• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
brb, big wip nope nvm

> Research Crazed Musicians of the South (Resolves this turn)

> Research Lady Magen.
> Move Kasteel 2 tiles South.
> Build Infantry Unit

> Move Scout Unit West 2 tiles
> Explore new tile
> Gather intel from Lady Magen
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There is always a singular truth.

Even this simple sentence was disputed numerous times, which to Hezrouen was further evidence of it's truthfulness. People often like to dispute things that offend them. And things that offend large masses are usually true, hence why so many lash against them.

For the idea of a singular truth scared the oblivious and the delusional. It meant that their wild fantasies could not be indulged anymore. That it would be impossible to mask their ignorance or stupidity by feigning to simply be of "a different opinion". This was not the same as being of a different theory-theories are yet unproven, and thus disputable. But opinions are not theories, they are scientifically based.

However, there are exceptions to many rules. And this was such an occasion. Truth dictated that no man would be mad enough to spend so long in the lab he literally had to be hospitalized for severe maluntrition and exhaustion. Arzek, master alchemist and biomancer had, however, done just that. Not only had he realized that the newly discovered Ingens Latro could be mechanically augmented and controlled, he had also realized that similar technology regarding automation could be applied to more mundane fortifications, too. Granted, there were some minor issues here and there-some test subject and whatnot had dissapeared, and this had forced the requisition units into a pause until the coverup was complete. The Vanguards were still not done. But these problems were naught but temporary setbacks.

As Hezrouen waited for the assistant to fetch the quality wine he had chosen to celebrate this fine occasion with, he could not help but overhear the chatter of his friends. It would seem the plague had not wiped everyone else out, confirming his assumptions. This gave him an idea... He made a note for later, and sat down to enjoy the wine with his colleagues and friends, his mind soon overtaken by the passionate discussion that had started concerning the nature of magic.


Research Ingens Latro Weaponization: By using pheromones to keep creatures docile towards handlers but aggressive towards potential foes, while attaching mechanical weapons to them, terrifying threats could be made of them. Unlocks Generation I KH-24 Hybrid, nicknamed "Long-Neck" (stats attributed by dm)

Train agent: Architect

Construct building: Community Kitchens: The biomatter left behind by the biomancers and other such occupations is considerable. Why not give it to the starving masses? Granted, it's not great for your health, but with some artificial coloring and flavoring, no one need know....
Increases public order by 1

Move explorer 1 tile north. Explore(previous exploration shall take place in retcon)

Reminder of things in effect:

Vanguard training still ongoing.
Extra research due to EUREKA last turn: Remote turrets: Capital settlement garrisons are reinforced by remotely controlled weaponry. For now, these consist of two +1/+1 medium range, standard damage turrets.
Turn 3, Month 4 Year 2350
CaptainSully CaptainSully , Athanas Athanas , cinnabuns cinnabuns , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , waifu waifu , Bruhaha Bruhaha , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Enum Enum , Hatch Hatch , Queen Boudica Queen Boudica , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

The Weather began to change, the cool crisp breeze of autumn began to come to pass. The weather as always was moving ever forward, without head of its surroundings or other belongings.

Gabriella had now traveled some time on the snail that had become her new home. Already, the shackles of her old life had fallen away from her. So much so that she was engrossed in her new lifestyle of journey and adventure, that the thoughts and wants that had vaulted her into this fresh and new currency had almost completely fallen away. But it wasn't for her that she was doing this, at least not entirely.

She had then decided something in that hot minute. She was going to get that book. She was going to get to the Museum and she was going to get it one way or another. That was to be sure.

Tuatha DĂŠ Danann
Resources: 9 Population: 15 Order: 2

Port City constructed. New location for building boat units.

Orphanage constructed, +1 Order

The Scout explores deeper into the forest coming across a large deposit of harness able magical energy with the correct structure in place. Beyond that, they find a small alter with some bones in place.

The Nation of Arcturus

Resources: 11 Population: 14 Order: 1

Exploration in progress

The Unity of the Broken States

Resources: 10 Population: 16 Order: 1

Scout Moves 2 Tiles East and discovers the ruins of a large metropolis. Burned out cars and the husks of buildings litter the edge of the city.

Union of Aleyran Socialist Republics (UASR)

Resources: 1 Population: 16 Order: 1

Super Human Experiments 1 achieved. Unlocked Prototype Soldier Serum. During Battle, troops can take Serum to gain either a +1 Attack or +1 Defense, but the next round will suffer from a -1 for that Attribute

Exploration to the South: The Scouts come across a ruined battlefield. It looks as though it might have been back from during the rebellion.

Principality of Lumous
Resources: -1 Population: 16

Exalt Sun God prayers made. Gain +1 Order for every 10 Resources spent

Mine constructed (+1 Resources a turn)

Research Gates- Turn 1/2

The Paubu discovers a set of rolling hills. A deep cave resides in one of them.


19Resources, 13Population, Order: 1

Research Crazed Musicians- Gain +1 Attack on the musicians based on their methods

Research Lady Magen- 1/2

Infantry Trained

The Scout Finds a Giant Tree that stretches up high into the skyline.

The Enlightened Oligarchy of Valmyrei

Resources: 4 Population: 14 Order:2

Architect Training

Research Ingens Latro Weaponization: Ingens Latro counts as Armored Monster: 1HP | 3/3 - 10 Res / 3 Turns( 6 Turns for Valmyrei) Ability: Humongous- Due to its size, enemies must take this unit out first when in combat. Unit always attacks last in combat and requires 2 move actions to move 1 space on the map

Community Kitchen: +1 Order

Andrave Resurgent
Resources: 12 Population: 16

Terraformer deployed 1 tile west of the city and begins to alter the landscape 3/4 turns.


Resources: 0 Population: 10 Order:1


Resources: 11 Population: 15 Order: 1​
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We regularly feature our Glorious Leader in this column but recently in the advent of the robotic incursion, it has become clear that Lord Malcador is much more than just our leader. He is a hero to our people, one that should be remembered until time itself stops. He has protected us relentlessly against the robotic foe, repelling daily attacks by their massive horde of machines. He is on the front line himself, leading our men and women in glorious combat. While the outskirts of the city are off limits, witnesses report it looking like a scrap yard rather than vast open plains. The robot menace is being crushed at every opportunity and it will only be a matter of time before the armies of Argo march onward to reclaim Redridge.

All hail our Glorious Leader! All hail our nation's greatest hero! All hail Lord Malcador!

Scrap Merchants Executed for Treason
We bring unfortunate news that many of the city's scrap merchants have been summarily executed for treason. It appears that the trade has been infiltrated by the robot sympathisers. Many have been caught trying to enter the warzone outside the city in an attempt to join with our enemy. Our great commissars have been doing excellent in their duty to protect our nation and have been summarily executing anyone caught trying to join the robot horde.

One entire family has been executed for sympathising with robots and for spreading false information in a local newspaper. The article read:

“Jarrod only left to get some of this scrap they were talking about. He said he got to the outskirts of the city and there was no scrap, no war...then I heard a gunshot and that was the last I heard his voice.”

The newspaper in question was also paid a visit by our police force who found thousands of files plotting to assassinate our glorious leader. They are currently awaiting trial but this reporter hopes they receive the bullet. We have no room for traitors in our perfect nation.


Commissar Kontra, one of our front line heroes


Build Structure:

Mining Lab I: A place where the ability to mine large deposits is researched to improve processes.

Unlock and gain one Harvester (Counts as agent):

-Costs 4 resources (does not benefit from any cost reductions)
-Can move 2 squares a turn as a free action
-Sacrifice unit to build mine in its place

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Nanites I: Microscopic robots with the potential to have endless uses.

Malfunction: Enemy units who roll a 1 to hit an Arcturan unit must re-roll their ranged attacks but against themselves. This represents the nanites getting into weaponry and causing it to misfire or overheat.

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Infantry Improvement Facility [IIF] I: Built with the sole purpose of improving the nation's infantry.

UNIT - Multi-Purpose Upgrade - May equip three weapons instead of two, but can still only fire two.

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


New Trait for UNIT [Infantry Unit]

-Rapid Targeting Arrays: With their vast array of weaponry, each UNIT must be able to identify threats quickly and efficiently.

UNIT’s will always count as +1 to attack range when firing ranged weapons.


Scout Movement

• West then north west and explore

End of Turn Information

• Starting Population: 14
• Starting Resources: 11
• Production Facilities: 2
• Focus Production: +8 Resources
• Refinery: +2 Resource
• Deep Core Mine: +1 Resource
• End Population: 14 + 0 = 14
• End Resources:11 + 11 - 2 = 20


• x3 UNITs
• x1 Sentry
• x1 Hound [Scout]
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Donnie really screwed the pooch on this one. Who knew producing the old government harnesses would be so costly. In preparing soldiers for the worst, he had heaped the hot coals of economic downturn upon his head. Governmental processes began to grind to a halt.

Donnie knew there was only one resolution, to send his band of soldiers out to loot. The position of resource deficit he was in was easily reversible if they could manage it. Comming his gurus, he gave the command; "Go north, and take all you can find!"

A Old Government vehicle utilized to transport sonic harnesses north.

Actions 1, 2, 3: Movement: All military units move 4 squares north. 3 squares for 3 actions +1 for on tour.
This unit explores.

Free Scout movement.
1. Southern Scout moves two west.
2. Western scout moves two west.
3. Eastern scout moves two east.
4. Northern Scout moves two north.

Population 10, Resources: Gained 2 resources from first exploration, groupies cost one less, not sure what gain is from capital city.
Civilization, in all it's forms was returning to the continent of Menai. Some of the nation had chosen to deal with the catastrophe by embracing the concept of populism, promising their people equality, freedom, and justice. Others had turned inwards, worshiping ancient deities and clinging to their traditions.

But for the Ascendant, the catastrophe hadn't really changed anything. No amount of catastrophes could possibly be worse than their day-to-day life. Forever confined to the sea after the betrayal of thrice-cursed Varghul, the False Prophet, they had tried to re-establish a foothold in these lands numerous times, but were constantly rebuked by the foul magics of nature herself, as well as the military alliance between the nations. Tura, the corruptor, she was called, for her gaze alone could cause weakness in any warrior.

So they had been confined to the sea, forced to contend only with assaulting the ships and occasional coastal settlements of their blasted foes. And while they had salvaged technology, and found ways to inscribe runes onto them, and had even found ways to bind demons into machinery. But nothing had as of yet come close to the level of power they enjoyed while under Varghul's reign.

To make matters worse, Molvar and Avalleigh had left. It had been almost two decades since they had done so, touring the world for their inscrutable purposes. The lack of these two powerful warlords had made things even worse. A triumvirate led by Visstrog, The Steel terror, Meregon, The Dark Apostle, and Umjulun, the master of machines had been left to keep the pirates somewhat organized and to prevent constant infighting.

But on this day, it seemed that all their struggles would finally be repaid, for the Lord of Death had managed to speak briefly with Meregon, and he had revealed to him a site of great death and decay: The Continent of Menai, recently ravaged by this horrid plague, was now in the process of rebuilding. Mayhaps they would be too disorganized to defend against the attacks of the Ascendant. Perhaps the Ascendant could even establish a holding by the land again? Only time would tell.

First, the land had to be scouted. Slaves secured, and loot brought back, so that a bigger force could arise. An ambitious hunstman named Kel-Argard gathers his pack and boards the first ship made available, beyond eager to step on actual soil for the first time in his life.

The continent of Menai has many problems. And soon, it will have yet another... Are it's nations strong enough to endure the savagery of the desperate and the mad? Or will they join the Primordial Gods?

Principality of Lumous

1. Research Mana Beacons 2/2
2. Research Gates 2/2
3. Princess Nana and her army Travel East 1 tile and explore the crystal city

Paobu travels East one tile, then South East one tile and explores

Eureka (Capital): Palace, Mine x1 (+1 Resource per turn)

1x Taotie ( Nothing Goes to Waste -The Taotie are capable of multiplying asexually, given they have enough energy. Sacrificing captured enemies to the Taotie will spawn a free Taotie unit.)
1x Paxing ( Burrowers: Armies consisting of just these can move underground, hidden from other players' maps until they attack. Cannot burrow for 2 turns after their reveal.)
1x Paobu (`Mad Dash - Paobu are capable of performing a high-speed sprint once every turn, granting them the ability to move one extra tile.)


The Three in One - Troops cost half as much resources
Immortal Expertise - Centuries of life focused on honing skills have made the sorcerers and scientists of Lumous the best in their fields (Research and new tech construction -1 turn/cost)
Safe and Sound - With no humans present in their military, Lumous doesn’t have to put any of their citizens at risk in a war. Everyone is safe and allowed to prosper. (+1 to population growth in every city.)
Self-sustaining Military - When victorious in battle the fallen armies became food for the mutants of Lumous. (When engaged in combat, Lumous’ armies have no upkeep cost.)
Exalted March - WHen marching in armies of 10 or more units against armies following different religions, gain +1 attack and defense.​
  • It had been days since the encounter with the traders. The scout team had had plenty of time to think about the ramifications of a trading civilization within the confines of this new world. Already, Jada and I'yul were dizzy at the thought of an entire world of peoples they had not yet discovered. Thier minds were even more blown away when they reached an incredible sight. The scouting team stopped at the edges of this incredible metropolis. I'yul quickly contacted home, while Jada scribbled hurriedly into her notebook. She seemed flustered. While the two of them worked silently, Edward counted his rounds. The two researchers of the group were fascinated, but the soldier of this crew didn't trust a sudden appearance of infrastructure.

    "This is... this is impossible!" Proclaimed Jada, standing and setting down her pen and pad, "There's no possible way we didn't pick this place up on our radar. How does an entire metropolis go unnoticed?"

    "I don't know, but let's be careful," Edward said, readying his weapon, "We have no idea what could be lurking out here."

    Back home, headquarters scrambled to write letters and give orders to new soldiers and scout teams. The crew practically slammed into each other while heading to their stations, and chatter could be heard over every radio in the comms tent. Small pieces of information, some bits about cities and others about civilization, could be heard to the listening. Higher-ups barked orders over the array, trying to make sense and gain control of the situation, but to no avail. It was chaos amongst the governing in the Unity, as nobody could make sense of the new information they discovered. Suddenly, the clanking of metal armor could be heard as General Erenir entered the tent. All voices came to a hush, as each member of the Order stood in steadfast salute to the crested warrior.

    "What the hell is going on here?" they demanded, "I leave this place alone for twenty minutes and everyone loses their minds, why? Well? Spit it out!"

    "General," responded another knight, clad in similar black armor, "A report from the scouting team just came in. They found city ruins." Kaija's face shifted, as though in thought. Another of the advisors stood, taking the spotlight.

    "This is unprecedented! This land was thought to be uninhabited, completely devoid of intelligent life!" he shouted, "Now we're shown that not only are there civilizations here, but some of them were incredibly advanced! They went right under our damn radar. We're not alone on this continent, and that could mean we're in danger. We never should have come here." The silence turned to uproar in a matter of seconds. Voices shouted over each other, some sneering at the cowardice and others agreeing with the sentiment.

    "We have no idea what this city is. We could find allies here. We could find an army big enough to take back the Khanzig! We should keep exploring, another civilization might be right around the corner," Once again, the sentiment was met with a cacophony of voices. The yelling grew in size until it could practically be heard at the other end of the continent. Nobody could find common ground, nobody could agree on what the best course of action was. The only thing to quell the voices was the gentle steps of the good general. They stepped forward, taking the radio from their fellow Order member. Their gentle voice echoed with incredible power through the radio.

    "Forward team," they said simply. For a moment, they were silent, then they started again, "I'yul."

    "Y-yes, Good General?" replied the catkin through the crackling receiver.

    "Take a look around, see what sort of supplies you can find out there. Report back if you discover anything. Meanwhile, we'll prepare a group of settlers and get some people out there. Hold your ground til then."

    "Understood, Good General."

    Kaija turned to their subordinates. They stood at attention at the Good Generals presence. Kaija gazed calmly at each of them, finally able to take in the view of their soldiers now that the yelling ceased. "We will see if there's anything of note within these ruins. If not, we'll put a settlement there. It'll be a fantastic place to set up since the infrastructure is already there for us. Resources, buildings, and tools aplenty." Kaija tapped their blade against the foundation. "We will not give up these lands. We will not turn back to the Khanzig. We will not become slaves to self-proclaimed kings who twist the words of our Founder. This is our home now, and we will not turn our back on it." Kaija stepped towards the entrance of the tent. "We can't be certain that the first people we find will be friendly, but let's have some hope that they'll be exactly what we need. At ease." With that, Kaija tapped their sword once more. The soldiers within the communications tent eased their muscles and relaxed. Once the Good General was gone, they continued their work with greater confidence and calmed minds.
people flooded in from every Vomitorium climbing up the stairs of the stadium to sit on the benches, it was the big day, the first yearly void bending tournament, the wolf sad among the many bands, in the lower Bleachers, he felt so nervous, this was the first big gig he and the bard had done, he could see her eyes quiver with fear, she was close to fainting, he felt worried for her, as he patted her head and whispered "im sure it will be fine" she weakly smiled, clearly faking it.

as everyone was seated, and the dry sun shined on them, the Choirs began singing, as they did a figure emerged from one of the entrances, it was the chancellor himself, everything was quiet as a mouse, as he walked into the middle of the stadium, his presence itself commanded respect and obedience, he the first of them all, he threw his right hand up and a small bit of void flew from each person, collecting in a ball above his hand, then he began spinning his hand around, with every rotation the ball flattened more and more, then as it was almost reached each person head he flicked his hand up the mass flew up, landing as so to cover the arena, the darkness enveloped the stadium completely until a snap was heard and lights like stars lit up in the void, every color imagined, glistening as the most wonderful night ever, and with that, the chancellor said "I hear by welcoming you all to the first Void bending tournament" he flew himself up to a small balcony and sat down

as he had done this the first two combatants came out, "the fox" and "the Prince". the fox was a monster, a creature made by the chancellor entirely of void, no soul, no real body, it was rumored he 1596877605510.pngcould warp in and out of void. the prince, some would say a monster like his brother, others would say an angel unlike any, there are theories that he caused the lover's death at childbirth.

the star lights gathered showering down their divine light onto the two combatants, as a voice rung out, "FIGHT!"

the fox immediately changed into a fox form as the prince flung out his hands towards his brother, his fingers being released of void, as it sharpened and threw itself towards the fox,

the fox dogging each hit began to run towards the prince, but as it did the prince clenched his right hand close, and with small maneuvering of his left hand, the fox though sly and quick was not fast enough to dodge both the spikes beneath him and the ones about to hit him from behind

the fox was flung across the stadium into a wall, knocking them unconscious,

cheers rang out across the whole stadium, though they were quickly silenced by the dominant voice of the chancellor "next opponent"

the prince stared at the entrance as the duchess walked out onto the stage, with all the glamour befitting someone of her title, she stood into of the prince as she laughed "it will be an honor beating you for your father"
the duchess was clever and manipulative, she had been put in charge of all the caretakers after the lover's death, and within the caretakers, her rule was not questioned, lest you wish to be fired, the bard eyes turned to fury.

the prince began gathering the void he had sent out against his brother and sharpened them into disks, though while he was occupied with this the duchess made her approached, having thinned out her void around her body and making them into gauntlets and heavy boots.

the prince was barely able to dodge the first barrage of fists, now having his disks read he launched them at her one from each direction.

the duchess had expected this and immediately went into a defensive stance swatting each disk from the sky

the prince seeing an opportunity launched at the duchess doing as she did and thinning out his coat, but instead of gauntlets and heavy boots he made his nails as long as knives and twice as sharp.

though she was quicker then the prince thought as she sidestepped his attack and parried with an attack of her own, throwing him into the wall of the stadium a cry of pain echoing in the stadium.

"oh poor prince, how are you to ever lead if your only half the man your father is!" the duchess yelled out in anger, she had slowly begun to lose her composure.

the prince stumbled onto his feet, coughing his lungs out, as he readied himself for another attack.

the duchess began to charge at the prince her fists eager to pummel him into the ground, but as she did the prince activated his trap card, with all his might he called back his disks at full speed.

the disk flew at top speed towards the duchess one landing in her back the other in bashing her head, immediately she was knocked out.

now for the last combatant, the chancellor himself.

he stepped down from his balcony, and as he reached the ground he calmly stated "let the match begin"

the prince was fast and quick, adopting the duchess method trying to close the gap before him and his opponent, but just as he was halfway there the chancellor reached out with his hand and flicked a finger to the side, hurling the young prince towards the wall.

the prince thinking fast was quick enough to throw barricades up in front of him to lessen the impact blow,

once he had gotten to his feet he began to charge at the chancellor thinning his coat of void into spikes tossing them at his opponent.

the chancellor stood patiently and with just a stern look he tossed each spike towards his son, the prince barely prepared to dodge, having strips of void torn of from each one.

a smile appeared on the prince's face as he was finally in striking range, but before he could get a hit in, the chancellor made a wall of the void from the spikes pushing him back.

all hope of victory seemed lost, a sense of despair befell everyone, as a voice in their head rung out

"wasn't it fun for just a minute hoping in something?"

as the voice rung out another echoed through the stadium, though the darkness covered their face the childlike innocence in what they were saying showed true feelings greater then an expression could ever say.


and as those words quieted down, the wolf heard a familiar voice whisper behind him.

"please win, please win, please win"

the wolf grew with frustration before, standing up and with a roar that could quiet the wildest storms said


and as he said those words, they did not die as echos, no thousands began yelling, screaming, pleading, that the prince would win.

the prince looked up, though he could not seem them, he could see the stars, each so unique, together they formed signs, symbols, meaning.

the prince with all his might pushed the wall, his feet sliding along the ground as he marched against it, his soles ripping and tearing, and like a miracle, he pushed back, and like a glass wall falling the wall shattered.

the prince now stood in front of his dear father, his father's eyes red with rage


the prince stood limp, he closed his eyes and looked into the ceiling, as he snapped his fingers dispersing his coat of void revealing his burnt body to everyone, his arms scattered with scars.

silence struck out across the stadium, then a prayer of the lover, one of resilience, one of acceptance, one of forgiveness.1596877727294.png

"qui nisi amplectimur infirmitatis oculorum lumine regere"

and the prince leaped towards his father dodging each disk, spike, wall. and within minutes he was within striking distance again, and with all his might he strikes his opponent, his leader, his father.

the chancellor was quick to reciprocate hurling his punch into the young prince, knocking him out the round, but the match was already set in the stone, the minute the cheers sang the prince's name.


move light cav one title east and engage in diplomacy
research: defensive stance, adds attack value to the defense value, only applicable to void benders, units attack is turned to 0 once this move is activated.
build Trading Warehouse, +1 resource of each trade route.
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> Research Lady Magen (Resolves this turn)

> Research Scout Unit
> Move Kasteel 2 tiles South.

> Move Scout Unit South 1 tile
> Explore new tile
> Gather intel from travelers
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I'll sort this later I promise

Research "Enhanced Carapace"-"Long NECK" Hybrids gain a 10+ save
Research: Fundamental Specialization- some semblance of training regimes are formed, reducing training time required by one
Build: Radio Tower-Enables remote communication with advanced nations
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Turn 4, Month 5 Year 2350
CaptainSully CaptainSully , Athanas Athanas , cinnabuns cinnabuns , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , waifu waifu , Bruhaha Bruhaha , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Enum Enum , Hatch Hatch , Queen Boudica Queen Boudica , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Winter has fallen on the world. Anyone that exists around the now snowy tiles that have fallen from the sky, have their movement reduced. It now takes 2 actions for every single point of movement.


Lieutenant Caulder was certainly surprised when he had received the order to advance to a certain set of coordinates. And then again, when he was told that those set of coordinates were in fact, the city of the Nation of Arcturus. A place wholly of machines. He had remembered his meeting with The Hound, the dog like machine that had the same set of intelligence at least as those of his fellow man. It was strange, but in this land of theirs, in this world, there were many strange things that were difficult to explain.

However, these mechanicals have been designated as creations of The Light and as such, apparently an alliance was set up in rather short order to assist them. From their research, The Argo Monarchy was a brutal regime that hated anything that didn't fall in line. They kill their own people just as readily as they kill those of Arcturus. Quite barbaric.

But the first act that he was given in the name of their new Alliance was to send his forces, two battalions of Warriors and one battalion of Engineers to the front lines of this war. They would defend their new mechanical allies and free the people of Argo from their brutal occupation of a dangerous monarchy and spread the Light of the Sun to those people.

The men were getting antsy, but were ready for battle with this new enemy as they reached the outer limits of the capital of Arcturus. Lieutenant Caulder sent a messenger into the city to let them know that his forces have arrived to assist in the front lines of their war with Argo.

Their War would soon Begin


The Nation of Arcturus

Resources: 20 Population: 14 Order: 1

The scout explores past the location where their new allies had set up for resource collection. When they arrived at the rolling hills near the sea, it could see the derelict remains of a large scale battlefield. There seems to be tanks and other vehicles littered about.


Resources: 4 Population: 12 Order:1

The entire Wakken Army and one scout cross the inlet of water to the other side by fording with whatever they could. Arriving on the other side, they find that the temperature is much colder than they were used to for winter time. (Movement in snowy tiles is currently costing double due to winter). They uncover a small village. The outskirts of which are covered with large amounts of snowmen.

Principality of Lumous
Resources: 0 Population: 18 Order: 1

Research Mana Beacons Complete: Can place on Mana piles for 5 Resources. Allows nation to gain an allocation of 2 Mana per tile per turn.

Research Gates Complete: Allows teleportation of up to 5 tiles away from city that has built a gate. Requires location to have been previously uncovered from fog of war.

Princess Nana and her army of beasts come across a large city with structures that rise high into the air. These buildings seem to be made of metals and glass. they shine in the bright sun, sparkling as though they were emitting light, themselves. The city itself seems walled off, with a large gate made out of some strange looking grey rock. On top of the wall is a metal box with glass. A person seems to be inside and they seem perplexed by your group.

The Unity of the Broken States

Resources: 14 Population: 16 Order: 1

A convoy of traders arrive at the capital


Resources: 13 Population: 20 Order: 1

The Light Cavalry arrives at a large city. At the city gates are four soldiers. Each wears a modern garb. Currently they are wearing Brown Army fatigues accentuated with Blue on the shoulders with blue gloves. One of them holds up a hand, keeping the void creature at a distance. "Halt. You are entering the territory of The Gharddova Monarchy. State your business."

Tuatha DĂŠ Danann
Resources: 7 Population: 16 Order: 2

1 Troop Trained
1 Light Boat constructed

The Walls of the Capital have been fortified. +1 Defense

A small dingy with a single cloaked figure pulls into the port.


23Resources, 15Population, Order: 1

Research Lady Magen Complete: Gain a greater understanding of her clockwork functions. Can construct Specialist (Clockwork Supervisor) Gives +1 Defense to all troops in the stack that they are deployed.

Research Scout Unit 1/2

Travelers have heard tell of an alliance of Holy Warriors and Machines to the far south against an evil Monarchy that kills its own people.

Inside the marshland, the capital city explorers discover various mechanical parts that can be scavenged. (+2 Resources)

The Enlightened Oligarchy of Valmyrei

Resources: 4 Population: 16 Order:2

Research Enhanced Carapace: "Long Neck" hybrid gains a 10+ save

Research Fundamental Specialization: Reduced training time by 1

Radio Tower built: Enables Remote Communication with advanced Nations

Receives a radio transmission: "Help we are at coordinations (garbled by static). We require assistance... (Garbles static)...attack from unknown variables. We...(Garbled static)…. hope that someone hears this and can send help."

Union of Aleyran Socialist Republics (UASR)

Resources: 3 Population: 18 Order: 1

People have heard about the good will at the farm and new troops flock to their cause. +2 Red Conscripts

Andrave Resurgent
Resources: 14 Population: 18

Terraformer has altered the landscape to lush forests.
Terraformer moves 1 square north and begins terraforming turn 1/4​
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Principality of Lumous

“If you can’t afford it then shove off! I’m not running a non-profit here!” Venom spat from the merchant’s lips as he shooed a begging woman from his storefront. “And don’t come back you filthy wench!” As the woman wandered down the street, everyone she met was dressed in black and seemed to be entangled in their own despair. Eureka was changing in the Princess’ absence and it didn’t seem to be for the better.Walking through the city’s market she felt more alone than ever before. Barren stalls and empty streets void of life and laughter. Stopping she looked around to see a group of religious folk huddled together with a crowd around them.

“Brothers! Sister! Know that this darkness which hangs over our beloved city is not permanent! Our Princess who is our light will return and with her, the favor of the Sun God! But we must keep the faith for that will be what brings her back to us!’ Upon the woman’s command everyone lowered their heads and began to pray together. Children and their grandparents wept beside one another as the prayer began, their hearts so low on hope that it hurt to dream of her return.

Again the woman walked away, not particularly fond of the religion which the princess founded. Her own black robes dragged through the dirt and mud as she made her way towards the palace gates.The people she passed on the streets seemed to be without purpose; some sitting around on the ground while others just stood nearby one another for company. As he looked up to the palace she tried to imagine just what the leaders of the city were up to.

Within the Ancestral Hall the advisors Hachi and Clovis hatched their scheme with perfect timing. “Your majesty please try to remain calm, we are doing everything we can to locate the princess.” Clovis lied as he stared at the former king of Lumous. The retired monarch’s soul cast a disapproving glare down on the lanky advisor. “Her decision to depart without any human companions has made this very tricky your Majesty. We have no way to contact her and no one who may have known which direction she traveled in.” HAchi explained with false worry and fake frustration. The King stared at the two of them for a moment with a furrowed brow, but then it broke and tears came to his eyes. “Has my daughter fallen prey to the outside world?” His heavy voice filled the Ancestral Hall, resounding off of the pillar that lined the open space. “She is not dead yet or she would be here within her backup rune. So continue the search and tend to the people in her absence.” He commanded with an otherworldly dominance.

Moments later, out on the balcony that overlooked the royal courtyard that was now full of worried civilians, Clovis and Hachi appeared to make a speech. “Dear citizens of Eureka! It is with a heavy heart…” Clovis started. “...That we announce…” Hachi continued.

“ThE PRINCESS IS DEAD!” The two said in unison. As the words left their mouths a cry went out across the city, sorrowful and broken voices weeping and pleading to the sky. “Princess Nana was a rare gem! But we must not let her passing slow Lumous down! We, her advisors will choose a replacement for her and revive a Queen of old to lead us out of these dark times.” Hachi looked to his partner in crime and then stepped back out of sight of the citizens. “We are declaring a seven day period of mourning. Please return to your homes.” Clovis advised.

Down in the crowd below a young woman stood in the shadows and had observed the spectacle of the advisors. “The princess...she is immortal and favored by the sun god.” She clenched her hands together and rushed off into the masses as everyone returned home.
Lira Kaar by Juliana Wilhelm (Akira_jw) : Fantasy


“Hello up there! Hello!” Nana called out gleefully.

Exalt Sun God - Prayers and gifts are offered to the sun god for his favor.
Research - Tiankong (A new flying mutant. Research time reduced by 1 by Immortal Expertise)
Research - Miasma (A spell which will release a poisonous cloud that can travel from one tile to the next, lasting only two turns.)

Paobu Scout moves East two tiles and explores

Eureka (Capital)
Mine x1 (+1 Resource per turn)

1x Taotie ( Nothing Goes to Waste -The Taotie are capable of multiplying asexually, given they have enough energy. Sacrificing captured enemies to the Taotie will spawn a free Taotie unit.)
1x Paxing ( Burrowers: Armies consisting of just these can move underground, hidden from other players' maps until they attack. Cannot burrow for 2 turns after their reveal.)
1x Paobu (`Mad Dash - Paobu are capable of performing a high-speed sprint once every turn, granting them the ability to move one extra tile.)
1x Assassin


The Three in One - Troops cost half as much resources
Immortal Expertise - Centuries of life focused on honing skills have made the sorcerers and scientists of Lumous the best in their fields (Research and new tech construction -1 turn/cost)
Safe and Sound - With no humans present in their military, Lumous doesn’t have to put any of their citizens at risk in a war. Everyone is safe and allowed to prosper. (+1 to population growth in every city.)
Self-sustaining Military - When victorious in battle the fallen armies became food for the mutants of Lumous. (When engaged in combat, Lumous’ armies have no upkeep cost.)
Exalted March - When marching in armies of 10 or more units against armies following different religions, gain +1 attack and defense.

Trektek Trektek​
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Amidst the ongoing war with the machines it is hard to forget about those less fortunate than ourselves. Long have the stories of Lord Malcador’s gifts been told and yesterday on a visit to Arkbeth Children’s Hospital, our glorious leader healed all children of their ailments. Tears were shed for hours after, nurses, doctors and families all shocked by the healing capabilities of our leader.

“Gorkan was always a sickly child but now he is up and walking,” said one loving parent. Their son Gorkan had a long list of illnesses but upon the touch of Lord Malcador, all of his maladies disappeared.

“I have studied medicine for years but it pales in comparison to the powers of our benevolent ruler! Long live Lord Malcador!” One doctor called out. The entire hospital seemed to break out into cheers and chants of our glorious leaders' names.

Unfortunately protestors were outside during his visit making false claims of Lord Malcador not having powers and simply being a publicity stunt. As the eminent reporter of our nation I can say whole heartedly that the powers of our great leader are unfathomable. It is fortunate that our security forces intervened to remove the protestors and to take them re-education centres, if they had not Lord Malcador would have wiped them from existence with his great power.

We have been hearing concerning stories coming from the Holy Order of the Sun and that they have aligned themselves with the robotic menace. For centuries prior to the plague our two nations traded resources but it seems that now all that is forgotten. Little do they know that they have chosen the wrong side, the side that will be crushed beneath our military’s boots. Our diplomats have been summarily expelled from their cities and all communication cut off, but we would not wish to grant these biological traitors a chance to repent. They have sided with the machines and will end up on the scrap heap just like them.


Arkbeth Children’s Hospital


Build Structure:

Market Place I: A place outside the city where trade takes place with other nations and wandering traders.

Unlocks trading and provides +1 resource to trade routes.

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Solar Generators I: After meeting the Holy Order, their fascination with the sun has set about the construction of devices to capture its energy.

Generate energy dependent on the month of the year:

Winter: 0
Summer: 2
Other: 1

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Defensive Batteries I: Massed gun batteries, artillery and anti-aircraft weaponry fill the city.

Roll a D10 for every enemy unit on a Hive Square, regardless of type. On a 10 they take 1HP damage.

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Free Movement

• Scout: West 1 then explore/diplomacy
• Diplomat: North 2
• Harvester: West 1, North West 1

End of Turn Information

• Starting Population: 14
• Starting Resources: 19
• Starting Energy: 0
• Production Facilities: 2
• Energy Production: 0 [Winter]
• Standard Production: +4 Resources / +4 Pop
• Policy: +2 Resources
• Refinery: +2 Resource
• Deep Core Mine: +1 Resource
• End Population: 14 + 4 = 18
• End Resources: 19 + 9 - 3 = 25
• End Energy: 0


• x3 UNITs
• x1 Sentry
• x2 Soldiers [Holy Order]
• x1 Engineers [Holy Order]
• x1 Hound[Scout]
• x1 Harvester

The clear coasts North of Sahucet, greenery sprawling for miles outwards uninterrupted. Salty air blew inland, pushing the ocean waves and flowing through waist high fields of green. Animals grazed here and there, free for all for any that dared to loiter. Living between the slivers of leaves and grass were underhanded predators laying hidden.

The calm reverie of afternoon sunlight and ocean waves broke by guttural roars of incoming creatures. A stampede perhaps?

The first of the creatures jumped over the hill, carried forth by four wheels and a rider, their features hidden underneath a helm, cloak billowing in the wind. Then a few others followed, the unnatural sound made by the coexisting creatures of metal and flesh made the predators scurry as their wheels trampled on their homes.

Gray and white smoke puffed from their rears as they advanced, fast--faster than anything the creatures on those plains had ever seen.

They stopped near the coastline, disembarking the metal steeds. They communicated in a language the creatures had never heard. “Prairie, Lemur One and Two are on site,” The lead humanoid said, it’s head swiveled taking in the scenery. “Area is secure, be advised wild fauna are still present and may impede Abode deployment.”

It didn’t know what he said--it was sure the humanoid was a male from the voice alone. But judging by the tone, it didn’t like the message.

Scout to NE 1 tile and explores

2 Elf riders N 1 tile.

Frontier Outpost North
Exploit agricultural sector

Venerable : The elves venerate their elders, giving them greater understanding of the world around them. Gains +1 Resource from Mountains, Forests and Mines
Communal : The elves are a communial people and as such do everything together. For every unit trained, a second unit is trained at half cost to a minimum of 1
Resilient : The elves train night and day to become tougher than others. Units gain +1 Defense

Units: 2 x Elf Assassins, 2 x Elf Riders, 1 Elf Scout
Donny was doing his best to see to the needs of his people. Supporting this new fledgling religion was yet another step away from his communist ideals he had been taught. Donny was ever more torn between two worlds, he felt ill at ease no matter where he stood. Maybe he'd hit the dives tonight with some friends, hear some grungy music before retiring for another weekend of work.

Stepping out of the Taxi with his buddies in tow, they slipped past the bouncer at the Wretched Rat. The music was good, but Donny's heart wasn't in it. More and more, the grunge and bass reminded him too much of his guitar duel with Asmodee. "Father preserve me" Donnie wept. The mosh roaring around him. His scarred and burned fingers could barely fold in prayer. What a pathetic sight, his friends thought.

1. Construct buildings: All-Father Commune Houses, offering limited lodging and food to citizens hit hard by the plague's recession. +1 to public order?
2. Construct a building: Crocket Dealership: Allows access to Tier 2 Biker Gang Cavalry.
Movement: All military units move 2 squares north. 1 squares for 1 actions +1 for on tour.

Free Scout movement.
1. Southern Scout moves two south.
2. Western scout moves two North.
3. Eastern scout moves two east.
4. Northern Scout moves two West.
"We interrupt the normal radio broadcast for breaking news. A terrorist attack on the Yagrov (reminder: communist parlement building) has cost the life of almost 25 people and wounded over 100 people including guards, journalists and several high ranking government officials. As yet, no group has claimed As yet, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Our grand leader Zykov has been brought into safety and he is still alive and well."

The radio was suddenly turned off. "Which scum has done this. I shall kill them with my own bare hands"

"Yeah enemies of our nation, enemies of communism should burn in hell"

The other guy looked at him "U stand for communsim but still believe in that dumb religion of yours"

"Dumb religion? U will see who's dumb when your time comes"

The jeep they were driving further off the road into the new base of the LGS (equivalent of the kgb). Andrei and Pjotr were the ones who were driving the car, with rifles across their shoulders they walked into the building. They were greeted by two LGS guards, they opened the grand doors of the headquarters and were met by Yakov.

Pjotr immediately said "Have you heard about the" Yakov replied annoyed "Yes ofcourse i have heard and we know who did it. I need you two to follow me we are going on a manhunt"

to be continued

- upgrade capital
Jonathan was walking back home on a stormy night. His legs were incredibly heavy, and his eyes practically were closing of their own accord. As a member of the lower castes, he had been consigned to a life of toil and manual labor, with overtime being the only way he could secure enough currency to satisfy the needs of his family. However, undoubtedly, the Alumni were heeding the common people's concerns. Why, it was just past week that they had made the public kitchens truly commonplace, a great place to get supplementary rations when currency was low. And that recent medicinal breakthrough had reduced the cost of aspiring by seven whole credits!

Jonathan used to be very sceptical of the Oligarchy's policy-After all, how can you trust a group called The Oligarchy? But no, now he was sure. Everything that they cared about was the greater good.

Suddenly, a black, unmarked van swerved to a halt right in front of him. He stared, puzzled for the briefest of moments before four individuals jumped out of it, their faces concealed, their forms covered in black suits. One of them shot a bizzare weapon at him. He went to scream, but his already tremendous exhaustion was suddenly amplified tenfold. He went to fall but was grabbed, and promptly dragged inside the van.

The last thing he saw before his eyes blacked out was the small needle protruding from his arm.

It was several hours before he awoke. Any attempt to move his arms however was met with total failure. With horror, he realized he was strapped onto a table, weird devices and injectors running the length of his arms and legs.

More puzzlingly, the supreme Alumnus himself, Hezrouen de Loue, was standing over him. Behind him, he could see some Vanguards and junior researchers, the former standing motionless in attention stance, the latter making notes and observations. He was confused. His mind felt addled. All he managed to utter was "A-Alumnus? What is going on?"

"Progress, my good man. The future, before it's time. What takes nature thousands of years, done in a month. And all it required was some direct testing"

Jonathan was utterly flabbergasted. "I-I don't understand..."

Hezrouen chuckled bitterly. "Of course you don't, Jonathan. If you did, you wouldn't be here. You would be behind me, a PDA in your hand and the brightest of glows in your eyes. But you aren't. However, I have still managed to devise a way for you to be of use to science."

Jonathan stared at the scientist before him. Then, he looked at the tubing, and it suddenly dawned on him. "Y-You can't do that! I-I have a family! A daughte!"

His pleas seemed to have the opposite effect. Hezrouen leaned closer to him, visibly infuriated. "You dim-witted fool! Of cours I know of your daughter! This IS for your daughter! For all the children that will form tommorow's generation. Do you remember the plague? Do you remember the thousands of bodies? And the looting? And the ration mafias? All this, I do so that our society might finally be elevated beyond such base natures! That we have a vaccine for the next virus! A weapon for the next invader! A sturdier building material for our crumbling homes! Tell me, Jonathan, if I were to let you go, right here, right now, what would you do? You would go back to you squalid little home, kiss your stupid little wife and your uneducated retarded child. And come the morning? You'd go right back to your stupid little job, with your hollow eyes and without a single intelligent thought inside your fucking skull!

And here I am, offering you a chance to be something better, to give your life a purpose, and you spit in my face, for what? For the sake of your own pitiful life! You selfish, egotistical, dull-witted simpleton! It's all me, ME, ME with you accursed primates! Enough!"

Hezrouen motioned for the assistant researchers to perform the injection. Jonathan's shocked silence was replaced with horrible screaming as the alchemical concoction entered his body. Hezrouen stared without a shred of remorse. This was all for the greater good. Little Luci would never see her father again. And it was all for the greater good.

Research: Advanced Telemetry: Alongside being able to more easily receive and decipher messages, the coverage range increases tremendously. Decipher the message coordinates. In addition, all modernized nations establish radio contact with the Oligarchy(diplomacy available)

Research: Alchemical infusion: Development of alchemical improvements greatly increase soldier survivability. All infantry units gain a 10+ save.

Adopt policy: Seize Funds-Sacrifice 1d6+2 population. Gain 4 resources. Roll an additional d10. On a one, lose three public order

upgrade capital city.

Resource count are at 5, not 4
building time and costs reduced by one
research cost reduced by one.
one of the researches is free due to policy.
Vanguard training completed. Ready for deployment next turn.
Field explorer moves one tile north and explores.
The Distant Future
Today I talk to you about the continent of Menai, and of its rich history and culture. Menai, like many of the great continents of old, have influenced our today in such various ways. It was known as the modern age for a reason, after all--

"Yo, Ani."

A pair of teal irises glanced up from the laptop they had been working on, to the voice speaking before them. The voice, to their relief, was one they recognized almost immediately; their best friend of ten years had stopped by to say hello at their academy library. What a surprise - of all people, they didn't expect her to...want to step into a library. It wasn't that she wasn't smart, it was that she tended to study at a coffee shop in comparison to the sereneness of the library. Speaking of, weren't they supposed to meet later at her favorite cafe? Must be important, then.

"Cherise." They stretched, realizing they'd been hunched over their stack of books for too long. "What's up?"

Cherise, offering her best friend a large smile, sat down next to them. It was then Ani realized she'd been holding a large book on Citrona. So, that was the continent she'd been tasked with. From what Ani remembered, there was a lot she could talk about--

"Earth to Ani!"

And she had been talking about it, hadn't she? Ani cleared their throat as they focused back on Cherise. "Sorry. I'm here."

Her best friend pouted for a moment, before she started again. "I was saying that you've struck out, yet again, when it comes to history projects, and if you minded helping me out after you've finished yours early as you always do."

The raise of the eyebrow was enough for Cherise to realize Ani hadn't been thinking of using their power to complete their project. Their best friend sighed, placing their book along the many on Ani's table, before running a hand through her red locks. "Oh, don't tell me you're just going to do it normally when you could give a first-person account of some of the events...there's so much you can talk about!"

"I know we have this talk practically every time there's a history project, but..." Ani looked at their books, the beginning of their project, to the magnificent chandelier that decorated the ceiling of the library, and lastly, to Cherise herself. "Isn't that like, cheating or something? To use my power to assist me in this sort of thing?"

"I dunno. I mean, like...you're not using it to write your project. Just to get a better idea of what happened without the bias of the winners. Remember what Miss Heron said--'Winners are the ones who create the history we read, so take it all with a grain of salt.'"

"I did say that."

The two jolted at the smooth sound of their history teacher's voice. Crap, were they going to get into trouble. Ani chewed on the inside of their cheek while Cherise scrambled to find words. "Miss Heron! We, we were just--"

"No need to explain, Cherise." Their teacher smiled, gently patting the ginger's head. "You were making an excellent point. And out of most of the students here, I trust Ani to not cheat their way through a project. They've always seemed to love history. However...." Miss Heron seemed to think over her next words carefully, before speaking once more. "Time travelling can be quite dangerous. I've mentioned how the Butterfly Effect can affect the future if something is changed in the past, yes?"

When her two students nodded, Miss Heron's smile returned to her face. "Excellent. Just be careful to not change anything and to stay as far in the background as possible, and this will be fine. I trust you to take care of Cherise if you end up helping her as well. Take great caution, you two." And with that, their teacher walked off, and out of the library.

The two friends were quiet for a moment before Cherise, as per usual, broke the silence.

"Well, that was uh. Good timing, huh?" She offered Ani a grin, who sighed in relief before sitting up.




Cherise snorted, their grin turning goofy. "You're gonna do it now that you've got the Heron Approval, right?"

Ani thought it over.

Cherise had made some good points, hadn't she? An unbiased version of history...that sounded exciting, actually. Miss Heron had been correct when she'd said Ani was a history nut. And honestly, if they knew Miss Heron well enough, she was probably looking forward to this as much as Ani was. With a sigh, and a soft grin to somewhat mirror Cherise's, they nodded.

"Why not?"
Turn 4, Month 5 Year 2350
CaptainSully CaptainSully , Athanas Athanas , cinnabuns cinnabuns , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , waifu waifu , Bruhaha Bruhaha , Just_a_loneley_pilgrim Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Enum Enum , Hatch Hatch , Queen Boudica Queen Boudica , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
Maeteris Maeteris

Political Cartoon of King Malcador on the ground before The Council of The Holy Order and its Allies of Arcturus

Lieutenant Caulder chuckled as he read the latest paper from the Homefront while in the makeshift encampment near their allies home city. They were still waiting for the go ahead from the Arcturians so that they could all attack as one army and overwhelm the forces of King Malcador. Hopefully so readily that the city will surrender and capitulate. Then they could be given the chance to convert to the worship of the Sun instead of following such a cruel despot.

Their training has been going well, and the men were ready to get marching at a moments notice. But for the moment, he was just taking a moment to enjoy catching up on some news from back home and what they are saying about the war effort.

Of course they are saying that it is a righteous war, which it will in fact be. Liberating those poor oppressed souls will be the first order of business once the city has been pacified. Already back home, people are buying war bonds to aid in the war effort, boosting our nation's coffers for training more troops and enabling us to stay out on the front lines.

Hopefully, we shall be able to join the battle soon.


Principality of Lumous
Resources: 2 Population: 12 Order: -2

In a viscous attack, the undefended Capital of Lumous was ransacked by invaders that came almost out of nowhere from the South. Buildings were destroyed, research was lost, people were killed, and people were taken in by slavery among other terrible things. It was chaos in the streets and people were struggling to survive. Luckily, the treasury had already been emptied and nothing was lost on that front.

The City Mines were Destroyed
The City Palace was Destroyed
Research Tiakonga and Miasma needs to be restarted as notes were destroyed in the fires.
3 Population were killed during the sacking
3 Population were taken as Slaves

The Paubu comes across a large field with a shack in the middle of it. While on the way there, it spots a mechanical dog also doing the same.

The Nation of Arcturus

Resources: 25 Population: 18 Order: 1

The Hound comes across an open field with a small shack in the middle of it. While on the way to the building, it spots a creature that is also making its way towards the structure.

Astoria Dominion
Resources: 2 Population: 11 Order: 1

Construction Northern Outpost (1 turn remaining)
Construction Exploiting Agricultural Center (1 turn remaining)

The Scout moves NE and discovers a large deposit of natural magical energies. It can be harnessed with the proper building for magical energies in troop or building construction. The scout also discovers a strange cave (Respond to this on diplomacy chat in Discord)


Resources: 4 Population: 14 Order:2

All-Father Commune Houses increases the public order by +1

The Wakken Scout to the South sees a large plumes of smoke to the further south as he heads into the forest. There, he comes face to face with a small flying fairy type creature.

Union of Aleyran Socialist Republics (UASR)

Resources: 0 Population: 20 Order: 2

The Union has increased their Capital City to Level 2, gaining +1 Defense. Building and Research Costs are now 2 Turns + 4 Resources

Hearing of the Grand Construction and upgrading of the Capital, more people have flocked to the cause. +2 Red Conscripts
The people have gained greater faith in the Government. +1 Order

The Enlightened Oligarchy of Valmyrei

Resources: 2 Population: 18 Order:2

The Valmyrei Capital has been upgraded to Level 2, gaining +1 Defense. Building and Research Costs are now 2 Turns + 4 Resources.

Hearing of the Wonderous Construction of the Valmyrei, 2 Units of Science Fanatics arrive at the Capital.
Science Fanatic Stats: -1/+1. Mad Science: Roll d4. On 1-3 Science Fanatic Dies. On 4, Science Fanatic converts 1 Population into Strange Mutant at no loss of Order.

Advanced Telemetry gains access to the transmission. "Please Help us. Our city is under siege. We are being attacked by strange mechanical beasts. And people made of shadow lurk nearby. We require assistance. Please."

Tuatha DĂŠ Danann
Resources: 9 Population: 18 Order: 2

A Scout in the forest comes across a strange looking musician man that is wandering around.

To The SouthEast, great plumes of smoke are flying into the air as though from a place that was attacked.


Resources: 15 Population: 20 Order: 1

The Unity of the Broken States

Resources: 16 Population: 18 Order: 1​
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With many of those who joined the army after Lord Malcador's call to arms finishing their basic training, the largest military parade in Argosian history was held. The brave men and women of our nation marched through the center of our capital showcasing their dedication and love for our Great Leader.

I spoke previously of his power to heal the sick, but it is his great power to make people invincible that will see us through. Hearing his words will allow each and every soldier in our army to fight without fear of injury as Lord Malcador protects them with his info its power.

The war has been going on for years but what these numbers have shown is that the robot menace will crumble beneath the boot of our Glorious Leader.

Reports from our military chief, General Kobalt, suggest that an Argosian scouting party stumbled across a massive force of Holy Order soldiers. Outnumbered and outgunned the scouts engaged the enemy to do their part for Argo.

The battle lasted for hours before the final soldier of the Order fell. Outnumbered ten to one, our brave soldiers were victorious thanks to the bravery of our men and more importantly, the power of Lord Malcador.


Our brave men on parade


New Policy:

Overdrive: For each action roll a D10. On a 9+ a free additional action may be taken as long as it is the same as the action that was rolled for. After a 9+ has been rolled in a turn, any remaining rolls only activate on a 10. While this policy is in effect additional actions cannot be accrued by any other means.


Build Structure:

Production Facility

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 4


Overseer I: A large, newly created Arcturan that watches over the Hive. It's intelligence and brain capacity allow it to simultaneously monitors every single camera in the Hive without missing a thing.

Enemy agents are unable to enter the Hive as they will be spotted by the Overseer and dealt with by the Hives internal defence force. In addition, +1 order.

• Turns: 1
• Resources: 1 [-1 from Complete Efficiency Policy]


Free Movement

• Diplomat: North 2 and explore
• Harvester: West 1, North West 1 and deploy mune

End of Turn Information

• Starting Population: 18
• Starting Resources: 25
• Starting Energy: 0
• Prototype Roll: 2
• Production Facilities: 2
• Energy Production: 0 [Winter]
• Standard Production: +4 Resources / +0 Population [Overdrive and -1 Res per facility due to prototype roll]
• Refinery: +1 Resource [-1 for prototype roll]
• Trade Route: +2 Resource [-1 for prototype roll]
• Deep Core Mine: +1 Resource
• End Population: 18 + 0 = 18
• End Resources: 25 + 8 - 5 = 28
• End Energy: 0


• x3 UNITs
• x1 Sentry
• x2 Soldiers [Holy Order]
• x1 Engineers [Holy Order]
• x1 Hound
• x1 Harvester - Deploying
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Principality of Lumous

ArtStation - The Devil's Landsknecht, Dominik Mayer

Death and his kin descended upon Eureka in the princess’ absence. The princess’ death was still a fresh wound for the people of Lumous and in their mourning none could foresee the horror on the horizon. Flames burned, embers stark against the night as invaders rode through the streets of Eureka and blood flowed through every neighborhood. The screams were the only thing louder than the war cries that filled the night air. In their waking all found they had shared the same nightmare and lived to tell the tale.The unluckiest were those taken by the invaders and lost. Even the palace was now unrecognizable. Lumous was scarred.

In the ruins of the palace, Hachi and Clovis emerged from their underground hiding place. They were greeted by the sight of slaughtered guards and somehow the town was visible from the hallway. Where had the walls of the palace gone? How had the invaders managed to put so many holes in their largest structure? As they slowly trekked their way through what remained of their home, the two regents of Lumous were in awe of what the invaders had accomplished. Gazing through the holes in the palace they could see the destruction that had been delivered and it was...horrific. So many bodies were in the streets and so much blood had been spilled. Eureka was suffering.

Outside the city’s now crumbling walls Princess Nana traveled in a car for the first time. It was far more cramped than she had anticipated, but the inside was cooler than the outside and they traveled just as fast if not faster than her mutants did. Home here she comes.

Week 1

In the aftermath of the attack the citizens of Lumous turned from the faulty leadership of the would-be-regents to the legacy of their beloved princess.The Helios Religion. Now led by a woman named Mara, the faithful citizens flocked to her and the sun god for salvation with regular prayers beginning that very morning.


“Priestess Nana tried to show us the light before she departed but we did not listen to her! Our neglect of the Sun God has brought this disaster upon our loved ones. We must change our ways!”

A horde of grieving and angry followers were circled around her, crying and praying with their hands raised to the sky. “The Sun is our guide! The Sun is our savior!”

”Princess Nana and her ancestors have been lost to us in this attack! The palace is destroyed! We must start over!”

Week 2

After days trying to find themselves in the chaos, Mara and her faithful erected a statue of Princess Nana in the center of the town. Taken from the courtyard of the palace it was the only thing that was untouched. From the wreckage of the palace Clovis and Hachi watched, along with several other citizens and nobles that didn’t buy the foolish gibberish that they were selling. “Clovis, they're ousting us. They’re worshiping dead idols, we must do something!” Hachi exclaimed.

Clovis watched in silence, observing the crowds and the masses as they adapted to the current situation. It was true, they were being replaced it seemed by this...upstart follower of Nana’s false religion.But they didn’t know if she was dead or not for sure so they had even bigger worries than this little rebel. “Come with me Hachi. All of you, follow me.”

Clovis and the group headed into the palace and made their way to the Ancestral Hall. Many of the Soul Carriers we damaged beyond repair, but there were some still intact. Not for long though. “If we are to ever have any hope of guiding this nation once more then we must kill the monarchs of old and with them any hope Nana has of restoring the nation. Clovis created a ball of lightning in his hand and then looked to those that were with him. “Hurry we must act now!”

Hachi stared at Clovis with wide eyes, but it only took a moment for him to realize this was the best option. “You heard him! Lets go!” Lightning formed around Hachi’s fingers and he hurled the first bolt at the oldest of the Soul Carriers.

With fear and morals weighing heavily on their hearts and minds those present with the advisors hesitated and waited. How could they kill their past leaders, their friends and even their lovers? What if Princess Nana was alive and she returned, what would they do? The nerves melted away however when one person stepped out of the crowd and hurled his own shard of ice. In seconds elements were flying through the air and shattering Soul Carriers. One soul after another, dying, being destroyed, and erased from existence.

“What are you doing?!” Reginald shouting with a broken voice as his visage appeared from the projector. “Have you lost all sense?!”

Approached by Clovis, the King stood tall and looked down at the advisor. “Nana is not ready to lead, but do not worry, we will look after her and Lumous as if they were our own.” The sinister looked in his eyes and the diabolical voice with which he spoke sent chills down the King’s soul just before Clovis released a flamethrower on the King’s Carrier. Slowly the device started to melt away and with it went the king’s soul. “Destroy the back ups! They’ve all lived their last lives!”

Week 3

The palace was still in a state of disarray, but with things now settled and people a little less shaken, they could focus on the future. Clovis, Hachi, and their group continued to advance the kingdom’s tech and military by returning to their research on a new mutant that would soar above the clouds.

In the city everyone was working on rebuilding the infrastructure with Mara giving out the orders. .

Restore Mine
Research - Tiankong (A new flying mutant. Research time reduced by 1 by Immortal Expertise)
Move Princess Nana’s Army West 1 Tile

Paibu Scout moves South 1 tile and explores tile.

Eureka (Capital)
Palace - Destroyed
Mine x1 - Destroyed

1x Taotie ( Nothing Goes to Waste -The Taotie are capable of multiplying asexually, given they have enough energy. Sacrificing captured enemies to the Taotie will spawn a free Taotie unit.)
1x Paxing ( Burrowers: Armies consisting of just these can move underground, hidden from other players' maps until they attack. Cannot burrow for 2 turns after their reveal.)
1x Paobu (`Mad Dash - Paobu are capable of performing a high-speed sprint once every turn, granting them the ability to move one extra tile.)
1x Assassin


The Three in One - Troops cost half as much resources
Immortal Expertise - Centuries of life focused on honing skills have made the sorcerers and scientists of Lumous the best in their fields (Research and new tech construction -1 turn/cost)
Safe and Sound - With no humans present in their military, Lumous doesn’t have to put any of their citizens at risk in a war. Everyone is safe and allowed to prosper. (+1 to population growth in every city.)
Self-sustaining Military - When victorious in battle the fallen armies became food for the mutants of Lumous. (When engaged in combat, Lumous’ armies have no upkeep cost.)
Exalted March - When marching in armies of 10 or more units against armies following different religions, gain +1 attack and defense.​
WIP Flavor this weekend!

1. Spend 2 actions upgrading capital city to utilize dealership created last turn.

Free Scout movement.
1. Southern Scout moves two south.
2. Western scout moves one east, spend an action to begin founding a city.
3. Eastern scout moves two north.
4. Northern Scout moves two north.
  • Haven was buzzing with life. Every corner of the newly built market was covered with people trading goods and making profits. A post-construction economic miracle had begun, and the people were happy to share in their wealth and goods. Laughter and haggling could be heard across the market. Although the Unity did not relish its currency the way other economies did, it was still used as a ticket of sorts. The more you had, the better a worker you were considered, and better workers were much better trusted. The currency itself had little beyond its symbolic value, but it was still traded as a measure of good faith. Under the table, people traded tools for tools and food for food, as was common amongst Unity clans.

    So the people traded and chattered and laughed and played, and the market teemed with activity. In some corners, however, whispers began to arise. Young men from the traders guild shared a growing secret in hushed voices to young women, who spread rumors like wildfire across the market. Young boys ran and told old women at their carts of the news. Old women fell silent, and crowds began to move to the outer edge of the post. They watched in fascination at a small group of carts approaching from the West. Foreigners, never-before-seen by the Diamond People, gathered at their doorstep. Muscles tensed and voices hushed. It was the first encounter they had had with the outside world in ages, and they worried it may end in violence. When the carts arrived, they began unloading their wares, and the people rejoiced. Cheers filled the air as they rushed to see the goods these newcomers had for sale.

    Across the plains and through the forests, construction was airdropped to a set of incredible ruins. Hammers fell on nails as repairs were made. Buildings were prepped. New land would be toiled and protected for generations to come.

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