc.) she will react in a more animalistic way (growling, yelping/whining, yipping, etc.). Because of this it is more difficult for her to understand most people's body language, able to easier understand canine (and various other animal) body language. She tries to keep her identity hidden behind closed doors due to the harsh criticism surrounding the otherkin community (online on her blog of her personal experiences trolls will comment that she needs mental help and calling her "retarded" and various other slurs aimed at both her identity and her Asperger's, this can sometimes leak into her offline life in the form of stalking and strangers who know her from online yelling slurs or barking at her in the streets).
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T H E B A S I C S;

Arebella Smith is 15. They are an ESFP (Myer-Briggs) because they can be Playful, Talkative, Spontaneous & Enthusiastic. Everyone refers to them as Ari.


S W I P E R I G H T;

Current status - March 7th; Don't be a fboy. nobody likes fboys.


One new message - from Bbg<3; stop being stupid ari. hes just gross.

Last phone call - 15:11 with Madre


Most played -

Gold- Kiiara

Champagne- Nikyee Heaton

Sunset Lover- Petit Biscuit

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Name: Arebella smith

Nickname: Ari

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: Espf

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Dance

Background: Ari was the only child growing up with her single dad after her mom left. Ari has never struggled socially despite her differences and her situation. When Ari was little, she knew she wanted to be a ballet dancer, and she gave her all to it. When she was 10, she started to save up to go to the academy, and finally made it.

Appearance: blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes



Jasmine Parker









Sexual Orientation:



Jasmine is both outgoing and shy; just depends on the factors

of who she's associating with. She knows how to stick up for herself, but sometimes

the helping hand could be needed. She loves making friends' especially ones who are understanding.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):

Jasmine is into theatre and sometimes dabbles at



Jasmine has lived in Hawaii with her mother since birth. Although they are not natives,

both her and her mother love the warm weather and clear waters. The choice of going to Bouvardia

was her own decision after being abused by a boyfriend at a nearby high school. Now Jasmine hopes to meet new, better

people and to stay away from drama. (Hopefully)



Has a belly button piercing


Andrew James









Sexual Orientation:



Abusive towards other's feelings/emotions. He

loves himself and cares less what other people think(sometimes.)




His dad was the typical drunk abusive father after mom left.

Andrew learned to cope and deal with it over time by abusing others and

causing trouble for relief.



Jasmine's ex.


Callie Parker












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McMajestic said:
Name:Crystal Malby




SO: Straight

Personality: Crystal is very shy, but once you get to know her she's very sweet and caring. She never starts drama and never wants to be apart of it.She is very much a good girl. She has a very girly girl style and loves to shop with her friends. She is also a bookworm and listens to her teachers and does well in school. She is a very bright and beautiful girl and is very trustworthy.


Background: Crystal's mother and father died in a wreck when she was 4. She can barely remember them so there wasn't much heartache. She grew up with her grandma and was an only child. She grew up in Bear Sweep, South Carolina in her grandmothers lake house. Her grandmother got worried about her education and decided for a change. After 2 months of waiting she got accepted to Bouvardia.She packed her bags and is ready to start this long journey ahead of her.


[ bg=#610B0B] Character Sheet






Sexual Orientation:


Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):





McMajestic said:

Character Sheet


Name- Jasil

Nickname- Jassy

Age- 17

Grade- junior

Gender- female

Sexuality- bi

Personality- flirt, creative, adventurous, cocky at times

Art- Acting and Violin

Background- Grew up in Foster care but found escape through acting and music

Appearance- always changing hair color, 5'5, hazel eyes, full lips, slim body, hair goes to bottom of back, tan.

Name- Jasil

Name- Jasil

Nickname- Jassy

Age- 17

Grade- junior

Gender- female

Sexuality- bi

Personality- flirt, creative, adventurous, cocky at times

Art- Acting and Violin

Background- Grew up in Foster care but found escape through acting and music

Appearance- always changing hair color, 5'5, hazel eyes, full lips, slim body, hair goes to bottom of back, tan.

Nickname- Jassy

Age- 17

Grade- junior

Gender- female


Name: Dustin

Nickname: Raven (by Shane)

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: WIP

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Acting and writing

Background: WIP


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/23a441bff3855f9bd2bbf6534efe0def.jpg.e12a56845a39c7676cf68604c00618b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/23a441bff3855f9bd2bbf6534efe0def.jpg.e12a56845a39c7676cf68604c00618b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Always wears sleeveless/Short sleeves shirts and leather jackets



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Name:Barbara Katherine Champagne.

Nickname: Bonnie, Kat, Kate, Ky.

Age: 17.

Grade: Junior.

Gender: Genderfluid.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Personality: Rebellious, activist-type, violent.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Music (singer, bassist, guitarist).

Background: Barbara grew up in a happy house with your average suit-and-tie dad, stay-at-home mom, and the normal 2.5 kids. But, she/he was different. It all started when she/he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Then, she/he came out as genderfluid and bisexual. Ashamed and disgusted, they sent her/him to correctional facilities, but she/he always ended up getting kicked out.



Other: Some tattoos on her/his arms
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Character Sheet

Name: Noah Avery Michaels

Nickname: N

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Noah's troublesome. She's impulsive and thinks shes invincible when it comes to getting hurt therefore she's a bit of a daredevil. She doesn't take attitude from anyone and if you disrespect her she'll probably attempt to beat you senseless. All in all she does have a good heart under her little "bad girl" facade. She just needs some friends and maybe a special someone who can tone down her attitude.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Dance (Hip-hop), Music (Sings), and Theatre.

Background: First off, Noah's never known her parents. She's had the absence of parental figures her entire life hence why she acts like she has no home training. She grew up in a foster home with her older brother, therefore she had to be strong and independent so he and her could protect each other. She doesn't interact well with others and her social skills are down the drain. With her constantly bouncing around in the system, change and absence were consistent in her life. Her brothers now in the Army while she applied to this school.



Other: She has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm

the rest of her tattoos along with

for her brother, his favorite color is blue and birds are his favorite animals.


Clarissa Alison Stark





[ December Fifteenth, 1999 ]

[ Sagittarius ]





[ She/Her ]

Sexual Orientation:



Clarissa is a quiet, sensible girl. She's highly intelligent, and observes quite well. She's soft spoken, and doesn't speak much. She smiles often, and wants to try and keep everyone in her environment happy, or she at least tries to. She's shy, nervous to start conversations. To her, it's much harder than just going up to someone and saying “Hello, my name is Clarissa.”. Clarissa has a habit of grinding her teeth and biting her nails, and has been told in classes to “shut up already” by her fellow students.


Music; The Cello.



Clarissa was born into an odd family. Being an only child, her childhood was lonely and boring. Her father was chef, and she never really saw him often, other than on his days off (Wednesday and Thursday), though he mostly slept them away. Her mother was a pathetic excuse of a publicist, basically just sitting in bed all day and smoking weed like it was going out of style. She was taught how taught how to read at age two by her babysitter, and only went through about every book on her bookshelf, various times. She discovered her love for the cello when she was six, her father taking her to the orchestra she wanted to go to, out of guilt from never spending time with her. Her mother and father saved up, and got her the cello when she was seven. She played and played, and then Bouvardia happened.




+ Clarissa is usually listening to music, specifically Mozart or Beethoven.


Name: Clara wells

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Clara is conniving and manipulative. She loves to have everything her way, and will do whatever if it takes- moral or not- to get what she wants.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Singing and Guitar

Background: Clara's father disappeared before she was born, and her mother slept with whatever walked on two legs, not bothering to try and mask Clara from the harsh reality of life. Instead, Clara was thrown face first into them, having to clean her own room, do her own laundry, make her own meals. It was how she lived until her mother married a much older and richer man. The man loved Clara more than her mother, and did what he needed to take care of her. Clara was always uncomfortable and never liked him, but she soon learned she could use his wealth and his naive heart to her advantage, and so she did, getting where she's at now by practicing on her step-father.




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Name: Tia Dawkins

Age: 16

Grade: 10 (Sophomore)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Personality: friendly and usually quiet. She doesn't like crowds much. She's very affectionate towards her loved ones and gets passionate about things she's interested in.

Art (drawing, theater, music etc.): dance

Background: Tia was born in the United States and has lived a relatively normal life with her mom (African American) and her dad (Caucasian). At some point in time, she decided to become an author but eventually realized she's terrible at writing so she's chosen to find something that interests her when she moves into her new school


  • Height: 4'9
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Build: skinny and a bit curvy. She has fair pale skin. She's very flexible
  • Hair: shoulder length, light brown, messy, usually in a ponytail,
  • Eyes: dark brown
  • Clothing: outfits usually consist of short skirts, shorts, hoodies, and black vans
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