• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Varghul awoke screaming, as he usually did. It strained the Gods heavily to communicate their wills to him, and they made sure it strained him even more. The pain was severe, and he grabbed onto whatever was nearest-in this case, the trophy he had secured a few days ago. He found the feeling surprisingly soothing, actually, and he had managed to recover from the agony in record time. He smiled at the trophy, although with how horribly mangled his face was, it didn't seem warm at all. Instead, the torn features slowly began radiating with a malicious energy. "I had another vision." He said, in a low voice. "Today is the day. No more hiding behind these walls. Today, I ascend! They will be back today, loaded with slaves and loot! They have gathered sufficient power to grant me such gifts, no other man has ever dreamed of their power for centuries." He leaned in to give her a kiss. Alitura was a beautiful trophy, the most beautiful he ever had. He hadn't thought it possible, but she made him forget himself...Momentarily. To forget what burden had been placed on his shoulders, the ever present burning. And not to mention the prestige of getting to bed a queen! Ah, glorious. And thus, he would pay her back by not taking any more slaves from her people... For now. No guarantees for what would be done later.

He climbed out of bed and donned his armor, getting ready to start his day. His last day as a measly human. And tomorrow, would be his first day as the Avatar of the Gods themselves. Power untold awaited him.... It was enough to make his mouth water. All the times he'd been afraid, all the times he'd felt alone, all the times he'd cursed loudly, begging for the pain to stop. They all seemed senseless at the time, but now he understood. The Gods had been testing him. And he had passed.

He went to leave, but not before looking at Tura one last time:
"Tonight, I shall transcend this plane. I shall reach a communion with the Gods never before imagined for untold millennia. I want you to be there. I want you to see me for who I really am. Just.... When they start chanting in Ephialtika, hide behind someone and close your ears. Your people are weak, and have no stomach for such rituals. I wish to spare you the agony. Your...Performance has pleased me adequately enough to allow you this small courtesy."

His scouts soon informed him that the party he had sent out was returning. Their numbers seemed to have swelled with many slaves, and the handlers seemed loaded with loot. As the gates opened and the miserly lot walked through, Varghul personally greeted them.

"Excellent work, faithful of the hound! I see plentiful slaves, and much loot! But- These hounds seem mostly untainted. Where is Xel and his pack?"

The faces of the men changed. Some contorted in rage. Others dropped in grief. "He... He tried exploring some underground facility of great wealth. It was where we got this loot from..."
"It was this one's fault, Boss. He was with him, and yet he lives still! Clearly a coward worthy of death"

Malcazor was dragged before Varghul, his face swollen from the beating he had received. He raised his head, looking at Varghul. "Mighty warlord, it was not my fault! I was sent by Xel himself to get bait! How could I know he wouldn't wait for-"

Varghul's massive bulk towered over the poor handler's form. For a moment it seemed as if though he would draw his warhammer and cave his skull in, but ultimately he dropped his hand.
"You were trained by Xel himself. To kill you would be a massive waste. You may go, but... You, from this day onward, shall devote yourself to the Hound, in his memory. Now get lost from my sight!"

Malc scurried away, not being able to believe his good fortune. Well, one must not celebrate too early.... Nonetheless, he was happy

Later that day

The Ceremony was ready. The altar had been prepared and dozens of slaves put in chains. The shamans stood proud, each wearing skulls of animals and humans alike, their bodies and robes covered in runic markings. Many more markings were upon the stones, One of each of the lesser Gods, and several for the main three. All the signs appeared to have been put in an elaborate pattern, the criss-crossing lines creating An Octagon just big enough for one large man. Varghul took his place, kneeling inside of the Octagon. He could barely contain his excitement!

"Let the Ceremony begin!" Announced the lead shaman. As one, he and the others began slowly chanting, first in the common tongue. At first this seemed to have no immediate effect, but slowly, it would seem as if though the runes and marking had began having a slight glow to them, in the torchlight. After a while of this, another order was given, and the chants began being uttered in Ephialtika- The speech of the Gods.

"Kathelon Akra Q'uel Ashoths!"
Glory be to the Lords of All!

Moving almost in unison, the taskmasters who had been standing to the right side began branding, burning and beating their assigned slaves. Their screams added nicely to the choir-However, the worst fate awaited those to the left. One by one, they were dragged to the altar, kicking and screaming, and brutally murdered. The kill wasn't clean-In fact, it was intentionally sloppy and messy, for the Gods crave violence. As the blood poured from each broken body, the runes glowed brighter and brighter, and Varghul's form began constraining, as if though some great energy was pushing him and he was fighting back.

Glory by to the Lords of All! Bestow thy blessing upon this warrior!

The crowd of marauders began chanting alongside the shamans, first in an orderly manner, then increasingly louder, and finally with a ferocity to rival a thunderstorm. So loud it was, that the screams of the wounded and dying were muffled out completely-their suffering muted by the uncaring horde. The runes glowed ever brighter, and Varghul himself began slowly rising into the air-something that only further stoked the chanting. The left well of slaves was drying out, and those on the right that could still scream were fewer and fewer. As the last throat was slit and the lifeless Lepus was cast aside, joining it's friends in a pile of death, a final scream came: This one from Varghul himself. He was jolted several feet into the air, his entire form glowing a molten red-not at all unlike a red-hot iron at a smithy. His screams lasted for some moments, so inhumanely loud and ear piercing that even the marauders went quiet. As his ordeal was over, Varghul dropped to the ground, landing on his feet. The fire emanating from withing his armor seemed to have gotten considerably brighter, and the runes and markings on it now had a dark red-hue.

Then, the blood that had made a large pool at the base of the altar slowly drifted away, forming a massive, towering form. It seemed to be a horned demon, clad in armor and wielding a massive double-bit axe. It was the avatar of Kazgor, the God of War. It spoke in a deep, piercing voice-it was as if hatred itself spoke

"Koth ang cel garun, Varghul-Xhge"
"You have passed our glorious test, Warlord Varghul"
" Gel dur-thuzad, Kor: Kel Xifos dar Kroll- Barshukt, Fel Ektokseyse an thalatta! Dur Kel Amyntikos gi Tauvini. Hulda ner Deilos anapanthsaos!"

"Hear this, then: In addition to your might, I grant you the sword of Kroll the Conqueror, the one who flung the pathetic followers of the sea into their mother! And the Defender of the Faith!."Let no coward escape unpunished!"

The demon moved his hands, and two items appeared before Varghul. One seemed to be a greatsword that was coursing with energies of many kinds, most prevalently fire. The other was a large rectangular shield, with the face of a demon engraved on it, and above it, the proverb in Ephialtika: "Hulda ner Deilos anapanthsaos"

Let no coward escape unpunished!

Just then, the avatar ran out of blood, and dissapeared. Varghul slowly rose to his feet, picking up these artifacts. The followers had gone silent. He slowly turned to face them, before he spoke in a booming voice, now seemingly louder and further distorted-a lot more similar to the demon's.

"My Brothers! After all these years, the Gods have answered our prayers. Look at the strength they have granted me! So now you must wonder, what will I do with this power? Will I use it in petty squabbles between the Ascendant? Will I use it to help the land "prosper", and hang the weaponry above my fireplace?

NO! That is the resounding answer! I am not some pathetic outsider coward! I will drench them in gore! The shield will punish countless mages and cowards, and the sword shall feast on innumerable souls! The skulls of our foes shall make a mountain high enough to reach the heavens! The blood will make a sea! All who survive shall be enslaved or mutated! No longer shall we be the ones in hiding: No longer shall we be pushed around. Now, we hold the whip and the blade: We are the ones they should fear!

So, tommorow, I will embark for the east. The scouts tell me a bunch of stuntie scum have set up their base, having no fear of us! I shall go, and show them exactly why this land is desolate! Are you with me?"

t was very hard to put the volume and frenzy of the cheering into words. For several minutes, the warriors did nothing but scream in approval. Varghul basked in the glory, finally seeing it: The reason for all his suffering. The reason behind existence itself. No one else would stand before them ever again. The Gods would not be denied. Their debt would be repaid in full, his name forever to remain in the history of the Cosmos, as the one who set the Lords of All free!
Post the Fourth
1 Capital City, 2 Settlements (Farming), 2 Structures
18 Resources, 34 Population, 5 T1 Troops, 2 Heroes
5 Culture, 5 History

T1: 2 Gardeners, 1 Nursemaid, 1 Researcher, 1 Builder
1) Build One Structure on G9 (Free Action);
Allows an extra unit to be trained per turn
2) Build One Structure on G9 (Free Action);
Allows an extra unit to be trained per turn
3) Move Builder (G9) to F9
4) Train Researcher at H9
5) Build Military Settlement on H10 (Free Action; Trait: Can We Fix It?)
6) Move Gardener (H9) to G10
7) Research Cerulean Laboratory, Ephialtika, Vehicle at Hurk's, Orcs (Crashing Tide)
Crashing Tide:
Buffs Orcs. They gain +1 defense, and +2 attack on any attacks made via The Horde
8) Research Ascendant Basic Tactics (Trait: Wise)
Ascendant Basic Tactics: Gain +2 on any checks to raid a trade route or score a great success. Great successes give an additional resource or allow the procuring of a single slave unit in addition to regular benefits.
9) Bring Cerulean Lab Back to Full Working Capacity (-6 Resources)
10) Explore G10
11) Explore F9
Tentative Lineup for Beginning of Next Turn:
1 Capital City, 3 Settlements (2 Farming, 1 Military), 4 Structures

18+6+2-6 = 20 Resources, 34+2(4+2)= 50 Population, 6 T1 Troops, 2 Heroes
Last edited:
Build Tomb
Build Armory
Continue farm settlement construction on K21

Free Actions:
Khalida and her army explore J21
Contribute 5 Slave Pop to Pyramid Restoration
Place Kraken at K22
A sense of dread began to permeate the cities of Altura, enemies began appearing on all sides and the people of the cities were pushed into ahrder adn harder conditions to create structures. Criminals and heretics were continually deported to form an army in the north.

Action 1: Brimstone from the Pulpit Ability: Construct Temple of the All Father, then Construct Mountain Signals -2 population for ability
Action 2 and 3: Recruit Desperados X2 in military Settlement
train: one raider
build a farming settlement at 14B
move diplomat to 12B and explore
move lightship to 12E



Turn 4, Month 5 Year 320 (In game first Year)
Athanas Athanas , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Bruhaha Bruhaha , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars , CaptainSully CaptainSully

Inziim watches as much exploration was to be had that month. The ancient ruins of the old, what secrets to be had for such budding civilizations. It brings him back to his youth when he studied magic from his teachers as he pursued his true love. Other than the places that he and his people maintain, nothing remains of the vast civilization and even the very world that he had been apart of all those hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The Dwarves continue to build up their forces. The ones in the south are eager already to fight.


The Carmine Empire
Resources: 9 Population: 62

The nation continues to expand on their large island as the cold winter progresses. The howling winds and snow do not do much to the people, other than slow them down. The dwarves in the area are still hunkered down during the winter, building up their reserves.

Well Alfred was exploring the countryside with his new friend, he comes across a half buried structure sticking out from the ground. (Explore)

Sors Leporidae
Resources: 20 Population: 50

There is much building going on with the bunnies, including a new military settlement around the laboratory that they had found and brought back up to full capabilities. R.A.I.S. was ecstatic at all the extra hands around, now that this research center was fully functional once more. She eagerly helped with the research that was going on, allowing further and greater breakthroughs to be achieved into the ancient sciences. the only thing holding them back at current, was various metalworking and building methods. Great breakthroughs can be now had. Every turn roll a d10.
1-6 Nothing new happens
7-9 Old World research is unlocked
10 Something special happens

Research attained: Ascendant Basic Tactics: Gain +2 on any checks to raid a trade route or score a great success. Great successes give an additional resource or allow the procuring of a single slave unit in addition to regular benefits.
Crashing tide: Buffs Orcs. They gain a +1 defense, and +2 attack on any attacks made via The Horde

Successfully researched and understand Ephialtika.
Researched the transport vehicle and can units traveling around now use Carriages for moving around the field. Default speed is now 2. (Is still affected by winter)

The builder finds a deep hole at the edge of the forest. (Explore)
The gardener spots an overgrown greenhouse surrounded by a rusted fence along with a small run down looking shack. (Explore)

Resources: 4 Population: 9
Pyramid of Maat Restoration: 5/400

Now the the Kraken, Tartarus is ready to show the world that they have naval superiority. They will bring the waters to their knees by using the ancient.

A tomb was constructed. (+1 undead troop raised for same cost as a free action.)
Armory Constructed- +1 Attack

The slaves were worked until their deaths in order to help restore the Pyramid of Maat.

F21: While exploring around, they come across a small village of animal people. (Explore)

Resources: 17 Population: 23

Temple to the Allfather constructed- +2 to Faith

More Desperadoes have been trained at the Military settlement.

Ongoing Exploration

Out in the desert is a strange electrical storm.

Kingdom Of Lothren
Resources: 19 Population: 24

Ongoing Diplomacy between the mages.

3 More Ranger units have been trained in the forest.

Kingdom of Hjemriget
Resources: 6.5 Population: 32

The Diplomat moves across the frozen waters and into the deep, cold North. While there he comes across a strange Alter sitting out in the middle of the fields. (Explore)

The Dominion of the Ascendant
Resources: 8 Population: 14

Dwarven slaves are taken and warhounds are trained. These things, the Dwarves would ignore, but what they would not ignore was in fact the taunting of the Enemy Warlord. This enraged the leader of the Dwarves from this settlement who ordered an all out attack on the enemy.


Tags: None

Mhyress, with her crimson flesh a frightful but elegant vision, moving back towards the altar. Even as her face was one of defeat, her posture and movement was as alluring as ever. She turned to look at Alucard, the fleshy mass that was once the altars centerpiece reforming. Her blackened eyes stared at him almost as if trying to glare a hole right into his soul. As the grotesque mound of pulsating blood, ichor and flesh finally returned to its former state, Mhyress stepped into it and vanished from view.

Alucard, satisfied with his victory made his way towards the exit. He had defeated that which haunted him most and felt a weight lifted from his shoulders. In the process he had realised his potential and unlocked a power that put him in the upper echelons of the world's warriors.

With the doors in reach Alucard glanced over the altar room for what he hoped would be the last time for a while. As he turned to leave after casting his eyes over the distorted reality he heard a voice, one that burned with a rage that predated time itself.

"You have exceeded my expectations... congratulations." The voice was deep and beastial in its tone as Alucard scanned the room for its source. "You will not see me because to see me is beyond your comprehension. You have defeated my child Mhyress with ease and unlocked a level of power even I had not foreseen."

Alucards teeth became bared once more. He felt frustration, having defeated one demon he didn't forsee having to have to fight another.

"I can feel your blood boiling Alucard but do not worry. I have no interest in attempting to best you in combat, what I propose is something much more." The voice conveyed a sincerity that betrayed its beastial, bass notes. "I am the Blood God, Krom. Those that spill blood empower me and those that live for blood honour me. You and your transformation came from me. The battle in which you fought millennia ago, where rivers of blood flowed until only two remained, drew my gaze. The devastation that you left in your wake showed me that even mortals can be more. I gave you a gift, a part of me to spread across the world. A soldier, a warrior, a living avatar of the Blood God. Your numbers swell and now you have defeated my child, someone who should have been far beyond your capabilities."

With each sentence from Krom, Alucard felt himself relax further. The words resonated with him to his core, knowing them to be truth through no more than instinct.

"You and your people have kept me satiated for a long time but there is now something I need. A new threat stirs, worshippers of primordial God's who have long wanted to defeat me. They have a great champion, a living mountain of plate steel and fire who commands an ever growing army. You two will cross paths sooner or later and without hesitation you must strike him down."

Anger began to build in Krom's voice, the talk of these other Gods bringing out his own rage.

"You have proven your power and so I will share more of mine with you and your people. A bloody mist will descend on your people when you leave this place and from it your strength will grow. Now please return to your people, there are threats to you beyond those I've mentioned. Prepare your forces...war is on your doorstep…"


  • Actions: Actions for current turn.
    Current Status: Projected coin/population generation and bonuses.
Last edited:
  1. Awaken Tartarus Skirmishers (+1 Tomb)
  2. Research Desert Obelisk (Terraform tiles into desert tiles)
  3. Construct Overseer’s Offices (Will add 1 additional action per turn.)
Free Actions:
Kraken explores K22

New Yomi (CC):
1x Armory
1x Tomb
Pyramid of Maat
Pyramid of Ancients

Shedet (FS): n/a

Khalida (Hero Unit)
Kraken (Hero Unit)
2x Jackal Hunters
2x Tartarus Skirmishers
2x Sand Snipers

Trektek Trektek CaptainSully CaptainSully
Last edited:
Post the Fifth
1 Capital City, 3 Settlements (2 Farming, 1 Military), 4 Structures
20 Resources, 50 Population, 6 T1 Troops, 2 Heroes
10 Culture, 10 History

T1: 2 Gardeners, 1 Nursemaid, 2 Researchers, 1 Builder
1) Build One Structure on H9 (Free Action);
Allows an extra unit to be trained per turn
2) Move Builder (F9) to F8
3) Train Builders x3 at H9
4) Upgrade Military Settlement on H10 (One Turn Left; Trait: Can We Fix It?)
5) Move Gardener (I10) to I11
6) Research Winter, Atropa Belladonna, Aircraft, Mass Recruitment
Mass Recruitment:
-1 costs to recruit units. If units cost falls below 0, then unit is Retrained and gets +1/+1.
7) Research Ascendant Intermediate Tactics (Trait: Wise)
Intermediate Tactics: Aggressive actions (raiding, sieging, enslaving, defiling) are free actions (still limit of one per turn). Gain +1 on great success rolls and rolls to raid trade routes.
8) Explore I11
9) Build Port Settlement (I11)
10) Explore F8
11) Move Gardener, Researcher, Atropa, and Cal (H10) to I9
12) Bring Transport Vehicle Back to Working Condition (-4 Resources)
Tentative Lineup for Beginning of Next Turn:
1 Capital City, 4 Settlements (2 Farming, 1 Military, 1 Port), 5 Structures

20+6-4 = 22 Resources, 50+2(4+2)= 62 50 MAX Population, 9 T1 Troops, 2 Heroes
T1 Troops: 2 Gardeners, 1 Nursemaid, 2 Researchers, 4 Builders
Last edited:
Varghul awoke, and for the first time in forever he felt only a slight charring. The pain had not gone away, no, but instead it was as if though his body had hardened and barely felt anything. He looked down. His chest and neck had many runes, glowing in a low light, emanating power. Finally, his reward was here. And today, everything was finally coming together. Already from this very early hour, the Fist was brimming with excitement. He heard chiefs barking orders, the laughing and bantering of the eager marauders. Such a force had not been seen for more than half a year, ever since Varghul first emerged from the lower tunnels to beat back the claimants and pretenders to his throne. Morale was high all around-for they knew reckoning was at hand.
He slowly, deliberately climbed out of his bed, staring out from the window the gathering of the men below. His victory against the dwarves was assured. But after that, where would he go? Were there more foes in the continent? Would he need ships in order to cross the sea and get to the south? And mayhaps... Mayhaps to the east lay a worthy foe? He had seen it, in a dream. A mighty God, a being of blood and shadows. From the blessings of the Lord of Power, he knew that this was a God of times past, not as old as his masters but definitely with great age.

Mayhaps he had followers? These, should they exist, would not be weaklings like those he had faced before. They would be beings of considerable might, and this made this endeavor all the more alluring. Ah, he'd have to leave the daydreaming for another time.
He turned back and noticed his concubine was still fast asleep. He had to admit, she was quite the find. Her people, she assured, would be able to be of great use. Of this he was not certain just yet, but he was willing to trust in her word: After all, she knew better than to lie to him. He, as gently as he possibly could, which was not much, nudged her awake. She needed her to see him off.
"Tura, my most pleasurable concubine, it is my time to go. I shall lay waste to the dwarves that dare oppose me...and you, of course! Come, give me a kiss. I wish to have the sweetness linger with me on the road ahead."
She did kiss him, but it didn't feel...natural. Her lips were still sweeter than the finest honey, and her technique unparalleled, but it lacked.... He struggled with the word for a bit, before he found it. It lacked Warmth. Clearly, her ignoring his warning to avert her eyes and ears from the deed was affecting her quite badly. But alas, was that his fault? He had warned her of their brutality, of their tendency to exact such a terrible blood price of any trophy. This was the way of their people, just like her was to study and play and procreate with each other without a care in the world. And she had known!
"Tura, I feel as if though I was correct: You are faint of heart and cowardly, and you cannot handle such signs of carnage. It was for this reason I warned you to avert thine sight and hearing. Why Ignore thy lord's advice?....Nonetheless, I assure you no more of your people are to be sacrificed. I have made sure the word is spread. None of your people are to be hurt. Now, of course, laws are fickle... But alas, this will be enough to keep most away. And what more, your own cities shall be spared the wrath of these stunties, for they shall taste my blade"

She was not convinced. That much was clear as daylight, but he didn't care. Cowardice he did not enjoy, and while hers was justified, being both a woman and hailing from a race of weaklings, to stay here any longer would only stoke his anger further. He summoned his armor and banged his fist over his chest, a sign of respect amongst his people. Then, he headed out, causing loud cheers from the amassed warriors.

The Taskmasters had not joined the congregation. This wonderful alliance of theirs had given them many, many plaything to experiment with. Varghul's decision to rob them of the two-legged ones angered them to no end, but they knew better than to anger their lord: Not after he'd been chosen. Instead, they had to make do with the regular bunnies. Currently, most were resting or polishing their irons and other gear. A middle aged scrapper with a slashed face was overlooking a young taskmaster who was trying out his skills on one such bunny. The bunny screamed and screamed and struggled to escape, but of course, with no avail. At the moment he was hoisting it from the scruff of it's neck( It was noted that they hated being grabbed like this-it was both painful and very stressful) while slowly pulling away small patches of fur.

Suddenly, the thing seized up, then began kicking furiously for a few moments, before suddenly going limp, dead. The older taskmaster barked disapprovingly and vigorously whacked the trainee over the back of the head.

"Fool! I have told you many times: Their pathetic hearts explode when under too much duress. You must stop for slightly longer periods!
The young trainee bowed and quickly scurried away, not excited at the prospect of inciting his superior's wrath. He dumped the dead bunny on a pile, to be skinned and cooked or fed to the hounds. The middle aged man, a geezer named Hortz, sighed and sat down. The new generation was enthusiastic, but they didn't learn nowhere near fast enough. They were treating this like some sort of game. It wasn't a damn game! The Lord of pleasure, the Artisan might not be as powerful as the slayer or the Crow, but he was the most meticulous of them all. Pain was an art, and while art could not be expressed that well in such simple creatures, it was nonetheless imperative it was done properly.

Sighing again, he got up and went thorugh a small door. There were pens for breeding there, with at least two dozen more bunnies-they seemed to follow their two-legged friends everywhere. The few taskmasters left behind were branding the females with the rune of fertility, a mark that all females were to bear. The Goddess of lust would grant these creatures increased pheromonal output, as well as much greater fertility, while their children would be born faster, and mature more quickly.

He smiled. He might not have many, but the bunnies would breed like well, bunnies. Already, he was pondering upon a great experiment-mayhaps if the heart rate of the creature could be slowed enough.....

Two weeks later

The dwarves were outside the city for important and necessary functions. Some had gone to gather, while others were there to hunt or make maps of the area. Whatever it was, they could not be prepared for the sudden, massive onslaught of warriors that suddenly poured in. With devastating efficiency, the Ascendant quickly cut off the enemy's routes, trapping many in a circle and denying them their means of escape. Realizing that they would not survive, most of them surrendered to the massive plate-clad beast. Those who did not died a painful death.
They were the lucky ones.

Two days later, Varghul, seemingly alone strolled up to the fortresses gates. He stopped just outside of the reach of their bows, willed his voice to thunder many times more loudly than normal, and then proceeded to taunt the enemy: A cunning ploy on his part.



And so he ranted, on and on and on, while the dwarves at the walls could only hurl insults back at him. Many loosened arrows, but he was too far for the shots be accurate, or effective: Such efforts merely stoked further laughter, and soon, their commanders had to discipline them, lest they charged out right at him right then and there.

Varghul surveyed the enemy's battle lines as he made the final preparations for the upcoming battle. What fools! To think that they had allowed themselves to be riled up by him, and to now face him in combat-astonishingly stupid.

But of course, their armamements themselves were absolutely disgraceful. Weapons of flint and powder? Massive warmachines? Where were the men ready to engage in glorious melee? Where was the rage of the demon? Varghul sighed. Ah, and to think they were technically kin, servants to demons.

Without warning, the dwarves began to march forward, seemingly eager to kill their foes. Seeking to retain, Varghul roared for his troops to attack. First came the slaves, riled up by the taskmasters and rushing headlong into the opponent-a swift death in battle was much, much preferabble to what awaited them if they did not comply. The marauders, roaring and banging their weapons together, followed behind. Without hesitation, the dwarves loosened volley upon volley on the advancing slaves, cutting down the squalid masses before any of them could reach their lines. However, they had expended too much much ammunition and time. Before they could reload, the manic horde was upon them, crashing into their ranks like a tidal wave of fury. Varghul revelled in the slaughter, the puny shots of the dwarves bouncing off against his shield or armor. The Sword of Ruin cleaved through everything in it's path with stupendous ease, and soon he found himself covered in dwarven blood, carving a bloody path through their ranks. Ah, how he had missed this! The feeling of visceral carnage was intoxicating. He was already celebrating his victory when it happened. The giant drill began firing shot after shot at his amassed men. Taking advantage of the confusion, a band of axe-wielding dwarves, the only ones who seemed to be of any worth, charged them.

Varghul was infuriated by such a display. Again, they relied on such antics? No matter. He bellowed for his allies to finish off the axe-wielders, and then made his way towards the drill, Eager to destroy it.


The door to Tura's quarters was suddenly flung open, and a marauder stepped in. While rude, most trophies didnt even have personal quarters, so he was understandably confused when trying to find her.

"These two, they're looking for you. They want your help."

The pair walked in, and it was quite the pair indeed. The man seemed ancient, with white hair and wrinkles that betrayed he was easily a hundred years old. He walked slowly and leaned heavily on his staff. Presenting a stark contrast, the woman next to him couldnt have been more than twenty-five. Her hair was dark red, an unnatural color, and her eyes were majestic green orbs that had a certain arrogance to them. The man spoke first.

"Greetings, Leader of the Lepus and Queen-Mother. My name is Hurzed of the Shadowgrave. I am a... Supreme shaman of this Kingdom. I have heard rumors about the inquisitive abilities of your people. Mayhaps, you could help me with my research? These runes unlock great power, but decoding them is proving most troubling."

Having made his case, he exited, taking the marauder with him. The two women were left alone. The red haired woman looked around the room a bit, before she smiled at Tura: "Given your own room, has he? Might not seem like much but-that means something alright.

Right, Right, I should introduce myself. I'm Ava. No fancy titles to go with that, I fear. The Godess of Lust has given me such... Gifts, so that I do not appear hideous like the rest of our "glorious people"

She gave a small smirk at the end of that sentence. "See, my godess does not believe in this mindless brutality. Why torture when people can be persuaded? But alas, I'm hard pressed to actually find someone to teach me some things about the more... Fun side of persuasion. So I thought, if it was anyone who would've known, it would be you. The one who managed to convince one of the most brutal fanatics to spare her."

She slowly made her way to where Tura was sitting and sat on her lap. Her voice had lowered considerably. "Besides, I wanted to see for myself... So, will you show me?"
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king Baldur sat on his oak throne, the rain falling on his halls roof like the gods knocking on his door. his lords sat quietly around waiting for him to say something when a loud banging was heard on the front door. "come in" lamented Baldur, a young woman with wet ashen hair and grey eyes pushed the door open and strolled in. "if it isn't my dear niece Astrid, late as always" Baldur bellowed, with a sterner voice he continued"why is it you are late again?". the ashen girl having taken a seat in the middle of the hall from one of the minor lords, looked up at the king, and with a glare that could kill a thousand men responded: "why would you care kinslayer?". silence, even the rain stopped for a second, then the girl burst out laughing "You should see the looks on your faces".

lord Christoffer stood op and stared at the young lady, his stare had little to no effect on the girls smug expression, "how dare you to say something like that to you uncle, let alone your king" he hissed at her. Baldur stood up and announced, "I have not gathered you to fight with each other!" he sat back down and continued "I have come to inform you of some changes, from today and onwards two new guilds will be joining us, Konunglega rannsóknarstofan and utanríkisverslun guild. you may now go back to your homes. " there was a tension in the air but people began to leave, slowly but surely. the was no one in the hall, other than Astrid, even Christoffer had gone on his way.

"so big guy what's your plan?" Astrid jokingly asked, "hope that they don't attack us first" Baldur quietly responded, "if I remember right last time you waited for the enemy to come to you, you lost your wife. hey, maybe you'll lose your life this time" Astrid stated as she left. Baldur sat in silence thinking about what she had said, he knew he couldn't attack with what he had, so he had to wait.

Baldur walked out and towards the raven tower, he stepped in and began to scale the stairs to the top, as he did the rain began again and he looked out the window, the sea was as cold as ever he thought to himself. finally, he reached the top and sent out two ravens one to the north and the other to the west.


train; archer
build; Konunglega rannsóknarstofan: a laboratory which every two turns will research a random tec
utanríkisverslun guild: this merchant guild gives a bonus to all trade routes by 1 and gives 1 gold for every civilization meet
move diplomat to E9 and explore

6,5+2+2+2-2-2-3= 5,5

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[class=background] background:url('https://i.imgur.com/QAGruWM.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#211d1d; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class] [class=cont] background-color: rgba(239, 229, 213, 0.7); color:#333438; border: 1px solid black; position:relative; padding:20px; [/class]
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Kingdom of Bullarum
Morning meetings were a daily practice in the council chamber of the underwater palace. Five bulla sat around the meeting table in their usual seating arrangement, while Ophthalmos sat at the center of the table, attentively listening to the heated discussion taking place in the meeting today. Semel also took part in the meeting but he was currently asleep by Ophthalmos' feet.

"I don't know... I don't think seaweed soup has enough nutrients to last you a whole day, guys," Pes chimed in meekly.

"No care! Seaweed soup good!" Quam exclaimed excitedly, Optimus chuckled from her seat in agreement.

"It's the texture, isn't? Is that what's throwing you off?" Mollis rubbed his nose out of habit, making it flicker ever so lightly.

"Regardless of how the food tastes, one should eat for the sake of conserving energy so they can participate in any sort of activity. For example, talking like we are now, this too requires energy. Which is why it is important for everyone to finish their meals," Recipe reminded everyone firmly.

Ophthalmos nodded in agreement before passing his final thoughts on the matter. "That's right, picky eaters are a disgrace. Though Pes does have a point, you cannot just simply rely on one serving of seaweed soup to sustain you for an entire day. One must eat at least three times a day - no matter how diet conscious you are!"

Just then, the doors to the council chamber flung open; Ophthalmos' golden gaze shifted to the octopus-mermaid swimming towards them. This was usually the time tea was served in the morning meeting so her presence wasn't unexpected, but Egnarion was not pushing a tea cart towards them today. Ophthalmos grew wary but greeted Egnarion with a smile nonetheless.

"Morning, Ophy, everyone," she began in her usual deadpan manner, she was the only one in the kingdom who could address the Deep Sea King the way she did. "Okay, so we have a little bit of a situation. There seems to a bunch of land dwellers trolling the area. They've been catching fish by throwing some kind of toxins in the water, and it's hurting all the marine life - I mean, we're good, but it's still a cause of concern, wouldn't you agree? What do you want me to do?"

"What else is there to do? Kill them," Ophthalmos answered without hesitation, his smile still present. "Also, how about some tea?"

[div class=box2]
[/div][div class=box2]

Turn1 Capital City, 1 Settlement (Normal)

6 Resources, 12 Population, 6 T1 Troops

T1: 2 Builders, 2 Gatherers, 1 Researcher, 1 Tank

> Gather Resources
> Train infantry
> Build a defensive wall around the capital
> Research Deep Sea Magic
> Explore (J13)
> Research deep sea magic
[/border][/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]

Kingdom of Bullarum

Morning meetings were a daily practice in the council chamber of the underwater palace. Five bulla sat around the meeting table in their usual seating arrangement, while Ophthalmos sat at the center of the table, attentively listening to the heated discussion taking place in the meeting today. Semel also took part in the meeting but he was currently asleep by Ophthalmos' feet.

"I don't know... I don't think seaweed soup has enough nutrients to last you a whole day, guys," Pes chimed in meekly.

"No care! Seaweed soup good!" Quam exclaimed excitedly, Optimus chuckled from her seat in agreement.

"It's the texture, isn't? Is that what's throwing you off?" Mollis rubbed his nose out of habit, making it flicker ever so lightly.

"Regardless of how the food tastes, one should eat for the sake of conserving energy so they can participate in any sort of activity. For example, talking like we are now, this too requires energy. Which is why it is important for everyone to finish their meals," Recipe reminded everyone firmly.

Ophthalmos nodded in agreement before passing his final thoughts on the matter. "That's right, picky eaters are a disgrace. Though Pes does have a point, you cannot just simply rely on one serving of seaweed soup to sustain you for an entire day. One must eat at least three times a day - no matter how diet conscious you are!"

Just then, the doors to the council chamber flung open; Ophthalmos' golden gaze shifted to the octopus-mermaid swimming towards them. This was usually the time tea was served in the morning meeting so her presence wasn't unexpected, but Egnarion was not pushing a tea cart towards them today. Ophthalmos grew wary but greeted Egnarion with a smile nonetheless.

"Morning, Ophy, everyone," she began in her usual deadpan manner, she was the only one in the kingdom who could address the Deep Sea King the way she did. "Okay, so we have a little bit of a situation. There seems to a bunch of land dwellers trolling the area. They've been catching fish by throwing some kind of toxins in the water, and it's hurting all the marine life - I mean, we're good, but it's still a cause of concern, wouldn't you agree? What do you want me to do?"

"What else is there to do? Kill them," Ophthalmos answered without hesitation, his smile still present. "Also, how about some tea?"

1 Capital City, 1 Settlement (Normal)

6 Resources, 12 Population, 6 T1 Troops

T1: 2 Builders, 2 Gatherers, 1 Researcher, 1 Tank

> Gather Resources
> Train infantry
> Build a defensive wall around the capital
> Research Deep Sea Magic
> Explore (J13)
> Research deep sea magic
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Turn 5, Month 6 Year 320 (In game first Year)
Athanas Athanas
, cinnabuns cinnabuns , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Bruhaha Bruhaha , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars , CaptainSully CaptainSully , waifu waifu

While the Dwarves in the north are on the decline from fighting with the forces of chaos. However, the Dwarves in the south are on the move, taking a Viking settelement, invading the mountains of the Lepurs and setting fire to the Eleven forest.

The Carmine Empire
Resources: 14 Population: 90(Current Max Population)

The Capital would seem the least likely place for cultists of any kind to be existing within the Carmine Empire. One would think. However, there seemed to be traces picked up by the secret police. There seemed to be 3 separate cultist cells operating within the capital. One was in a tavern. Another was operating within an abandoned warehouse and the third cell was operating from a large farmstead outside the capital.

Resources: 10 Population: 13
Pyramid of Maat Restoration: 5/400

The Overseers office was constructed, allowing Maat to give 1 extra order per turn.

Research on the Desert Obelisk to turn tiles into desert tiles is making progress (1 turn remaining)

Exploring the open ocean for its new masters, the Kraken discovers the ruins of an ancient settlement. It was most likely part of the old and ancient Tartarus city that used to exist on the waters. Treasures were able to be recovered. (+6 Resources)

Sors Leporidae
Resources: 22 Population: 50 (Current Max Population)

Researching Winter allows the bunnies to acquire snowshoes, heavy winter clothes and coal for warmth. (No longer affected by decreased movement during Winter Months).
Researching Atropa Belladona increase the understanding of plant/people hybrid physiology. (+5 Knowledge)
Researching Aircraft allows a greater understanding of flight mechanics (Rudimentary Bi plane plans acquired. Still requires appropriate tools to create)
Mass Recruitment researched gains -1 costs to recruit units. If units cost falls below 0, then unit is Retrained and gets +1/+1.
Intermediate Tactics researched Aggressive actions (raiding, sieging, enslaving, defiling) are free actions (still limit of one per turn). Gain +1 on great success rolls and rolls to raid trade routes.

Exploring I11- The gardener discovers an old and dilapidated lighthouse. It looks weathered from age, with a solid thick wooden door.

Exploring F8- At the edge of the forest, the builder discovers a well, sitting in the middle of the field.

Kingdom Of Lothren
Resources: 24 Population: 32

Rez begins working on the Magical Barrier surrounding the forest. Due to his magical skill, it will be finished in (1 more turn)

Exploring G20: the elf finds a single metal gate in the middle of an open field

Kingdom of Hjemriget
Resources: 5.5 Population: 40

The dwarves conquered the settlement at C15.

Konunglega rannsóknarstofan Built: a laboratory which every two turns will research a random technology.

utanríkisverslun guild: this merchant guild gives a bonus to all trade routes by 1 and gives 1 gold for every civilization meet

Exploration at E9: The diplomat comes across a small group of stranded Viking hunters. (Gained 1 Folkera unit)

Kingdom of Bullarum
Resources: 4 Population:12

1 unit of infantry was trained.

A defensive wall was built around the capital giving it (+2 Defense)

Research: Deep Sea Magic: Gained the ability to cast Waves of protection with any 1 units stack square within Range 1 around a settlement (+2 Defense on the turn cast)

Explore J13: Exploring the square reveals an ancient underwater ruin. The city was filled with metal and glass spires. One structure that is larger than the rest, has a domed top.

The Dominion of the Ascendant
Resources: 6 Population: 14

Adopted Policy: The Favored Ones- All Leader and Hero Units gain +3/+1. Unlocks further research on heroes and leaders

Varghul's Army attacks the Dwarves: Results Pending

Train Agent: Aspiring Shaman
Free Action: Train Agent: cult leader(Will be finished training next turn)

Exploring D5: The hound unit reached the plains just past the mountains. It stretched for many miles in all directions. Off in the distance, they would see a large creature made of rock and covered in snow, walking with two large arms and two smaller legs. It's head was large with two sharp elongated canines on the bottom jaw extended.

Resources: 17 Population: 24

Things are stirring within the Country. Rumors have begun to spread of a great Woman that was once a Desperita and is now commanding an army of metal angels.​
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Kingdom of Tartarus


The tomb brought back memories to his ancient mind, of a time when he had far more land to be responsible for, but much less stress about it. Now that the pyramid had been emptied of slaves and civilians they had begun its official restoration. Although gazing upon the work done so far...it’d take all of his immortality to complete. Maat turned his attention back to the city below, gazing out from the entrance to the pyramid. These lush lands were once property of Tartarus, but he had no use for the abundance of life within the soil. The God-King headed deeper within the pyramid and back into what had become his throne room. There he had a large table covered in charts, diagrams, and arcane symbols. With his Circle of Mages still entombed he needed to test his formulae himself and it was taking more time than he desired to give.
Tartarus was a work in progress, but it was coming along well enough that the upper-class men and women hadn’t been complaining. The city beneath the pyramid was now constructing a wall to add a layer of protection from outsiders, the city of Shedet in the west was a success and also building a wall. News of the Kraken’s treasure haul excited everyone as a treasury would be needed if the king was going to be able to acquire them any kind of man made luxuries. They were thriving, not just surviving as they would have been under the false king.

Khalids and her undead horde were triumphant in their capturing of the animal village, but she could not stop there. Last she remembered Tartarus was still be one pyramid and that small group of slaves would not be enough to build a metropolis. They needed more and she would find them. In the distance she saw a plume of black smoke rising to the sky. Usually where there was destruction there were sentient creatures. “On me!” Her voice bellowed out as she raised her hand into the sky. The undead and the jackals quickly fell into ranks around the mummy and as she marched so did they. This fire would surely lead to potential slaves and she would waste no time getting there.

Research Desert Obelisk
Construct Walls around New Yomi (using resources)
Construct Walls around Shedet (using resources)
Move Khalida’s army from J21 to I21

Free Actions:
Explore I21

New Yomi(CC):
Walls(under construction)
1x Armory
1x Tomb
Pyramid of Maat 5/400
Pyramid of Ancients

Shedet (FS):
Walls (under construction)

Khalida (Hero Unit)
Kraken (Monster Hero Unit)
2x Jackal Hunters
4x Tartarus Skirmishers
2x Sand Snipers


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Alucard emerged from the Cathedral to find that time had moved on quite considerably in Sylvania, his ears hearing news of an emerging cult within his nations borders. Previously he would have let his men deal with it but decided that this time required a more personal touch. Before that, he needed to clean himself up.

Within his bedchamber he sat staring at his hands, the filth from within the Cathedral had dug deep into every finger print and crease of skin. The putrid smell of stale blood and rotten flesh still teased his nostrils, pricking them almost as if to say he will never truly be free from it. He pushed himself up to his feet and made his way to the corner of the room where a bath awaited.

The heat of the water sent thick streams of vapor up into the cold air. As Alucard removed the last of his garments he entered the bath and immediately felt the comforting warmth of the water. He let out a satisfying sigh and he sunk deep into the water, his long flowing locks following him underneath. He remained still for a moment until the sound of his chamber door shutting vibrated through the water. He resurfaced, tucking his hair behind his ears to find a scantily clad female before him.

Her appearance rivalled even the most beautiful of women he had seen. Her eyes were as blue as the deepest recesses of glacial ice, complemented by snow, white skin and a deep crimson lipstick. Her figure surpassed even the beauty of her face and with each step towards Alucard it was further reinforced. He sat silently as she approached, a trail of clothing left behind with each step she made. Upon reaching the bath her entire body was exposed to the cold air of the bedchamber.

”Good evening my Lord...” her voice was as alluring as that of Mhyress, as if it pulled at his very soul, ”...I am so glad I could see you.”

The Lord of the Carmine stayed silent as the women entered the bath opposite him, being sure to arch over enough to allow him a view at her most intimate regions. As she sat down he felt a strange sensation, a feeling in his gut that things weren’t as they seemed. Then with her next blink her blue eyes had made way for black, abyssal orbs and he realised who was in front of him. His immediate instinct was to tear the head from her body but he found restraint, intrigued by the visit.

”I thought I had done way with you creature?!” His words were as taunting as they were dismissive. The woman before him let out a soft laugh before it devolved into the familiar reverberating voice of Mhyress.

”I can assure you that I had no intention of being in your realm.” The sultry shape of Mhyress’ form disappeared below the water before reappearing. Her skin glistened as the water ran across its pale surface. ”My father has sent me here for a reason.” Alucard raised an eyebrow before interjecting.

”I don’t suppose it is to have a second fight?” The sarcasm of his comment was blatant. ”I didn’t think demons could enter this world. I still remember the tales from when I was human, a great mage built a magical barrier to keep you and your kind locked away after you nearly killed all life.” His comment caused his guests face to contort in anger.

”’My kind’ were not responsible for what happened to your world. That was the action of the Primordial Gods. My father was more than happy to sit and feed off the nations of the world as they fought amongst themselves. A few people here and there is nothing in a world populated by so many.” There was a brief pause from the demon as she glanced around the room inquisitively.

”However, because he didn’t answer the call to arms of the Primordials he had to hide himself out of their reach. On his own he could maybe defeat them one by one...maybe...but together they are far too strong.” Mhyress’ face returned to something far more human like in appearance as she continued.

”As for me being in your world, I am limited for the moment by the distance to the Cathedral. Any further and I would simply cease to exist. You see, as you grow in power and blood is spilled across the world, my father’s own strength grows.” Alucard stared at her for a moment before deciding to cut in.

”So I am bound to Krom? How does that happen?” His face was one of confusion.

”In simple terms that is the case. The long story is that the battle you fought in all those years ago was the bloodiest the world had ever seen. The power it gave my father drew his attention right to you and that is why he blessed you.” Alucard scoffed at her words.

”If that is the case then why has he not shown himself until now?” A look of disappointment followed by frustration spread across the face of Mhyress.

”He was waiting for you to prove yourself once more. He has watched you fight countless battles over the millennia but he wanted you to fight a true being of power....he wanted you to fight me.” Mhyress gazed across at Alucard, staring deep into his eyes. ”He was disappointed in how long it took you but when he saw how easily I was defeated...he decided it was time.”

Alucard cut in once again. ”Time for what?”

”Time for you to reach the destiny my father has mapped out for you...the destiny that grants you great power... and the destiny that allows my father to free himself from the worry of the Primordials.”

There was a long pause as the two simply gazed at each other, allowing the words to sink in and it was Alucard who was the first to break the silence.

”I see...So he needs me to spill blood in his name so that he can grow strong enough to take on these Primordial God’s?” Mhyress smiled.

”I always thought your kind were nothing more than monkeys who learnt to use fire but you...you continue to surprise me.” The demon pushed her form forward, sitting upright before Alucard. ”There is something else that my father wants...”

She leant forward until her chest touched his, her breath teasing the Carmine leaders lips. Alucard didn’t flinch, his stature and expression unwavering.

”He wants to give you a gift...” The vampire cut in once more.

”And what would that be?” He looked deep into the blackness of her eyes as he questioned her. The response was short and simple.

”...Me.” The gap between the two was almost completely non-existent. With each breath the pairs lips touched and for a moment nothing was said.

”He wants you to have me...to gift you an heir who could sweep your enemies aside.” With each word her lips danced around his. ” I will be honest in that my first reaction was one of blasphemy...but, you have proven yourself to be...special. If I must partake in such animalistic mortal activities, then let it be the man who bested me. So what do y...” Mhyress was cut short as Alucard took hold of her and firmly pressed his lips against hers. In that moment the candles of the room erupted into great pyres that scorched the ceiling above.


  • Actions: Actions for current turn.
    Current Status: Projected coin/population generation and bonuses.
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Laethor was working on his paperwork on a chilly night. Candle light lit his personal room which was full of paperwork of different ideas Laethor collected and worked on over the years. He had just finished his letter that was going to be send to the newly build military base. It ordered the recruitment of new soldiers, just after the moment he had written the last word and put a dot on the paper the sound of a crowd gathering could be heard. Laethor stood up in confusion, where could this sudden excitement in the middle could come from?

The king walked to his balcony where he could be often found doing speeches and ceremonies alike. He just wanted to ask where all the excitement came from but he didn’t need to. He already saw the reason, smoke could be seen in the distance. Not only smoke but a red glowing dot, that only was enough for all the panic. Laethor who had sacrificed a lot of hours to study the forest had never seen such a fire. It just was not possible that now of all times a forest fire existed. They had plentiful of rain and it was in the middle of winter. If it was summer it could be justifiable that this was not caused by a unknown force.

"People people calm down, there’s nothing to worry about. Forest fires are natural as you all know. Please return to your homes and return to your normal life. "

The royal guard "guided" the people back to their residence after Laethor said this. It was only because of their deep respect for their king that they left without any nuisances. Laethor walked back into his personal residence. Actually there was a reason to worry, Laethor was freaked out. He shoved all his papers in one angry motion from his working table. The letter that he just wrote to the military base fell on the ground and would probably not ever be read.

All that he just worked for was going to be ruined.

The captain of the royal guard came in "My lord, in this moment we need you in throne hall. Fifnar and the nobles don’t appreciate your absence"

"I’m coming Farnaer just give me moment".

Laethor followed the Royal guard back to the throne hall. The nobles stood in circles discussing the matter quietly but enthusiastically. Maybe enthusiastically is not the right it was more hysterical. The conversations muffled at the moment their king walked by. Fifnar stood in the middle of the room and he didn’t look content. Actually he looked far from happy or content.

With a deep rumbling voice that had the power to create several deaf ears Fifnar Said "How could you let this happen, I gave you the permission to guard my forest. And what did you do, you didn’t protect anything o high king" he said in a mocking way. This was what Laethor expected but what he didn’t expect that his son was in the room to.

Before the elven king could react a ranger came limping into the hall. While he came in thunder could be heard from outside. These were all signs that there was something utmost dangerous that his nation would need to face.

"My lords" the ranger stopped for a moment and stared at Fifnar "Please continue don’t mind our guest" said Laethor. “I know what caused that fire where everybody is talking about. I ran as fast I could to get here and warn you my excellence. There are short beings with long beards they looked agressive. They lit the forest my dear lords "and with that the ranger collapsed on the floor. "Please take care of our brother and reward him" Laethor said.

"Now as to react to you Fifnar this just happened. I will do anything in my power to stop this race from destroying our forest. I have been sleeping for too long, I have been blind all this time. There will always be dangers around us but I will face them. Yes I WILL FACE THEM, I SHALL FACE THE DANGERS . I ONLY I WITH THE HELP OF YOU I SHALL SUCCEED. I LAETHOR HEREBY SWEAR TO YOU ALL THAT I WONT ABANDON MY FOREST OR MY PEOPLE."

The king had been filled by a fury that was unknown to all. The elf began glowing from white light like the moon had just given him strength. "Soldiers get my armor and my beloved sword." but before the soldiers could preform their task the captain said “I though you would never ask Laethor. You’re finally back as I know you" and with that he drawed Laethor sword an gave it the king. Laethor held up the sword, moonlight was reflecting from it. " I hereby again swear that I will protect this forest and my people until I depart to the the afterlife. I swear that Lothren shall not suffer the presence of Men, nor Orcs, nor Dwarfs, nor vampire. If a foe takes a single step upon such sacred soil, they shall not take another. I swear this under the ever watchful eyes of our forefathers watching from the moon."

The fury that had taken behold of Laethor passed to his son Amryn. "I will join you father may our enemies feel the wrath of the elves of Lothren." Amryn brought his sword high upon the air and so did all elven nobles. The moonlight that presented the power of the forefathers of the elven race embedded in all swords. Laethor had lit their hearts on fire with such fury that nothing could extinguish it. "For Lothren and for our Forefathers" even the elven royal gaurd screamed this phrase.

After that night the fury that lit the hearts of the elves still hadn’t been extinguished. Amryn had been trained in a building that had been constructed specially for him. He was now ready to join his father and the royal army. Fifnar joined to ofcourse his knowledge of the forest would be needed.

Every elf in the realm had heard of Laethor his oath and it would become a tradition from now on to swear this oath if you had ambitions in the elven army.

The army marched out of the capital filled with their ancestors fury and ideals. They eventually encountered the place where the fire was. "Who in Melandrach's name would cause such destruction” Laethor screamed. (Melandrach is believed to be ancestor of all elves). And with that many elves had tears on their faces but they were angry. This made their resolve even stronger, and with that they tried to extinguish the fire. There they encountered what you can call the "short men" or dwarves.​


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The Tetrad (6 Units Recruited)
Temple Grounds Building: Hero Unit: José Valero is recruited by the Tetrad to fight in their northern war. A minor lord well beloved by the common people, his adoption into the Tetrad is a huge boost to the council's flagging popularity. José Valero is recruited in the joint settlement. José is young and foolish, but dedicated to the arts of war. His use and knowledge of mixed infantry tactics and raw cult of personality attracts tremendous amounts of followers.
Action 1: Desperado recruited in Joint Settlement
Action 2: Three Mercenary cohorts recruited in joint settlement. Men of the Fuerza settlement, these mercenaries are of high renown, and religiously follow José Valero.
Action 3: (Mountain Signals Free Action) (Unit or Movement): Consecrated Organ recruited in Joint Settlement of Fuerza

Inma and Angel (Seraphim)
Action 1: Construct (Cherubim) Tin Men
Action 2: Construct (Cherubim) Tin Men

Los Hombres
Free Action Exploration: Jimenez, Pablo, and Alfredo frenziedly investigate their treasure map, before riding will all speed to Valencia.

Resources = 33: Parish Collections: +8, Mining +4, Capital +2, Recruitment -8
Population = 25: Public Health Initiatives: +8
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Post the Sixth
1 Capital City, 4 Settlements, 5 Structures
Capital City (H9)
2 Farming Settlements (G9, I9)
1 Military Settlement (H10)
1 Port Settlement (I11)
4 Structures of Knowledge
Allows # extra units to be trained per turn
1 Structure of Research
Allows extra research to be done per turn
22 Resources, 50 Population, 9 T1 Troops, 2 Heroes
10 Culture, 10 History, 5 Knowledge

2 Gardeners, 1 Nursemaid, 2 Researchers, 4 Builders
1 Cal, 1 Atropa
1) Research Always More Besides
Gain +3 population per turn, +1 for every settlement after the first
2) Research Pawns of the Great Game
All agents have +1 movement and move as a free action
3) Research Transport Vehicle, Light Boat, Bush
4) Train 3x Nursemaids on H9
5) Train 2x Researchers on H10
6) Move Builder (F8) to D6
7) Build Mining Settlement on D6 (-3 Resources)
8) Finish Upgrading Military Settlement (H10, -5 Resources)
9) Build Structure of Fertility (-2 Resources)
Allows +5 more Population in a settlement per turn
10) Build Structure of Gathering (-2 Resources)
Allows +4 more Resources per turn
11) Move Builders (H9) to F7
12) Build Expanded Mustering Grounds (D6, -3 Resources from the Ascendant)
An entire nation, bred for nothing but war. It is no wonder there are always soldiers available.
Allows the recruitment of an additional unit as a free action.
13) Build Da Big Boss tent (D6, -3 Resources from the Ascendant)
The largest tent houses the biggest orc. All orcs know this, and for an Orc to truly be distinguished, he must have such a tent
Grants Hero: Ghazvur Horde-leader
Unlocks recruitment of: Goblins, Goblin archers, Goblin Skulkers
14) Fix Up the Lighthouse (-2 Resources)
15) Explore D6
Tentative Lineup for Beginning of Next Turn:
1 Capital City, 5 Settlements, 9 Structures

Capital City (H9)
2 Farming Settlements (G9, I9)
1 Military Settlement (H10)
1 Port Settlement (I11)
1 Mining Settlement (D6)
4 Structures of Knowledge
Allows # extra units to be trained per turn
1 Structure of Research
Allows extra research to be done per turn
1 Structure of Fertility
Allows +5 more Population in a settlement per turn
1 Structure of Gathering
Allows +2 more Resources per turn
1 Expanded Mustering Grounds for The Ascendant
1 Da Big Boss Tent for The Ascendant
22+8+6-14 = 22 Resources, 62+2(4+2)= 78 50 MAX Population, 14 T1 Troops, 3 Heroes
2 Gardeners, 4 Nursemaids, 4 Researchers, 4 Builders
1 Cal, 1 Atropa, 1 Bush
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Turn 6, Month 7 Year 320 (In game first Year)
Athanas Athanas , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Bruhaha Bruhaha , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars , CaptainSully CaptainSully , waifu waifu

As the final month of this long winter came upon the continent, tragedy had struck. The mighty civilization of the Jade Union was working on a magical spell based on some research for the betterment of the entire nation when something went terribly, terribly wrong and they unleashed the power of a thousand suns upon their mountains.

A large fiery explosion that could be seen across the entire continent could be seen, even in the still wintery frozen North. All that remained of the Jade Union as a military power was the joint military settlement with the Altura. The remaining warriors swore fealty to the Lepurs as the lepur nation began to deal with not only a civil war, but also an influx of refuges on both sides of the conflict.

Massive shards of the mountains flew off an landed in parts of the Southern Continent, one of which crushed a small nation of conquistadores. Who ever could reach these large shards first and claim them, could gain the mysteries that the Jade Union was attempting to harness.


Resources: 8 Population: 17
Pyramid of Maat Restoration: 5/400

The Desert Obelisk research was completed. Now the Desert Obelisk can be constructed on tiles to turn them into desert tiles instead.

Walls were constructed around New Yomi and Shedat adding +2 Defense.

Off in the distance to the North Khalida and her troop can see a military settlement that looks as though it was those troublesome dwarves from Khanzig and to the West was some sort of magical blue shield that was protecting the forest.

Exploring I21: Khalida finds the remains of an ancient battlefield. Skeletons lie both above the dirt and partially out of the ground. (Explore)

The Carmine Empire
Resources: 40 Population: 90(Current Max Population)

The Vampire Capital has been upgraded to Level 3 allowing the training of tier 2 Units for the Country.

The Belfry IV | The power of the Belfry has grown so that many more forces can be raised. Generate 1.2 Necromancy points per settlement.| 0 Resource (Policy and Architects)| [Standard Action] |

Cathedral of Blood VI | The Blood God gives more power to the Carmine meaning they are capable of great things. Gain an additional action a turn.
| 0 Resource (Policy and Architects)| [Belfry I] |

Night Barracks III | More skilled leaders train an ever increasing number of recruits. Train an additional unit per recruitment action. Pay resources as normal.
| 0 Resource (Policy and Architects)| [Undead Builders] |

⦿ Research:

Belfry Corpse Carts | Unlocks unit Corpse Carts. Attack is -3 with defence also -3. Costs 3 resources and moves 1 square per movement. As a free action can create a settlement on its square, causing the unit to be destroyed.
| 1 Resource | [Belfry II]|

Well of Souls I | The Belfry has begun to commune with the dead and have found them useful in passing messages over great distances to different units. May move two additional unit stacks per movement action.
| 1 Resource | [Immortal Scientists] |

The Diplomat come across the intimidating structure that was the Dwarven Military Settlement. It menaced with spikes and was made with dark metals and other materials. Surprisingly, the Diplomat received a response instead of just being shot on sight.
A clearly over weight dwarf with an unkempt beard and dirty armor called down from the ramparts. "Hey, you. What are you doing out there. Are you trying to get killed?" (Diplomacy)

Kingdom Of Lothren
Resources: 28 Population: 40

Due to the danger from the invading dwarves that are trying to kill the eleven nation and burn down their forest, a call went out for mercenaries. 3 Units answered the call to fight for Lothren.

The son of the King had constructed a training grounds for his personal use and has left it to join the fight. Moving up with the disgruntled Fifnar, they joined with the mercenaries in the farming settlement

Altura The Tetriad
Resources: 33 Population: 25

José Valero answered the call to fight not only the great Dwarven menace that was invading their lands and capturing their cities, but also the infidel Inma and her Seraphim. He recruited mercenaries to supplement the forces that he was training and also gained command of the 2 Samurai units that were stationed in the joint settlement. A Consecrated Organ was also constructed to assist in the war effort.

From the massive explosion of the Mountains of the Jade Union, he has begun to deal with an influx of refugees that are in need of assistance. (Diplomacy)

Altura The Inma Insurrection
Resources: 6 Population 10

Inma trained 2 more units of Cherubim to assist in combat for her righteous cause.

Refugees started to filter into her new settlement above the ruins having no where else to go. Some were already heading the call of the Fanatics that had already been gathering. (Diplomacy)

Altura Los Hombres
What few men remained of that ever dwinlding unit managed to escape Inma and follow the treasure map that they had recovered. Inside the trees where a small set of ruins. (Exploration)

Sors Leporidae
Resources: 22 Population: 50 (Current Max Population)

1) Research Always More Besides
Gain +3 population per turn, +1 for every settlement after the first
2) Research Pawns of the Great Game
All agents have +1 movement and move as a free action
3) Research Transport Vehicle, Light Boat, Bush
4) Train 3x Nursemaids on H9
5) Train 2x Researchers on H10
6) Move Builder (F8) to D6
7) Build Mining Settlement on D6 (-3 Resources)
8) Finish Upgrading Military Settlement (H10, -5 Resources)
9) Build Structure of Fertility (-2 Resources)
Allows +5 more Population in a settlement per turn
10) Build Structure of Gathering (-2 Resources)
Allows +4 more Resources per turn
11) Move Builders (H9) to F7
12) Build Expanded Mustering Grounds (D6, -3 Resources from the Ascendant)
An entire nation, bred for nothing but war. It is no wonder there are always soldiers available.
Allows the recruitment of an additional unit as a free action.
13) Build Da Big Boss tent (D6, -3 Resources from the Ascendant)
The largest tent houses the biggest orc. All orcs know this, and for an Orc to truly be distinguished, he must have such a tent
Grants Hero: Ghazvur Horde-leader
Unlocks recruitment of: Goblins, Goblin archers, Goblin Skulkers

The Lighthouse was restored to its former glory. All allied ships crossing the water in that area gain a +1 Defense

Exploring D6: Into the dark mountains, there seems to be much that was hidden and lost over time. A Black Metal Foretress can be seen poking its head out from the rock. (Explore)

Kingdom of Bullarum
Resources: 4 Population:16

Capital City undergoing upgrade.
Research for Underwater Ruins(1 more turn)
Research Tear shaped Crystal (1 more turn)

Explore K13- An ancient large cylindrical object with circular glass windows can be seen partially buried in the ground. (Explore)

Kingdom of Hjemriget
Resources: 5.5 Population: 48

The newly hired mercenaries combined with the battle ready troops have moved to engage with the dwarven menace that has already taken over one of their settlements.

The battle was joined and the Dwarves were killed in glorious combat. Only 2 Mercenary units were lost in the battle.

Due to the free research, Hjemriget gains Export Fishing: Trade with another nation gains +1 Resources

The Dominion of the Ascendant
Resources: 9 Population: 23

The Dominion claims the Dwarven former military settlement.

Varghul says behind the battlefield and explores. He sees the large drilling machine lay broken on the field of battle. (Explore)​
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A tremendous explosion rattled the world and shook the foundation of the pyramids of Tartarus, jostling those entombed within. The shockwave that raced across the sky and cleared away the clouds was followed by the bright light of the explosion and the shower of debris that bombarded the land. Boldly Maat watched from the steps of his pyramid, eyes fixed upon the sky and the event that was unfolding. Oddly enough there was a smirk upon his face. “Few things could cause such devastation.” His eyes swept over the city of New Yomi and he watched as its occupants raced to their homes for safety. “Some foolish child played with forces beyond their understanding.” Whether the source was magical or technological remained a mystery, but the God-King was certain that the continent was now short one nation. “Destruction like that leaves nothing behind. Not even the remains.” Maat scoffed at the wasted corpses and many lost slaves, it was a tragedy.

With the scene having reached its end, Maat returned to the interior of his pyramid and palace with his mind set on other things. The city was progressing, but there was still much work that needed to be done. They were not alone on this continent and that meant they would need more strength to battle any foes. To that end the God-King met with his advisors to discuss future plans.

Advisors: “My liege. We have drawn up several plans to bolster the capital’s strength and the might of Tartarus. The recent explosion is a sign that we must prepare for enemies.” The advisors unraveled a piece of parchment on the table before Maat and his eyes rolled over the blueprints. “We propose an upgrade to the capital, Sire. We will improve the living conditions of citizens and slaves alike, allowing the lesser creatures to live longer and more useful lives.” While Maat examined their notes and work, the advisors pulled out another piece of parchment which was a detailed map of the city post-upgrade. “We will also construct a second tomb within the capital to allow you to raise more soldiers for your amies.”

Maat: The God-King analyzed their works and suggestions carefully, even looking over things twice. The idea of strengthening the city and nation by improving the lives of its residents actually gave him an idea of his own. “Well done. See to it that you fulfill this promise to me, I will accept nothing less than what I have been shown here.” The two Helians grinned ear to ear and bowed their heads in admiration of their leader as he turned his back to them and departed.

With the use of necromancy Maat’s voice filled Khalida’s mind as if he were her conscience speaking to her. “Hear me now great explorer.” Maat stepped out on to the steps of his pyramid, basking in the sunlight as he watched his jackal hunters assemble a group of 10 slaves. “Bring me the scattered shards from that explosion. Let nothing and no one stand in your way.” As he gave the command the Jackal Hunters forced the slaves into the pyramid and began escorting them to the lowest levels.

“This is as far as they need go.” Maat declared as the group approached the doors of the God-King’s tomb. With all his might he threw open the doors of the tomb, wind rushing in and howling through the quiet spaces. His robe of royal blue and gold dragged over the dust covered floor as he made his way to the back of the tomb, just behind his own sarcophagus. There in the shadows of the God-King were several less extravagant sarcophagi, all marked with arcane symbols denoting their membership to the Circle of Sorcerers.

“Hear me now and obey.” Maat’s voice resounded through the tomb, echoing off the many cobweb covered walls and coffins. With a wave of his hand the sarcophagi were cleared of dust and a dark purple aura surrounded him. “Return to this plane my loyal acolytes. Find your bodies once more and commit to me again!” The purple aura that was now like a dense fog began to flow back and forth between the coffins and and the captured slaves. Screams began to fill the tomb as the slaves felt their life force being drained, their skins darkening and their bodies becoming frail. “The God and Goddess demand your service! Arise once more and serve your master!” Low murmurs escaped the coffins just as the bodies of the now dead slaves hit the floor. Maat smirked and stepped back as his magic repaired their skeletal bodies and bound their souls to their bones. “With these ten, Tartarus is nearly complete.” The God-King whispered.


She could not believe the destruction that was unfolding just miles away from her home. Before she could rush back to Tartarus however, an inescapable voice filled her mind and began giving her instructions. It was the voice of her divine ruler, offering her guidance when she would have strayed from her goals. The God-King wanted the shards and that was a task she felt she could not fail.

Just on the horizon a settlement of dwarves seemed to be well prepared for war and though she wanted to wipe out the halflings, she could not defy her master’s wishes. “We march for the for dwarven blood and then the shard! For our master! For Tartarus!” Khalida pointed her staff in the direction of the dwarven encampment and the ground trembled beneath the weight of her army.


Upgrade New Yomi (CC)
Raise Circle of Mages
Build tomb (CC)
Move Khalida from I21 to H20 (Using Godspeed) and attack.

Kraken Explore ancient ruins on K22 again.


New Yomi(CC): (upgrading)
Pyramid of Maat 5/400
Pyramid of Ancients



Khalida (Hero Unit)
Kraken (Monster Hero Unit)
2x Sand Snipers
4x Skirmishers
2x Jackal Hunters
1x Undead Knights
1x Undead Warriors
2x Undead Beasts


Nur let out a sign of relief as her gaze fell on a waiting Ramses. The sky was clear, the moon bright, and numerous stars lit the sky. A smile spread across Ramses' face once he grew aware of Nur's presence, and she, in response, smiled back. They stared into each other's eyes for some time before Nur giggled and broke the silence. Ramses' golden eyes had a mesmerizing quality to them, she knew he was aware.

Both of them chose to sit under a tree like usual, their focus on the pond right in front of them. "I'm happy you could come see me on such short notice. It had been some time," Ramses beamed.

"Me too! You've been so busy these days... I didn't know when we would get an opportunity like this again. I can only imagine the training you have to go through, like everyday. It must be hard," Nur nodded to herself thoughtfully.

"It is, but that's part of the job. I'm afraid I don't have a choice. I'm the crown prince, I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. I have to continue to train and become worthy so that I can lead our people one day with my head held high," Nur rested her chin in her hand as Ramses began a long spiel about his plans for the future. "But I digress..." Ramses admitted after a while, slightly embarrassed. "Things may be hard for me, but they're far harder for you, aren't they?"

"They are?"

"They're not?"

"Why are things hard for me?"

Ramses raised an eyebrow at the question. She was going to make a point of some kind, wasn't she? Ramses braced himself as he answered her. "Well, you're a handmaiden. I'm sure things are harder for you than they are for me."

Nur shrugged. "Not really."


"Really," Nur adjusted her head headscarf nonchalantly. "I'm a servant, but I work at the grand palace. As may you know, it's the safest place for anyone to work. I get fed, I'm sheltered from the heat all day, and I have a standing in my community, though it might not be a lot." Ramses was beginning to understand where she was going with this, a smirk formed on his face. "People have it a lot more worse than I do, Rami. Some are not even considered people, they're just slaves.

When you're a slave, you have no identity - you literally don't have a name. You don't get respect, you don't get heard, and you get threatened and beaten to work until you die," Nur stated as a matter of fact. "And to be honest, it doesn't do slave owners any good either."

Ramses was taken back to say the least. Why was she like this? She always made him question himself. It was like her brain was wired differently from the rest. Her intellect is what drew him to her, even though he found it frustrating at times. He wished they could just talk about lighter topics all the time but that was impossible, this was how they were with each other for years. He proceeded cautiously since he could tell she was starting to get worked up. "I understand what you're saying about slaves having a hard life, but I fail to see how slave owners don't benefit from it. You pay a one time fee and they're yours forever, you can make them do whatever you want."

Nur took a deep breath. "Okay, but aren't they expensive? Especially if slaves run away or die, they have to be replaced frequently, don't they? You also have to pay other people to watch over them and make sure they don't try to escape," she continued on without waiting for a response. "Let's say they do decide to stay, they're not going to give their best. They can't, they're either too upset or live too miserably to do so."

"Hmm," Ramses reflected on her answer. "So you're saying if we give them pay and treat them with respect, they will willingly put more effort into their work, and we would end up not only benefiting from their work, but also save money?"

Nur nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! You're quite sharp, your majesty."

Ramses laughed. "Oh, am I?"


"Why, thank you. You make quite a good argument yourself."

Nur laid her head on Ramses' shoulder, their conversations continued all night long.

The Tetrad:
Flavor: Jose Valero marches on the Dwarves' settlement and attacks
Free Action Mountain Signals (Unit or Movement): Entire Force of Fuerza military settlement marches on the dwarven hold.
Action 1: Jose Initiates diplomacy with the dwarves, if diplomatic failure occurs, Jose leads his motley band of soldiers in an attack. Maestros are prepared to sow plague and death, and the organ blares hymns as it trundles down the mountain.
Action 2: Desperados construct mining settlement in P21,
Nation Trait Activated Action (Brimstone from the Pulpit): Hospital of Humors constructed - 2pop

Inma and Angel (Seraphim)
Action 1: Construct Artillery Foundry
Action 2: Construct (Cherubim) Tinmen

Los Hombres
Free Action Exploration: Jimenez and Alfredo find water and sanctuary in the port settlement on O25, hoping to meet with individuals and shipwrights willing to accompany them on a quest.

Resources = 47: Parish Collections: +8, Mining +4, Capital +2
Population = 31: Public Health Initiatives: +8 -2 Brimstone
Standard 1: x4 Corpse Carts
Standard 2: New Religion: Krom The Blood God - To confirm other bits
Standard 3: x4 Corpse Carts
Standard 4: Movement: Alucard to dwarves with other two stacks to V5.
Necromancy: x4 Corpse Carts

Necromancy Structure: Cathedral VII - Gain policy - Wrath of the Blood God - On 9+ attacks explode and always hit.
2: Walls II - +2 city defence
3: Night Barracks IV - +1 unit per recruitment

Necromancy Research: Well of Souls II - +1 movement.
2: Necromancy IV - +2 defence to undead
3: Soul Gate: May be created at each Carmine settlement and can only be utilised by Carmine units. Soul Gates count as being directly next to each other in terms of movement, meaning it requires one movement to move between them. There is no limit on the distance that can be travelled. Gates cost 10 resources to build(unmodifiable) and take three turns to complete which can be adjusted by structure build modifiers.

Free Action Diplomacy: Alucard
Free Action Explore: V5
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