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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Which is the punishment for breaking the quirk in public rule for? The character or RPer playing the character?
Well, it's a criminal offense that tends to result in prison. Not necessarily any large sentence or anything unless you attack someone with it, but it can still mean getting arrested. So, it's the character that gets punished for that. However, because this makes characters into criminals, I don't let characters get approved who have committed such a crime, save for very specific circumstances
Well, it's a criminal offense that tends to result in prison. Not necessarily any large sentence or anything unless you attack someone with it, but it can still mean getting arrested. So, it's the character that gets punished for that. However, because this makes characters into criminals, I don't let characters get approved who have committed such a crime, save for very specific circumstances
Ok i just wanted to know what the 'discussion' of the quirk in public rule is more focused on. With that said if a character that has used their quirk in public but not arrested or known was used, would they be accepted? I just like to clarify.
Ok i just wanted to know what the 'discussion' of the quirk in public rule is more focused on. With that said if a character that has used their quirk in public but not arrested or known was used, would they be accepted? I just like to clarify.
Well, you'd need a REAAAAALLLY good reason for it not to have been known given the state of policing in this universe, but that aside, yes it could.
Well, you'd need a REAAAAALLLY good reason for it not to have been known given the state of policing in this universe, but that aside, yes it could.
Yeah that's a given needing a reason. Anything heroism/vigilantly-ism would be hard to hide from at least from public eye and opinion.

Btw idk where this talk about quirks in public ruling unfairness came from whether it came from issue with making a character or a RPer feeling an unjust action was being made to them. But I thought I throw in my neutral opinion on the matter to make sure this gets sorted out and explained proper on the matter.
I just thought of a special arc!

A villian enters the school and is defeated but as a last resort, activated their quirk which changes the ages of everyone inside.

Some only change by one year, some become toddlers, babies, preteens, adults, and even elderly :3
We're not talking about some random backseat law here, we're talking about the most promiminent quirk-releated law in the entire series. To dismiss it would be to give the whole cannon a big middle finger. Again, there is an exmaple of someone being given a warning about it just for going slightly faster on an empty sidewalk.

I understand your concerns regarding the harshness of a minor rule, however, if I don't deal with things properly on smaller things, it will be inevitable larger ones pop in as well. Regardless though, I see your complaint, and while I don't think it is valid, I can see where you are coming from. It just isn't my perspective on the subject and I don't see a legitimate reason in it as to why I should change my behavior because of it. My apologies.
Being harsh when it comes to enforcing rules is a good thing to an extent but I do think this crosses that line. It's great that you're so harsh with enforcing rules which actually have an negative effect on the roleplay, but this doesn't really have that so being this harsh is a bit pointless.

I'd also argue that using your quirk to say, scare kids for example, doesn't actually make you a criminal. I get that doing that is technically breaking the law, but who of us hasn't technically broken the law a couple of times as kid?

You both are missing a very important detail. Nobody would know he broke the law if nobody found out. We all break laws every day, we don't get punished not because they're "random backseat laws" like Idea said. But because nobody finds out we broke the law. Rules are only as strong as those who enforce them and the police are not omnipotent. If the only people who know it happened is the bully, the kid he's bullying, and maybe the bully's friends then there's virtually zero risk of anybody even ever finding out.

So Idea says he wont let criminals into the school. But as far as the school knows this guy's no different than anyone else because he has no criminal record since he was never found out. Having strict rules is great and all, but you need a way to enforce them.
You both are missing a very important detail. Nobody would know he broke the law if nobody found out. We all break laws every day, we don't get punished not because they're "random backseat laws" like Idea said. But because nobody finds out we broke the law. Rules are only as strong as those who enforce them and the police are not omnipotent. If the only people who know it happened is the bully, the kid he's bullying, and maybe the bully's friends then there's virtually zero risk of anybody even ever finding out.

So Idea says he wont let criminals into the school. But as far as the school knows this guy's no different than anyone else because he has no criminal record since he was never found out. Having strict rules is great and all, but you need a way to enforce them.
But just that is already enough. Deku stays quiet about the bullying because for some odd reason he still admires Bakugou and wants to be his friend. While there is always a few that will stay silent the way in which it was worded, he used his quirk to bully multiple kids. Someone would speak up. At the very least it would be noticed.
But just that is already enough. Deku stays quiet about the bullying because for some odd reason he still admires Bakugou and wants to be his friend. While there is always a few that will stay silent the way in which it was worded, he used his quirk to bully multiple kids. Someone would speak up. At the very least it would be noticed.

Depends on a lot of factors. Most kids who are bullied wont speak up, hence why they're bullied. And even then you have a he-said-she-said argument between two kids. No legal action would be taken over that, certainly no criminal charges. Hell that could explain why he stopped doing it, one of his victims called him out and he got eyes on him due to the accusation so he stopped.
So Idea says he wont let criminals into the school. But as far as the school knows this guy's no different than anyone else because he has no criminal record since he was never found out. Having strict rules is great and all, but you need a way to enforce them.
I specifically mentioned the instance of not being caught. I don't want criminals in period. I may, MAY be willing to open an exception for a particularly well-crafted reason as to why they weren't at all caught, but I won't stand for less
I specifically mentioned the instance of not being caught. I don't want criminals in period. I may, MAY be willing to open an exception for a particularly well-crafted reason as to why they weren't at all caught, but I won't stand for less

But they're not criminals if they didn't get caught. Besides, that's kind of silly saying "you bullied someone with your quirk when you were six, so now you're not allowed into this school". Is there any reason you're this strict on this topic because there's no logical reason for it IC, so that means the reason is OOC.

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