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Fantasy Bone Song

Ordan, Claudia, Shakir & Xiulan
Ithawell General to Custos Home
Ordan had given the picture of himself and Zumitri to the pup who had readily taken this reminder of his adoptive father. The pup had paid attention to the liquid silver wolfsbane concoction which he'd shown but he had the feeling the pup was exhausted and his other pup, well his goddaughter, was fussy and hungry. Due to this, Ordan had made the trip down to the basement himself, moving through the stillness that seemed to echo and close in on him as he walked through the half-finished wing, the alpha pondering his friend's death and how he was supposed to care for the pup when he didn't have the proper papers of custody transference or even guardianship papers. Still, there was no guarantee the pup would end up remaining with the pack though he hoped the pup did not just leave at the first chance. It needed time to recover from Zumitri's loss but Ordan was not the best help there as he was still dealing with his friend's loss as well. Shiva had left the pups, Jaehwa and the new pack members in Zumitri's study to retrieve the remaining vials that Zumitri had safely stored away out of sight and then come back to retrieve said members. He packed the human pup into the car between Xiulan and Xen, the two wolves being forced to walk and follow the car as they headed back to the house, the drive taken mostly in silence but for his goddaughter's crying over being hungry. "Calm pup...you'll be fed when we get home," said Ordan as Jaehwa drove them back to the house, the alpha of Custos looking into the backseat through the rearview mirror, even though the babe didn't understand him at all. The alpha had no clue that his sire was alive and well, that Yagra was more or less whole, that Zahn had been captured by a team of wolves and nor did Claudia and Shakir know much of their mated lover's past, certainly not the human child they cared for and protected, loved as a unit.

The drive was long, as previously stated, each occupied with their own thoughts. Ordan knew all he could do was provide the pup's medical care, food, clothing and shelter. Perhaps give the pup stories of Zumitri that he thought the pup might treasure, the thought of giving the pup copies of his memories going through his mind before banishing it. Somehow he didn't think the pup would appreciate it. Ordan kept a tight hold of his gun though in case the bastardized former slave showed up and attempted to kill him again, but Sylas would not show up anymore and had disappeared from Ithawell. So it was with relief that they finally turned onto the road leading to Custos territory, safely out of the town and safely within their own territory, the drive to the home a welcome sight for Ordan at least though he was not sure about Jaehwa, his mate having been completely silent throughout the ride home.

"Where are we?" questioned Claudia as Jaehwa stopped the car in front of a semi-impressive home.

"Custos Home...specifically my home,"
said Ordan. "Pup, you can take an omega or normal room within the house but I will show you where they are, allowing you to choose, and then show you Claudia where the beta room is and the concubine room is for Shakir."

"What about Jamie?" questioned Claudia.

"The pup will go in the nursery with Xiulan and any other future pups," said Ordan. "Emery is the first of three betas. That means," he turned to Claudia, "you will sleep in the beta room with Emery and the other two betas and their mates. Except when a beta calls for a concubine, they are each entitled to two concubines, and then the mate will end up sleeping within the sanctuary which is for subordinates and omegas. The rest of the time, the concubine who will be prepared by the other concubines when they are called by their mate, will sleep within the concubine room within the tower," he pointed towards the tower within the center of the room.

"Why does there need to be three betas?" questioned Claudia.

"Because that is how I run my pack," growled Ordan. "There will be either two vampires and just Emery or Emery and another werewolf and one vampire beta. There is also a vampire alpha, she is in charge of the vampires of the house as I am in charge of the werewolves." He then looked at Emery's pup. "My daughter is human and also lives here pup so you will not be the only human in the house. We have yet to have slaves or blood slaves but they when I do find good stock...which may not be for a while," he muttered the last bit to himself, "they are not to be made friends with," he spoke.

Kipsy Kipsy (Jaehwa, Xen) Eliruz Eliruz (Jamie)
Alpha Room/Mama's room to Alpoppy's room/Aurora's Room

The night was something that Demont had not been expecting, the alpha keeping his promise and allowing his...mate...to have some dominance over himself. Demont was as good as his word, a ruthless wolf and mix of plotter and fighter. Of course Strakh had not let Uma dominate for long, Strakh becoming edgy and domineering towards the latter third of the night. Either way, both wolves had been well satisfied and were currently trying sleeping together in Demont's room. Soon to be their room when the heat season was here. Well...until someone decided to join.

While Aurora had found her son and taken him to their room, the mother was sleeping currently, injured and patched up but otherwise exhausted from the hunt and traipsing across the territory. Thus, Aurora and the others that had been injured, all patched up as well, were resting within their rooms and showing no signs of waking when the morning came. The woman didn't know that her son was awake for she was dead to the world or that father had captured one of the betas. Seraphinus had slept through the night, even as mama came back for him and carried him to his room, much to the relief of the caretaker watching him. The child had been put into bed and slept through the rest of the night next to his mother, however hunger and wanting to play with alpoppy as, to the pup, Alpoppy seemed to be more preoccupied with his friends then him, decided to go visit alpoppy before anyone else and by anyone else, Seraphinus meant alpoppy's friends, and so morning got the pup waking up and slipping out away from his mother's arm, padding across the room in sock covered feet and heading out into the hallway. Most wolves were sleeping, even the Rho both inside and outside of the house, and so Seraphinus had an easy time of making his way through the house searching for Alpoppy's room. The pup finally found two sleeping guards outside a door on the third floor, his little stomach rumbling as he went through the house searching for his grandfather. When he stopped outside the door, the toddler cocked his head and looked at the two Rho, then at the door. Was Alpoppy in there? The pup tried to pick up alpoppy's scent but didn't quite have it down yet, nor anyone's scents to be honest, and decided to try. Every other room didn't have alpoppy and alpoppy was...alpoppy. Alpoppy was like...like a king in the fairytale book mama got him...mostly after Seraphinus had begged for it from both his mother and grandfather.

The toddler padded closer to the door and turned the knob, trying to push the door open and with a bit of struggling on Seraphinus's part, he was after all a toddler, Seraphinus managed to get the door open. He looked around as he stepped inside, before spotting alpoppy's head sticking out from under a blanket. Completely missing the presence of Kia in the room, the pup rushed over, shouting at the top of his lungs, and ignoring the potential danger he was in by bursting into alpoppy's room when he now had to be trained to knock and not burst into random rooms, especially alpoppy's. "ALPOPPY! ALPOPPY WAKE UP! PWAY WIF ME! PWEASE?!" The toddler rushed over to his grandfather's sleeping form, attempting to clamber onto the bed to wake his grandfather.

OOC: Alpoppy's friends are Demont's concubines to Seraphinus, he doesn't know them as anything else as Aurora won't tell him what they really are.

A flaxen Himalayan wolf padded the outskirts of town, for all appearances looking like a strange dog as she skirted buildings and people, heading towards the forest in hopes of eating something. She was alone, without a pack and without a mate, an adolescent at that who had been separated from her family...really thrown out as soon as she had grown old enough like most teens were in her birth pack. Her pelt was a stark contrast to her skin color and hair which was normally black and being a Himalayan wolf from India, she was also an exotic breed and small in stature though not the smallest of the wolf species. Somehow, she found herself within Custos territory and feeling safe, decided to start hunting for a meal, venturing further away from town and further into potential trouble.

Ordan, Xiulan, Shakir, Claudia & Zegrath
Ordan had put Xiulan within the nursery where she belonged and Zumitri's adoptive pup had taken a room for himself, Ordan then leading Claudia to the beta room on the left side of the house and left her to get settled before taking Shakir with him to show the beta concubine the concubine room within the tower and where the pups would be staying. Jamie had been taken to the nursery as well and given one of the beds within the room where she had been told she would be staying until she grew too old for the nursery, which was an age Ordan had not yet figured out, given Xiulan was the first pup they had in the house and was still of age to actually need the assistance of a caretaker. The alpha had then spoken a bit with Xen, sharing a story from how he and Zumitri had first met which seemed to surprise the pup and then another story of their first year of high school when they had involved them pulling a prank on their principal within the first week, getting the pair into trouble. As it was a happy memory for Ordan, the pup seemed to find it amusing as well for he laughed and the alpha then left him to his devices until dinner would arrive.

Ordan had not yet scented the new vampire within the house yet, remaining oblivious to the danger though Shakir ended up leaving the concubine room which was quite large and heading to the nursery to comfort Jamie when she grew worried for her father. Claudia and Shakir both had a restless night without their mated lover, Claudia staring out the window of the beta room as she wondered where Emery was. Both wolves tried not to show their worry in front of Jamie, not wanting to worry the child. They were surprised though that there was another human, belonging to their alpha, within the pack and were glad Jamie would have someone to bond with though did not know how they felt about vampires and humans being used as slaves and servants. Morning found Shakir in his wolf form, curled up on the floor next to Jamie's bed within the nursery while Claudia remained sleeping in her room, having finally fallen asleep as morning came.

Saul, however, was awake and had the misfortune to run into Zegrath who was not used to the nocturnal night pattern of vampires, and thus also awake. The fledgling felt the undying and unbearable thirst within him once again, having finished the blood packet in the evening which quenched his thirst. However, being a fledgling, Zegrath was always hungry and completely lost as most fledglings were until they were one hundred years of age, however the first nine years of their life, they would be without purpose and like mad animals, always lusting and hungry for blood. Sienna had let her brother out as she was hungry and heard him whining in his room, the woman quickly retreating to her own room when the wolf bolted out of the room. Father hadn't helped yet or seemed to know why Saul was a werewolf when it wasn't the full moon, but had said her brother was trapped in his wolf form and unable to return to human form. As unfortunate luck would have it, Zegrath's instincts told him there was food in the house, these being Jamie and Sienna and he was surrounded by enemies, these being werewolves. This would turn into a mistake and nearly start a fight between Saul who would try to protect Sienna though she was afraid of him and a hungry Zegrath who would end up trying to kill the wolf or at least get rid of it to feed on the prey. This fight would unintentionally end up waking Ordan from his sleep and quite possibly attract Adesina, leading to Zegrath being discovered by Ordan.

Sienna was trying to still find her way throughout the house, not having good luck with Saul following her and trying to convince her, unable to do so of course as a wolf and not understanding telepathic speech or the wolf abilities, that he wouldn't hurt his sister. She did not expect to be grabbed by a teenager who wrapped their arms around her as she entered the dining room, Zegrath having followed the human's scent, his eyes crimson, and grab onto the closest thing that smelled human to him. Even if he didn't want to be a vampire, there was no stopping it as he had completed his turning and was, what some vampires called, Lost Ones stage of the overall Fledgling stage. He felt his fangs elongating as Sienna screamed at being grabbed unexpectedly, trying and failing to move, for even though Zegrath was a fledgling, he was strong. Fledglings were the strongest in the lost one years. Her scream attracted Saul's attention as he was currently trying to get the fridge open for something to eat when he heard his sister's scream. Even though they hadn't known each other for long, his wolf recognized Ordan as his sire and Sienna as his sister. The wolf wanted to obey his sire and protect his sister, protect his father even, if Ordan would let him. The young wolf turned and sniffed the air. He could smell fear and his sister as well as the scent of a predator that made his wolf angry. Saul, not understanding the wolf's disgust and fear, let go of the fridge handle, which had teeth marks in it, and bolted out of the kitchen and towards the dining room, the wolf stopping in his tracks as he saw someone holding his sister in their arms. It looked like a teenager and he didn't notice anything wrong with it, but that the teenager was hurting his sister who was trying to get away.

Zegrath tightened his grip on the human, his hunger beginning to take over. Human blood, while against the rules of Custos from a living victim unless it was a slave, was forbidden. Zegrath also had the misfortune of not knowing this human was the daughter of the werewolf alpha and could feel his instincts and fangs coming down, feel his instincts screaming to feed and sate his hunger though if any had looked they would have seen confusion mixed in with the hunter. Zegrath was trying to fight the instincts but he had no idea how to do so. As the woman struggled against him, he naturally tightened his grip on her and this caused her to scream louder and try fighting more. He didn't expect the wolf to come barreling out of the kitchen and stare at the vampire in confusion, the same way Zegrath stared at Saul. His instincts, however, made his lips pull back and he growled as he showed his teeth at the werewolf before sinking his fangs into Sienna's throat.

Saul was confused by what he was seeing. Why was this teenager holding his sister? Why couldn't she fight against him and break free? It didn't occur to him that this creature before him, this creature holding his sister was not a human but a vampire and a fledgling at that. He snarled at the vampire, his snarl turning into growls as he heard his sister's scream turn to a whimper, her eyes widening in fear as she looked at the werewolf in front of her that she also feared. Saul crouched down, growling loud at the teen as it lowered its face to Sienna's neck, tilting her head to the side to gain access to a vein where he could bite into. The brown werewolf growled louder before issuing a booming bark at the vampire who lifted his head and growled at Saul and that was when Saul saw the fangs...saw the red eyes like blood. The wolf snarled and lunged for Zegrath as he snarled for the wolf to back off, neither creature understanding the intense hatred for the other.

As Saul lunged for Zegrath, intending on getting the vampire away from his sister, though he didn't know Zegrath was a vampire, the teen threw Sienna to the side. Sienna hit the floor as Saul landed on top of him and the fight began between the two immortal enemies, the teen yelping in pain as his back hit the floor, the attack unexpected. Saul snarled as he went for Zegrath's face, Zegrath throwing an arm up to protect his face which sadly was met with Saul's teeth, the wolf biting the arm which was not good for Zegrath as the venom would normally be pumped into the vampire. Luckily for Zegrath, the vampire only felt pain as the wolf's teeth connected with him as Saul didn't understand how to release venom into the vampire, Sienna staring at her brother and the teen before getting to her feet and trying to run down the hall. He used his other hand to curl into a fist and punch Saul in his side, the wolf yelping and letting go, backing off as pain erupted in the wolf's side. Zegrath kicked out at Saul, the wolf yelping in pain a second time as his face was hit by Zegrath's foot before scrambling to his feet and rushing after Sienna, her fleeing causing Zegrath's predator instinct to kick in and unfortunately Saul's as well. The wolf, however struggled to focus on his sister's protection and despite being in pain from the blow to his side, looked up and bolted after the vampire, Sienna searching for any place to hide.

Mainly Eliruz Eliruz
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Alpha's Room
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
As promised, the night was filled with domination from both males, but about halfway into their night, Strahk decided he had enough and flipped dominance back to its rightful order. Once their activities had cooled down for the night and the smaller male was exhausted to the point of lying motionless against his mate's chest, his glowing blue hues swirled and bled back into their now darkening oak brown. "Mate.." Uma murmured mentally to himself before the male drifted off into a sleep that would be difficult to shake him from. Ever since the pack had arrived at this abandoned location, Kia found it difficult to sleep by himself, especially with how rowdy everyone was becoming with heat season just around the corner. All straight males were fighting for rooms with females and the ones that were lucky took advantage of their positions. The thought of this would make Kia disgusted, yet Uma believed that it was just pack life. Even if this was the truth, Uma was horribly jealous and territorial of their Alpha and now, mate. Though this was true, Kia would try his best to be composed, seeing how he had no control over his mate. Putting this out of his mind and letting darkness take over his mind, Kia dreamt vividly that night of a future with his mate, one of better living and seclusion from other pack members. Just as the dream was getting good, a loud, high pitched screech awoke the male. His dark hues snapped open to find the Alpha's grandson squealing excitedly and trying desperately to clamber up onto the bed with his grandfather. Furrowing his brow in confusion, Kia slid a hand across Demont's chest where he didn't mind being touched and gently nudged his mate. "Your grandson is here, Alpha.." Kia murmured gently near Demont's ear before smiling. "Hello Seraphinus," the male greeted before gently lifting the toddler up onto the bed with his grandfather. Lucky for both men, Kia had gotten up in the middle of the night to grab some boxers.

Eden Adesina Jamie
Upstairs Hallway Alpha's Quarters to Kitchen Nursery
Ordan Saul Sienna Zegrath Shakir, mentions Claudia
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

After walking for awhile on foot, Jamie grew tired and had her step-father, Shakir, carry the tiny child for the rest of the way. When they arrived, Jamie began to grow more and more worried about her father and his prolonged absence. Ordan gave everyone a designated room, depending on their status with her father and soon, both her parent figures were separated from her. This didn't fair well with the young girl, seeing how she was thrown into an entirely new environment and was forced to get used to this odd setting and new faces. All-in-all, Jamie wasn't coping that well and ended up not leaving her bed for dinner. With a hungry belly, the young human laid in her bed, waiting for her father to return. Hours went by and nothing responded to her quiet whimpers for her father, so she ended up passing out due to exhaustion. It wasn't long before she heard footsteps, yet she didn't stir until later on that night. Pushing herself up from her bed and glancing down to a breathing form on the floor, she yelped and scrambled back against the bed frame. It was too dark to recognize her step-father until she noticed his eyes. Her small frame relaxed and with teary eyes, the small child scrambled off the bed and wrapped her arms around her stepfather, crying into his scruff until she finally past out, curled up and pressed into his large wolf form. It wasn't until morning when she felt Shakir shift a bit when she finally awoke. Lifting a hand to rub her eyes, Jamie whined about the amount of light streaming into the room and buried her face into his fuzzy neck. "Morning papa.." The little human murmured and wrapped her little arms around her stepfather's broad wolf neck. "Is daddy back yet?" She mumbled quietly and snuggled closer to him, finding the emanating warmth of his wolf to be comforting.

Eden knew the feeling of exhaustion, but what she felt this morning was a renewed energy. She hadn't felt this for months and this..this was a feeling she relished. Even Ellie was jumping with glee at their regained strength. "Hunting! Wanna stretch legs!" Ellie yowled mentally, which made Eden laugh a bit. Hm, she hadn't heard herself genuinely laugh in weeks, months more like. "Okay okay, Ellie. We'll go running, but we have to be careful. I don't know if we'll be able to see in your form." Eden responded before shoving her legs carefully over the side of the bed. Silvia had finally allowed her to get out of the nursery, but forced Eden and Ezra apart while she continued healing, though they could see each other anytime they wished. Making her way strategically to her dresser, she felt for the second drawer for her clothes. Silvia and Adesina helped put together a drawer for each color of each item, so it would be easier for Eden to get dressed. Snatching a pair of black workout leggings, a long sleeved shirt, fuzzy socks, and the needed garments, the female quickly stripped everything piece of clothing off. Her wound was healing nicely, but would leave a nasty scar that she would find to be a reminder of her torturous months in that prison. Ellie seemed to sense some distress because she mentally gave Eden a kick and barked at her excitedly. "Have mate and pack. Don't need to dwell on past! Beautiful inside and out, now get dressed so we can run!" Eden shook her head with a small smile before throwing on her clothes and exiting her room. Her photographic memory of the house was really helping her get around the house, which seemed to baffle some of her pack mates. Her recovery was definitely difficult, but she found ways to cope and ways to learn how to use her other senses to get around. Even so, she was very limited on what she could do, seeing how she was still healing. As Ellie went on and on about getting some fresh air, Eden navigated the hallways until she sensed a pack mate near her. Breathing in their scent, a musky scent hit her and she was about to turn back around and run back to her room but it was too late; she was standing in front of Ordan. Oh, now she was in for a good earful. Ever since her rescue and procedure, he'd been more protective than usual, more stern and strict with her. Eden stopped moving, her milky green hues flickering towards the darker shadow that was his figure. She didn't know how to exactly react around him still, seeing how she was still reeling from everything that's happened over the past months. Getting back into a normal routine was impossible at this point; she was practically tongue-tied every time she got around him and felt like she would either lash out or break down. Ellie went quiet for a moment before growling internally. "Rude man! Don't need more drama!" Ellie spat spitefully within her mind, but Eden simply tilted her head up slightly and swallowed thickly. "Ordan.." She murmured before trying to carefully trying to move around him. By her attire, it was obvious she was going outside but for what reason, was unknown but could definitely be assumed.

Before Eden and Ordan ran into each other, Adesina was blurring down the stairs at the sign of distress downstairs. Adesina knew it was a bad idea to leave Zegrath on his own, in his own room after the change. He was probably starving and they had humans in the house, which were important to the Alpha. So, with great control and strength, she zipped into the hallway to find Sienna being chased by Zegrath and Saul, whom both seemed to have predatory instincts. With quick movements, Sina managed to catch the human and stepped in front of her to shield her. "Zegrath, Saul! Stop this right now!" Sina boomed loudly, her Alpha tone ringing through the hallway. As Zegrath got closer, the female could definitely tell that he was feeling the effects of his first thirst. Glancing back at Sienna, she gave an apologetic smile. "My apologies, darling. My son is well..dealing with his first real thirst. I will see to it this doesn't happen again," the Alpha assured before whipping back around towards Saul and Zegrath. "Saul, thank you for protecting your sister. Zegrath, stop now before you get hurt, my darling."

Alpha's Room
Demont remained asleep, even as his grandson opened the door and rushed into the room, heading towards the bed. Strakh, at least, was content with the night's events though for Demont it would take a while to get used to, having a male mate and not mating the male just for dominance issues. As the pair fell asleep, Demont ended up not dreaming of anything, unlike the male beside him. As Seraphinus reached his grandfather's bedside, trying unsuccessfully to get into his grandfather's bed of his volition, another voice spoke up, one that was not alpoppy's. Instead, the pup stepped back from alpoppy's side at the voice, tilting his head and peering up at Kia that greeted him before the man spoke to alpoppy. The fact that alpoppy had taken one his friends as his mate was completely over Seraphinus's scope of understanding, much less what they were doing in bed together. Lucky for Aurora would be otherwise mortified, however the pup's curiosity got the better of him, likely to the potential embarrassment of alpoppy's friend which the pup also wouldn't understand, as in his mind, it was an innocent question. Mama had said it was important to be polite, even if alpoppy was rarely polite when mean wolf.

"Hi alpoppy friend," said Seraphinus. It wasn't that Seraphinus didn't know the names of alpoppy's friends, aside from his aunts and uncles, it was that he was just used to thinking of them as alpoppy's friends as he didn't know what they were really were to alpoppy. "Why wif Aloppy?"

Seraphinus's speech was sorely lacking in language development, partly due to the pup's young age, but mostly because Seraphinus had been around the pack for a year and hadn't had a chance to develop real language skills, and partly due the pup's being a wolf sometimes during their travels as it made it easier for mama to carry the pup when they were traveling. That and Seraphinus didn't have many playmates, there not being many pups in the pack. Unknowingly, there would be some pups born soon from alpoppy and one of his female friends.

Demont heard Kia's words near his ear, the alpha's eyes slowly blinking open. "Seraphinus…why are you here?"

"Me hwngy. Alpoppy always with alpoppy friend," the pup stated. "Alpoppy pway with me?"

Apparently, I need to start having Aurora or the caretakers teaching Seraphinus how to knock, thought Demont to himself. Seraphinus was lucky alpoppy was obsessed with him, though the pup didn't know that of course, any other pup and they would likely have been bitten or thrown out by force. "Go play outside."

"Pwease alpoppy? Mama sleeping and me bored."

First the pup says he's hungry, then he wants to play, now he's bored, thought Demont. "Go play with Kia," Demont said. "Give me a bit of time Ser to wake up and then I'll play with you," he said. Pretty much volunteering Kia without bothering to ask the other male beside him, Demont lifting his head up so he could look at the pup who was staring at him.

"Me no want pway alpoppy friend!"

This apparently annoyed Demont for he growled at the pup and sat up, reaching for the boy and hauling him onto the bed. "I would watch your tone Seraphinus. You will not die playing with Kia," said Demont, the blanket sliding down from the alpha's chest as he sat up and held his grandson tightly by the arm, the pup whining for he'd never been yelled at or hauled about in such a manner by alpoppy, much less scolded by the male. Mama certainly worried for him and scolded him but she had never hurt him like alpoppy did at the moment. Unused to such a reaction from Seraphinus, he was confused, frightened and hurt by alpoppy's sudden turn of mood.

"Alpoppy…" whined Seraphinus, fear tinging the pup's voice. The pup found himself shaken by his grandfather, tears beginning to come to his eyes. Perhaps it was the fact that heat season was coming soon which made Demont edgy but the pup needed to begin learning that he could not just barge into the alpha's room, especially if the alpha was attempting to impregnate the pup's mother and Nikita.

'You never come into my room without knocking from now on. Do you understand me pup?" questioned Demont.

Seraphinus whined and nodded his head, alpoppy's grip on his arm tightening before letting go, the pup's tears now flowing. "Keep Zahn away from Seraphinus Kia," spoke Demont to his mate. The alpha sighed and ran a hand down his face as he pulled up the pup's sleeve, Seraphinus cringing in fear of his grandfather. "I don't want to see you get hurt Seraphinus by not knocking on my door before you come in," said Demont, trying to soothe the pup. It was obvious to Demont that Seraphinus did not understand alpoppy's words and was confused though if Demont had paid close attention to his grandson, he'd have realized that Seraphinus was scared partly because of alpoppy's visible scars which the pup had never seen before. Demont did not realize this though, all he knew was that the pup seemed to get what he was saying, for Seraphinus scrambled off the bed and ran out of the room, whimpering.

Shakir/Ordan/Zegrath, Sienna & Saul
Nursery/Hallway, Kitchen

Morning sunlight peaked in through the windows of the tower where they were in the nursery, the pup having gone to bed hungry, as had Shakir and Claudia. Jamie appeared to have a hard time reacting to the new environment at first for she became startled when he had entered the nursery and then, upon realizing it was him, snuggled into his fur, crying her little heart out which made the beta concubine's heart ache. As morning came upon them, the human pup hugged his neck and said morning to him before asking if Emery had come back. "I don't know," said Shakir. "I suppose we could check but I haven't seen him and am not sure if Claudia has seen him either," he said. "Are you hungry Jamie? You must be, you didn't eat at all last night."

Ordan had startled awake as he heard a scream and it took him a bit to realize it was coming from the kitchen. It must have alerted Adesina as well for she was gone he awoke with a start, the alpha having been in a deep sleep. The alpha threw the covers back and, grabbing a pair of sweats which he hurriedly tugged on, the alpha stumbled down the steps, nearly running to Eden who was already on them. At first he was surprised by her appearance, he hadn't thought that she would be up and moving today. Since her blindness, she found it hard to do things and though her position as hunter was pretty much shot at this point, no thanks to him, Ordan was glad she was up and about. However, he hadn't an idea what her wolf was thinking, Achilles huffing in disinterest in his head and growling at the other in their shared mind. "Eden...what are you doing out of your room?" he questioned, his voice a mix of sharp and tired. "You seem...chipper today."

Sienna searched desperately in the house for somewhere to hide, the vampire chasing her only giving the human woman undue stress as seeing her brother in wolf form did. Perhaps she should have not come out of her room this morning, let alone let Saul out. Not that she understood Saul was trying to protect her from the teenager, but it would likely end in a horrible fight if someone did not stop it or Sienna dead and a pissed off Ordan, who'd still no idea of the newborn vampire in the house and likely guilt on not only Ordan's conscious but Saul's as well. She could hear a mixture of paws and feet running after her until someone appeared in her path, and she found the vampire alpha standing in front of her, before the woman stepped in front of Sienna, blocking not only her brother but the teenager.

Adesina, at first shouted at Saul and Zegrath, both predators snarling at Adesina. Zegrath for interrupting his hunt and Saul because his wolf saw another potential threat to his sister's safety and wellbeing. The girl was already afraid, of him and now there was this...weird pale teenager here that was cause for concern for the older child of Ordan. The wolf didn't think he had done anything that the teenager didn't deserve, he was only sorry he had not killed the teenager. Unfortunately for Saul, he was affected by the alpha tone coming from the vampire, even if he was not a member of the pack and Adesina was not his mother, a weight both alphas carried was being able to control the lower members. Getting yelled at, Saul whined, his instincts causing him to slowly lower himself to the floor in a submissive gesture while, for Zegrath, the fledgling had equated Adesina as a surrogate sire with her taking him in and vampires unfortunately had to listen to their sire. It didn't help matters, how Zegrath equated Adesina with his mother in blood and not the blood he had been born with but the blood of the vampires. Zegrath had no choice but to listen to his sire though it was difficult for him to do with his thirst and instincts raging against the pull of listening to his mother.

In the end, Adesina turned to Sienna and spoke of her son being new to this lifestyle and experiencing his first thirst. Adesina assured Sienna it wouldn't happen again but the human found that hard to believe. He had bitten already, what was to stop him from trying so again? Still, father seemed to have faith in Adesina, even if that might be misplaced so she slowly nodded. "I hope not...he's already bitten me," she said.

Zegrath took in the scent of another vampire only when he was nearly on top of her, ignoring the wolf behind him that whined and stopped chasing him. Seeing the other vampire in front of him, at first not recognizing her voice or her scent, his instincts making him see Adesina as a threat. Still something dark within him recognized the vampire as his mother and alpha, forcing Zegrath to stop before crashing into the older vampire. His eyes were still red, Sienna standing there not helping matters, but he struggled to regain control of his senses. "Stay...m...mother?"

Hearing the praise from the vampire, even if was an enemy, made Saul slowly and tentatively raise his head, ears slowly rising to perk forward at the praise. His tail began to wag in joy at the praise, a rumbling noise coming from as a form of happiness at said praise for trying to protect his sister, something which the man craved and cherished.

Custos Territory
Cheena had no idea where she was but she knew she was somewhere with lots of grass and forest around her. It didn't help her direction at all but the adolescent was more focused on getting something to eat and potentially finding shelter, whether digging something out or using an already made den by another animal. She wandered this forest and grasslands, trying to find something edible to eat when she ended up coming across a rabbit grazing on some grass. The strange beasts that were like furry cows were too big for her to try her luck and so she settled for a small prey animal which would be easier for her to catch. She slunk up to it, only to stupidly step onto a twig and alerted the rabbit to her presence. Growling to herself, she took off in pursuit, the forest and plains alien to her and so it took everything she had to keep up with the rabbit and not lose sight of it. After a long chase, when she feared the rabbit would get to a hole underneath a tree, she gathered her muscles and lunged, pouncing on the rabbit and breaking its back under her paws. As the rabbit squealed in pain, Cheena bit down on the rabbit's throat, blood squiring into her mouth and staining her muzzle as she ended the creature's life and laid down to enjoy her prey.

Eliruz Eliruz
Kia Uma Aadya
Alpha's Quarters Hallway
Strahk/Demont Seraphinus
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Kia watched as Seraphinus greeted the male, which gave the Keeper a small twinge of happiness, but it wouldn't last long; Demont was awake and he wasn't typically a morning person. The Alpha's mate kept his mouth shut as he watched the little pup protest against his grandfather's words and soon enough, the Alpha snatched the boy up with force and began lecturing him loudly about barging in, needing to knock, and how he wouldn't die from playing with Kia. Swallowing quietly, Kia was about to point out how his mate was hurting his young kin but it was too late. Poor little Seraphinus was crying and running out the door due to the newfound harsh treatment. Dark gaze following the frightened pup, the male felt a spark of irritation towards his mate. He wished to have a grandson and offspring yet he didn't know how to properly handle them? How were the twins that Aadya were carrying going to be treated? Though he hated to admit, Kia was definitely worried about the poor concubine and the coming pups. With this in mind, Kia carefully placed a hand upon Demont's chest soothingly and glanced up at him with a worried look. "I know this is probably not my place, but don't you think you were a bit too rough with the young pup?" He murmured, concerned about the child; this experience could've possibly driven the child to resent Demont and Kia knew that wouldn't fly with the Alpha. "He is still in his early stages. And if he feels left out, I'd be willing to give up time for you two to spend together while I go check on the others?"

Meanwhile, as Aadya exited her designated room, she heard a loud growl, whimpering, and the pitter patter of tiny feet. Quickly making her way down the hallway, the pregnant Theta found poor little Seraphinus crying and whimpering as he scrambled out of his grandfather's room. Aadya furrowed her brow and made her way over. She bent down and gently picked up the small pup, finding it more and more difficult to carry Ser with the farther along she was. A small frown crept onto her lips. "Oh, darling. What happened?" She cooed before holding him close and rubbing his back as she made her way down to Aurora's room.

Jamie Eden Adesina
Nursery Hallway Downstairs
Shakir Ordan Saul Zegrath Sienna
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
The small child stayed within the embrace of her stepfather, her tiny figure curled into a ball. Jamie was hungry and growing more and more stressed about her father's absence. Seeming to notice this, she heard Shakir's voice, asking if she'd like to search and proposing she get some food. Her stomach, as if in response to his question, growled loudly. A tired chuckle left her lips and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm hungry," she murmured but didn't make any notions to move just yet, "Will you or mommy stay with me tonight? I don't like it here. It's dark and scary.." With that, the little girl lifted her head from Shakir's fur and looked up into his wolf's eyes. Somehow, someway, the young girl could understand what he spoke of through a mind link, which was rare in humans and typically meant there was some kind of wolf gene within their family.

Eden, standing in front of the man she loved once before, felt her emotions completely go out of wack. Her good mood wasn't diminished, just..put on pause. Lifting her hand to absentmindedly tug her long shirt down a bit, the female heard Ordan speak. This was it, her moment to prove she was still of use to this pack. Though Ezra had reassured her the pack needed her for her and not just for some pack position, she pushed that away for the moment. What was she supposed to do? Just sit in her room, being escorted around like someone who couldn't hold her own? Shaking her head, she inhaled, rolled her shoulders, and lifted her chin stubbornly; there it was, her typical stubborn personality finally resurfacing after months of repression. "I'm going outside. Ellie requested to get some air, so I'm taking it as an opportunity to train my senses and hunt," Eden stated and let her eyes flick upwards towards his shadowy figure. "What's the point of sitting around, being depressed about stuff that happened in the past? I don't see the point. So, I'm going to do something with what I've been given," with that, Eden tried to move around Ordan, her milky green hues hardening. "Didn't even look for us!" Ellie growled angrily, yet Eden simply kept attempting to squeeze past, disregarding the pain that blossomed from her healing wound. Pain flashed across her face, yet it didn't seem to phase her: she was determined.

Adesina glanced back towards Sienna and noticed bite marks. Her eyes flashed with worry. Turning around to examine the wound, the female gently rested a hand against the female's chin. Tilting it to the side carefully, she examined the wound and frowned. She couldn't smell any venom, thankfully. So, with that, the female slowly pulled away and sighed. "The wound you received is minor. There was no venom in his bite, so you won't turn. The scar should fade nicely and it will be like nothing happened," she explained to the young woman before frowning, "I would never wish this life upon anyone. I am truly sorry about this. If you'd go to the medical wing, I'll be able to patch you up. Silvia is currently taking a break, so I'll be stepping in for a bit." With that, she squeezed the female's shoulder apologetically before turning and glancing down at the prideful wolf. She just chuckled and scratched Saul behind the ear. "I'm sorry if Zegrath startled you. Keep up the great work in protecting your sister, Saul. I'm proud. And yes, Zegrath, it's mother," she turned to her adoptive son, "we'll have to work on your restraint, because we can't have this happen again. This is the other Alpha's daughter." With that, Adesina grabbed ahold of Zegrath gently and guided him into the kitchen. Quickly grabbing a blood bag, she handed it to him. "There are humans here, which I forgot to mention. I apologize. They are family members to pack mates who were turned and they are not to be bitten." After explaining a bit, stretched upwards and yawned. Her slumber was definitely off schedule now, and she could only hope that Zegrath could handle himself.
Alpha's Room/Outside Hallway Alpoppy's room
As Seraphinus ran out of the room with tears in his eyes, Demont would remain within his room, scenting Kia was not following the pup to go play with it. No, Kia was still next to the alpha in bed, making Demont feel a twinge of annoyance with the Vanguard. Instead, Kia stared after Seraphinus's fleeing form and then turned to put his hand on Demont's chest before speaking and questioning if he had been too hard on the pup. Demont growled in response at Kia's words, not appreciating them or the potential accusation, in Demont's mind, that he was too rough with the pup. "Worry about yourself Kia," snapped Demont irritably. "Heat is soon...the boy needs to learn that he cannot just go barging into my room or any other rooms. While I have enough restraint not to murder the pup, other males in this pack may not be of the right mindset when heat comes around," he growled angrily. "Seraphinus should know by now I am not a morning person, given how he's been growled at in the past when we were traveling." The fact that Seraphinus was still, as Kia pointed out, in the early stages of learning things, went in one ear and out the other like a whisper of wind or a buzzing insect flitting about, a mere nuisance that didn't deign a comment from Demont. Demont was being truthful, the boy had been kept away from Demont when he'd been sleeping by his mother or one of his uncles and aunts. Though some of Demont's pups were upset that their nephew was favored over them, they did cherish the pup who brought happiness and liveliness to the pack. "The faster Seraphinus knows and learns to knock before entering, the safer for him it will be."

As Serphanius ran out of the room in tears, his grandfather's tight grip on his arm likely going to cause a bruise, the pup didn't get very far, the guards waking at hearing the yell and staring at the pup as he ran out and down the hall only to run into Aadya who was coming to investigate the situation. Aadya came towards him and asked the crying toddler what was wrong, picking him up in her arms as Seraphinus ended up sniffling and burying his face into the woman's shoulder. He understood she was another of alpoppy's friends of course and she smelled differently from mama but nice like alpoppy's weird friend. "A...Al...alpoppy not pway wif me. Alpoppy…alpoppy...." the child tried to get out only to burst into a fresh array of tears, the pup's voice muffled against the Theta's shoulder. "Mama!"

Shakir, Ordan, Saul, Sienna and Zegrath
Shakir made a chuffing sound in his throat that sounded like laughter, as much laughter as a wolf could issue. Somehow the child understood him, Emery and Claudia when they spoke as wolves though it was a mystery to Shakir how this was done. He didn't understand a lot about the werewolf genes or that they could pass on without the child potentially being infected. Shakir knew Claudia was not the child's mother so he could only assume that somewhere in Jamie's line one of her parents had possibly been a wolf or werwolf, it was hard to say but he hoped for Emery's sake nothing happened to the pup. He very much doubted Emery would forgive him or Claudia for anything happening to Jamie. When the pup's stomach protested in hunger, Shakir issued another chuffing laugh and slowly pulled his head back so the pup would not lose balance as he began getting to his paws. "I suppose we should go and see what there is to eat," spoke Shakir. As Jamie questioned if he or Claudia could remain with the pup tonight and that she didn't like it in the nursery or there without her father, it being dark and scary apparently for the child, he gave a mental and physical sigh to the child's question. "I don't know if the alpha will approve of it but there seems to be a door leading down to another room in the floor," he said, gesturing with his tail to a trap door in the center of the room where the human secretaries would sleep and live as they were responsible for watching the pups of Custos. "But if you ask, maybe mommy will stay with you...I imagine she's lonely without daddy here."

Ordan remained in the hallway as Eden and he just stared at each other. Truthfully, Ordan wasn't sure how to react around Eden, but her being up and about was a surprise. He assumed her...mate...was sleeping in or somewhere. She lifted her chin to look at him, saying her wolf wanted to go hunt and so that was what she would be doing. Achilles, who was worried as the scream sounded like it came from one of the pups, though nothing had been scented from Xiulan, snorted in derision at Eden's declaration of going hunting. "A blind wolf hunting? Good luck with that," he chimed sarcastically.

"We are half-blind. Need I remind you?" growled Ordan. Of course, Achilles had to voice this through Ordan like a complete jerk to the woman that had chosen another who'd left her over them. Ordan did not notice this at first as he continued to speak. "Are you sure that is wise?" It was a question brought by concern and likely pitying guilt on Ordan's part. Granted Ordan had been forced to learn to adapt to his sight being half gone and thus vulnerable, but he was the werewolf alpha and had several pups to protect now plus his pack and he had already failed Eden once. What if she couldn't find her way back to the house or got lost or worse captured? "Maybe you should wait until someone can come with you."

Sienna tensed as Adesina turned to her and inspected her neck before drawing back when she informed the vampire that the teen had bitten her. Adesina turned her head briefly and for a moment she was scared she was going to be bitten by this vampire as well but Adesina only inspected the bite marks and told her that the bite was minor and she would not turn. Sienna felt relief flood her, she might feel out of place here among the vampires and werewolves but she didn't want to turn into one of them. Saul was dangerous as he was with being a wolf. "That's good," said Sienna. She was told she could go to the medical room as someone named Silvia...Sienna had to think for a few moments before realizing that was the healer of the pack, was taking a break and therefore Adesina was taking over that position for a while. She turned away and Saul tensed briefly as well, eyes warily watching as Adesina came towards him before scratching his ears and praising him, causing Saul's tail to wag even faster and shoot Zegrath a nasty look. "Don't act smug," said Sienna, causing a whine to issue from Saul at his sister's comment. She turned and headed towards wherever the medical area was, the woman vanishing down the hall as quickly as her feet could carry her and Saul was left standing there, eyes watching Sienna leave as his ears flattened against his head. She was likely trying to get away from him as much as Zegrath.

As for Zegrath, Adesina told him that he was correct in referring to her as mother and that they would need to work on his restraint, the teen not catching that he had ended up accidently biting the woman, though it didn't seem the human or the wolf would believe that. The teenager didn't see Saul's smug look either, though blinked as he heard something about not acting smug. Hearing the wolf whine, he assumed the human was talking to the wolf. As mother said that the human he had apparently bitten was the other alpha's daughter, she then guided him towards the kitchen where she pulled out a blood bag, causing Zegrath's face to scrunch up in distaste but he took the blood bag that was handed to him as Adesina then began speaking of there being humans in the pack that were family members of other pack members. Although his predatory instincts had told him there was food here, he didn't understand enough to distinguish scents or how many humans were in the pack. It was mostly flooded with werewolf scent which smelled disgusting to Zegrath. He didn't understand how mother stood it. Perhaps it was strange how he was referring to Adesina as his mother in both his head and verbally but it was more his vampire instincts then anything else.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I tried to stop myself..." he said, his eyes becoming wet with tears as his face paled even more at the horror that he might have killed someone. "She...she isn't...isn't going to turn is she?" Worse, what would the wolf alpha say when they found out he'd bitten the wolf's daughter? Was he going to get the death he wished for, only a brutal one? For it was likely that Ordan would find out about it and the presence of another vampire, much less a fledgling in his home that was not there before and had been brought in unexpectedly. To hear that it fought his son and hurt his daughter, however unintentionally would likely upset Ordan and the wolf within him. Zegrath, who had yet to meet Ordan, was quite understandably fearful for his life. Would mother be able to stop the wolf from killing him?

Eliruz Eliruz
Alpha's Quarters
Demont/Strahk scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kia flinched slightly at the sudden anger portrayed by his newly found mate. He definitely overstepped, but Demont never got the message when anyone tried to talk to him. Kia had to admit, his Alpha had changed over the years, grown more...cold. Carefully removing himself from the bed, the male pushed himself up onto his feet and reached for his clothes that laid on the floor. His body was lined with battering bruises and bitemarks from the previous activities. He winced slightly at the aching in his muscles but he simply put up with it. Tugging his own shirt over his head, he sighed softly. "Yes, I understand, Alpha." He murmured quietly before tugging his pants on and buttoning them up. "I will go check on things downstairs with your permission." With his lips pressed into a tight line, the male turned towards Demont and glanced down at him.

Eden Jamie Adesina
Upstairs Nursery Kitchen
Ordan Shakir Zegrath scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Jamie slowly stood to her feet and stretched her little arms upwards, her sore muscles blossoming with discomfort. Hearing Shakir once more, she glanced towards the small trap door. Her eyes grew bright with uncertainty. "Maybe you and mommy could stay with me? I would feell better with you both here..." The young child murmured before slipping her hand into Shakir's fur, stroking his neck gently. Jamie looked at both Claudia and Shakir as parents just as much as she saw Emery as one of her fathers. On the outside from an outsider's perspective, it was definitely odd to others for her to call all three her parents but that's all she's known. "Let's go find mommy and get some breakfast. Maybe it'll make us feel better!" The pup tried to be chipper and happy, but the lack of sleep made her lag behind just a bit and give a great, big yawn. Even so, she managed to smile warmly.

Meanwhile, Eden listened to Ordan and her entire body tended. What really drove her patience down was Achilles' comment. She wouldn't be blind if her leader actually had searched, had actually been worried. Now, she was stuck with blindness and pity from everyone around her. The chipper, happy mood completely dissolved into one of anger and underlying resentment that had built up over her entrapment. Ellie surfaced and a low growl ripped from her throat. "Wouldn't be blind if someone would've came looking, or at least cared enough to come!" Ellie snapped before Eden composed herself and breathed in deeply, her fingers curling into fists. "I don't need your pity, Ordan, nor anyone's for that matter. And I sure as hell don't need a caretaker," Eden spoke, straining to keep her composure, "if I survived without anyones help and the gracious rescue there of my loved ones, then I can handle myself." Fuming, the female hunter shoved past her Alpha and made her way towards the stairs. Ellie was fighting to get out and continue screaming at him, but Eden knew it was a waste of time. Maybe she had made the right decision; at least someone hadn't given up in her. Swallowing thickly, she felt for the first step and with success, she took another step down until she had a good rhythm going down the stairs. If Ordan tried to follow her, she would ignore his comments as they descended.

Adesina stood in the kitchen, eyeing Zegrath as his face paled and his eyes filled with shimmering tears. Frowning, the woman moved forward and cupped his cheek, swiping away some of her child's tears. "I know, child. Turning isn't easy and it takes years to get thirst under control. I'm surprised you had enough restraint to stop when you came to me. I'm glad you did," she praised, "and no, she will not turn. You don't know how to control your venom, which benefitted her in this situation. No venom was released, therefore she will not turn. I fear that the other Alpha will be upset though. I shall protect you since it is my duty, as it is my duty to protect the others as well. Now, I want you to stay with me at all times from now on until we see an increase in your control."
Alpha Room
Demont watched as Kia got up from the bed, removing his hand from the alpha's chest then reaching for his clothes on the floor and getting dressed. He said he would go check on things downstairs with the alpha's permission. "Don't go far Kia. There will be a meeting with my remaining pups on your new station in life," said Demont, "and you are required to be there." He didn't care at that moment if Nikita, Aayda or Matt were there or not, they could be informed by Kia himself if he wished to inform them. "If you have to, force feed Nikita. It's my understanding she is giving what food she gets to Aayda."

Shakir, Ordan & Zegrath
Nursery to Downstairs, Hallway to Kitchen, Kitchen
Shakir watched the pup as he got to his paws and saw her also look towards the trapdoor he indicated. He turned his attentions back to the pup as she stroked his neck fur and gave a huff of air into the pup's face before speaking. "Perhaps," said Shakir though he was uncertain. Hopefully Emery would come back soon and quit worrying his family. Of course, Shakir didn't know that Emery had been captured by the wolf that had turned him and the alpha, let alone so many others. "Yes...I think the alpha said mommy is in the opposite side of the house so we'll have to go down this tower. At least it is not a huge tower like Princess Rapunzel eh kid?" he questioned with a chuffing laugh before padding to the door and slipping out of it, Shakir having left it cracked open so he could get out if needed.

Achilles huffed in Ordan's mind, snarling as the other wolf broke through and shouted at them. "Pompous bitch," he snarled in their mind. Ordan mentally growled at Achilles, hurt appearing on his face as Ellie shouted at him that he had not looked for her. That was indeed true, he had not done so, though Ordan was dealing with other things...like his friend's death. Eden, this time, took over and told him she didn't need his pity nor anyone else's pity and that she could survive on her own without a caretaker. "Without a pack you would die," snapped Ordan. "Adesina went looking for you...even that whelp that hurt you before went looking for you or so I gather. How was I supposed to know you had disappeared. You were at the villa one minute and gone the next. I assumed you and Adesina were on some mission together that you didn't bother to tell me about." Yet whether she heard him or not was uncertain, maybe she was just ignoring him, but Ordan was speaking the truth. He hadn't known where Eden, Elias or Adesina had gone off to when they had disappeared, leaving him with Jae, his goddaughter, pups and Silvia. She pushed past him and headed downstairs, the alpha following but sighing to himself as he left and headed towards where there was no longer any commotion, upset with Eden for yelling at him and Achilles who just made everything worse. "Maybe we should have just stayed with the alpha," he muttered to Achilles who blinked in surprise at the words in their head.

"I thought you hated the alpha?" The fact that Ordan was suggesting Strakh was a better option then his own pack was a surprise and concerning for Ordan's wolf who feared the alpha, both the man and wolf sides of the alpha. It was a rhetorical question, Achilles knew Ordan feared Demont, not the least because he liked using Ordan for a chew toy and had torn his side open, the jagged scar visible on his skin. It was why Achilles had often taken control when they were punished by Strakh or got into fights....not the least because Achilles was allowed to be free under Demont's control.

"Well Eden and her wolf hate me and I got Zumitri killed. I got kids I never knew about..."

"We have the pretty mate and a godpuppy plus two of our own puppies and pretty mate will give us more puppies along with future mothers."
Achilles didn't have time to say anymore as he caught the scent of fear in the house and visibly took over their body, his silver eye darkening as he growled with the scent of blood reaching his nose as well. "What is that smell?"

Zegrath fiddled with the bloodbag, trying to open it as Adesina cupped his chin and wiped away at the tears beginning to form within his eyes and glisten his cheeks, not knowing that Ordan was on his way downstairs and had picked up the scent of blood from Sienna. He hadn't even gotten to fully taste the blood of the human though he was now being scolded for it and bit into the bag to open it, using his rather sharp teeth to slice through the package which he forced himself to swallow as Adesina began speaking. She said how he hadn't released any venom into the girl's bloodstream so she wouldn't turn which was a relief to Zegrath. He wouldn't wish this life on anyone. He did manage a small shy smile when she said he had done well at restraining himself but was forced to admit that he hadn't had the chance to truly feed on the girl. "The wolf hit me before I got the chance," he said, sounding a bit put out about it but inside was glad for the wolf's intervention. She spoke of the other alpha being potentially upset with him but that she would protect him as she would everyone and that he should stay with her until he learned more restraint. Grimacing at the taste of the blood on his tongue, he forced himself to swallow it, for he'd been trying to sip at it to see if it was easier to stomach, it didn't help much, before speaking again. "Okay mother."

Eliruz Eliruz
Kia Uma Aadya Nikita Matt
Alpha's Quarters Hallway to Aurora's Room
Strahk/Demont Aurora & Seraphinus
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Kia heard his Alpha and swallowed quietly; a meeting? It was for his 'upgrade' to Demont's mate. So many things were happening so fast, the male was beginning to feel mixed emotions about everything. He truly cared for Demont and was more than happy about the announcement, but he would have to somehow soften his mate's treatment towards his young offspring. Demont needed to know the effects of his actions. With a small nod, Kia buttoned his pants and made his way on towards the door. "I will come when called, Alpha," he replied before opening the door and stepping out. Both guards looked towards him, to which Uma let out a low growl, which Kia simply let go; it wasn't worth apologizing for. Both guards stiffened and quickly went back to post. Shutting the door behind him, Kia moved down the hallway and headed towards the stairs. Meanwhile, downstairs, Nikita and Matt were sitting in the kitchen, discussing heat season quietly. There was a plate full of different foods in front of the dark-haired female. The plate was filled with many different kinds of foods that would get Nikita ready for heat season. "I just don't think I can handle another season, Matt. It gets worse every year," she murmured, her fork prodding the food, "besides, how would he even treat the child? Probably like a disgrace, especially with it coming from me." Looking up to meet Matt's eyes, he frowned and motioned towards her food. "I understand your fear, but you need to eat. Aadya is getting plenty and in fact, she's just about ready to go into labor. Now, eat. Stop worry, I will make sure you're healthy and happy." Matt replied with a warm smile before motioning to her food once more. Feeling a bit better, Nikita nodded a bit and offered a faint smile. The omega carefully stabbed a piece of broccoli and brought it to her lips, biting piece by piece. Kia stepped into the room, his dark eyes flickering around the room until they finally landed on Nikita. "Good to see you're finally eating properly, Nikita. Keep that up and you'll be able to..carry our Alpha's pups." He stated quietly. His entire being was strained, which she quickly picked up on. Furrowing her brow, she inhaled and glanced over at him: Demont's scent. Of course, no wonder he was so tense. He had just spent a night with their Alpha, but nobody knew they were officially mates yet, so Nikita took it as stress. The female simply nodded and went back to eating, while Matt glanced over at Kia and simply waved. "Nikita is eating on her own. Matt must've persuaded her; she has a full plate of foods." The dark-haired mate reported to his Alpha. With that, he exited and went to check on the other pack mates.

While upstairs, Aadya glanced down as the young toddler began sobbing and rambling messily with choppy words. Something about his grandfather not wanting to play with him. Oh no..he must've been yelled at by their Alpha. Stopping for a brief moment, she caressed the young toddler only to spot the reddening bruise around his arm. A motherly anger arised within the female and she hushed the crying toddler. "It's okay, Ser. We'll go see mommy and everything will be better. I promise," she whispered against his forehead before pressing a soothing kiss against his little head. Picking up her pace again, Aadya made her way down to Aurora's room and knocked. "Aurora, please open up; this is urgent. It involves Seraphinus.." The pregnant Theta called through the door, in hopes that the slumbering woman would get up.

Jamie Eden Adesina
Nursery to Hallway Stairway to Downstairs Kitchen to Medical Room
Shakir Ordan Sienna Ordan Zegrath
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Jamie gazed at the trap door before jogging after her stepfather, catching up and resting a hand against his flank for reassurance of her safety. Hearing his voice once more, she glanced over and couldn't help but crack a small smile. "It's definitely better than Rapunzel's castle; I would hate to climb up someone's hair!" The little girl giggled and shook her head. "Besides, your hair and mommy's hair is too short, silly!" She pointed out before looking down the long corridor. "This place is kinda like a castle though. It's so big!" The dark-haired pup began rambling about princess stories and how all three of her parents would be handsome and beautiful princes and princesses.

Eden growled under her breath and shook her head. "You know what? Dying in that place would've been bliss at the time, especially if I didn't have such high hopes that someone would come looking. I tried to communicate, tried to call for someone, anyone yet nobody heard. And now, I'm left with a blindness that I have no idea what to do with, where everyone feels pity and guilt. It's all I hear; I feel like a burden to everyone! So, maybe that would've been better for everyone." The huntress snapped, spatting that death would've been better, seeing how she felt as if she was a burden. Everyone looked at her and pitied her, felt bad for her and tried to make up for it with over compensating. Hearing his comment about Adesina and his thought of the two going on a mission, she snorted. "Adesina wouldn't take anyone on a mission; she's too protective. You know that just as well as anyone else in this pack. Poor excuse," Eden huffed before pushing past him and felt for the railing. Once she had ahold of it, she descended quickly before a scent hit her; it was blood but also mixed with..a vampire's scent and it surely wasn't Adesina's. A low snarl left her lips and she descended faster, nearly tripping over herself when she got to the bottom. Meanwhile, Adesina ushered Zegrath to the medical room and found Sienna awaiting Sina's medical help. Glancing back at her adoptive son, she motioned him to a chair in the corner, far enough from Sienna. She then moved forward and examined the bite mark. "It'll need some cleaning, salve and a bandage, but other than that, nothing too extreme." Adesina reported before moving around to gather the needed supplies. Once she had gathered a jar of salve, a cleaning wipe, and a small bandage, the Alpha sighed heavily. "I remember when I was turned," she murmured, gently wiping the wound with a cleansing wipe, "I was about your age, and my family thought it was a good idea to sacrifice me to a vampire who deemed himself a god. I, well, tried to escape but he got to me. I ended up draining my family because my thirst was so horrid." Regret laced her voice as she dapped the wound one last time and finally moved onto the salve. Getting a small amount on a q-tip, she applied it carefully to the small marks on Sienna's neck. Glancing towards Zegrath, sadness darkened her silver hues. "As I said before, I would never wish this life upon anyone. But if it comes to it, I will try to make the lives of those who suffer the same life as I, better." She spoke quietly and grabbed the bandaid. "I know this is difficult for you to live with, this entire situation. I understand; I went from being on my own to having a family of those who're supposed to be my mortal enemies. I care about everyone in this pack, including you, your brother, and Zegrath. I will do my best to keep everyone safe, I promise you that. And I can promise that this will not happen again. It was a mistake on my part, and if you father sees fit to punishment, I shall bear the weight." Sina declared with a faint smile, but there was a warmth that overtook her eyes, much like a motherly warmth that would calm most's nerves. Once the bandaid was applied and the wound was completely taken care of, Adesina stood up and froze for a moment. She could sense Ordan's and Eden's presence, getting closer. Glancing back at the door, she quickly moved in front of Zegrath. "The other Alpha has noticed your presence. Do not pose a threat, son. Answer questions as honestly as possible, if asked. I will protect you if something happens, just try and be calm."

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Demont, Seraphinus, Aurora
Alpha's Room, Hallway to mama's room
Neither father nor daughter understood what would happen. On Demont's part he didn't pay attention to the fact that he had potentially scared his grandson and potentially caused the pup to resent and fear his grandfather. On Aurora's part, she didn't know that Demont had been harsh with Seraphinus for the first time in the child's life, let alone been injured. When Cole had been born and Demont had seen what the pup had looked like when he was born, the alpha had been displeased with Aurora and completely neglected the child, refusing to have anything to do with it and not sparing Aurora any help in her grieving when Cole had died, despite his daughter's young age when she'd had her firstborn. When Seraphinus had been born, she had prayed to the wolven gods that Seraphinus would not be like Cole, that her father would accept the pup and treat it right. The wolven gods had seemed to listen for Seraphinus was perfect in every way,but that came at the cost of the alpha obsessing over the pup and offering to help care for it, something that worried and frightened Aurora for she feared what her father's intentions were towards her son, his grandson. The previous heat had been a reprieve, Demont wanting Seraphinus to get all the milk and attention from his mother that he could but it was heat season again and Ser was now a year old...her father had intentions of trying again which frightened her and scared her if she got pregnant again. What if the pups were weak or born not perfect in Demont's eyes? Would he neglect them as well or throw them to the pack to eat. She doubted even his concubines and his pups combined could stop their father, though she didn't think her younger siblings would stop their father if he did such a thing.

Aurora did not want Seraphinus to ever know how mean Demont could be, how cruel his wolf Strakh was. She tried to keep her son from his grandfather in the mornings but she was exhausted and worried, causing her to have slipped into an exhausted sleep and allowed Seraphinus, who didn't understand alpoppy's weird mood in the morning, to run out of the room without alerting his mother. On top of that, there was Aayda who was in a delicate position with carrying father's newest batch of pups, Seraphinus didn't know yet that he would be an uncle, and there was the risk of Nikita being bred as well during heat season. On top of that, Aurora didn't know that her father was plotting with Matt, or rather forcing the Iota concubine, to give Aurora drugs-by force if needed-that would raise her heat and make her more complacent and less fighting to her father's advances and eventual mating...matings she supposed since Demont would undoubtly breed her throughout the entire heat season in hopes of creating another son. What would he do if she got pregnant and had a daughter instead?

Demont was still in bed, debating on going back to sleep or not though soon heard Kia's voice in his head saying that Nikita had plates full of food and that she was eating. He also learned Kia's suspicion that Matt might have forced the omega concubine to eat which was good. Perhaps he should reward Matt later, as soon as he found another room due to Kia's and Uma's jealousy issues. "Good," said Demont, the alpha pleased with that and finally deciding he might as well get up. He did have a meeting to do with his pups.

Seraphinus continued sniffling and crying, his language skills and the crying unintentionally making it difficult for Aadya to hear what he had to say. Somehow she made it out, at least parts of it. All Seraphinus knew was that alpoppy had been mean to him, didn't want to play with him...did that mean alpoppy didn't love him anymore...the thought caused the child to burst into a fresh array of tears for mama and alpoppy were or had been the pup's world...and alpoppy had hurt him and yelled at him which Seraphinus had never experienced in his life. Seraphinus was very confused and just wanted mama. Luckily, alpoppy's friend that smelled nice seemed to get what he was saying for she told him they would go see mama and make everything better. Seraphinus hoped so. He didn't know what he had done wrong or why alpoppy had hurt him. As the pup was kissed on his head and then carried to where mama's room was, stopping at the door where mama was. Mamma apparently wasn't up yet or something because Aadya knocked on the door, speaking about the pup in question.

Aurora had been sleeping, sleeping until there was a knock on her door and the woman stilled, thinking for a moment it was her father. What did he want with her now? He only got really grabby with her and possessive when it was heat season and scaring any males off from becoming her mate after, well she couldn't be sure, but she was certain he had somehow murdered Mitchell. Her heart still panged to this day for her mate. He had looked forward to starting a family with her. However, it wasn't her father's voice outside the door, which was a relief. It was Aadya and she couldn't imagine why the woman was contacting her. Aurora couldn't stop her father from mating the females, she certainly hadn't been able to do anything during the years of war, having been a child. She stirred awake, looking for Seraphinus who should be sleeping next to her. He was not, he was instead nowhere to be found. Worry twisted her gut and she fell out of bed as she threw the covers back and stood quickly, the woman stumbling over to the door when she heard Aadya's next words about something concerning her son. What exactly concerned her son and where was he? She must have been too exhausted not to notice Seraphinus slipping out. Aurora opened the door and found Aadya holding Seraphinus. "Seraphinus....baby what's wrong?" she questioned as she took her son from Aadya.

"Mama!" Aurora's face, though visibly tired, creased in concern as her son wailed and buried his face into her shoulder, reaching for her. Holding her son against her she looked at Aadya in confusion.

"Where did...thank you for brining him to me. I didn't...I didn't even know he had left."

Shakir, Ordan, Zegrath, Sienna
Hallway to Downstairs, Downstairs to Infirmary, Infirmary
"I doubt I could end up getting up a tall tower even climbing up someone's hair," said Shakir with a chuffing laugh as the child followed him and rested a hand on his flank. "I imagine it would hurt, having to have someone use your hair to climb up and down." The pup said something about Emery and him being princes and Claudia being a princess. "I suppose we might be and you'd be a princess too kiddo," said Shakir. The pup then began rattling on about fairytales which Shakir listened to as he led the way towards the stairs and began descending them, keeping in front of Jamie.

Ordan was startled to have Eden turn and yell at him further on the stairs as he tried to speak to her. "The mental link does not work well if you are far away from someone. There's a limit to it like speaking normally," said Ordan. If he had known that Eden was in trouble or had the faintest idea where she was, he would have gone after her. She was his responsibility. Granted, he would likely not have bothered to rescue Elias if the wolf were the one trapped...well he would have as he was a member of the pack but between Elias and Eden, Eden would have been the first one he would go to. It just seemed to be something else that Ordan was guilty of and again he wondered if he wouldn't have been better staying with his alpha or not starting a pack at all. Achilles was silent, though the wolf side of the alpha felt something akin to smugness that he had been right in making Eden's choice for her and without Ordan's input. It seemed this female just wanted to hurt the alpha and the human not snack (the pups' mother) had done so enough already. Eden continued talking about how it would have been better if she had died there and Ordan turned to stare at her with wide eyes. "Don't be ridiculous! You're important to this pack, even as an omega and without your sight," said Ordan. Where had she gotten such a stupid idea into her head? Was it her wolf or Elias that had told she was useless? Ordan didn't think that at all, as he had said to Claudia and Shakir, omegas were important and beating them to death didn't inspire loyalty. Yet she would growl, probably scenting the same things he did and vanish outside...the alpha staring after her before turning and following the scent of fear and blood to the infirmary, causing his forehead to wrinkle in confusion.

Zegrath was taken to the infirmary by Adesina, still holding the blood bag and put in the furthest chair possible away from the not-human food. He sat there, sipping at the blood and trying to force himself to not attempt attacking the fresh live food in front of him that looked at him uneasily when the two vampires came in but said nothing. As Adesina spoke of needing some salve and a bandage and cleaning but nothing else, Sienna was glad for it and allowed Adesina to work, frankly amazed that she was not being attacked at all by the vampire alpha. Adesina must have had more restraint or something. Thankfully Saul was not in the infirmary, he was in the kitchen, again chewing on the fridge door handle to try to get it open for food. Zegrath however, listened to mother speak about being around his age when she had also been turned into a vampire and sacrificed to a vampire who saw himself as a god. "Do vampires have gods?" he questioned. When he heard that his mother had been human he was surprised, though he shouldn't have been. She had told him everyone here had been bitten but when she spoke of herself being a sacrifice for a vampire who thought himself a god, and then mother killing her family, he snorted. "Sounds like they deserved their fate. Did you kill the vampire too?" His voice now brimmed with curiosity at the question. She looked at him with silver eyes brimming of sadness and he frowned in response before she said she would not wish this life on anyone. Well, Zegrath wouldn't either.

As Sienna's neck was cleaned, thankfully she did not feel woozy or dizzy at all given the lack of blood loss, but she did do the courtesy of listening to Adesina as she spoke of it being difficult for Sienna in a pack of supernatural creatures and being the only human, for she'd yet to meet Emery's daughter. Adesina said she cared for not only her own son but also for Saul and Sienna and would protect them, ensuring that Sienna would not be turned or attacked by anyone within the pack. It was something she was grateful for. "Thank you," she would say as Adesina would be cleaning up her wound, not only for cleaning up her wound but also of saying she would protect Adesina from harm. When Adesina finished and moved in front of Zegrath, telling him that the other alpha had noticed Zegrath's presence, that she would protect Zegrath and he was to be honest with the wolf, something he was nervous about...what if the wolf didn't believe him...she then spoke of taking whatever punishment, if any that Ordan might dish out. There were footsteps coming towards the door before it was opened, the alpha's eyes looking between Sienna and Adesina, the wolf making his way towards his daughter and turning her head carefully to examine her neck before snarling in anger. He could also scent another vampire in the house and he knew, or so he had known, there were no other vampires in his pack. Seeing the bandage on her neck, pulled it back enough to see a couple puncture marks and his growl deepened, looking around for his son and then to his daughter. "Sienna are you alright?" he questioned in concern. What had happened to his daughter?

"Startled father and frightened but okay," she tried to reassure her father, his growl frightening her a bit though it wasn't directed at her.

"Pup hurt...leech hurt puppy. Where other puppy?" Achilles questioned. The alpha took a breath of air, filing between the scents before detecting his son's scent coming from the kitchen. Their son being safe caused Ordan to relax slightly though his worry was evident and his anger. Plus, Eden's words in his ears were making him feel guilty and now his daughter had been attacked, not yet knowing of the fight between Saul and the fledgling vampire. As his worry was currently for his daughter, he didn't look for the strange vampire, only knowing they were somewhere in the infirmary and seeing Adesina standing in front of a chair.

Eliruz Eliruz
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Kia Aadya Nikita Matt
Kitchen Aurora's Room

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Nikita and Matt continued to converse quietly as she ate. The young omega dreaded heat season, especially after the last few years of miscarrying. When she found out Aadya was pregnant, she knew the rations given weren't enough, so she'd give up hers in order to keep the twin pups healthy. Though Demont didn't seem to see just how bad the rations were getting, Nikita made sure to keep the pregnant Theta fed and cared for, as did Matt. Aadya, whom was upstairs, awaited patiently at Aurora's door, the young child continuing to cry. The female murmured gently, trying to soothe him. This didn't seem to work, especially when the door opened and he saw his mother. The poor toddler only seemed to ball even more as he sputtered and rambled on about his grandfather. Carefully handing him to his mother and smiling faintly. "It seems he..well, went to visit his Grandfather and Alpha must've handled it wrong." Aadya said become carefully rolling up the young pup's sleeve to reveal a bruise. Anger rose within the pregnant wolf and her once warm eyes darkened. Gently removing her hand, she looked at Aurora with a serious expression. "Demont cannot continue this behavior. He cannot treat his grandson like this, let alone any other pups he has sired, I won't stand for it!" Aadya was about to turn around towards the Alpha's hall but something struck painfully in her belly. A quiet gasp left her lips as a hand flew to her swollen stomach. Grabbing ahold of the door jam, she let out a shaky breath and chuckled with strain. Straightening up and composing herself, she gazed down the hallway that led to the Alpha's room. "I'm talking to that..that son of a bitch, even if I have to bust down the damn door." She declared before starting down the hallway while holding her belly. Pain was beginning to blossom in her back, yet she didn't really mind it; she was too focused on busting Demont's door down. Her stress levels were sky rocketing with every quickened stride, which Matt had warned her about. Disregarding it all, she finally turned the corner to the Alpha's quarters and growled at the guards, whom stood like two statues at the door. "I'm sorry, Aadya, but the Alpha has requested for no visitors." One guard chimed in and glanced down at her. The furious pregnant female grabbed the guard by the shirt and yanked him down close to her face. "Do you really wish to mess with me right now? I don't think you want your tail ripped off and shoved down your muzzle, do you?" Aadya snarled, to which the guard shook his head vigorously with a paling complexion. "N-No ma'am..!" He stammered before she threw him to the side and growled at the other guard, whom quickly moved away from the door. Aadya smiled thinly before grabbing the knob and throwing the door open. "Really? To Seraphinus? Is that how you treat your kin?" She snapped as soon as she saw his figure lazily sprawled out in bed. "I cannot believe you would stoop so low. Your grandson thinks you hate him now! Is that what you wanted?!" The pregnant female began raising her voice, her hand landing protectively on her belly. Her once bright eyes were now dark with anger. Though the child was not her own, her motherly instincts were on an all time high due to her pregnancy. "If that is the way you treat pups, you will not touch ours!" As soon as she said that, pain rippled from her abdomen to all limbs. A loud yelp left her lips and she quickly back pedalled into the doorjam, one of the startled guards managing to catch the pregnant she-wolf. The guard looked frantically around, trying to figure out what was happening until he smelled it; blood. Aadya's water had broken and she was going into labor. "Arrgh..get Matt, you idiot! Don't just stand there!" She snarled at the other guard. With the help of the guard holding her, she was able to stand up on wobbly legs.

Eden Adesina Jamie
Custos Territory Medical Wing Alpha's Wing
Ordan/Cheena Ordan Shakir
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
After the walk around the large mansion, Jamie was beginning to feel a bit more comfortable. Keeping her hand on her stepfather's flank and keeping up pace, she studied her surroundings in awe. Every decoration was strategically placed and made the entire house feel elegant. Jamie definitely felt like a princess in this place. "I really feel like on right now. This place looks like a castle!" She replied with a giggle. Once the two made it downstairs and into the hall that led to Claudia's room, Jamie picked up on a familiat scent. Furrowing her brow, she inhaled dramatically. "I smell mommy's scent, I think." She murmured before continuing down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Eden listened to Ordan and rolled her eyes. "Could've fooled me," she responded sourly before heading outside. Who did he think he was?! He pushed her away into another man's arms and had the audacity to say the things? A low growl left her lips as she kept moving. Using her smell and hearing guide her, she breathed in the fresh air. "Okay, put that in the past. Focus on the now. Shifting is going to hurt, but we have to or we won't be able to hunt." Eden murmured to Ellie, whom simply whined in response. Stopping once she felt she was far enough away, she readied herself. Her body didn't so anything at first, but soon after frustratingly willing herself to transform, it happened. Her bones began to painfully shift and move into place, hair began sprouting, and her appendages were extending. Finally after a painful minute, her brilliant tan wolf reemerged after months. Ellie whined softly and stretched her limbs. Now determined to hunt, the wolf breathed in and scented many animals nearby. Deciding to go small but not too small, the female began moving, strategically dodging trees with the shadowy she was given. Finally stopping when she heard the breath of an older doe, Ellie froze in place and got down. Using her hearing, she had to estimate where the doe would be and by the direction of breathing, where the doe's neck would be. Once she had a good idea of where it would be, Ellie stalked forward, powered up her sore haunches and went for it. Dirt and leaves flew up from the ground as her claws dug into the forest floor beneath her. A snarl left her lips as she lunged forward and locked her jaws around what felt like the side of its neck. With a frightened noise, the doe tried to back pedal, which resulted in the doe backing up over a log. Both beasts fell but Ellie was determined to get her kill. Quickly using her large claws, she dug them into the side and face of the prey to keep it down. The doe gave one last noise before it fell limp.

Adesina looked at Zegrath and quickly answered his questions. "No, we do not have Gods. Or at least the ones I've met haven't spoke of Gods. Though, the vampire believed he was one, he was not. He died just as any vampire would..by stake." Adesina replied before hearing Ordan's growl. Straightening herself up, she composed herself and smiled warmly at Sienna. The Alpha replied with a dip of her head. Looking towards the door, Sina spotted a very concerned and angry Ordan. Breathing in slowly, the female stood her ground and awaited Ordan's attention. After the male checked if his daughter was okay, he turned his attention towards Sina. "I found a possible victim of what Arya and Eden went through. I was running borders and found him, nearly dead about sunrise. He's a fledgling, his name is Zegrath." Sina announced calmly and moved away from the chair enough to reveal Zegrath. "I mentioned wolves in the pack and not humans, which was my mistake. He went looking for blood, which was probably due to his first thirst. He found Sienna and his thirst must've taken over. Now, he did manage to bite her BUT luckily, Saul intervined and got Zegrath to let go before any venom was released. The wound shall heal and she will not turn," glancing back at Zegrath, she continued, "Sienna got away and I managed to get there in time before anyone else could get hurt. I've taken him in as kin and take responsibility for the boy. Whatever punishment is laid out, I will bear it." Standing firm in her commitment, she turned towards the other Alpha. "I will not fight you nor any of the packmates. I intend on keeping my promise to protect everyone. I will protect my kin and pack."
Demont & Aurora
Alpha Room, Aurora's room to Alpha's room
Demont had no idea of the intentions of his pregnant concubine or his daughter, the alpha getting out of bed and grabbing his clothes from the floor before getting dressed. After Kia had left, in a bit of a huff in Demont's opinion, the alpha had told the guards outside his room to not let anybody bother him, the alpha having full intentions on going back to sleep or...well he wasn't sure what else he could or would do. Demont would never really get the chance to go back to sleep or do anything else.

Aurora continued trying to soothe her crying son as she did her best to listen over her son's wails, the woman patting the boy's back, her face at first paling when she heard that Seraphinus had gone to his grandfather's room. Everyone, well barring the pups, knew the alpha was not a morning person. Aurora did her best but it seemed today she should have paid better attention with her son or left him with the caretakers after all. The woman immediately felt guilt well up in her stomach. If she had not gotten her son from the caretakers, he might not have gotten into trouble with his grandfather and be in the state he was in now. She just hoped it would not cause irreparable damage to her son though secretly hoped that Seraphinus would grow to hate his grandfather, even if Demont would probably blame her for it and not realize it was his own actions that led to the toddler hating and fearing him. Aurora frowned as she heard that Seraphinus had not only gone to his grandfather and therefore snuck out her room, but that Demont had been harsh with the child. A frown that showed surprise in her eyes. Demont had never been harsh, yelled or struck the child and attacked anyone who did so. Most of the time if Seraphinus got hurt, not that any would be sane enough to try though there had been a few, Aurora was the one punished by her father for not watching his grandson better.

"Father scared Seraphinus?" she questioned in disbelief, her eyes widening and looking down at her son, seeing the bruise revealed there as Aadya rolled his sleeve up. No wonder the toddler was crying. He'd never experienced something like that before. She hated to admit it but Seraphinus went around acting like a prince which she had told him was wrong. It didn't help how her father approved and encouraged the pup's actions though Seraphinus was a kind pup who liked everyone...barring his grandfather's wolf Strakh but she didn't know anyone who really liked the alpha's wolf. Well, there did seem to be the strange concubine Kia. She appreciated Aadya's statement that he couldn't treat his pups like this or his grandson and that she would be talking to him about it. Aurora opened her mouth to protest such a thing, Aadya didn't need to risk her pups safety but closed it as she looked down at her son. Really, it bothered Aurora that her son's view of his grandfather, who he adored, had been potentially damaged beyond repair. If father was going to be vicious with his grandson, then what might he do to Aadya when she was carrying his pups? Perhaps it would be best to go with Aadya and give her father a piece of her mind, though she knew she would likely suffer for it later. Her son had been hurt and her previous son neglected. Spotting one of her younger siblings coming down the hall, probably hearing Seraphinus's crying, she quietly explained the situation as best she knew it and handed the boy off to her sibling who gave her a disbelieving look but took the pup back to their own room to keep an eye on the toddler. This left Aurora to close her own door and hurry after Aadya who said she would give a piece of her mind even if it killed her, in not those exact words.

When they got to Demont's room, the alpha's eyes had been closed, Demont lying in his bed still. He didn't react towards the slight commotion outside but did respond towards the door opening and Aadya rushing in, Demont turning his head towards her. Aurora watched the guards end up trying to protest Aadya's entry, the Psi shoving one of the guards out of the way when they tried stopping her which surprised them both as Aurora entered the room behind Aadya. For a brief moment, the alpha's eyes changed color as Strakh observed both the females in his room. "Ladies, if you were interested in a threesome, all you had to do was ask," purred Strakh. Why else would they be in his room, especially his daughter coming willingly?

Aurora wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed at her father's wolf or mortified. Her cheeks ended up coloring which Strakh took as a sign that he was right. Before Aurora could even say anything to correct that notion, Aadya was tearing into the alpha as his eyes faded back to their regular color, Demont looking from Aurora to Aadya as his pregnant concubine began saying that he would not be touching his pups if he was going to be harsh with them and how he had scared his grandson. "How exactly did I scare my grandson?" he questioned, ignorant or just oblivious to the pup's tears, likely both. "And Aadya I would watch your tone with me," he growled, his eyes darkening with anger, Strakh rumbling in his head. Aurora couldn't believe the audacity of her father or his wolf...both...though she shouldn't be surprised. She had grown up with his different personalities.

"We aren't here for a threesome!" Aurora shouted, bringing her father's attention to her, his eyes narrowing as she shouted at him. "Seraphinus thinks you hate him because you hurt him. You neglected Cole...and now you hurt your grandson!"

"Perhaps if you had not failed me before, then Cole might have lived," growled Demont. "His appearance and death are entirely your fault Aurora! What did you put into my grandson's head that makes him hate me?"

The alpha was beginning to get up now and a hurt look appeared on her face, her eyes brimming with guilt at her father's words concerning her firstborn. The woman's instinct was to back away from her father, he hated being confronted. "He thinks you hate him because you manhandled him! He has a bruise for Lupa's sake!" shouted Aurora, her anger and motherly instincts for her son, her guilt over not protecting her two children at the forefront of her mind and visible in her body as she dared speak against her father. "He has a bruise on him..."

"Then perhaps you should teach the boy to knock on doors!"

"He's a child! He doesn't know any better and I was exhausted from hunting to feed him and the rest of the pack."

Demont snorted. He was well aware his daughter's first priority was her son over anyone else. She couldn't lie to him about that. Aadya began shouting at him again, the pair of women's' voices mixing together. "He was crying when Aadya found him and brought him to me. He thinks you hate him or something."

"I don't hate my grandson!" There was general sincerity in the alpha's voice and both females would know that was true. The shouting of Aadya was cut off, Demont thinking the Theta was crazy for coming in here and beginning a shouting match....if it hadn't been for the pups in her Demont would have punished the female, in fact he might anyway if she didn't watch her tone and apologize. He was about to say as such when Aadya cried out and the alpha got up from the bed, rushing towards her as Aurora's face paled, the color draining from her cheeks. She could smell the blood and it attracted the pair of Rho who rushed into the room, one grabbing Aadya as she stumbled back into him.

Demont had a confused and panicked look in his eyes, not having been there for the births of Cole or Seraphinus nor the other females he had sired pups with. The alpha didn't see it as important, Aurora had done just fine without medical attention birthing Cole and Seraphinus on her own though he hadn't realized the pups were there until they were born and tentatively brought to the pack by Aurora. Hopefully Aadya would not disappoint him like his daughter. "What's going on? Aadya where are you hurt?!" he shouted in desperation, going towards Aadya. Aurora could hear the concern in her father's tone for Aadya. Aadya answered his question soon for she shouted at the other guard that she was in labor and to get Matt. Aurora was not sure how far along Aadya was in her pregnancy, the words of the Theta causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Help me get her to father's bed," she said to the guard, once she had gotten over the shock of Aadya in labor. "Father..." she flinched at her father's stress-filled growl and she looked at him, seeing him staring at Aadya in confusion and worry. She could not explain the hurt she felt at that, father had never shown her any signs of concern throughout her pregnancy. Unknowingly he had been worried his human lover's daughter would die, even if he did blame his daughter for her mother's death, being born a wolf and all. She moved forward, grabbing Aadya and helping the guard take her to her father's bed where she would be lain down, the Psi knowing what was happening for it had happened to her with a false labor with Cole...Aadya was going into stress-induced labor. Now she had something else to feel guilty for and she just knew if anything happened to Aadya, her father would blame her. Demont was no help, he just stood in the way, forcing Aurora and the Rho to guide Aadya around Demont, the alpha finally moving to the other side of the room.

Shakir, Claudia Ordan, Cheena, Zegrath
Downstairs to Beta Room, Beta Room, Infirmary, Custos Territory

Shakir went at a slow pace so his stepdaughter could keep up, the pair making their way downstairs and then across the hallway towards the bottom of the steps, missing Eden and Ordan's confrontation or the alpha's worry over his daughter's safety. They then headed up the stairs to another floor as on the far left side, passing many rooms, Jamie rushing ahead which Shakir allowed as there didn't seem to be anyone on this side of the house. The beta concubine followed his stepdaughter at a leisurely pace until she stopped in front of a door and spoke that she thought mommy was there. "Claudia? Jamie and I are outside," he called to Emery's mate.

Claudia came out of the attached bath to the beta room, this packed with three comfortable king-size beds and a lounge area as well as a fireplace and balcony with a lounge chair by the fireplace. The scout dried off her hair as she heard Shakir's voice in her head and she headed towards the door which she opened to see the Alexander Archipelago Wolf and Jamie staying there. "Any sign of Emery?"

"No. I was hoping he might be here as well as Jamie."

"No, I haven't seen him Shakir," said Claudia. The wolf whined as she reached out to scratch his neck in comfort before looking to Jamie. "Good morning princess," she said. "I'm sure daddy will be here soon."

Zegrath listened as the wolf alpha appeared and rushed to his daughter's side, the fledgling tensing in his chair as the wolf didn't seem to notice him at first. He hoped he could get out of this unscathed for though he didn't doubt his mother's abilities, he didn't want to see her get hurt because of him. Ordan studied his daughter, placing a hand on her head and turned to Adesina, listening to her explain the situation. There was another vampire in his house and a fledgling at that? She'd found it somewhere in the territory and brought it here, possibly a child that had been turned by the people who had hurt Eden and Arya, the latter being a forgetfulness on his part?

For the briefest of moments, Ordan's temper softened as did the anger in his eyes. Hearing that there was a fledgling that had been a human and turned against its will, well assuming it would not embrace the vampire lifestyle then he supposed it was welcome in the pack. However that pity was scrapped with worry for his children as Adesina explained how she had found him during a run of the borders near sunrise and how the fledgling had been near death as well as his name. Then she moved away and felt his daughter tense under his hand, the alpha glancing at her in worry and then turning back to see the teen revealed. Like most vampires, he had pale skin, he guessed the fledgling had been of a lighter complexion then the ashen vampires from darker-skinned races, the boy daring to raise a hand and wave at him. Ordan snarled at the boy, causing his hand to falter and drop to his side as he cringed back in his chair, trying to make himself smaller, clenching the blood bag in his hand tightly and accidently getting some on his clothes by squeezing it too much.

Ordan heard how Adesina had taken the child in as her own which promoted Achilles to emerge and speak, much to the quiet chuckling of his daughter and the alpha's embarrassment. "I didn't realize that vampires could have teenagers. How are you even able to stand with having given birth to a teenager? You look as you did before."

Except for Sienna's quiet chuckling, there was silence on the part of Ordan and Zegrath. Zegrath was confused as to who was speaking. "Uh...hello sir," he called, only for the wolf to snarl at him again.

While Achilles was attempting to visulaize how exactly Adesina had birthed a teenager and how long she had managed to hide giving birth and a pregnancy from them, Ordan took control, the alpha's face coloring in embarrassment at his wolf's words. Adesina explained how she had told Zegrath of there being werewolves within the pack but forgot to mention that Sienna and even Jamie were here before mentioning that Saul had saved his sister, the alpha rumbling in approval and glancing at his daughter who nodded to confirm Saul had helped save her. However, hearing that Sienna had been bitten, forced Achilles again to the surface as the alpha snarled in rage and fighting to shift, Ordan trying to keep a grip on his wolf though he also felt the same way towards wanting to hurt the fledgling, the alpha's good eye now completely silver instead of its normal brown color. Ordan was sorely tempted to let Achilles loose and have freedom to take care of the problem. "Was Saul hurt?"

Zegrath flinched, not wanting to answer that but mother had said to be honest. "Y...yes sir. I...I hit him in his face and one of his sides." The boy sat frozen in fear, terrified to even move as the alpha seemed to battle with himself and Zegrath wondered how long it would take for the wolf to kill him, especially as the man began coming towards him and leaving the human's side. "I didn't mean..."

"Father, Saul will be okay. He didn't inject...Adesina said something about venom..."

Ordan whirled on his daughter, Sienna's eyes widening as she saw the angry and protective look in her father's eyes. Achilles was howling in his head to let him out and murder the whelp that had dared harm his children and the alpha was obviously struggling to contain the wolf who tried to take control. "He didn't inject venom into me...I won't turn and Saul didn't bite me either...I'm okay..." she tried to calm her father's anger but didn't know, didn't understand his guilt and his protectiveness of both man and wolf towards her and her brother, how a supernatural parent's emotions and protection towards their children and mate were only heightened and became almost feral...almost animal in nature. For Ordan, who had never known his children only to find them by circumstance and mother's plot to get money from father, the guilt he felt at not knowing and caring for his children, it was incredibly straining on the alpha as she could see his good eye swirling in color as man and wolf fought for control.

"I didn't mean for it to happen! I was hungry and....d..." But Zegrath was unable to continue speaking as the alpha lost it and lunged at the boy who squealed in terror, even as Sienna tried shouting at her father that she was just scared and would be okay.

Amidst everything that was going on inside the Custos house, where her future crush would be located, the alpha of Custos itself, Cheena was beginning to eat her rabbit that she had managed to catch. She was full of pride and happy. She might not be able to fight much but she could run and she could hunt, at least well enough to survive on her own. As she was still an adolescent she was still learning such things but without someone to teach her it was a bit difficult and there were times she had to beg for food from humans as a 'dog' or scavenge from colors. Sometimes she went to bed hungry when she was attacked and chased off by wolves and other predators or was sick and didn't catch what she had intended. As she was taking the second bite of her rabbit and chewing on it, she heard something. It sounded like paws on the ground and she lifted her head to look around her, ears perking up and swiveling to see where the noise was coming from. Soon there would be the scent of blood hitting her nose and the scent of another wolf. She looked down at her rabbit, debating on taking it with her or burying it but she couldn't be sure she would be able to find her meal later and so she opted to take it with her, following the scent of wolf and, as she wandered about, deer. She wandered the forest until she got to the scent, leaving her place where she had been and stumbling across a kill. An old deer, by the smell freshly killed and another wolf. Cheena paused in her tracks as her eyes studied the wolf and deer before trying to backtrack and get out of there before she was noticed. If there was a wofl here, it was either a pack wolf or another rogue. It could hurt her or try to take her food away.

Eliruz Eliruz
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Aadya Matt
Alpha's Quarter's
Aurora Demont
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Aadya groaned in pain as another painful wave hit. She hadn't birthed any pups, so the pain was on a whole new level that she wasn't used to. All of the arguing, the ringing in her ears, and the dwindling patience was causing her head to spin. Her body swayed into the Rho behind her, whom was quick to catch the weakened she-wolf. "Stop..fighting for two seconds!" She hissed, her eyes blazing with pain and her hands clutching her swollen belly. Blood was slowly trickling down her leg and dripping onto the floor as she struggled to stand on her own. Looking around for Matt, she heard Demont ask her what was wrong, as if he was actually concerned for her health. Whipping around to look at the Alpha, she growled quietly which suddenly turned into a loud yelp; another contraction was hitting. She needed to be laid down soon before she began dilating any further. Aurora seemed to get that notion because she quickly commanded the Rho to move the pregnant Theta to the bed. A whine left the Theta's lips as Aurora moved over and helped the Rho move her to the bed.

Aadya was about to protest, but another contraction hit quickly. "Where the HELL is Matt?" Aadya cried and quickly grasped the sheets beneath her. Just in time, Matt came rushing in with an entire basket of towels and other medical supplies. Relief filled the pregnant Theta for a short moment before the pain took over her entire being. The albino healer paled if possible and quickly set down the towels carefully beneath and along Aadya's body. "I'm right here, Aadya. Your twins are coming, and they're coming fast. I need you to follow my instructions the best you can, alright?" He spoke quickly, to which she managed a slight nod. Matt proceeded to show her breathing exercises. Aadya tried her best to follow the breaths that her pack mate showed her, but she found it difficult to concentrate. Matt swallowed quietly, seeing how he'd never really helped with a birth. Scrambling to the end of the bed, he quickly removed her lower garments, knowing the Alpha would be a bit upset but it needed to be done.

"Aurora, someone, hold her hand. Keep her steady and don't let her jerk; it could cost her her health," he ordered before moving back to the end of the bed after getting some needed items. Quickly working, he separated the female's legs and glanced up at the Theta, whom was clawing at the sheets out of agony. "Aadya, I need you to breathe like I showed you and when I say push, give me your best push." Matt instructed, to which Aadya tried to nod but ended up with her head pressed back against the pillow behind her. The female began the breathing exercises Matt demonstrated. He let her breathe for a few moments before telling her to push. Gathering her strength, Aadya squeezed whoever's hand tightly and let out a loud, agonizing scream. "Breathe! Good! You're doing great! Now, push again!"

Jamie Eden Adesina
Beta's Wing Custos Territory Medical Wing
Clauda & Shakir Cheena Ordan & Sienna
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Jamie successfully hunted down her stepmother's room, somehow. Excitedly knocking, she stood, awaiting. Footsteps towards the door sounded and Jamie found Claudia opening the door and asking about her father. "Hi mommy," Jamie greeted and moved closer to get a hug, "daddy hasn't come home yet. I hope he's okay, I hope he comes back soon. I don't like being alone here, it's a bit scary at night. Papa stayed the night with me, which made things a bit better. He kept the nightmares out," she smiled faintly and looked over at Shakir. "At least I have you two. It makes things less scary. Oh! Are you hungry?"

Having taken down the deer with success, Eden lifted herself up from the carcass and snorted in defiance. "Tell me I can't hunt on my own! I'll always find a way to prove you wrong!" The huntress thought to herself, to which her wolf rumbled in agreement. Ellie soon regained control and shook her pelt, her eyes shifting to a milky gold with a blind film shielding the bright orbs. Carefully grabbing the deer by the neck, the larger female began tugging and dragging it in the direction she came. Her scent and tracking skills would definitely come in handy with her new disadvantage. The female managed to get it a little over halfway when she heard footsteps and a rogue scent his her. Freezing for a moment, she stopped and lifted her head. Her lobes flickered and rotated around, a low guttural growl vibrating through her body. It was a warning sign to stay away or things would get ugly, though the intruder would see her blindness as weakness. "Whoever you are, stay away or there will be consequences. You are on Custos pack territory," Eden pushed out a mind-link to whoever was nearby before picking up her fresh kill and dragging it back within close proximity of the house. The smell of fresh meat wafted into the house, which Adesina quickly picked up on. Her silver hues narrowed slightly as the commotion started. "Eden?" She murmured before the snarl towards the boy caught her attention. Feeling a motherly way, the female took a step forward in front of the boy and stood her ground. She breathed in, scenting the boy's fear, which was most likely feeding the Alpha's temper. Hearing Achilles speak, the female Alpha simply stood there, awaiting some kind of response, good or bad. The anger radiating off of Ordan made her stiffen and that's when Sienna interjected. That seemed to be the last straw for the protective wolf. Her eyes tracked every movement of his muscles, which he soon launched himself towards the fledgling. "Ordan, you need to stop this!" Adesina hissed before launching herself forward and managing to catch the male before he could touch her kin. Quickly shoving him back away from everyone, she stood infront of Zegrath calmly. "I already said I'd protect everyone in this pack, including this fledgling. He deserves a chance to become human just like the rest of us. He made a mistake and he is paying the price. Your daughter and son are fine. Saul is probably knawing at the fridge door for food still. If you wish to punish him, I will bear the punishment but not him. He is literally a day old into this new life," Adesina said, "let him prove he can learn to control it. To live by this pack's rules."

"Rogue, along Custos border." Eden reported to everyone through the pack mind-link.
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Alpha Room

Demont was completely useless, the alpha growling and bristling as Aadya snapped to stop fighting. Thankfully for the laboring female, he ended up moving out of the way at least, Strakh perking up as he heard Aadya's scream and questioning Demont on what was going on. "Seems like she is going into labor."

"Oh good...but does she have to be that loud?" Demont mentally shrugged in response, the alpha's growl deepening as Matt arrived and began removing the Theta's lower clothing. Aurora remained by Aadya's side, nervous for the first-time mother's physical state but there was nothing she could do other then be a support for the Theta as she would birth father's children. Thankfully Matt arrived, Aurora not sure she could help with Aadya's labor if a problem arose, the woman hearing her father's growl at Matt as he approached Aadya. There was no sense telling her father that Aadya's lower clothes had to be removed to safely access the infants when they arrived and Aurora hoped for both the twins' sake and Aadya's that the twins were 'perfect' in father's eyes. She didn't want her father to get more upset or neglect a child like he had down their firstborn.

Matt told her or the Rho to hold Aadya's hand and to keep the concubine still, lest she cost her health. By her father's ever intense growls, he probably heard that and she closed her eyes but took hold of Aadya's hand, glaring at the Rho to keep the concubine still. More afraid of the alpha then of the alpha's daughter, the Rho prayed to Lupa the alpha wouldn't constitute them keeping Aadya still as something else. "Aadya just focus on breathing," Aurora said. "Look at me and squeeze my hand as hard as you can," she said, opening her eyes after a few moments as Matt gave Aadya time to breathe and then told her to push again.

Claudia, Shakir, Ordan, Sienna, Zegrath, Chenna
Beta Room, Infirmary, Custsos Territory
Jamie hugged Claudia who bent to do the same towards the child. She was worried by Shakir's words and the concubine knew it, whining as Claudia bent to hug the child. The child spoke of hoping Emery came back soon and her experience her first night within the nursery as well as her feelings that the place was big and scary. Big it was but it was nothing on the Boreal castle which the two wolves had not been privy towards. However, for a child, the house was probably big indeed. Shakir nodded as Claudia looked up at him and straightened, the woman thankfully dressed as that might produce some awkward questions on behalf of Jamie but Claudia was good about that kind of thing unlike Shakir. Regardless, Claudia disappeared into the beta room and put the towel back to dry before coming back out and shutting the door of the beta room. "What do you say we go find something to eat in here?" she questioned as she caught the scent of meat within the house, unknowing that one of the pack members they'd yet to meet had caught a deer. Hopefully there would be something more edible then raw meat which Jamie wouldn't be able to stomach safely.

Cheena sniffed the air, scenting the wolf and deer, the stick breaking probably alerting the wolf with the deer. Looking down at the earth, she could see some drag marks before the wolf glanced up and turned to look in her direction, only the wolf wasn't really looking at her it seemed. Cheena's ears flickered as the stranger tried saying something but it was muffled, the adolescent snarling around the rabbit in her jaws. As she looked towards the wolf, she could just make out the glazed green orbs of the other wolf before her and guessed the wolf was blind. How was it a threat to her? But the news of a pack was worrisome for the adolescent, however the blind wolf seemed to otherwise ignore her and continue dragging the deer away through the forest. Cheena debated following, just to see where this wolf was going and so waited a bit before taking a few steps forward towards where the wolf had been, dropping her catch and sniffing at the ground to try to pick up the wolf's scent but the deer scent was mixed in.

Ordan didn't get a chance to kill or attack the fledgling as Adesina blocked his way, telling him to stop fighting and that Zegrath had made a mistake. His daughter's pleas as well to stop and that she was fine seemed to fall on deaf ears where both Ordan and Achilles were concerned, the alpha's wolf not caring if the fledgling was not even a day old and had made a mistake, it had hurt both his children. Adesina instead met him and pushed him away, standing in front of a shaking Zegrath who was watching the confrontation with wide eyes. The teen did not move at all as he listened to the words of Adesina, hoping she would be able to contain the wolf but wouldn't put herself at risk of being killed. He glared over Adesina's shoulder at the teen whose eyes remained wide, Achilles practically craving the scent of the teenager's fear. Adesina said that the wolf that attacked the fledgling, his son, was possibly destroying the fridge to eat something. After a bit, Ordan calmed down enough to say something. "The fledgling can stay...it bites either of my children or Xiulan again in the future, it gets thrown in the dungeons where it will starve," he growled before turning and beginning to leave the infirmary. However, Eden's voice broke through, speaking to the pair of alphas about an intruder within the territory near one of the borders. Ordan growled to himself before heading out of the infirmary, snapping at Sienna to stay inside or around the house's immediate vicinity before leaving the room. On the way the alpha passed Eden, not even glancing at her or the deer she'd brought as he disappeared out of the house.

Eliruz Eliruz
Matt Aadya
Alpha's Quarters
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Aadya continued the breathing exercises, faltering a few times when the pain got too intense. Aurora had described birth as painful but the Theta didn't think it'd be this bad. It felt as if her entire lower half was being ripped apart forcefully. The female panted rapidly before Matt told her to push once more. That's when she felt a hand in hers and hands holding her down. Her eyes grew frantic and she whimpered loudly. She then heard Aurora, whom offered her support. The Theta relaxed a bit before gritting her teeth and doing as Matt said, push. A pained groan left the new mother as her head snapped back against the pillow behind her. Matt continued to coach his pack mate until finally, the first child began arriving. Excitement filled the male and he quickly readied a towel. "Aadya, your first pup is coming! I need you to give two more big pushes!" Matt said quickly. Aadya felt her heart swell with joy. Her hand tightened around Aurora's hand, the Rho applying a bit of pressure to keep Aadya down. Minutes passed and finally, after the second agonizing last push, a cry filled the room. Matt fumbled a bit to wrap the around around the new babe, quickly cleaning her off, quickly cutting the biblical cord, and clamping it gently with a medical clamp. "It's a girl! Take her! The other is coming!" Matt quickly handed the babe off to another Theta who rushed in during the commotion. A bucket of fresh water was placed atop the dresser with a few wet rags to clean the babe up. While the Theta worked to clean the first child, Matt coached Aadya to deliver the next. "Breathe, Aadya! We're almost there," he stater stated encouragingly. Aadya was feeling exhausted at this point, seeing how time flew by so quickly; an hour had already passed with dilation and delivery of her daughter. With the second child, it took a bit longer before Matt was able to see the head. Aadya began spouting curses and cries as finally, her son was born. Matt grabbed another towel, quickly repeating the same procedure as before. "It's a boy!" He announced before moving to the tub to wash the babe. The other Theta handed Aadya a dark haired pup, whom cried and wiggled until she was put into her mother's arms. Aadya glanced down and immediately melted at the newborn child's slowly soothed face. Letting go of Aurora's hand, Aadya cradled her daughter until her son was brought over. Overjoyed and exhausted, Aadya cradled both children with the help of Matt. "Thank you.." The mother murmured. Her son began to cry, while her daughter simply snuggled into her dampened shirt. The Rho carefully let go of the female and nervously looked toward the Apha before scurrying out. "We need to make a residence for her in the Medical Wing for a few days while her body heals. It seems the labor was stress-induced, so she will need to heal properly before anything," Matt reported to the Alpha, his hands and forearms completely bloody as well as the towels that shielded the bed.

Eden Adesina Jamie
Outside/Medical Wing/Alpha Wing
Cheena & Ordan/Ordan, Sienna, & Zegrath/Shakir & Claudia
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Jamie buried her face into her mother's shirt before back away from the comforting embrace. She heard Shakir whine quietly, as if the two were communicating. Concern lit her eyes when the mention of her father came into the conversation once more. She really did hope everything was going to be okay. She didn't care whether or not there were supernaturals in the house ; she cared about if her family was safe here. The big scary man from earlier had said it was, but could they really trust anyone here? Nervously looking down the hallway, she nodded at the idea of food. "Yeah, I smell food but also something else and it smells nasty." She responded.

Adesina stood her ground and watched the Alpha's movement. After a long minute, Ordan finally calmed himself and backed off. His words relieved the vampire, but did show the importance of getting Zegrath completely transitioned to living with humand and wolves. "I understand, I will make sure it doesn't happen again." She reassured before watching him storm out, as per Eden's report. Looking back at Zegrath, she breathed in sharply and gave a strained smile. "Now, that that is taken care of, finish your meal and head back to bed. You'll need to rest up for tonight's training." She announced to the shaking fledgling.

Eden dropped her catch on the porch and shook her pelt off. She had successfully brought down an older doe, but it was better than nothing. Proudly nudging the food, she was about to shift but Ordan came storming out of the house, startling the blind wolf. This caused her to back up into the railing with a defensive and startled growl.
Alpha Room

The labor was long for a first time mother, taking an hour for the first of her newest sibling to be born, Matt announcing it was a daughter. He handed to the second Theta who took the child and carried it to the dresser to clean as Matt instructed her to breathe but it took another hour for the second child to be born. When it was all done and over with, Aurora felt Aadya release her hand and thank both her and Matt, the Psi nodding. “You’re welcome. She will deliver the afterbirth in a little while,” said Aurora, even though she thought Matt was being thanked. “If she is this exhausted, I recommend you let her eat it. It will provide energy,” said Aurora.

“Matt can feed half to Nikita,” said Demont. The alpha thought for a moment and then spoke. “Feed a third of it to Zahn.”

Aurora heard the genders of her newborn siblings, a sister and a brother. She watched as the boy was taken by Matt to clean off and then both children we’re handed to Aadya, her sister crying until she was set in Aadya’s arms with the help of Matt, the boy only crying when he was set in his mother’s arms. From what she could see, the children were fine, but she hadn’t known anything was wrong with Cole until he’d tried nursing. She looked to her father who hadn’t moved, her eyes widening though as she heard that one of the betas has been captured. That probably explained father’s chipper mood yesterday.

Demont watched his newest pups being cleaned off. “Aurora there is a meeting in an hour with your siblings. You will be there and so will they. Go to the ballroom. Seraphinus is not to come, leave the boy in your room or with a Caretaker,” he growled. “We will discuss your behavior later Aurora,” he said, effectively dismissing her. The woman paled but gave Aadya an encouraging look and a nervous glance at her new siblings before leaving before Demont got angry again.

Hearing that Aadya needed to be put in the medical wing the alpha snorted. “I wasn’t aware we had a medical wing. How are the pups? Are they strong and healthy?” It would determine if they lived or died or one was killed, regardless of what Aadya wanted. He began moving towards the bed to inspect the pups himself.

Claudia & Shakir
Beta Room to Kitchen

Claudia and Shakir watched as Jamie moved away from the woman and looked down the hallway. The child said she was hungry but that she also smelled something nasty. “It smells like meat.”

“Blood as well,” said Shakir tensely as he looked down the hall and then at Claudia.

“Then we’d best keep her with us.”

The pair would begin walking down the hall.


Zegrath was a bundle of nerves, looking briefly at Adesina and then back to Ordan as the wolf seemed to struggle with himself and finally gain some semblance of control before addressing Adesina and then leaving, allowing the fledgling to finally relax when the wolf alpha left. I'm glad I'm not a wolf, he thought to himself. Adesina turned to him and told him to finish the blood before heading to bed as he had training tonight. “Okay,” he said. He got to his feet and hurried out of the infirmary, making his way as quickly as he could to his room before the wolf alpha cam back.

Ordan & Cheena
Custos Territory
Ordan did not wait for an answer to Adesina's words as he swept out of the infirmary, past Eden and her deer, which he failed to notice, and headed for outside, the door slamming behind him. The alpha didn't particularly care if he woke anyone who might be sleeping awake, there was a rogue on his territory. Maybe it was Emery, finally figuring out where the pack was. How long could it take anyway to get a retrieval of some herbs and other things necessary to medicine though the wolf was secretly glad that Emery still retained his medical abilities and Achilles was thrilled with Zahn's presence, much to Ordan's annoyance and worry. It would not be good for the pack if either of those two got out. At least they could breathe easy knowing that the alpha wasn't anywhere near them, much less alive at all. A growl alerted him to someone’s presence and he turned his apex to see Eden standing outside. “I thought you had come inside,” he questioned as his body began shifting and changing forms.

“Sina has a son,” broke in Achilles.

Ordan huffed as he continued changing, the alpha’s body breaking and becoming covered in fur. Falling to all fours, he shook out his pelt and turned his head to Eden, only now noticing her food. “Good job,” he said. “Go do whatever.” He jumped to the ground and it his nose to the ground before setting off into the forest, moving through the territory.

The alpha’s anger fueled him to run, but even that did not help his angry emotions, both towards Achilles, Eden’s words and his children being attacked. The alpha ran, occasionally slowing. having to check the scent of the rogue. Cheena was eating her rabbit in the spot she had seen the blind pack wolf in, when she was sent to the ground, teeth at her throat, the rabbit laying at her paws and behind the wolf. A startled yelp came from Cheena, the sole silver eye brimming in anger as the dead eye stared sightlessly at her.

Eliruz Eliruz
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