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Fantasy Bone Song

Ezra H. Hastings / Silvia A. Brandt
Location: Custos Kitchen
Interaction: Adesina / Eden Eliruz Eliruz , Ordan scorpiodragon scorpiodragon , Jaehwa Kipsy Kipsy

The entire time they were barking at Ezra, he was ignoring the lot of them, keeping to himself as Elias had been thrown back into the mix. The male was still processing his conflict, he felt for the girl yet he knew he had no right nor the ability to treat her the way she wished—and he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around the male trying to lead the conversation. When Ezra has been distracted with Elias, a few words were heard, enough to cause the pair to stop their internal conflict—the other wished to sleep with Eden and another. It was quite obvious that Eden was one of the mothers, just that fact alone made her off limits and never to be spoken with on their account aside from what Ezra had done to her. But what made him mad—no not much of Elias, mostly Ezra, was that the male had taken more than one mate. “Is that common? Does your mind always sleep with multiple people?” he questioned Elias as the male was startled with such a bold statement. “If we—I—cheated on her why would she run to another who does the same?” he couldn’t wrap his head around anything.

I only know what you know, though I don’t think sharing is in our nature. It is not our worry, our only concern is making it up to her. You are the worthless piece of crap that ruined her,” Elias replied, “—did that mutt call us a pup?” Ezra had to block Elias out, his onslaught of insults towards hurting the female was much heavier than Ezra night even consider. Elias was the more emotional, heart driven, impulsive side of himself as if it all was amplified. He was the amplifier of his internal self, and so Ezra came to terms that he knew he was unfit and realized that, maybe that’s why he stood tall and took the insults. He needed them stated, even if it was for a different reason. In that sense, he had self control, allowing Ezra to take it and keeping their wallowing quiet. “—this ‘pack’ is dramatic. Why can’t we just over throw him? Oh—don’t do that you’ll upset her!” maybe Elias was more of a worrier than Ezra was.

Before long, the male stormed out. He couldn’t restrain himself, and that thought had Elias grinning eagerly at cracking his facade, though it was becoming apparent that wasn’t why he stormed out. “Why haven’t you snatched control like that before? I’ve never had to leave a room before,” Ezra commented curiously to Elias who merely shrugged, before long his green eyes gazed towards Eden as she darted off. Her wolf was quite stunning, but having found she was chasing after someone else, he looked away until he heard her skid out of the Villa and towards the beach.

Because, you usually act on my impulses as well. You and I are both impulsive and do what we want, first time you haven’t heeded my words to kill that brute,” Elias mused, words echoing in Ezra’s head as he cut off the communication between the pair as the female responded to the whole thing. “So the name of the mother who stole her mate is Jae? Short for something? Would taking him out make her forgive us?” Elias rumbled in his head, pushing through the small barrier between Ezra and himself.

No, now stop that!” Ezra huffed, before flicking his green eyes towards Adesina as she was called. “I appreciate it, most of my stuff is at my home in Colorado,” he spoke vocally, informed the woman of his predicament. It was hard for his voice not to crack and his eyes to stare up boldly into hers. “I think it’ll be better for her if I’m in a room far from hers,” he replied under his breath, it was his way of straining bacon Elias’ disagreement. He was also itching to rush after her, though even Elias knew that would be a mistake for Ezra to do. She was claimed, end of story, and mother to that other male’s pups. He couldn’t have her even if she forgave him. He didn’t deserve it after cheating—he needed to know more.

Silvia on the other hand, just sat there, bewildered by it all. Her heart lurched for Eden, and before she had left, she had her hand holding onto hers tightly until she shifted. Eden was struggling, scared of Ezra and then worried about acting out on her wolf’s behalf—Silvia hadn’t known that side of things. Though as her ears run with the words of Ordan’s wolf or Ordan himself, her eyes sharpened. How rude! Glaring her nostrils her glare followed Ordan, he nearly embarrassed Eden and Jaehwa! A threesome was a crude thing, a thing for greedy men who couldn’t keep their heads on straight, and if she had her way she’d have slapped a man if he had even mentioned it, it was degrading in her eyes, and so she moved off of the counter as Eden made a switch for the beach, she’d have done the same, run away from the whole thing. So, she merely stepped beside Adesina, trying to bubble down her emotions and look Ezra over, “I’m sorry for the scratch on your face—I’m not exactly used to it,” she apologized, her voice still holding a bit of her attitude in it before holding her hand out. Eden was hurt by the man, but as a new packmate she needed to take care of him too. Holding out her hand, she waited for him to shake it before nodding her head.​
scythia glances down at Nicholas under the table in the other room before looking back to Zumitri " you and I both know what is going to happen, the kids, the pack, everything.... " he grins as his lip ends crackled a bit. " you make up stuff and false beliefs to try to deceive us with scary seeming things like what was it? Bl-ood order? " he laughs a bit as he pulls out the knife and his other arm turns into a werewolf claw, ready to rip him to shreds and the kids as well potentially " just give me the information where Ordan is and let fate decide...." his mood slowly turned to more of a angered tone.


M2 finally awakens from his slumber to find himself up in the empty room. His energy is replenished and is ready for more tasks. Feeling a need to exercise and strengthen his muscles he gets up and heads to the gym. Walking down the hall people stay stuck to be walls glaring at the advanced défiler in mixed emotions.
Flashback 4 years ago*

Walking down a similar hall at the institution all the other défiler Cadets ( students) go in a single file line with blank faces. No one was to act disorderly or show any sign of emotion. Anyone who were to would be whipped , branded and scarred. In a unicorn line they approached the gymnasium as it is a awe inspiring experience, a first time experience for M2. The size of the gym is the equivalent of a football field. Full of obstacles, spikes, rings to climb on, ramps, cliffs for climbing, and a mini pond that has a underwater tunnel to another area. From there thé défilers will train for years and years until they will be capable of the red armor suits. From the class of 50 only 10 made it out alive.


Looking at the gym M2 stands still in a freeze. It is small, grimy, and only has a few props such as track pads and no obstacles to provide a challenge. This is considered to be a unsafe environment for the défiler as it would fail to stimulate him enough to the standards required for performance in battle
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Ember pouts a bit as she nods softly to her mate. She really was wanting to feed more and more until her belly was filled with the Sistine ce needed to survive and live. " y-yes I'm still hungry .." she says softly to him as she pounces ontohis back and wraps her legs around his waist and arms around his back " well... if you are wanting to go to home then you'll have to carry me hehehehe " she giggles softly as her glorify dress presses lightly against him, kissing her mate she gives consent to let him carry her home " I feel a bit lazy can we order a blood slave to have a nibble on ~ "
Larkin A. Andley
Location: Beach
Interaction: Ember Lenny2000 Lenny2000

Larkin observed Ember, her locks of Sudbury red hair falling over her shoulder before he felt his weight shift with her pouncing onto his back. Snickering, her placed his hands under her legs to help her steady herself from the sudden movement. “We can always find food on the way back, besides we haven’t seen Blake yet to inform him of your turning. So no calling for blood slaves just quite yet,” he reasoned, his blue eyes glinting with amusement as the fledging hung onto him loosely. “He has been stressed out, then if he doesn’t already know, he is bound to be frustrated. I’ll give him another day before we hash things out,” he observed. Glancing over his shoulder shyly and slyly, he grinned up at Ember. “I still have to eat as well, so many we’ll pick something up on our way back,” he mused, leaning his head to the side to kiss Ember back. Hefting her up, he begins the walk towards the villa, truthfully the sun was starting to irritate his pale skin. He had been out for too long.​
Ember smiles cheerfully as she is carried on the way to a new meal and kisses him all over as she is happy to have the chance to get another meal. " yummy yummy I can't wait for a new meal love thank you thank you " she nips his neck in anticipation as she hungers for another meal . She also starts panting lightly as the sun rays make her start to sweat a bit and feel sleepy " this heat is killing me love .."
Location: Kitchen to beach | Interacting: Ordan ( scorpiodragon scorpiodragon ), Eden ( Eliruz Eliruz ) | Mentions: Adesina, Ezra & Silvia ( Shaded Shaded )

Everything Ordan said made sense to Jaehwa. In fact, he was upset at how much sense it made. He didn’t regret stepping up and speaking his mind, though. There was a part of him that still didn’t really want this rogue to join them if it meant Eden would be stressed out to hell and back. His priorities were the original pack members first and foremost, regardless of whoever joined afterwards. There was always an adjusting period, though. With Silvia, he accepted her immediately. But now? He wasn’t sure how long it would take for him to get used to this guy... how long it would take for Eden to get used to it. At least now she knew that he had her back, even after his slight freak out last night.

What was said next, however, shocked the omega into silence. He saw Ordan’s eyes flicker in color, acknowledging that it was Achilles who was speaking now, but... A threesome? He was a mother alongside Eden? “I knew it,” Tarquin chirped. “I’m a genius. You’re so lucky to have me.”

Jaehwa’s cheeks went a dark red, not only because it was embarrassing to hear such things coming from Ordan’s mouth, but also because the idea didn’t bother him nearly as much as he reasoned it should. Good god, he was losing himself. Too stunned to resist, Tarquin pushed him to the side and he fell back into the depths of his mind, leaving the wolf with temporary control of his body. This was probably the worst thing that had ever happened to Jaehwa. Realizing what was going on, he pushed himself up and tried to grab the spotlight, but it was too late.

“We would like that very much!” Tarquin said slyly, blowing a kiss Ordan’s direction and applying a tighter grip on Eden’s shoulder.

“No, no no no!” Jaehwa protested, scrambling to shove Tarquin as far away as he could manage. By the time his eyes returned to their normal sheen, the damage was already done. “I-I didn’t mean that, it was...” His voice trailed off, soft. He was ashamed that he had so little control over his insane, horny wolf, ashamed that he had let such a thing happen in front of everyone. Why did it have to be him? His face heated up with Achilles mentioning that he looked different in the weird shirt. “That was also my wolf’s doing,” he defended, but it was weak.

Before he knew it, Eden was transforming. Jaehwa stepped back to give her space, startled by her sudden actions. Her wolf must be trying to get control. She was putting up a better fight than he had, which only served to embarrass him further. In seconds, she’d managed to straighten herself out again, bursting past the stranger and out through the back door. Taking heed to Adesina’s words, Jaehwa followed after her. He didn’t want to be anywhere near Ordan right now, anyway.

“Eden, I’m sorry,” he began, running up to her collapsed form. What was he sorry for? A lot of things. Loving Ordan, for one, but also for not having any power over Tarquin when he most needed it. He was supposed to be the pack’s rock, someone they could lean on and rely upon when they needed it, yet here he was, an emotional wreck. “Are you alright?“ A pathetic question, he knew, but he couldn’t think of what else to ask. “I’m really sorry,” he apologized again, bending down to her.
Location: Zumitri's kitchen | Interacting: Zumitri ( scorpiodragon scorpiodragon ), Scythia ( Lenny2000 Lenny2000 )

Xen sensed him before he saw him. A stranger. A threat. His mind flashed red warning signals all over the place. He couldn’t understand the conversation this person was having with Zumitri. They clearly had some sort of history but he wasn’t sure of what kind or what had happened. But... this guy had come back from the dead? Didn’t that make him a zombie? There was no way that was possible. Or so he thought.

Narrowing his eyes, Xen let out a growl, bending over threateningly from his spot on the floor. “I don’t know who you are and I don’t care what you want. Go away,” he said, completely oblivious to how childish he sounded. He was stressed out enough as it was, so much pressure on his shoulders he was finding it tough to breathe. Panic was racing through his veins. Whoever this guy was, he was dangerous. His wolf begged him to transform and he just nearly gave in. “I know how to fight and I’m not afraid to do so.” It was true: Nyle had spent countless days training him to be a perfect warrior. He may still be young, but he certainly wasn’t weak, especially not for a werewolf. Even so, however, he had no idea what Scythia was capable of. In a sense, he had lied.

He really was afraid.
Eden|Custos|Wolf to Human Form
Custos Beach
Interactions: Jae ( Kipsy Kipsy )

The female heard footsteps, which startled her into shifting, her body covered with her previous bathing suit and shorts. A whimper left her lips as Jae began to apologize and she began shaking her head. "No, none of this is your doing. The man in there isn't a stranger," she murmured, tears forming in her eyes and she started to become a complete emotional wreck along side Jae. Sniffling heavily, she went into explaining. "This wouldn't of happened if I hadn't expressed my feelings. I like Ordan b-but my wolf intensifies the feelings to the point of nearly drowning in unkept emotions. Then..then that man in there, the one joining, h-he's my..ex husband. Now I don't know how to deal with this all. I just want everyone happy.." With teary eyes, she swallowed thickly in attempt to move the lump on her throat. She could tell that he loved Ordan as much, if not more than herself and it pained her to be the thing that held him back. "T-That back there was all Achilles, I really hope you know that. The real reason Ordan fainted was because Achilles suggested a..a threesome between himself, you, and I. Ordan had no say in such..inappropriate words." Lowering her eyes to her rings given to her by Ezra, she let her tears drip down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry.." Eden whispered before burying her face into her sand speckled legs.

Inside the kitchen, Adesina watched the male and nodded slowly. "I'll see to it that you get situated once back for the Tri-Hunt. As for Eden, she's..trying to sort her thoughts and feelings out at this point. Your arrival must be shocking and confusing to her. Just give her time," the Alpha suggested before extending her own hand out. "As said before, I am Adesina and this is our healer Silvia. Now, is there a particular rank you see yourself fulfilling?"
Custos Villa Kitchen to Gardens
"See, even the one mother agrees with us on my idea!"

"In case you forgot, we need to heal our eye before engaging in anything sexual and Jaehwa just stated that was his wolf,"
said Ordan.

"So? Mothers and I can push human halves aside and wolves can have fun. You all miss out."

Ordan left without another word, disappearing into the living room when there was a clattering of paws running after him and he paused. Turning he saw Eden, as a wolf which was a surprise though he assumed the female would go into her wolf form to hunt when needed, the alpha had never actually seen his pack hunt before. It didn't particularly interest him and he didn't to be watching them all the time. Amber eyes met his own as he stared at the wolf before it went sprawling on the floor and then headed back to the kitchen. Ordan shook his head as Eden or her wolf or whatever she was currently disappeared back to the safety of the rest of the pack before continuing his way towards the backyard, exiting the living room and standing outside. The alpha took a breath of air into his lungs before shutting the door and then scenting out the flowers, heading towards the gardens and coming across a stone-grass path that seemed to head into the gardens. The gate of the gardens was white and of wood, an odd choice considering Hawaii could get hurricanes during hurricane season which reminded the alpha he would need to secure the house for hurricane season...which meant purchasing it. It would perhaps be a nice place to retire when everything was said and done.

Ordan found the gardens nice as he walked beneath the archway, the paths between the flowers and dense shrubbery being well maintained and the shrubs themselves pruned back to keep from overgrowing, some just simple hedges and others crafted into animals within the Pacific and on the Hawaiian Islands. The wolf shook his head as he made his way into the gardens proper, Ordan's hands finding their way into his pockets as he walked through the gardens and came to a firepit that he sat down next to. "I fucking hate you," growled Ordan.

"Hardly Ordan. Otherwise, you wouldn't be planning on not taking the cure and remaining a monster. Though I don't see why the mothers are so against fun."

"That was done on mutual consensus and to escape the horrors of that battle I, Zumitri and Fahad were in,"
said Ordan. "You can't just force someone into a threesome, just because you enjoy those memories and want to try enacting it here now that we're stuck together. Besides, there are people who don't like that."

"Why would anyone want to miss out on that?"

"Because they, unlike us, have morals,"
said Ordan sarcastically. "Or a messed up demeanor," he said as an afterthought. "Honestly Achilles, this is why we're supposed to not get into a relationship with anyone in this pack. It will be just more difficult taking their memories away if we get a cure, assuming one can even be found."

Achilles was silent for a few moments before speaking. "Maybe having concubines and a mate will help you get over your issues."

"And what issues would those be?"

"Clover breaking off your engagement. Fearing nobody will want to be with you due to your scars, both physical and mental. Help get over the trauma of war and your years as a prisoner of war."

"I told you not to bring up my ex fiancee. She knew well what she was getting into when I had to register at eighteen. She was well aware that I might end up getting called to war and had to do those months of boot camp after graduation."

"So you're just planning on sequestering yourself off from everyone? And how is that going to work when they all leave and we're alone again? You may be fine with being alone Ordan for the rest of your life but I am not fine with it and refuse to be left here on my own without someone to offer conversation and companionship...more so companionship."

"Someone has to make sacrifices to keep them safe when I take their memories away after finding a cure. Hopefully they will leave and not return to Ithawell until the Blood Order is taken care of."

"We can't fight the Blood Order by ourself,"
said Achilles.

"Well thanks to your embarrassing Jaehwa and Eden...not to mention us, I don't see a relationship happening for us at all and someone has to annihilate them. The humans will just support them and allow things to happen, all for the sake of safety from the vampires and werewolves." The alpa put his head on his hands and rubbed at his temples before his phone went off. The alpha pulled his phone out and unlocked the home screen before going to the messages which he stared at, his good eye widening as he observed the first of two texts.

Scythia's alive.

Zumitri's Kitchen
Xen didn't say anything which was fine as he was watching Scythia, oddly with a serene look on his face as if he didn't particularly care if the revived slave getting angry bothered him. "Ah so you're a werewolf," said Zumitri as he watched the boy shift his hand into claws. "Pity you didn't stay dead though...you would have been a lot better that way but bares some investigating." Zumitri looked at Xen as the teen spoke up of knowing how to fight and telling Scythia to leave the house. Kid's got guts, he thought to himself. Walking into the kitchen, he opened a drawer and pulled out his phone, sending Ordan a text message to let him know of this development. "As for you thinking the Blood Order is a fantasy and a lie...they are very much real and more than capable of killing the supernatural which you now are...but if you choose not to believe me...well...that's your ultimate mistake right there and will suffer the consequences in due time." Tossing the phone in the drawer once again, Zumitri leaned against the counter as he observed the wolf. Who the heck was going around bringing people back from the dead and somehow giving them lycanthropy? This was disturbing information and the perpetuator needed to be eliminated after being interrogated.

"So you're threatening children now are you?" Zumitri questioned, the serene look leaving his face to be replaced by anger as he stared at the rogue. This kid would never fit into a pack...well maybe he would fit into Boreal. They were certainly eager for human meat and blood. "You're really something you know that? Coming back from the dead. Entering my house and threatening my friend and my kids," he said. "Threatening Ordan's pack and expecting me to tell you where he is. Obviously being brought back to life ended up messing more with your potential bipolar and personality." Zumitri shook his head and then walked to the fridge where he pulled out a beer and opened it, taking a couple gulps of the alcohol before lowering the can and continuing. "You are the kind of rogues Ordan hates and detests...those who hunt the weak, live by your dark side or feral minds, have no respect for authority whether it be among your own species or humans. You'd fit in well with Boreal with the way you are behaving Scythia. They have no problems eating people and taking their blood. In way it's rather sad what you have become...to be raised in a brothel all your life, forsake the only person who ever cared for you by trying to kill him, then being brought back to life which is unnatural in and of itself to threaten that same person again that would have taken you in and given you a home or your freedom somewhere away from Ithawell."

Zumitri was quiet for a bit as he pulled out the phone again and snapped a photo of Scythia before punching in a phone number on his phone. "Ordan is out at the moment, somewhere within the Pacific Ocean. Apparently it was a last minute decision which I was not privy to nor had any say in," he said. Zumitri seemed rather sullen at that, his friend had just woken him up early and told him to take him to the airport with his pack. Their destination was unknown to Zumitri, given the alpha didn't want his friend being able to say anything if the Blood Order found out one of the packs had left...or Magnus for that matter. "I hope you have money to search for Ordan. Now be so kind as to leave my house."

Lenny2000 Lenny2000 (scythia) Kipsy Kipsy (xen)
* warning- content gory*
Hearing the odd stories and insults aggravated and teased him to just tear him to shreds right there and then but something came to his mind... the phone. Humans are known to be terrible multitaskers especially texting and other uses with that device. He let he man finish his text as he watched him put the phone back into the drawer he will await for the next opportunity then...

Hearing the insults about his life made his mouth smile even more and more wider and wider as his teeth turn from human to wolf while having a human head, certainly uncomfortable but mixing the transformations and controlling it is very.. weird feelings.

" I don't care about how he brought be life if he brought me death I will bring it to him...." he giggles a bit , still in his mania stage. He moment thé doctor pulled out the phone Scythia took he opportunity and used his wolf like speed to go straight for the doctor as he was distracted. Bashing and clawed Xen away with one hand knocking the kid a good 5 feet slamming to the wall as before the human noticed Scythia's knife was driven into his lungs from below he ribcage, piercing the lung and sticking the diaphragm in place he is using a combination of choking and bleeding the victim simultaneously. With his now free and bloodied claw he holds the Doctor still by grabbing his arm, digging his nails in the skin to hold him In place as his canine teeth go straight for a killer bite in the neck. " die die die die" he says repeatedly while pressing his body onto the knife digging it deeper further as he is close to collapsing the lung.
Larkin A. Andley
Location: To Villa
Interaction: Ember Lenny2000 Lenny2000

He grinned, admiring her eagerness towards getting another meal, he had remembered when he used to be excited about eating. There was always that filter of enjoyment but going through the wars had left him a little less eager towards eating. He still liked it, but eating wasn’t something he usually constantly wanted to do, just when in the proper mood. “Do you want to go straight home? The sun can be quite persistent,” he mused, at first he had been chuckling at her nipping. She was hungry and he felt bad for keeping her from eating, and now that the sun was getting to her, feeling that irritation for the first time was always very taxing. “We can do night swimming later night so your skin doesn’t get hurt,” he observed.

Ezra H. Hastings / Silvia A. Brandt
Location: Custos Kitchen
Interaction: Adesina Eliruz Eliruz

You displease her, you make everyone uncomfortable.”

You mean ‘we’? If you haven’t forgotten I’m stuck with you just as much as you are stuck with me,” Ezra retorted back. The objections of him joining was evident, not only from one of the leader’s mates but the other had vocalized it as well, an odd thing. It seemed everyone was relatively allowed to give an opinion, though the mates and leaders were really the important ones in anything involving the pack it seemed. Ezra had gotten on the wrong foot, and tended to just get involved for as long as it took to rid him of Elias and maybe fix it. “I can fight,” Ezra explained, taking her extended hand and shaking it. Pulling his hands back together he looked over the blonde as she nodded her head when her name was mentioned. The woman Silvia had distanced herself and looked out the door to the beach, a place he refused to move towards for the woman’s feelings he had hurt from the start of his arrival.

Did I really cheat on her?” he suddenly asked after a silence settled, “how could I forget something like that! Elias, it cant be possible to just forget a person—I know she isn’t the only thing I forgot, I forgot mom for a while too...and myself,” he voiced to Elias, Elias wasn’t in the mood. The wolffish side of him was irritated, feeling the sudden shift of blame towards himself was not something Elias was enjoying. He hadn’t even had a real conversation with the woman, a complete stranger, yet he felt something stir which attracted Elias to her. He felt like he was burned, when she had been with the male and interacted with him, but he didn’t have a right or proper reason to feel anything at all.

Look, I don’t have anywhere to go and I’m tired of your constant weeping, just find a room, sleep it off, and then wait until night to retrieve our things. We won’t get spotted by anyone and we won’t need to go through this mess again,” Elias advised, for once having a calmed approach to it all. “Now grow the hell up, you are nearly thirty, start acting like a mature adult—you are only allowed to be impulsive when I want to, so now deal with your mistakes,” Elias barked at Ezra coldly.

As Ezra had his conflict, the young healer looked to Adesina, she had nearly forgotten the whole reason she had been outside in the first place. Even remembering how she reacted had her scurry towards the door to keep her rosy cheeks clear from view. She had been irritated with the lack of respect towards Jaehwa and Eden from Ordan and his own mutt “—hey! We aren’t mutts. Not like we can’t help our urges, besides they are your urges too! Don’t be so snuck up miss princess. If you haven’t forgotten, I’m apart of you, I know all your secrets. You didn’t have morals with drinking your life away once!” Isabella chimes in aggressively in her head. She had been suppressed albeit with a bit of struggling on Silvia’s end. “I wish I could help—I’m supposed to be a doctor but I’m not the right one to help her now,” she murmured before slowly making her way back. Her tone of voice was very much so different from the one inside her head ranting.​
Zumitri's Kitchen
It was odd how the discharged soldier's serene look never vanished from his eyes, even if it had vanished from his face at the threatening of the kids he had taken in and to his friend. In reality, he didn't regret healing the revived Scythia, even if had been and would continue to be a threat to his friend. It was unknown who he was calling and who would pick up as with being on his phone, he had let his guard down. The crash of Xen into a wall caused the surgeon to turn towards the teen. That's going to leave some bruising, he thought to himself yet that was when the crazed newly turned werewolf, so far as he knew, chose to strike and rushed towards him. Zumitri turned back around in time for the wolf to grab his arm and sink his claws into his skin, the doctor not having time to defend himself or get his gun.

Zumitri stared at Scythia as the teen began muttering nonsense, a maniacal look in his eyes. The boy had given over to the wolf though maybe he had always been nuts and maybe his mother had sensed it...maybe that was why nobody had saved him until Ordan. A fat load of good that had done, the boy had repaid his friend back by trying to murder him several times that day. He felt more than saw the knife plunge into his body and lodge itself in his lung, scraping a rib as it entered underneath his ribs and punctured a lung. Oddly the man didn't react at all as his lung began collapsing in on itself, leaking blood and fluid into his body, stunting his breathing. He brought his free hand up though, a weak ball of lightning appearing in his hand and crackling around his fingers. If the boy was a wolf, that meant he had lost any human abilities. However he couldn't be sure, given the guy was dead. Maybe he didn't have any abilities which possibly meant no weaknesses. He wouldn't get a chance to find that out as air filled his chest and made it difficult to breathe, the doctor kicking out in a desperate attempt to stay alive as he began gasping for air, his breath wheezing as he struggled to get air into his lungs and failing. His phone dropped to the floor as it continued to ring, Zumitri wrenching himself out of the wolf's grasp and staggering back against the counter. "K...ki..kids go..." he coughed out weakly.

Grasping the counter with one hand, he tried to focus on his magic...his element...his electrokinesis. Anything to defend the kids enough so they could run but with his weakening lung, it weakened his body, the doctor suffocating. His grip on the counter weakened as his legs gave out, the man falling in a heap to the floor as he leaned against the counter. Zumitri put a hand to his wound, wrenching the knife out which he knew was a mistake, his gaze searching for Xen and the kid whose name he still didn't know. "Xen...take the kid...go..." he coughed out. Grunting as he yanked the knife out, the knife dropped from his hand as his eyes closed. His only lasting thoughts were that he had failed not only the kids but also Ordan and his friend...there may be no turning back for Ordan...his friend might go feral. The thought brought sad smile to his face as his eyes began closing, his grip on life fading with each painstaking heave of his chest. S...s...so... His thought never finished as his heart finally gave out...the line going dead...and only the eerie silence of death and the phone hanging in the air.

Lenny2000 Lenny2000 (scythia, nicholas) Kipsy Kipsy (xen)
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Location: Zumitri's kitchen to foyer | Interacting: Nicholas ( Lenny2000 Lenny2000 ) | Mentions: Zumitri ( scorpiodragon scorpiodragon , RIP), Scythia

The air was knocked out of Xen's lungs as he was shoved, his back hitting the wall with a shocking impact. He coughed, vision going blurry as he slid down and hit the ground. There hadn't even been a chance for him to dodge the attack. Was he really that weak? No, surely not after all the training he'd been put through. Struggling, he pushed himself up off the floor only for his arms to give out, sending him back down. Another cough left his lips. Everything stung. It felt as though his body was on fire.

He glanced up, his eyes searching for some sense of security. After all, he was only a teen, currently frightened and fearful for both his life and those of the boy and Zumitri. In retrospect, he should've kept his eyes down. Zumitri was dying. Zumitri, the closest thing the boy had to a friend, was dying. Blood stained his shirt. He was heaving, gasping for air, a knife puncturing his lung. The scent of iron hung sadly in the air. Xen's vision went blurry again, but not from the impact. No, these were tears, his brain registered, tears that were pouring uncontrollably down his cheeks.

At this point, Xen was sobbing audibly. Every inch of his body ached to run, grab the other kid, and get out of here. His heart? It screamed against such a cowardly act. In the end, he was transforming, bones snapping and his cries quieting down. Fully transformed now, Xen stood ready to pounce. But it wasn't Xen, not really. The human half of him was too distressed to think straight. Survival instincts kicked in, leaving Xen's inner wolf to take control and get them both out alive. In the darkness of the teen's mind, he continued to weep, not even paying attention to reality. It was too much for him to handle at the moment.

The wolf ended up leaping, but not at Scythia. He went for the boy under the table, grabbing his shirt with his maw and dragging the kid with him as he searched for the entrance. In this form, he was faster than any human could ever hope to be. With any luck, that'd help him get out before Scythia had time to react. Skidding down to the foyer, he slammed against the door, dropping the boy in the process. His hit did nothing to knock it down. Growling, the wolf spun around before charging again, using every inch of his strength. With that blow, the door came crashing down. Wasting no time, he nudged against the kid, begging him to transform too so they could run together. A series of yips and howls left him, desperate and pleading. If he had to carry him, he would, but it would only serve to slow him down.
Location: Beach | Interacting: Eden ( Eliruz Eliruz ) | Mentions: Ordan ( scorpiodragon scorpiodragon )

Jaehwa listened as Eden spilled, tears welling in her eyes. "It's okay; I can't imagine what it feels like to be in your position," he spoke, resting a hand on her back in an effort to be somewhat comforting. "If you want, I can make sure your ex stays away from you until you're ready to confront him again. I'll be the world's worst bodyguard, I promise." His joke was lame and he knew it, but he hoped he would make her laugh, if only slightly. She went on to say that she wished him to know that it really was Achilles back there and that the wolf had also been the reason Ordan had fainted so abruptly last night, all because Achilles had suggested a threesome.

"Man, Ordan's wolf had the right idea here," Tarquin chirped gleefully. Jaehwa begged him to shut up.

Cheeks reddening slightly, the omega sat down beside Eden, pulling his legs to his chest. "I know. And, I'm the one who should be apologizing; I didn't know you... well, I didn't even know I myself had feelings for him... Point is, I would've stayed out of your way. I'm sorry. You deserve happiness." He couldn't tell, but he was pretty sure whatever had happened between Eden and her ex was bad. 'Don't ever contact me again' bad. "If you want me to, I... and my wolf... We'll back down."

"No, we won't. I will fight for control with you every day," came Tarquin's inevitable protest. "You love him. Are you really just gonna push your feelings beside all because she's a friend? You'd allow yourself to suffer in such a way? Please."

Would he? "Yes." The answer came without question.
Eden|Custos|Human Form
Location: Custos Beach
Interactions: Jae ( Kipsy Kipsy )

Eden listened to Jae through her tears and lifted her head, releasing a pathetic attempt at a laugh but it came out more like a strangled croak. He was definitely trying to make her feel better, in which she felt the soft caress on her back of his hand; this caused her to relax a bit. "No..I have to talk to him at some point; besides, the comment Achilles made Ezra upset. The hurt in his eyes..I couldn't stand to look at it.." Her voice dropped into a gentle whisper and at that moment, she felt her heart wrench downwards painfully. "I..I need to know why he did what he did, for closure." Eden finally pushed out, which seemed to hurt her to even say. What came out of Jae's mouth next shocked her, her gaze flickering towards the male.

He would really back down? Even if it broke his own heart?

"That's right; he better. Alpha said it himself; we are his." Ellie grumbled mentally, her voice echoing in Eden's mind, to which she flinched at. Quickly grabbing Jae's hand and squeezing, she shook her head. "Don't give up him for me; go for it." She smiled weakly but there was warmth residing in her eyes; besides, was she even ready to have any kind of intimate relationship with Ordan?

"Yes! We are!" Her wolf whined, but Eden didn't agree; Ezra just showed up and what if..he changed? Shaking her head to get away from her thoughts, she swallowed thickly. "I..I won't lie; I do love Ordan, but I also.." Eden's gaze dropped to her rings, her eyes softening slightly. "I still have feelings to sort out for Ezra; he was my husband, even if he was a cheating dick. It seems that he could've changed.." Sighing, she let her hand drop to the sand. "Besides, you deserve to be happy, Jae. So, don't let me stop you from pursuing what you feel is right, and there is no need to break your own heart to save mine. I..I'll be fine."

Adesina, listening to the man, nodded slowly. "Alright, I'm putting you on the Warrior rank; you will fight and protect this pack with your life." She replied, resting a hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly. "Welcome to the Custos pack. Just go ahead and find a room, explore if you'd like."
Blood Order HQ
James was a good babysitter, the man taking the now sleeping Malachi and disappearing further into head quarters as the woman stretched upon rising from the chair she was seated in. Akachi had called and spoken to her briefly about having something to discuss with her on the morrow concerning a meeting of some sort. Basilia was fine with that, she trusted Akachi as she trusted Ken. It wasn't like either of them would betray her...she and Ken were friends and lovers now...and Akachi had been a rather...a rather overzealous protective bodyguard on her master's orders. Sighing, there was way too much the woman had to do and it looked like she would be cleaning house. Hopefully the meeting with this scientist would be profitable and fruitful for her. They needed to get back into the experiments.

Once the woman had stretched enough to relieve some of the stunned muscles, the woman went in search of her personal acolyte. Just because the man couldn't talk, didn't mean she shouldn't at least see how he was settling into his new home. "It pays to be nice Basilia to the subordinates. But also show a cruel hand and eliminate those who are captured or too much of a weaknesses upon the order. They need to be run with an iron fist...don't be afraid to be cruel."

Basilia exhaled as she continued through the halls, finding M2 within the gym. "Are you enjoying yourself or do you need to kill something else?" Basilia questioned. The woman walked into the gym, moving past M2 as she surveyed the gym before turning and looking at the defiler class 2 before her. She didn't expect an answer...he couldn't talk after all. "Ken seems to think you are better than him. In some ways it seems he's changed with his being away at the defiler academy...in some ways he hasn't." The woman frowned to herself as she mulled that over before sighing. "I can't think of anything you can go kill at the moment though I do have a potential scientist I am meeting on Thursday. I suppose you can come with and play bodyguard. But for the moment...are you good with supply runs? We need to open some up to get food and resources available to us. Rapid City is the closest that we can potentially open up but it's blocked and I am unsure of the entire situation."

Lenny2000 Lenny2000 (m2)
Ezra H. Hastings
Location: Custos Kitchen
Interaction: Adesina Eliruz Eliruz

Nice, not as bad as I thought,” Elias chirped with a flick of his green eyes he nodded as Adesina spoke. “Maybe it won’t be miserable, she is in charge, she’ll keep things calm. Maybe,” he observed. “Maybe she will put in a good word—fix what you did to her,” Elias barked quickly. The wolf circling inside Ezra’s head was quite the stubborn male, their conflict was being suppressed and was dying down with each moment he spent calming down away from both the mate of Eden and Eden herself. Gave him time to realize maybe it was a misunderstanding—though the feelings he got were a reminder that he wasn’t quite sure on how to interpret aside from shame and pain.

I think it’d be best if I don’t, I hurt her enough, running into her after that will make it worse,” he scratched at the back of his blonde head. Shaking his head, he turned towards the hallway, “I’m sure I’ll be harmless in a room away from everyone,” he mused. “They aren’t all bad, I’m the bad guy here, we are—“

You are. That was not a ‘we’ operation there. Also, who says we are harmless? It’s me, us, so me—we are talking about here. Don’t insult me, we inflict harm, though you are more cowardly. I bet Toby would have laughed his a—“ and just like that, Ezra shoved Elias away, no longer bothering to communicate with the beast.​
M2 listens intently to Basilia's objective she is offering he nods his head to her want for him to kill for her, giving off a huff eagerly as he raised his arm across his chest as opens up a GPS coordinate locator. His requirements now only are to be given the coordinates so he can move on, focused on the pad on his arm he awaits for her orders before he moves off.
Scythia watches the doctor fall to the grounds as he laughs softly, not stopping there as he continues the seemingly endless stabbings along the boy further ending the life of the Doctor perminantly. Having his ears perk up curiously he smiles with ease as he looks to Nicholas being taken by the wolf form. Still in a spree he chases after the two

Nicholas was not nearly as trained as Xen as he whines and whimpers " don't let me go pl-" he helped mid sentence as Xen dropped him . Whining and whimpering in a panic Nicholas curls a bit in pain as he screams in agony, his ankle got sprained from the fall. Looking to Xen for help he reaches his hand out crying but Scythia was right behind Nicholas and raised his blade " Big Brother Hel-" his sentence was shut short by scythia's fast and powerful blade downwards as he immediately beheaded the kid. Gore was abundant in that scene as he gave a few more swings on the corpse before turning his face to Xen.
Ember whines and whimpers softly as she feels a bit tired under the sun, starting to get a bit sunburnt " y-yea that seems like a good idea .. we need to get some sunscreen and aloe Vera ... I um am feeling a bit burnt already " she pants lightly as she clings onto him , feeling the want, the need to be with him . As she heard him talking about night swimming she nods eagerly and licks his cheek eagerly " that sounds like a wonderful idea.. I hope they have one at he resort!" She mused as they eventually reached inside , still carrying the bags over her shoulder and getting off of him she realized hat they haven't checked in yet... and they were In a crowd. She didn't take attention really about being in public and all until now as bough it may seem odd, when she is alone there may not be much attention to her surroundings when having fun. Seeing him checking in she feels the sensitive skin effects of the sunburn and rugs on his shirt lightly in a whimpering manner " how much longer hun ? I don't feel that comfortable...you know .." as though he was the only one to look to she buried her face into his arm and hugged it tightly , not knowing it would hinder his progress with only one arm
Gardens Custos Villa
Ordan stared down at the text message from Zumitri. Scythia? Alive? But I killed him. Snapped his neck and twisted it again a second time for good measure. His heart and pulse weren't beating when I finally let him go. The wolf alpha frowned as he studied the text message. How the hell is he alive? Was Zumitri...no. His friend wouldn't joke about something like this. Ordan began typing out a message and then pressed the send button, not knowing his only remaining human friend had gotten murdered by Scythia or that Scythia was aiming to kill him.

Scythia's alive.
What do you mean Scythia's alive? I killed him...I felt him die.

He didn't even check to see if the message had been delivered as he flipped to his next message...only to drop the phone in shock on the ground. "C...Clover?"

"Your fiancee?"

"Ex fiancee," said Ordan.

Ordan stared down at the picture and with shaking hands picked the phone up, before reading the text message underneath it.

Ordan? Is this Ordan Hawthorn's number?

Ordan wasn't sure what to make of this day as he stared at his ex's picture with one widened eye. Why was Clover contacting him now out of the blue. He thought he had gotten rid of her number. Oh wait...I did get rid of her number. Then how did she find it? After she left me...I broke off all contact with her. Why is she contacting me now?

"Maybe she wants to get back with you?"

"I doubt it." What should he do? Zumitri might be asleep so he wasn't worried there. If he had looked at his response to Zumitri he would have seen it was searching and put failed to deliver. Zumitri's phone had unknowingly died in the time his body had been stabbed even after he had passed. So his mind focused on Clover and if he should reply to her message. His eyes went to the picture she had sent him. "Her hair's shorter than I remember."


What could it hurt? It wasn't like he had feelings for her. He just wanted to know why she was suddenly texting him and why she had not gotten rid of his phone number. "Are we going to sleep with her? Her picture is attractive. Not as pretty as mothers."

Ordan mentally pleaded with Achilles to shut up before tentatively writing a text out. Why? Why she was contacting him now, several years later when he was a monster? When she had broken off their engagement? If she thought they were getting back together, then Clover would be sorely mistaken. She was the reason that he couldn't bring himself to enter into a relationship with anyone...hell they'd been set to get married after his first tour was over. Ordan had let her make all the wedding plans and honeymoon destination. Then she had ruined everything by leaving him.

Ordan? Is this Ordan Hawthorn's number?

Pressing send he waited for her to respond, looking around him and then down at the phone again.

Ordan? Is this Ordan Hawthorn's number?
Yes. ... It's Clover Bones. So you're Ordan?

Ordan stared down at the phone. He swallowed, his hand pausing on the keyboard before typing out a response.

Ordan? Is this Ordan Hawthorn's number?
Yes. ... It's Clover Bones. So you're Ordan?
Yes Clover. It's Ordan. Why do you have my number? Why are you contacting me now? You think you have that right to contact me after leaving me all those years ago?

He pressed send and waited.

Gym, Blood Order HQ

Well that was a quick response. Apparently he likes killing people, Basilia thought. She watched curiously as he opened a plate on his arm and she saw some form of keypad and what she assumed was a GPS Coordinator, given the male's exuberance at the task. "Wonderful. I don't care who you have to kill, just make it quick and efficient. Coordinates..." she had to think to her note. "44.0805° N, 103.2310° W," she said. "Feel free to take a car or one of the motorcycles...except the ferrari if it's still here. Hell, you can rob a bank if you want for payment for all I care. I'm afraid I don't have any money to pay you."

Lenny2000 Lenny2000
M2 types in the coordinates with haste , quickly finding the location of the place he is supposed to go to he turns away to the door and was about to take a hasty leave before he froze In silence to her words in the term of payment.

Flashback 7 years ago*

By the age of appearing thirteen M2 was not yet à défiler that has received any name at all. No signal of identification, no way to determine who he is to be called or what to be named for a whole other 7 years since birth ( he is age 14 but about appearance aging 20-25 years old). Him along with the hundred other MK 2 défilers were sent to the basement of the institution or the catacombs where the dead rest and more. There was certainly something special that made these défilers so infamous and powerful and soon he is to find out. Being past the halls of hé dead resting in caskets rotting away in their armor he along with the others find a room with a well it seems but above it is a glowing purple vortex with lightning inside it in constant motion " that children is the vortex to the dark gods, there it will determine if you will receive their powers and become branded with a special symbol of their choosing or you will not be chosen of them and will be terminated" there were armed guards nearby loaded with rifles and stern faces. The first kid moved up to receive the mark and become blessed. He seemed eager and a bit of emotion in him such as cocky ness and the instructor with a white beard noticed him and told him to put his hand into the vortex and let fate decide. With great ease the child stuck his hand In the vortex but felt nothing, the feeling was not there of any pain whatsoever, upset he pulled out to see no marking has blessed him as a guard pulled him to the side and shot him in the head right then. From there on one by one the vortex decided their fate if the child will receive the painful mark or not receive anything at all. Then ... it was his turn.. moving up to the vortex cautiously he pressed his hand straight to the vortex with no expression of emotion but internally he was scared of his life because it was after all a life or death situation . Putting in his hand made him gasp In pain as a deep branding was commencing , he could feel the heat and pain past the vortex as he started to loose all emotion from his body and essentially sell his soul to the dark gods, the pain slowly faded away less and less until he burning of the flesh and skin was painless and he gradually pulled out, the palm of his hand branded with a orthodox cross ☦ . The instructor looked up to him after seeing the branding too and says proudly yet informal " you are now , M2 "
* now *

Tracing back of his memory he couldn't tell any emotion of happiness he could create or make as he felt dull and isolated. But with his life to be prolonged requires sacrificed to the dark gods either it be big or small. By then in payments that she is unable to pay In money does not matter to him but rather lives , sacrificing in this token economy is what only matters to him as long as he sacrifices he doesent feel the need for sustenance and Hereford no weakness. " you will pay in sacrifices sooner or later as payment for services, it is of institution policy ..." he says clearly to her before walking off. Despite her being his commanding officer and to obey to her only two things valued more than her and that is the dark gods in terms of hearing their demands of sacrifice either it be personal items or blood sacrifices and the institution itself but since he is dismissed from there to serve he only is required to not tell anything about it in information or if his contact is deceased.
Location: Zumitri's foyer to outdoors | Interacting: Scythia ( Lenny2000 Lenny2000 )

Blood splattered against the wolf's fur. His eyes widened, tears welling up at the death of someone else, someone who had relied upon him, who had called him 'big brother'. Shame, he felt nothing but shame and guilt. Xen hadn't even fully processed Zumitri's death yet; how was he supposed to handle the loss of yet another person, especially at his age? A whimper escaped the wolf's clenched jaw as he took a few steps back towards the broken down door. His ears lowered and his tail swung between his legs.

Was he going to die too? No, no, that couldn't possibly happen. Not to him. But... he'd thought that nothing bad could ever happen to someone as good and kind-hearted as Zumitri. Look what had befallen him. Xen began to bawl again, the cries echoing around their shared mind. The wolf wanted to yell at him to shut up, but he really wasn't much better off. A child had just been decapitated in front of them both, Xen less so since his consciousness was pretty far gone by this point.

The wolf, whose name was Avicenna, wanted nothing more than to survive. He thought he should ask this person for mercy, to beg to be left alive, but he'd never been able to properly communicate with anyone while in control of this form. "Please don't hurt us," he tried, but once again it came out only as a series of frightened barks. If he transformed back and gave Xen control again, they'd get nowhere unless their objective was to break down crying. Surely, that would get them killed.

With a sharp turn, the wolf darted for the door, slipping into the fresh morning air as fast as he possibly could. Perhaps being out in the open would discourage the murderer? Wishful thinking, but there could be merit to it.
Location: Beach | Interacting: Eden ( Eliruz Eliruz )

Jaehwa was surprised when Eden grasped his hand in her own. He was even more surprised at her next words. Tarquin was gleeful, jumping around playfully like a kid on Christmas. "She'll give him up, she'll give him up, all because she's foolishly stuck on her ex! Gosh, I bring you such good luck. I'm awesome." Mentally groaning, Jaehwa attempted to shove his inner wolf to the side. It was nearly impossible to do, but somehow he managed quite well.

"But... that isn't fair!" he protested, unsure of what else to say. His mind was a mess and his heart ached for her even though he was unable to fully comprehend her pain. His lips parted and closed a few times as he contemplates his next word choice. "I can't just... not when you love him too... I don't think I can bare trying knowing I'd be hurting you. I understand that you still have feelings for Ezra, your husband, but you also are infatuated with Ordan. Until that's sorted out and you know who to choose amongst the two, then I don't think I can handle it."

A sigh left his lips, his head lowering. "I don't think I'm even making any sense right now, am I?" he said, chuckling embarrassedly. "I'm sorry, I'm so stressed out right now. My wolf is insane and has decided to be louder all of a sudden, I just realized my feelings for Ordan aren't necessarily platonic, and now I'm stuck knowing that he might, or at least his wolf, reciprocate my sentiments, but he also likes you, too. I guess I'm justified in being a little confused? I don't know what to do with myself at this point." He shook his head, brows furrowed. "I feel like I need a vacation from this vacation."
Gym Blood Order HQ
Basilia watched M2 as he typed in the coordinates then began walking away from her. Hearing him pause and speak of her paying him sooner or later in sacrifices brought a laugh from the woman. “Is that so?” She questioned herself as she heard him walk off. I don’t follow the rules of your institution...as Emmanuel didn’t either or his three masters before him. ”The only thing I can lose now is Ken.”

Sighing, the woman ran a hand down her face as she moved further into the gym, footsteps echoing through the room before turning and heading back to the lounge and then down a couple hallways on the other side. Humming to herself as she made her way past an arched door leading to the cells for the supernatural prisoners, the woman didn’t even glance there, bypassing it until she came to another door. Inhaling, Basilia places her palm on the keypad and then began to punch in a series of numbers. 84385566 were slowly punched in before the steel door began grinding open. She stepped inside when it had opened halfway before slamming shit again behind her. Exhaling, the woman walked along a corridor before stopping and standing still as what could only be described as sci-fi tech scanned the woman’s body before decompressing air around her. Another breath and and tubes came out, sinking needles into her skin. Injecting the woman with a dose of morphine and siphoning her blood at the same time, the woman stood there patiently before the needles withdrew and secreted themselves to be hidden once more. She held her breath until she was out and walked a short distance before coming to another door and allowing hand and retina scans to take place. She punched in a different code this time, 44746724, and gave her name.

“Welcome Lotus Swan,” said the mechanical voice. “Personage identified.” The door slid open and Basilia entered the gym made for her.
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