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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia


RPN's sleepy sheepie
The appearance of "quirks", newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting, this has no doubt led to people using their powers in villainous ways, but fear not! This has resulted in numerous schools popping up to train such individuals into heroes. One such school is UA High, the legendary school of the symbol of peace, All Might, the ultimate hero!

The school has a 0.2% acceptance rate and only the best of the best are accepted, you are one such individual. What is your Quirk? Will you make new friends? Or maybe even enemies!?

All that is certain, is that you will become the best, be it good...

Or evil...
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The electrical gates to the famed UA High slid open soundlessly, due to them heavily polished and oiled. The sun was bright and it was fairly early in the morning, the various, equally-spaced trees adding to awe-inspiring view of the compound. nobody was there yet but no doubt the pupils of the school were already on their way there.

Mina Ashido

"Oh my god! I can't be-lieve I managed to get in!" The strangely pink girl thought to herself, a bright smile splitting across her face as she surfed her way to the school using her quirk, a slick liquid being left behind as she slid her way there. The acid seemed to dissipate after a few moments of being exposed to the air.
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Kaito Madawa

The teacher stood at entrance to the school, watching the new students come in. "This ought to be a fun year." He quietly muttered as he watched a strange pink girl come in. He started walking towards the gate with a huge sheet of paper, which was the welcome sign. He morphed into his werewolf self and jumped up the gate, hanging up the sign. As quick as he hung up the sign, that was how quick he came back to the entrance.
Warren stood there, his goal just within reach. He slowly began walking toward it, tensing up with every step.

It's time.

Warren eye gleamed...




Warren closed his 3ds and put it away

"Dang it, I was this close to paying off my house..." Warren decided to use his quirk to kinda float the rest of the way to school.

"Woah... This is... Really cool..." Warren Looked around, Admiring every detail

Starting today, Warren is going to become a real hero.
Shouto watched as the gate opened and on girl in particular screamed as she slid inside. With a sigh, he brushed his hand through his hair as he walked inside. "This isn't a field trip." He mumbled to himself as the boy walked pass. "We're here to train to become a hero, not mess around." Rolling his eyes, the male continued to the girl who was sliding all over the place.

"Stop." Shouto said with a single toned voice. "You're quirk makes it dangerous for other students. You want to be a hero, not a villain."

Akashi sighed heavily observing the scene from the rooftops of the main building, his amber colored eyes gazing at the students entering by the gate. "It will be an amazing oportunity, they said. I'm sure it will be amusing for you, they said..." he muttered, walking to the stairs, his earphones already wore at both ears while his face already assumed the traditional gloomy expression. "I guess I'm supposed to give a try..."
Celine stepped up to the gates of the school and took in a deep breath. The wind was blowing gently, the sky was clear and everything just seemed wonderful. Other students were passing Celine, some jogging, some walking briskly and others trailing in with their friends, but all of them seemed to be burning with energy at their cores. It was an infectious feeling, Celine thought, as she pulled the tie of her uniform tighter around her neck. Starting today, she would be fighting to make herself into a top hero. Someone to surpass all of the top ranked heroes and make her name known. Strung on her back and wrapped tightly in cloth, was a distinctly scythe shaped object, and in her breast pocket she had a box of off-brand sidewalk chalk. She clenched her fists, let out her deep breath, and then started in to the school.
Kaito Madawa

The teacher watched the students get in."Students, future hero's, and S.H.I.Ts. I welcome you all to U.A !" His voice boomed throughout the school." I am Kaito Madawa, but some of you know me better by The Elusive Beast." He morphed to his werewolf form."Now I will be your homeroom teacher, and if you may, follow me to the field on the other side." He waved for the students to follow and jumped up incredibly high, he climbed the wall and landed on the field, patiently waiting for the students to catch up.
"WOAHHHH... Our teacher is so cool!" Warren quickly ran over to the field. When he arrived, he took in all of the students around him. He wanted to introduce himself and decided to wait for a better time.

Untill then, Warren looked at his teacher, waiting for further instruction.
"So energetic..." Akashi muttered, directing himself to the field for the sake of watching the teacher, acting as an auxiliar thanks to his inexperience that made himself still not elected to a class. While walking to the other teacher, his left earphone was took off the ear, his eyes gazing the older teacher as if trying to guess what he was supposed to do as an auxiliar. "That crazy wolf won't make me do something weird for him, right?" He muttered to himself, clearly not happy in having to act as an assistant for the fellow hero.
Cynthia had woken up in time with her alarm. It was her first day at U.A. and she wanted to make sure she got there on time. Unlike her previous school, this one was specific in creating the future heroes of tomorrow and she wanted to make a good impression. She had taken her time picking her outfit and fixing her hair in multiple ways, ultimately having it down. When she came out of her room, she was met with her brother in the small kitchenette. He had a pink apron with frills that she had made for him as a joke and making his famous pancakes. She made her presence known and twirled around to show off her outfit. She had picked a floral circle skirt with a casual solid white t-shirt, brown boots adorning her size eight feet. Cute yet simple in her opinion.

"So what do you think?" She asked and posed. Her left leg in front of her right and left arm akimbo.

"I think... You need to go back and change to your uniform." Nico nudged her back to her room and his response was a groan and droopy shoulders going back to her room. "Hurry, Cy. Or your food will get cold and you'll miss orientation!" Her brother yelled out and plated the pancakes before they burned. A few minutes later, Cynthia had re emerged and ate her breakfast in silence. Packing up and leaving the tiny apartment thirty minutes later.

She arrived at the school in no time flat and watched as everyone gathered around The Elusive Beast. She had manage to see him shape shift and wait for the alumni. It was rather amazing to see Quirks of others. Her buzz making her head to the front of the crowd around the teacher.
Izuku "Deku" Midoriya

Deku looked at the open gate of UA high. He felt a rush of excitement, but also doubt. He remembered All Might's words to him. Was it really okay for him to have excepted All-For-One? could he even fill All Might's shoes and become the new beacon of hope who always smiles? Deku saw the other students, some seemed like him and others seemed completely confident of themselves. He looked down at his plain looking average school uniform.

"i can do this... All Might's dream and his expectations for me.... i can't let him down." He spoke softly to himself. A self-pep talk. He pulled out his notebook full of all the notes he'd written down about heroes. HE felt somewhat calmer looking through his notes. Deku really was a hero otaku.
This was a last resort for her. She didn't want to be here, or anywhere else, but if she had any chance of controlling this...it was worth a shot. She wandered in sheepishly through the gates, keeping her head low and avoiding getting too close to anyone. Feet were everywhere in her vision, and she used that to steer herself away.
Zachary walked to the gate of U.A, a school for people with exceptional quirks. He saw fellow students and some teachers, he was looking at the girls but none caught his attention. Nobody seemed to have an obvious quirk, but he'd see them soon enough. He looked back at the gates and saw that they were pretty excellently built for a place that didn't hold nukes or something like that, but then again it did hold the next generation of heroes.

Illyasviel Von Einzbern

Illyasviel happily hummed underneath her breath to a tune only she could hear as she wandered through the halls of the school, skipping in a happy-go-lucky manner like she usually did. She soon passed by a window, but payed it little attention, before suddenly pausing in her little journey.

Taking a few steps back, Illyasviel stared out the window to see her fellow teacher, Kaito Madawa, in his werewolf form, with a rather large group of students in front of him. Pressing her hands to the glass, the young woman smiled amiably as she silently observed her soon to be students in content, but subconsciously, analyzed everything there was to know about them.

"I can already tell that this is going to be an interesting year." Illyasviel said to herself as she stepped away from the window and continued merrily on her way, a small skip to her steps as her smile turned into something a tad bit more sinister. "Very interesting indeed."

Ryota Sigahashi

A young male with a messy mop of brown hair came shrieking through the towering metal gates, paper and pens flying out of a book bag that miraculously held its place on his back."No,no,no,no,no! Late! I'm going to be late!" He wailed, his shoes clapping against the concrete ground, leaving behind sticky black footprints. The teen, Ryota, smelled heavily of gasoline.

He soon went zipping by a few students, waving his hand frantically in the air."Sir! Sir! I'm not late? Right?" He panted, laughing a bit when he came jogging up to the group. Ryota nervously smiled, his brows furrowed. Ryota certainly didn't want to make a bad impression on his teacher or the students, he kinda figured that he already had though after that stunt.

Mina Ashido


"Oh, hey" she replied distractedly to the annoyed Shouto, however, her gaze was directed in the air. A man floating over the threshold of the school to be exact. "Is he flying?" She asked Shouto while still looking up. "'Cause that's got to be fun, I wonder if he can make me fly..." She pondered. Not noticing the seemingly annoyed teacher looking at her. Her eyes detected some movement on top of the main building given she was already looking up and gave whoever it was a wave along with a bright smile before looking at all the others coming through the gate. She listened to the strange werwolf teacher saying something before jumping away. "Did he just call us Shits?" She asked before surfing her way after him, arriving first due to her quirk, feeling rather self-concious given her strange appearance compared to all the other students. Then, the strangest man ran in yelling something and smelling heavily of car fuel, at least that's what Mina thought it smelled of. "Hey... Is that gasoline or something?" She asked him, like they were old friends

@Thespian8719 @zacharychi @Maiza Avaro
Akashi suddenly appeared running in the middle of the students, his pale and delicate appearance that made he look younger probably confusing the students as he didn't wear any uniform, his immediate action when arriving the field was jumping in the direction of the abnormally tall humanoid wolf, impactating his feets against the right side of the massive trunk possessed by the morphed form of the teacher, kicking him with a not so noticeable strength, clearly not causing damage, using he as a plataform to impulse himself in a back flip before landing near the hero, already scolding him. "Kaito, what did I say about introducing yourself with weird easily misunderstandable initials?" He said in a annoyed tone before turning to the students.

He returned to his usual gloomy look, coughing twice before introducing himself " Well, students, as some of you should have already noticed, I'm also a hero and the assistant teacher of you class. My name is Akashi, and some of you known me by the title Blood Fiend" he announced the controversial title without even flinching, maintaining his monotone tone while continuing the explanations " as you should have perceived already, doggi... The elusive beast is your main teacher, and he has the peculiarity of liking to reduce sentences to short words formed by their initials, the S.H.I.T he meant was Super Heroes in training." Finishing the fast explanation, Akashi sighed quickly before adding a last short sentence "If you have any questions regarding the exercise, the elusive beast will explain it right now".

Although the tone and the actions of the hero supposedly should demonstrate how serious he was, attentive students could notice that he didn't take off his earphones for even a moment, clearly passing the responsability of solving the doubts of the new students to the main teacher.
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Illyasviel Von Einzbern

Making her way to the field where she knew everyone would be at, Illyasviel smiled softly to herself as she thought about the upcoming months she would spend together with her fellow teachers and students as her smile slowly morphed into a wide grin she couldn't restrain.

"This is probably going to be the most fun I've had in years!"
The German stated to herself as she hopped down the stairs, her honey colored eyes wide and gleaming in unconcealed enthusiasm as she soon reached the ground floor. Eagerly going into the field, Illyasviel noticed another one of her fellow teachers, Akashi Kurogane, introducing himself to the students gathered before him, with Kaito just behind him.

"Hello Akashi! Kaito!" Illyasviel greeted them cheerfully, bounding over to them with a skip to her step. Standing next to them, idly noticing that the two other teachers were practically giants compared to her, much to her frustration as her eye twitched slightly to show what she was really feeling underneath.

'Hmph! How come they got to be so tall while I practically stayed a child?' Illyasviel ranted to herself in her mind, finding it unfair that they grew up normally while she became the runt of the group. Of course, she didn't dare to think that it was because she didn't drink milk when she was younger. After all... 'Who would want to drink an opaque liquid that secretes from a cow, anyway?'

Deciding to let it be for now, Illyasviel turned to look at the students who were looking curiously at her, as she appeared to be more of a middle school student than a teacher. Smiling brightly at them, she gave a low bow before introducing herself.
"Good morning! My name's Illyasviel Von Einzbern, but I'm better known by the name Saber! It's nice to meet you all!"
''Scuse me! Coming through!''

The small speedy girl of sound, ran towards the entrance gates of the school as fast as she could, avoiding smashing herself into stuff or people.

Goddammit, why did i have to sleep in again?! As much as i love my beauty sleep, this is just getting too bad!

Taira had managed to balance and stop herself just in time, before accidently losing foot and crashing her pretty face onto the solid-made ground.

Phew, that was a close call. Ahahahh....

So this is the place huh?

Quite fancy-looking. I. Must. Say.

She gave out a lazy grin and yawned before passing through the large-sized gates, stepping inside the school halls whilst looking around.

She then continued her way towards the big gathering of the many students nearby.
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Gudung literally flies out of the bus. "FUCK, I'm gonna be late!!!" he shouts as he smashes through the window with his face. Shards of glass tear through his school uniform, showing his hero clothes underneath. He's had these things since he found out about his "quirk." They just grew with him since that day, and he decided to wear it to the school. Faint glowing could be seen through the tears.

He flew to the courtyard, where, it seemed, there was a huge gathering. He didn't realize his hoods had come down, both his normal and hero ones. His horns showed clearly, shaped like the top two branches of the Biohazard symbol on his shirt. He slowly landed, and apologized. "Sorry. I slept in. Am I, uh, late?"​
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Slowly stepping of of the bus, Reija took a deep breath of late morning air, looking up towards the school that towered high above her, fairly tall height. It was a school that she never wanted to go to. Have as little connection to, and pray that she'd never get involved. Having a Quirk was merely a a curse to her, instead of a blessing that many have viewed it as. As she took a few steps forward, someone screamed a fair bit behind her.


There was the distinct sound of shattering glass, though she didn't make the effort to turn around. From his words, the boy that had been rushing behind her was most likely worried about being late for whatever presentation must have been established for the lot of them at the courtyard. She watched him fly quickly over, while Reija made her slow pace over. It didn't bother her if she was late, maybe that would be better...

... but it wouldn't. "Yasahi Mirai" would never do something like this, and that's what bothered her. She needed to at least become the best hero that Mirai would have wanted to be. Pushing her way into the courtyard, she irritatedly averted her gaze.

"... horn boy, I hope you decide to pay for the glass you shattered back on the bus."

@Golden Glow
Cynthia kept her mouth shut as she watched the two older men interact. It appeared that the staff at A.U. would be quite peculiar and clashing when it came to teaching the kids. She did not know how she felt about any of them besides respect at their previous heroic work. She decided it was time to acknowledge the rest of her classmates and wonder about their Quirk.

All of them wore their school assigned uniform. The female donning pleated navy blue skirts while the male with pants the same color. Cynthia eyes directly zeroed in on one of the girls who was pink all over and had irregular shaped horns resting on the top of her head. She was... was... adorable! Her slightly rounded face and twinkling eyes making her appear to be cheery. Cynthia had a sudden urge to rush over to her and start talking but decided against it, letting her fingers twitch at her side.

Right beside the pink girl was a slightly shorter boy. He wore glasses just like her, only sleeker, and seemed to be analyzing the boy with red-white haired. They both were good-looking in entirely different ways. The one with brown hair appearing to be mature and sophisticated. Cynthia could only imagine the massive luxury of their date. That is, if they ever went on one. She pursed her lips for a second, at her thought and shrugged a tiny fraction. Inconclusive of that future. And the other had an aloof and almost hostile aura which was weirdly gravitating for her. His burn mark added to the cool factor and gave a sense of beauty if it was possible.

Cynthia looked to the right of her and noticed more have gathered. On her immediate right was a boy with unruly dark green hair. He was the same height as her but that did not stop him from being cute. His boyish smile and large eyes adding to the charm. Another urge racked through her as she wanted to ruffle his hair more, making her arm instinctively reach up and slowly move to touch his head. Just as she could touch a lock, he turned to face her with wide eyes. Cynthia quickly retracted her arm and pretended to stretch, a slight blush adorning her face. When she figured he had went back to his own thing, she looked back and past him.

The gate was just past the green haired boy and new students were trickling in. Another boy joined the group, having jumped over the gate and rushed over to make excuse even though the orientation had not gone far. Quite endearing, she thought. Then another one leisurely joined the student mass, this time a girl. Whoa, she is cool! I would have been freaking out if all eyes were on me and I was not doing a magic trick. She bit her nail when the new arrival stood beside her, she was quite intimidating.

Cynthia registered the rest of her classmates. A female with short red hair and carrying a weapon on her back that she wondered was too heavy for her classmate. Another male that disobeyed uniform rule and wore a hooded blue and green stripped hoodie instead of the the standard coat and collared shirt. She felt a pang of misguided anger towards him due to her brother's remark on changing. Beside the hoodie one was a boy with wild curly hair. She smiled at him when he had unintentionally looked at her. She was unsure if he had notice her friendly grin and let her smile drop. Then finally another girl beside him seemed unfazed by the events that the first day would entail.

There appeared to be more guys than girls. Cynthia could not believe her luck. They were all handsome. She would have to reign in her love for boys if she was to make it through the school year. And the girls? They were all unique and pretty. None were prescribed with thick glasses or had a fat roll hidden under their clothing like she had. And by the looks of their faces, they were more prepared for combat than she was. Cynthia seemed like the odd man out. A novice in a sea of experts.
The real Echo was locked up in an underground section of the villain base. In an eternal torment, split between two personalities that were not his own. Trapped inside the villain with a duel personality disorder. (Yes, I will have the villain die at some point once I get bored of the villain that I created. Talk to me when you want this to happen.)
Warren locked eyes with a fellow student, and waved, to acknowledge her smile.

Woah she was pretty.

Warren made a mental note to get her name, since they already made contact with each other, and take things smooth. Besides, making friends with a hottie the first day wasn't a bad thing.

Warren made his way over.

"Hey, I'm Warren. What's up? You locked eyes with me earlier and thought you seemed pretty cool."

Warren could tell she wasn't the best at combat. It made him feel better knowing there are people here who feel the same he does.


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