Book 1A: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Unopened Scrolls) [Incarnadine Waters]


Beneficent River

Khayar of the Silver Heart


Rey Pey Yung

Twice Blessed Kenina

The scrolls from the herbal alliance were still unperused, but the map clearly showed, when perused through the monocle, that this group was to travel East to the borders of the redwood forest before traveling south into the jungle.
"I am honored to be a member of this group, A collection of Solars, Lunars, elementals has not worked together for a tousand years, may our first endeavors here Light on what is to come. A glorious return to prosperity under a new way of working the world of Creation." Rey offers her arm to each of those here, saying her peace and extending all hospitality as she does so. "Beneficient River, are you versed enough to go over the scrolls here and let us know what Earth and Sky know of this place we are headed to? Nazir can fill us in on what he knows of the lands near there. Kenina, have you an understanding of the Courts in the area there and that we shall cross? Khayar have you any mounts to speed our travels, or do we have another way of crossing the ground?"
Beneficent River murmurs a prayer to the Unconquered Sun to thank him for this opportunity.

"Truly a new age of Creation dawns upon us now that the Chosen of the Sun and Moon, and all under Heaven may once again work together in harmony for the good of all." She turns to face Rey and nods, "I will see what I can make of these but I am no scholar."

This would be an Int + Lore check correct?
     I think it is a simple take the time to read it and report thing, Rey is organizing the others and trying to include everyone in something. You are easily the best educated, including Rey. She didn't ask to be leader, she just said something first and therefore is awaiting the leader's arrival while she prepares ot offer the leader a prepared and assistive cohesive working unit. (i.e. bureaucratic.)
"I have many foes and friends in all the Courts of Fire. They might provide assistance and they might provide hinder." she said softly her voice crackling with slight amusement, "Or any request many fall upon deaf ears."

Her charcoal black eyes looked quite serious as she whispered softly, like a warm desert breeze: "Fire is passionate, hungry, it's can provide warmth or burn the skins of your bodies. It can grow beyond control, or be extinguished in a blink of an eye."

She paused for a moment thoughtful, the warmth emanating from his dissipating and her hair coming to a rest, and then she smiled, the warmth and the gentle movements of her hair coming back to life.

"It is in the domain of Jealous Saffron Rage." she said, letting a gust of warm air escape from her lungs in a sigh, "I had hoped not to meet her again."
Rey blessed Twice blessed Kenina with a gracious smile of her own, "Thank you Kenina, and though it may be answered by spite or favor, I assure you, your words are now backed by the strength of the Quicksilver Falcons, they shall not fall on deaf ears. Now about this Jealous Saffron Rage, what can you advise us against her. I ask that you do what you can to place any emnity aside for the betterment of our endeavor." Rey reaches across and pushes the flowing hair of Twice blessed Kenina away from her face so it may be seen a bit more clearly.
That slight touch was enough to make her take a sudden short step back out of reach and the heat flared up, singing the ground, trailing up tendrils of smoke, and her hair sprung to life, growing in length and lashing out towards everything in reach that could burn without touching it, but the heat was incredible. Her coal black eyes were white, searing hotness and then her hair settled to their gentle movements on her head and the temperature dropped to normal, but her eyes stayed white.

"Do not touch me, Quicksilver Falcon." she said, her voice crackling and hissing with the sounds of young fresh wood being burned, "I remember your kind. I remember the great things you did and the horrible atrocities you committed. I remember your promises and your lies. And I remember your deaths."

Twice-Blessed Kenina took a deep breath and then she made a slight bow and as she rose again her eyes were like the darkness of charcoal again. "My apologies for that outburst." she said softly, "I was young at that time and the wounds still burn. As for Jealous Saffron Rage, she is ... was a fire butterfly like I used to be a flame duck. And everything that goes for them, goes for her more than double."

Nazir watches all this intently, the reaction making his eyes jump wide a moment. "Her kind?" He asked at an opportune moment, the question directed at the fire elemental, wondering if she meant sorcerers or other magi, rather oblivious to the Solar Exalts history. For some time after his Exaltation, he wasn't even sure what an Exalt was at all...
Stepping between the flame duck and the others Rey shields them of harm. "My apologies, the scars run deep. There is alot to be done if we are to work together. Can you afford me any grace to see if I fall prey to the same depredations? As to the condition of yourself and jealous Saffron Rage, how are you different from others of your kind?" As much is not spoken here as is and Rey allows it to sink in where it may.
Beneficent River looks through the scrolls. Surely they contain information that will be useful for them.

Not quite sure what I'm supposed to be finding out here.
"When an elemental dies, unless utterly destroyed, they do not truly die, they change into lesser elementals." Kenina said calmly, "But the other way around is also possible. When an elemental grows in power, they change, into something else."

A slight smile appeared on her lips as she looked at Rey.

"As for knowing when you have gone too far, Quicksilver Falcon." she said her tone not unpleasant, "If I am still around at that time, I give you my promise that I will boil the blood in your veins, melt your flesh from your bones and then incinerate what is left until nothing but smoke remains."

She paused for a moment and then laughed.

"I've always wanted to make such a threat." she said and chuckled heartily, "But the last time you guys were already dead when I returned. Don't worry, I think you will do much better this time. Often being kicked down from a cloud does people quite some good in setting their priorities straight. And you guys flew incredibly high."
The scrolls could be sorted into the necromancer king they reproted on, and by far the most reports spoke of Leafar Drakun.

Leafar is a centuries old Dragon Blooded who opened a mountain top manse in the Scavenger lands a few centuries in a teritory of hardy human sheapards, miners, and trappers north of the lands held by the Bolg, mingling with encleaves of the Janx to the north. A nation of Boar Men always made up the backbone of Leafar's armies, and the earth manse he opened also opened deep mines that lead to vast deposits of jade, iron, silver, and gems throughout the mountains. 'Til recently he has only been minimaly expansionist for a man with such a formidable standing army, but in the past year he's began agressivly conquering down the south side of the mountains, towards mask of winters teritory, with berserking boarmen and alchemicaly empowered human troops stiffened by elaborate necrotech war machienes, war ghosts, and well trained and armed buck ogres and bolg.

Queen Silver Blood and her ebony riders: Queen of the Golden Bees and her war ghosts have spread out ot conquer 3 surounding city states. he uses necrotech seige engines to demolish their defenses, and after the conquest uses her golden bees to rebuild the city.

Eloran: A dragon blooded harborhead war lord leading an effort to throw off the yoke of the realm. He wields a huge black iron spear and claims to be the son of Ahlat, who has given the comandment, "Give the hecatomb to my son and we will give to you the power to cast out the very princes of the earth and rise up in their place. For this freedom, no sacrifice is to great, let the soldiers of the realm and the virgins of Virangia spill their blood out to us."

Chaz'kazar, the Spider with the Tainted Blade: This glorified title belongs to a group of ghost and ghost blooded bandits who ride ghostly wolf spiders and use necrotech and a few monsters of the labrynth to assist in raids that come out of the Shadowlands South of Thorns.

Pirates of the Bleeding Moon: They're not known for leaving survivors, but zombie tracks have been found at the sites they've victimized and their ships shoot through the water as if with tireless undead at the sweeps.

Lady of the White Chains: This pressence of this powerful Nephwrack in the underworld far east of thorns has been reproted by ancestors in multiple difrent citties, and the deligation ot Sijan has her on a list of beings whom intervention has been requested against. She has no known activities in the world of the living.

Left clueless as to what is going on by the intellectuals and the written script, the illiterate Night Caste listens to the threat that seems almost cordial and he examines the scrolls. However, from it he can decipher little more than drawings. Scribbles mean little to him unless they take the shape of things. "Is there anything useful there, can you let me know?" He asks, the question left open to all as he observes the scene unfolding...
Beneficent River

"These scrolls tell quite a bit about Leafar Drakun, a Terrestrial warlord, and a number of other probable undead threats."

"Threats to whom? Not that I am uncomfortable with the thought of excising a warlord, it is just that I wonder why we are after these specific enemies." Nazir questions, not too heavily tapped into the news stream of the land. He knows, however, of things like Thorns and is well aware of what good a circle of Exalts could do there. What can some meager Terrestrial warlord do to compare to the destructive power of a Deathlord? That, and it is always the job of any enlightened person to question and not simply follow blindly.
OOC: A map indicates these treats are scattered across the south-easter Threshold of creation like a pox. The most directly threatened then, would be the River Country from the great river, south to the jungles, and west to the Veringian City States.
<i>Havock Harbringer is having connectivity issues, and working on it with the mods.

The route the monocle showed on the map, which sakura recreated with elegent ink strokes, says follow the river to the edge of the redwods, then go south into the jungle. Our tigery friend has offered suplemental trasport. is there anything i need to know about your travel arangements?)

"Then I eagerly wish to help get rid of them. Any slavers, of the living or the dead, shall find me their enemy." Nazir states resolutely, raising a gauntlet and curling it into a fist as he seems to imagine bringing it to bear against these necromancer kings.
(My bad)


"Shall we get going?" Nazir asks, looking amongst his group-mates, the clenched fist lowering as he looks amongst them, eager to get underway.

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