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Fandom BNHA « tomorrow/ic [OPEN]

brunettes dress blue eyes ribbons teapots flower petals staff simple background anime girls ha...jpgStudent - Emmaline
Location - In front of the school
Mood - Happy and Playful
Interaction - Some Guy Some Guy

Emmaline covered her mouth with her gloved hands as she tried to hold in her giggles. She gathered up a bit of more snow into a ball waiting for her chance to strike again. She smiled as she heard Lloyd had thought that she had disappeared. Now was her chance she would jump out from the bush and ambush him with a tone of snowballs. “I GOTS YOU! mahahaha!” Emma jumped out from behind her hiding spot holding a few snowballs in her arms and one in her hand. The short girl goes off throwing as much snowball as she could at him.

c8b4cc05a6be98a14d824c5858332bc5.jpgSchool Nurse - Amber
Location - School Infirmary
Mood - Relaxed
Interaction - Some Guy Some Guy

The tall redhead was busy knitting away only to stop every once and a while to take a sip from her teacup. With Sean clearing his throat caught the women attention, causing Amber looked up from her knitting “oh, good morning Mr.Wheeler” she answered with a bright smile as she gathered her knitting and placing it on her desk. “Oh yes, quite a cold morning, not the best weather for most of my plants...But I see you still went out for your usual morning run” she said a soft smile on her face as she stood up from her chair “you still planning to have the young ones run around outside?..” she asked
[class=tabs] background-color: transparent; height: 15px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #ffc4e6; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.2; min-width: 0px; text-align: center; width: 0px; border: 0px solid transparent; position: relative; bottom: 0px; transition: all 0.5s ease; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 15px 0; width: 33%; transition: all 0.5s ease; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: transparent; color: #b5eaff [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} ♥) (show tabsContentPyo) if (eq ${currentTab} ✧) (show tabsContentHello) if (eq ${currentTab} ❖) (show tabsContentYeet) [/script]

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPyo"]

Letting a large grin spread over her features, Toyo began to bounce around in some form of exaggerated glee. Afterall, they all seemed so cool, and they were talking to her! Not only that, but they seemed to be offering to help, even though classes started in about two minutes. As expected from the students of Yuuei! First responding to the pinkette's question, Toyo shrugged. "Nope! It would be super cool to go here though!!"

Next, the blonde seemed to speak up, and Toyo, as expected, failed to catch the slight twitching of her eye as she spoke. Not too long after, the redhead who introduced himself as Tachibana Youta offered to help her out. Both of their questions were quick to remind her what she initially came there for–returning the lost ID of some unnamed student. Before Toyo had a chance to respond to their questions, however, yet another blonde girl strolled up to the cluster of students with a stutter in her greeting and a reminder that they should all head to class. Oh, and the inquiry of Toyo's grade level–can't forget about that.

Raising her hand to her head in some form of a childish salute, the multi-colored haired girl began her talk. "Toyo's name is Kataoka Toyo! It's a pleasure to meet everyone!" she cheered, before continuing. "Uhh–... I actually go Shiketsu high under the business course. We're all on break over there, so that's why I'm here in Musutafu ~! I'm just stopping by to drop this off," Toyo quickly gestured to the student ID that hung from her neck.
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentHello" style="display: none;"]

When Isamu began to lash out at Chuenchai, said girl found it difficult to contain her laughter, but continued to put up a front. It was when the male grabbed a random chair from one of the other desks and dragged it around to sit directly in front of her that she let a single, dark brow raise in questioning. From what she gathered from the clock at the edge of her vision, class was going to start in any minute, yet here this guy was–a heroics course guy, to be specific–hanging around in the general studies room with a stubbornness rivaling that of a bull.

"How would you know what my writing looks like? Besides, how many people are in this school? It's very possible that someone else could have done it," Chuenchai (fake)sighed. "But here you are, picking on myself because you know I'm Thai. That's not very nice," the girl reached down into her bag and pulled out a notebook, a writing utensil, and a textbook, seemingly getting ready for the start of class. "Euh–anyways, yeah! I guess you just got unlucky since that seems like the type of prank that could mess with anyone who isn't paying attention. Kinda like how you aren't paying attention in class right now, since you're not there."

While she waited for a potential response, she temporarily turned her attention to the notebook in front of her, flipping to the most recently used page that had her finished homework scribbled all over it. She may have skipped class pretty often, but she was great when it came down to getting her work in on time–how she got the assignments she missed the instructions for was unknown. Talk about unexpected, right?
[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentYeet" style="display: none;"]

name « toyo
mood « hyper
location « yuuei front enterence
interactions « Keiko Ver Million Ver Million Aya GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Youta Akudo Akudo Umaru RI.a RI.a
mentions « n/a

name « chuenchai
mood « entertained
location « general course class
interactions « Isamu Xcavation Xcavation
mentions « n/a

[/div][div class=tabs][div class=tab style="width: 100px; position: relative; bottom: -32px; background-color: white; height: 50px; width: 50px; border-radius: 200px; border: 10px solid #fff0c6; position: relative; bottom: 420px; right: 25px"]♥[/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="width: 100px; position: relative; bottom: -32px; background-color: white; height: 50px; width: 50px; border-radius: 200px; border: 10px solid #fff0c6; position: relative; bottom: 390px; right: 25px"]✧[/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="width: 100px; position: relative; bottom: -32px; background-color: white; height: 50px; width: 50px; border-radius: 200px; border: 10px solid #fff0c6; position: relative; bottom: 360px; right: 25px"]❖[/div][/div]
code by pyocchon pyocchon
code by Entity.Eclypse
Aya Heiwajima

"Aya Heiwajima...me and Ito were going to walk to class. Are you from the Heroics course?" She smiled, darting the question back to him. Just as another student entered and reminded them of the same thing.

"I agree! We should probably head in soon! Wouldn't want to be late this close to the finish!" To be honest, Aya didn't mind the company but it was getting too large and time wasn't on her side. Wasn't it Keiko's job to push people back?

No, Aya wouldn't think those dark thoughts. Keiko was probably just as overwhelmed as she was.

Turning to Toyo, she smiled. " That's so responsible of you! I could take that to the security office if you want. You've already done quite a bit coming all the way here to return the ID!"

Mentions: Ver Million Ver Million Akudo Akudo pyocchon pyocchon
Interactions: Ver Million Ver Million Akudo Akudo pyocchon pyocchon RI.a RI.a



Location: School grounds

"Y-yeah!" Keiko vigorously nodded her head at Umaru's suggestion. At first, the blonde was wary when the unfamiliar stranger approached them, but her tense posture relaxed when the other girl turned out to be rather quiet and calm unlike the others. Squinting her eyes at the ID card around Toyo's neck, Keiko scowled. She didn't recognize the picture on the ID. Maybe an upperclassman? Still, it would be rather irresponsible–even stupid–of an upperclassman to lose their ID card.

"Sorry...I...don't know the student," She apologized in a hushed tone before directing her incoming question at Umaru and Youta. "D...do you guys know?" Her nervous expression lit up with hope when she heard Aya's idea. Yes, finally, a way to get herself out of this social mess!
"Y-yes! We can return it to the office!" The blonde quickly stated.

@pyocchon Akudo @RI.a @ghastly

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling

"Y-yeah!" Keiko vigorously nodded her head at Umaru's suggestion. At first, the blonde was wary when the unfamiliar stranger approached them, but her tense posture relaxed when the other girl turned out to be rather quiet and calm unlike the others. Squinting her eyes at the ID card around Toyo's neck, Keiko scowled. She didn't recognize the picture on the ID. Maybe an upperclassman? Still, it would be rather irresponsible–even stupid–of an upperclassman to lose their ID card.

"Sorry...I...don't know the student," She apologized in a hushed tone before directing her incoming question at Umaru and Youta. "D...do you guys know?" Her nervous expression lit up with hope when she heard Aya's idea. Yes, finally, a way to get herself out of this social mess!
"Y-yes! We can return it to the office!" The blonde quickly stated.
Tachibana Youta.jpg
"Ah, good morning Ru-chan!" Youta greeted the blond haired girl as she greeted everyone. If he had to sum up his opinion of Umaru, it'd be "She's a nice quiet girl and she's like a fairy with her quirk!" Other than that there wasn't much of an impression besides that and that he thought that it must be nice to be able to fly. He never talked much the girl but he didn't consider them on bad terms either.

"Hold on!" Youta loudly interjected. Geeze, what's with everyone telling her that they can handle the rest. "The school and student should know who helped out by bringing the ID in the first place so Toyo-chan should be the one to deliver it." He said explaining himself, though not entirely. "It'd be a shame to miss seeing the inside of Yuuei, it's so cool after all~" he said whispering into her ear.

"So i'll bring her to the security office and Ru-chan can Miss Tatsuo why i was late for me. It should only be a couple minutes after all" barely giving a second for the others to respond and continue with their original plan of leaving Toyo out, he proceeded to start leading the girl inside by the sleeve.

Location - School Front Entrance
Mood - Excited/Mischevious
Interaction - pyocchon pyocchon Ver Million Ver Million RI.a RI.a GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Last edited:
View attachment 464775Student - Emmaline
Location - In front of the school
Mood - Happy and Playful
Interaction - Some Guy Some Guy

Emmaline covered her mouth with her gloved hands as she tried to hold in her giggles. She gathered up a bit of more snow into a ball waiting for her chance to strike again. She smiled as she heard Lloyd had thought that she had disappeared. Now was her chance she would jump out from the bush and ambush him with a tone of snowballs. “I GOTS YOU! mahahaha!” Emma jumped out from behind her hiding spot holding a few snowballs in her arms and one in her hand. The short girl goes off throwing as much snowball as she could at him.

View attachment 464776School Nurse - Amber
Location - School Infirmary
Mood - Relaxed
Interaction - Some Guy Some Guy

The tall redhead was busy knitting away only to stop every once and a while to take a sip from her teacup. With Sean clearing his throat caught the women attention, causing Amber looked up from her knitting “oh, good morning Mr.Wheeler” she answered with a bright smile as she gathered her knitting and placing it on her desk. “Oh yes, quite a cold morning, not the best weather for most of my plants...But I see you still went out for your usual morning run” she said a soft smile on her face as she stood up from her chair “you still planning to have the young ones run around outside?..” she asked
Lloyd saw her coming and ducked his head at the first snowball coming his way so he could turn around and yell back with a big smile, "Nah, I gots you! Hahaha!" He expertly tossed the snowball in his and pelted on the shoulder. He got hit by the next snowball, but he kept laughing as he rolled another one out off the ground and dived behind a small bush he barely fit his whole body behind. He continued to try and throw his own snowballs from his cover, giggling to himself as he fought back Emmaline.

He felt a tinge awkwardness when she referred to him so formally, wishing he could've greeted her a little more professionally. But he was glad she continued on normally. He only just said 'hi' and he's already freaking himself out. When did he feel like an awkward teenager again asking his crush out to prom? He did his best to clear his head and reply, "Oh yeah! Gotta keep up my metabolism regardless of what the weather thinks! And I ain't lettin' those buggers off the hook so easy. They may take it easy, but they're still in school and I'm still their PE teacher. Plus, I'm helping them out before they leave school to lounge around and eat candies all day!" He was smiling confidently this whole time, but his face and tone became a little softer and even sort of guilty when he continued, "But, uh, sorry 'bout your flowers. I know I don't mind the cold but I imagine they do. I'm sure they'll be fine, still. You take good care of 'em."
Rusty Everett
Roof of School
Interactions: Emmaline ( AquaMarie AquaMarie ) Lloyd ( Some Guy Some Guy )

Unexpectedly, an avalanche of snowballs rained down in the general area of the two students. It was Rusty, who had arrived at school early and stockpiled a large amount of snowballs to barrage his classmates with as they entered. Unfortunately, he couldn't throw more than a few before being overcome with laughter and falling onto his back. After a few seconds of unflattering laughter, Rusty got up and shouted, "I got both of you, flightless mortals!" Regardless of whether his snowballs actually made contact.
brunettes dress blue eyes ribbons teapots flower petals staff simple background anime girls ha...jpgStudent - Emmaline
Location - In the school entrance, under a pile of snowballs
Mood - Playful
Interaction - Lloyd ( Some Guy Some Guy ) and Rusty ( SP3CT3R SP3CT3R )

Emma giggled with glee as she got Lloyd to join her in the snowball fight. She got hit by two of the snowballs before throwing another one at her friend. Squealing with laughter as she ran away as Lloyd threw more snowballs towards her. She ran through the gates of the school, only getting past a few steps in the snow before tripping and falling face first into the snow. Getting hit by a snowball as she fell into the snow. She laughed as she sat up, her body covered in snow. But before she could get up or gather more snow to throw, she was by a few continues snowballs. Wiping the snow off her face she turns over to see a laughing Rusty. She smiled glad to see another of her classmates enjoying the snow. “I give! hehe….I SURRENDER!..” she yelled raising her arms in the air and waving them around. With a chuckled, she fell back into the snow and happily played there, before moving her arms and legs as she made a snow angel.

c8b4cc05a6be98a14d824c5858332bc5.jpgSchool Nurse - Amber
Location - School Infirmary
Mood - Relaxed
Interaction - Sean ( Some Guy Some Guy )

Amber kept a bright smile on her face as she spoke to Sean, she enjoyed when the students or her coworkers would stop by and talk to her, Sean being a frequent visitor. It was just nice to have visitors outside of the regular visits of students or staff needing medical treatment. “Of course, your not one to stop with your exercise routine” she replied knowing how important his training and keeping in shape was to the gym teacher. As she stood up she straightened her skirt and white coat. She pondered a bit slightly noticing that the man seemed a bit nervous. Though the thought quickly passed as she let out a soft chuckle to his answer. “I understand, they won't be too happy when they find out they have to still have to run.” She knew there was no stopping him from making sure the students trained, no matter the weather. Though she would make sure to be ready for any students sent her way after their P.E. class. “Oh its alright….my flowers should be back coming spring…oh thank you I try, just like to make the infirmary seem more calming and homey to the students,” she replied with a smile.
[class=picture] width:var(--picture-width); height:50vh; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f2/39/78/f239783ce97eed6c0ad78f1eb0f51710.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-position:top; [/class] [class=status] width:100%; height:50vh; color:#fff; font-size:2em; text-align:center; letter-spacing:.8em; transform:rotate(-90deg); opacity:0; transition:all 0.45s ease-in; position:relative; left:70%; top:0%; [/class] [class name=status state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=picture][div class=status]Umaru
Umaru Tsujihara
Location: Yuuei Entrance| Interactions: Interactions: Youta ( Akudo Akudo ), Aya ( GhastlySquash GhastlySquash ), Keiko ( Ver Million Ver Million ), Toyo ( pyocchon pyocchon )
The moment Toyo introduced herself as a high school student, Umaru's face seemed to have paled and she immediately bowed apologetically. "I am so sorry! I shouldn't have assumed!" She looked back up, clearly still worried if she had offended the visitor, and glanced at the student ID tag. "Hmm... I don't recognise the student either," replying to Keiko's question.

At Youta's loud interjection and rapid decision to drag Toyo away, leaving Umaru shocked. "Wait, hold on--" But the pair was already running to the building. The blonde turned back to her fellow students and bowed once more. "I'm sorry about that. Youta's... energetic."

"Ah! And we should run too or we'll be late for class!" Her voice laced with sudden panic as she started heading towards the school building, turning around to see if the two were following. It'll be faster if she could fly, but students aren't allowed to use their quirks unless instructed to. And she wouldn't be able to carry both of them even if she used it.

code by RI.a
Rusty Everett
Roof of School
Interactions: Emmaline ( AquaMarie AquaMarie ) Lloyd ( Some Guy Some Guy )

Unexpectedly, an avalanche of snowballs rained down in the general area of the two students. It was Rusty, who had arrived at school early and stockpiled a large amount of snowballs to barrage his classmates with as they entered. Unfortunately, he couldn't throw more than a few before being overcome with laughter and falling onto his back. After a few seconds of unflattering laughter, Rusty got up and shouted, "I got both of you, flightless mortals!" Regardless of whether his snowballs actually made contact.
Lloyd was about to toss another snowball at Emmaline before his head became buried under a heap of snow. He had to yank himself out by the neck to get all the snow off him. He ended up falling on his butt and shook the remaining snow from his body. He looked up to see the surprise attack culprit was Rusty. With that, he chuckled alongside Emmaline and resigned as he said, "Aerial advantage strikes again! Ain't no beatin' that!"
View attachment 466935Student - Emmaline
Location - In the school entrance, under a pile of snowballs
Mood - Playful
Interaction - Lloyd ( Some Guy Some Guy ) and Rusty ( SP3CT3R SP3CT3R )

Emma giggled with glee as she got Lloyd to join her in the snowball fight. She got hit by two of the snowballs before throwing another one at her friend. Squealing with laughter as she ran away as Lloyd threw more snowballs towards her. She ran through the gates of the school, only getting past a few steps in the snow before tripping and falling face first into the snow. Getting hit by a snowball as she fell into the snow. She laughed as she sat up, her body covered in snow. But before she could get up or gather more snow to throw, she was by a few continues snowballs. Wiping the snow off her face she turns over to see a laughing Rusty. She smiled glad to see another of her classmates enjoying the snow. “I give! hehe….I SURRENDER!..” she yelled raising her arms in the air and waving them around. With a chuckled, she fell back into the snow and happily played there, before moving her arms and legs as she made a snow angel.

View attachment 466936School Nurse - Amber
Location - School Infirmary
Mood - Relaxed
Interaction - Sean ( Some Guy Some Guy )

Amber kept a bright smile on her face as she spoke to Sean, she enjoyed when the students or her coworkers would stop by and talk to her, Sean being a frequent visitor. It was just nice to have visitors outside of the regular visits of students or staff needing medical treatment. “Of course, your not one to stop with your exercise routine” she replied knowing how important his training and keeping in shape was to the gym teacher. As she stood up she straightened her skirt and white coat. She pondered a bit slightly noticing that the man seemed a bit nervous. Though the thought quickly passed as she let out a soft chuckle to his answer. “I understand, they won't be too happy when they find out they have to still have to run.” She knew there was no stopping him from making sure the students trained, no matter the weather. Though she would make sure to be ready for any students sent her way after their P.E. class. “Oh its alright….my flowers should be back coming spring…oh thank you I try, just like to make the infirmary seem more calming and homey to the students,” she replied with a smile.

Sean chuckled as he said, "Nay, they won't be happy now, but they won't be whinin' once they realize how healthy they get cause of my classes!" He spoke in a proud manner. But he calmed down once he returned to the topic of her flowers. He gazed at them and admired them, saying, "Oh yes, I can see how nice they are for someone who might be hurt or sick. Very nice touch!" He smiled back. But then he started getting nervous again, because he knew he had to ask a question he didn't want to get to. But he was going to force himself this time. So he cleared his throat and asked timidly, "So uh...I wanted to ask ya somethin'...if you wouldn't mind...and if you're not busy o' course. I can come back later if you are."

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