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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy



NaMe : Conan O'Brien

Age : Seventeen

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Personality : Conan is seen as a dick head. Everyone thinks he is cocky asshole because of his loud personality. But Conan just likes to have fun. He accidentally forgets to think of others sometimes whenever he is being foolish. He is a massive goof ball. He enjoys having fun. He is a party animal, no one can ever change that. The guy likes to flirt a lot too. He is very out spoken. If he thinks someone is hot, he'll tell you. He has a bad temper though specially when he likes someone because he tends to get jealous easily. He is very overprotective of those he cares about, wanting to be a big brother to them.

Art: Sculpting

History: Conan grew up close to his sister, Eva. The pair came from a very distant family. His parents were working constantly abroad and were never home. THey cared more about the rep of their family than they did about their family. They grew up in the care of his grandfather who Conan cares about a lot. His father and Conan don't get on. After Conan got suspended for spray painting the walls of the school, the pair have been constantly fighting.



Name: Eva O'Brien

Age: Seventeen


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Eva is a perfectionist. She likes to think she does everything perfect and everything is perfect. She is a lot more stubborn than her brother. She tends to a lot sensitive than she portrays herself to be. She hates other seeing her do wrong. She tends to speak a little too soon sometimes which gets her in trouble. She is abit clumsy when she is nervous too specially infront of boys. She likes to portray herself to be Little Miss Perfect but she really isn't. She is a very helpful person though. She'd do anything to help others as long as it doesn't mean them being better than herself. She is very honest.

Art: Music

History: Eva grew up close to her brother as they are twins. Unlike her brother, she spend most her life trying her hardest to live up to the expectations of their parents who didn't care. She joined so many clubs and activities to impress them. Just like her brother and father, her mother and her don't get on. Her mother puts a lot of stress on her specially about her body. Whenever she was fifteen, she was rushed to hospital after passing out at a football match. She kept a secret that she got a gastric bypass surgery done on her holiday in Mexico after years of her mother complaining about her weight. She was rushed to hospital and it was reversed. This resulted in her having complications with her nutrition to this day. Everyone believed she had a fever because that is what her family and herself told everyone but it wasn't true. She likes to show herself off as the golden child but she really isn't. She isn't naturally smart at all. She tends to spend nights learning and staying up just to pass tests. She is also very close to her grandfather.



Name: Riley Rose

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Riley is a very outgoing girl. She is very determined in everything she does. She hates losing. She is a bit of a flirt sometimes. She can be quite stubborn when she doesn't get what she wants. But, she is also a very forgiving person. She is a bit of a sister figure to people. She will always help others with advice and stuff. She doesn't like seeing people upset. She is very sporty and likes to keep fit.

Art: Drama

History: Riley grew up in a household of six boys and her the only girl. Sports was a very common thing in her household. Her father was the local coach for the soccer team. He constantly trained his boys and Riley to be competitive. Riley always had dreams of having a career in soccer.



Name: Luke Stanley Murphy

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: Stanley was set for failure ever since he was born. His parents were druggies from birth. His first few months of life, he was in hospital for heroin withdrawals and complications. Without saying anything, the doctors send him home. His father was the main problem in the household. He was extremely violent, even when sober he was still violent. His mother did have good intentions but she never fell through with them. This horrible life lasted till he was nine. The one night, his mother was out of her mind in drugs and she tried to escape with Stanley which lead in a gunshot being fired by the father and Stanley being taken away by social services. No one was hurt. But both parents are currently in jail. He hasn't seen either of them since. He now is in and out of foster homes. He currently lives on his own though as he just turned 18.

Personality: Stanley is extremely wild and reckless. He is the party animal of the school. He isn't afraid of a challenge. He tends to do stuff without any reason, not caring about the results. He hates being told what to do.He has a bit of a bad temper too which gets him in a lot of bother. He can have a large ego sometimes too. But, if he cares about you and you are his friend then he'll be extremely overprotective. He can be quite jealous too.

Art: Drawing



Brody Wilson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-5_19-54-18.jpeg.a621fd2f8df4bee4cd0e747120d59573.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-5_19-54-18.jpeg.a621fd2f8df4bee4cd0e747120d59573.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Personality: Energetic and intrigued by everything. He's always looking for someone new to meet and spends a lot of his time outdoors. He likes to submerge himself in nature with friends and take pictures of everything that seems naturally beautiful. He's kind for the most part, but sensitive about people making jokes about his family. He is very curious and will ask as many questions as it takes to get the answer he wants.

    (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Graphic design, Photography

  • Appearance:



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Isaac Blacksaint




11th (Junior)



sexual orientation



- competitive

+/- hates taking orders, prefers to give them

+/- loud

+ good sport

+ tries to make friends when he can

- mood swings

- can be very stuck in his ways

- awkward when it comes to relationships, but jokes about it

+ he’s a reader

- can sometimes be a dick w/o realizing

+ energetic

- has a short fuse

- very quick judge of character

+ stands by the ones he loves

- turns his back on those he doesn’t like very quickly

+ very independent


Music {very talented at hearing lyrics and then putting music behind them, but cannot write lyrics to save his life}


Isaac comes from a somewhat larger home, trailing his oldest brother Lyle by three years, his brother Brandon by ten months - making them Irish twins - and he is older than his sister Valentine by two years. The son of a director and screenwriter, Isaac was introduced to the arts almost by birth. He was drawn to the art of music, and his parents bought him his first guitar when he was five; they bought him a better one when he was eight, realizing their son was very talented. Isaac, due to the profession of his parents, grew up, essentially, on TV and movie sets, being homeschooled. His parents decided to enroll him and his equally talented brother, Brandon, into Bouvardia, but because of their birthdays, Brandon enrolled as a senior and Isaac a junior, even though they should have both been juniors.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.3532cd93ac19908b0f2e2efe7067c374.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.3532cd93ac19908b0f2e2efe7067c374.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He spends most of his free time in the band room, usually sitting on the floor with his battered guitar.



Kaya Zachary




12th (Senior)



sexual orientation



drawing {she wants to be an animator}


+ loving

+ trustworthy

+/- she moms a lot

+ tries to be friendly

- can zone off when she’s sketching

+/- headstrong

- hates to be wrong

- doesn’t like to talk about herself

+/- quiet, but not shy


Kaya was born five years after her sister Elira in a broken home. Her father was an alcoholic, and the main source of trouble for Kaya, her sister, and mother. Her father started drinking when Kaya was three, and when her parents fought, Elira, her sister, told her to sketch to have her own form of escape; she became increasingly good at it, since her parents continuously fought. Kaya began to sketch and draw even when her parents weren’t fighting, but it all changed when Kaya was ten. Her sister died in a car crash at fifteen, and Kaya quit drawing, vowing she’d never be happy again. Following the wake of Elira’s death, her mother walked out on her surviving daughter and her husband. A few months later, Kaya found herself in a foster home, who became the closest thing she ever had to a family. Kaya was officially adopted by the couple when she was twelve, and slowly began to draw again. When her adopted parents saw them, they enrolled her in the school as a freshman, and she’s been here ever since.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.afb89b415c2429e9ab38cf1777569fe1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.afb89b415c2429e9ab38cf1777569fe1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kaya has a small letter “E” in a heart tattooed on the side of her middle finger, a tribute to her sister Elira.



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Character Sheet

Name: Ronnie Rick Road

Nickname: Ronnie



Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:hetero

Personality: Fun person, really shy, clumsy, easily embarrassed.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Choir

Background: Ronnie has always been picked on by everybody, hoping to escape that, he attends this new school hoping for a fresh start, Ronnie is an incredible singer! He has a 4 octive vocal range!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/IMG_20151106_151757.jpg.35f59b58cf7415ce2e82379e12dae79b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/IMG_20151106_151757.jpg.35f59b58cf7415ce2e82379e12dae79b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He loves pumpkins



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Character Sheet

Name: Trent bradeo

Nickname: T-rex



Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:hetero

Personality: Douchebag, jerk, bully and just unpleasant to be around.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Drawing

Background: His parents, tired of dealing with him, sends him to this school hoping he learns something of value here

Appearance::<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84e4177b_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesJI2K7TT7.jpg.cb42b1e1f679ae22f3cf2936d6f32e42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84e4177b_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesJI2K7TT7.jpg.cb42b1e1f679ae22f3cf2936d6f32e42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other:Ronnie's bully at his old school



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Name: Zane Hawkins

Nickname: "Zaney" (only his twin sister calls him that, he hates it)

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Personality: quiet, thoughtful, stubborn when he thinks he's right about something, overprotective of his twin sister, can't say no to a challenge

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Theatre/acting

Background: He and his sister were separated at birth, but reunited at around the age of 13. In the meantime, Zane grew up in Manhattan. He was inspired to pursue acting after seeing a Broadway play in Times Square at the age of 6. His young mind was awestruck when his parents explained that the characters on stage weren't the same people offstage. Ever since, he's been determined to achieve that same level skill.

Appearance: 6'0'' with messy red hair, and green eyes,

Other: (I thought I'd ask before I just went ahead and submitted TWO character sign-up forms, but, I'd like to add his twin as well. They're kind of inseparable.)

Name: Abigayle Sharrow

Nickname: "Abs"

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: very energetic, has ADHD, brilliant intellect, scatterbrained, talkative, the opposite of her quiet brother

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Music

Background: Separated from her brother at an early age, Abigayle was raised in London, England. She was surfing the Internet one day around age 10 and came across a number of music videos from various electronic artists. She fell in love with the sound of their music, and saved up enough money to buy her own music production equipment and software.

Appearance: She looks a lot like her brother. Her hair is the same color, but longer. Her eyes are blue, and she has a bridge of freckles that spread over her nose and out onto her cheeks. She's 5'5''

Other: She's British? Not sure what else to actually add here.
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It's fine, I get it xD I'm not sure how you can jump in right now but if you find a way go for it
@Magattahana i have three characters currently, but they're all free, but I'm not sure if I can really rp that much tonight, but I can stay for a little

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