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Fantasy Bound Gods: Summons

Dragon Slayer Arcos

End All Life; Embrace Silence
Gods: An immortal being of cosmic origin with immense power capable of creating and destroying as they see fit. They choose their appearance and gain power from their followers or other sources.
Summoner: A mortal magic user capable of calling forth creatures and beings to fulfill certain requirements. The stronger the summoner, the stronger the summon generally is.

Plot: There will be Gods that were somehow summoned by mortals, their powers greatly reduced and confined in human bodies. Their memories completely lost, the Gods will have no clue of their real nature or power. Bound by an irrevocable pact, the Gods and Summoners must learn to cooperate in a world where danger exists everywhere, magic is dangerous and evil's influence reaches far. Not all Summoners and Gods are Good or Evil, and the intentions of all will shape the future of the world.

You can play a God, Summoner, or both. However, if doing both, you must prove to be adept in playing two in-depth characters.
There will be elements in the RP that are rigid, such as the Contract Rules between God and Summoner.
Most of the RP will be sandboxy, and thus, fluid and encouraging to plot twists and changes. This includes major and minor twists/changes.
Be aware your character(s) may be killed. You are free to make another and list it as your "killable" character(s). Any character kills must be approved by both players and a mod.
Character limit will be 3 at one time.
Setting will be in a world where technology is mostly modern, but magic is a prevalent force in the world. Magic will fuel technology.

There will be mechanics such as God Force, Forme Change, cool downs and other such things. A full RP description, lore (Which you can make for your own Gods!), and world map will be made if this generates interest.
Would the gods have human forms or would they appear as whatever they want?
They would have human forms and vastly reduced power. Throughout the RP, the goal is for them to slowly regain their memories, while retaining the ones they get as we progress. They will also, as is natural, become stronger and eventually be able to regain their God state for a time. The mechanics will be a little more in-depth than usual but not overly complicated.

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