• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Preferably Royalty

You take a breath as the bus drives off, leaving a trail of harmful smoke in it's wake. You turn to watch it leave, noticing the shining Sierra City in the distance. That was your new home, if you lived elsewhere at first. Or perhaps it was always your home.
Your head swivels back to the large, complex building that almost seemed like it was going to topple over you. You find the courage to take your first steps onto the school grounds, along with your soon to be allies and rivals.
Your path to becoming a hero has begun!

8:00AM; Monday
Currently, Homeroom is going to start soon. Are you going to head straight there, or make a few pit stops? (Always look out for Information blocks for timestamps and new activities.)

The academy is a large, blue, glass building that appears to be slightly slanted. It contrasts heavily against the hot orange desert, almost like an oasis. Within the grounds, there are small courtyards with green grass and foliage.
Ground Floor
Here, you will find the teacher's lounge, nurse's ward, and admissions offices. You can also find the gym, Olympic pool, cafeteria (indoor/outdoor), and auditorium.
First Floor
All freshman (Hero, Support, General Studies- We are in the hero class) classes are located here. There are three large classrooms, to accommodate those with quirks that effect their appearance or height. This floor also contains an updated science research lab. Support heroes are usually found here.
Second Floor
Sophomore and Junior (Hero and Support- General Studies students are moved to a building off campus) classes are here. 3 classrooms. A student lounge is located here, along with small conference rooms.
Third Floor
Senior (Hero and Support) classes are here. The classrooms are small, since they mostly do fieldwork in their last year. Here, you can find the expansive library/café (including windows with a perfect view of the desert).
Fourth Floor
Principal's office. Large conference room for teachers only. Students aren't allowed here without permission from a teacher unless they've been called personally by the principal.

Behind the building, there is a large Dome. Here is where simulations, tests, tournaments, and some gym classes are held. A single road taken by a specific, single bus leads up to the academy from Sierra City. The city is your generic metropolis, full of both quirk and quirkless people. The crime rate is moderate, most criminals lurk around at night.
You are here, silly.
Submit your records here!
Chat with your fellow students here!
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Shielding his eyes against the bright morning sun, he steps off the bus with a quiet coughing amidst the bus exhaust. But that bus and the city of Sierra were both figuratively and literally behind him. Ahead was a new chapter of his life at this larger-than-life Hero Academy, and he wasn't going to waste it.

"This place is giant.. now think, think, what's my first class? Homeroom was-" Tapping his chin, it comes to him. "-I'm in class A-2, I think, and if I'm late on the first day then Mom's gonna kill me!"

As quickly as he hopped off the bus, Jensen was about to run towards the front entrance of the school. Of course none of his friends were in sight, or he just hadn't seen them, but he wasn't about to let "Toilet Boy" resurface before Homeroom. Yet the first hurdle he had to climb was actually finding this class; this thought went through his head while tapping a larger, elephant-like "boy" on the shoulder.

"Um.. excuse me. I'm Jensen, er, Jensen Forbellow. Do you know where Class A-2 is?" He nervously smiles, trying to make somewhat of a good impression on his potential classmates. Even though someone as big as him was.. intimidating.
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Donavan stands near the front of the arriving crowd looking over Sierra academy it was nothing like what he was used to. From small country side to sprawling desert metro, everything is going to be new and exciting or so he hopes.

" What a place" he looks up at the top of the building slightly intimidated by its size "Well no time for dawdling" donavan take a single step before he feels a tap on his shoulder, donavan turns to face the person whom requests his attention

"ah Hello jens.. er Mr. forbellow, I'm Donavan i'm in class A-1 so our classrooms should be right next to eachother on the first floor if you'd like to follow me." donavan tries to act confident and reassuring despite his own worries about being unable to locate the classroom

King Mediocrity King Mediocrity
"Actually yeah, that sounds pretty great. Good to meet you by the way, Mr. Donavan." Without much to really say right out the gate, he just nods and gives a thumb up. "You really saved my bacon, I mean I completely forgot what the map looked like for this place.. and it's really giant compared to my neighborhood."

Stretching his arms, he begins walking towards the building as he saw Donavan was doing moments before. If everyone was as nice as this big guy, who he's just learned is a student despite a very.. mature body, then maybe it won't be so bad away from home.

So I guess this is our real first steps into 'hero-hood', right?" He raises a hand like a fist in confidence. "You know what they say, 'in the face of every problem, always start by unclogging it'."
Kain had made sure to get his morning workout in early, finishing at about six thirty in the morning. That way, he'd be able to clean up and walk towards the school in perfect condition. The walk took him about an hour, and he finally arrived at the school's gates. He was still rather early. Deciding to explore the area, he had made note of all the shops in the local area and told himself that he should remember them just in case. Kain was sure to pack his own lunch, lots of easy to eat products, and a protein shake in a paperboard container complete with a straw. His mother had insisted on giving him more, but he managed to quell her worries by just taking an extra bottle of water. The practical was already done, so he didn't expect that there would be anything that would cause him any more issues until the expected tests came along. Even so, it was his father that pushed him to bring the extra water bottle, and he considered bringing an extra protein bar just in case, but he had enough, he told himself. Aside from that, wasn't there a cafeteria? He should make note to see if there is any food he would like there, although he was sure it was crowded, and crowds were certainly not a thing that he often favored.

Stepping back to the school grounds, home room nearly about to start at about eight in the morning, he couldn't help but feel a lot smaller. The closer he got to the school, the more intimidated he felt. He had felt this before back during the written and practical exams, and though it's to a lesser degree, he couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. This was where the best of the best gathered. He was going to have to think hard about how he was going to use his quirk to help people. However, his was a quirk that could easily be exploited as a villain's quirk. Even when he was very young, he was teased for his quirk by the ones he had accidentally poisoned when his quirk manifested. Their words weigh heavily on him, but his parent's kind words kept him assured. The nightshade flower, to which his poison shares similar qualities with, is not something he likes to make light of. Even though his breath is not so fatal as to cause death, its paralyzing effect as it's primary quality is certainly not something he wants to use recklessly, especially as he has no control of it once it's out in the air. Still, at least he could rely on what he inherited from his father, but despite being stronger than the average human, he was going to a school of superheroes. A little enhanced muscle-matter and bone structure isn't going to do him much justice. Shaking his head, he tried to stop himself from overthinking things, and began to step forward.

As he reached the door, he heard a bus stop behind him, and he stopped to watch the people flood out. Ah, there was a bus? Perhaps he should take that instead of walk the hour. He'd have to think about it, he truly did like the view he had while walking down this way, but a hour is certainly a bit overkill. It was odd to have to think about these sorts of things now that he was living on his own. He had moved to Sierra City on his own. His parents were by no means poor, far from it, but they didn't want to have to entirely relocate. Thus, Kain had offered to rent out a small apartment complex so that he will be close enough to the school, and his parents would support him financially. He had originally thought to get a job and pay for himself, but his parents insisted that they help. His parents were proud that he's come so far, he didn't want to disappoint them, so he's been pushing himself harder during his morning and evening workout sessions. He needed more ways to deal with a situation than just use his quirk, and for that he would need to train both his body and his mind.

Seeing some rather unique individuals exit the bus, Kain hesitated for a moment, but walked in through the doors without a word. He wanted to avoid the larger crowd at this time, and made his way to his classroom, A-1 he believed. It didn't take him long to find it, as he had scouted out the classrooms earlier, but it still felt like it took a while in this massive school. It didn't feel as big inside, but the time it took to get from point A to point B certainly had him feeling the size of this place. Truly he should expect something truly bizarre with this truly bizarre school. Finding a seat at the back of the class, he sat down. He didn't want to be surrounded, and while he wanted the window seat, he didn't want someone to come to him and ask for the window seat, so he sat second from the window in the back, and waited patiently. He adjusted the mask on his face, making sure it was on tight, despite knowing he could control his quirk well. This was another thing that his "friends" would tease him about. "Why wear a gas mask? Isn't is supposed to keep gas out, you idiot?" They would ask him. He'd never respond, why give them any recognition? Essentially, his mask carried two filter modes. He can adjust them by turning the nozzles at the end of the mask, but one mode was to keep in, and another to keep out. It was custom made with this purpose in mind. Another thing that people asked him frequently was that it looked heavy. Answer is no, and while it may carry some weight to it, he's had this for so long that he doesn't notice anymore. It's almost to the point where it feels weird to have it off. Stretching in his seat, his arms and back cracked as he let out a groan. Hearing the door open, it seemed it was time for the others to arrive. Quicker than he had expected.
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"always start by uncloggin it? who's ever said that?" donavan makes enthusiastic gestures as he walks with jensen into the SHA main building. The way to the classrooms was easier than Donavan had expected and he arrives no problem

"allright jensen I suppose this is where we part ways , I hope we can speak again soon" Donavan extends a large hand for jensen to shake.

King Mediocrity King Mediocrity
The Legend The Legend
"My dad says it, but he's always making weird metaphors.. I really like 'em, so there's no harm in using them right?" Smiling, he shakes Donavan's hand, trying to work with the hand that is down-a-finger. "But definitely, we should really hang out some time between classes you know?"

Looking up at the A-2 door, he pushes it open and waves to his elephantine comrade. Upon entering, he chooses a desk at the front of the class nearby the door. But something just feels a bit.. off.

Did I pack a lunch for the first day of school? Do I even need a lunch? I think there's a cafeteria here..."
Donavan looks around his new class room he looks closely at the desk and wonders if the chair has any chance of holding his weight. He looks around and sees the one classmate in the back corner of the room he looks like be may be a bit of the lonesome type, he ponders wether or not he should go over and introduce himself.. after some short deliberation he decides he wont try to speak with him just yet and find a seat instead. He chooses the second row seat near the doors. He takes a moment to examine the seat and is very hesitant to sit so much so that he just stands against the wall near his seat instead.

He speaks up to the only other in the classroom
"Do you think this chair will hold my weight?"

Zaharad Zaharad
Raising his head, he had zoned out after the big elephant man had entered the room. He remembers seeing him during the practical. He was surely a powerful man to be sure, a prime example of that a little bit of extra physical strength wont stand up against those who specialize in it. That said, it seems like he was trying to be friendly, so it'd be rude for him to not respond. He spoke up, his voice rasped slightly, distorted as the sound exits the mask. "It should. A school like this should be prepared for just about anything." He replied to the big man, taking note of the chairs around him. They seemed strong, but he could understand his concern. At least, he hoped that this school would be ready for anything. Otherwise he may find himself disappointed with this school already what with all the bravado they were met with when trying to get into this place. "At worst, a teacher should be here soon with a more proper arrangement." He states, hoping that what he was saying was true. All these desks seemed brand new, as though they were purchased in preparation for the new year. He wondered what kind of damage students could do to these desks on a regular basis, and took one more look at Donovan, and he answered his own question with ease. He leaned back in his chair, figuring that the others were going to be late if they wouldn't arrive soon.
Today had been a frantic mix of excitement, worry, and utter confusion for Robert Gibbler as he prepared for the day ahead. He was awoke by the morning sun as his father threw open the curtains of the second-story bedroom, attempting to pose as heroically as he could in a grocer's uniform.

"Rise and shine kiddo! This is the dawn of a new day and a very big chapter in my little man's life." Robert rubbed the sleep from his eyes as his hand dipped in the orange juice his mother had no doubt left on his side-table before she went to work, the liquid quickly disappearing with a soft sucking sound. As Gabriel flashed him a thumbs-up Robert swore he could see a glint of light catch on his pearly whites. "Knock'em dead champ!"


The bus ride to the school had been much less...intimidating than Robert had expected. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits and while there was definitely some rowdy kids most of them kept to their own. He was thankful that the person next to him didn't deign to initiate a conversation after all what was he supposed to talk about? Comic books? He doubted anyone as cool as these people would be interested in comics. With a little sigh Robert pulled the newest issue of PropellerHead, #283, and flipped absentmindedly through the pages before getting drawn into the artwork as he always did. He didn't even realize the bus had stopped until the driver caught his attention with a brisk pat on the shoulder.

"Oy' Kid. Thissss is your stop, yesss?" Robert nearly sprang from his seat, gathering his bags and hurriedly hopped off the bus.

"Ah! Thank you Sir! Sorry sir! T-Thank you sir!" The boy replied, the driver waving him off with a flick of his serpentine tongue before shutting the door. Robert reached clumsily into his pocket and procured the directions he had written down to the classroom earlier that morning. As he made his way to his new home away from home it became more and more apparent just how large this school's campus was. They seemed to have everything. Sports courts of every size, an Olympic-sized pool, a beautiful garden, and not to mention the sheer scope of the building itself. Robert began to feel familiar butterflies taking wing in his stomach. What if the other students thought his quirk was lame? What if the TEACHERS thought his quirk was lame? He approached the classroom door, limbs shivering like he stepped out of a cold shower.

"Focus. Focus!" The young man slapped his hands on his cheeks and pulled a water bottle from his pack, pouring the contents on his face. The water disappeared into his skin just as fast as he could pour it on and gave his face a slightly rounder shape then usual. With a small squeak the door opened and Robert stepped inside. He was surprised to see that only 2 class members had actually made it there so far, though they certainly were an intimidating pair. A huge elephant man stood in the center of the room as another student with a gas mask sat in the back.. Robert raised a quivering hand in greeting before slunking down quietly in a desk near the front of the class.

The Legend The Legend Zaharad Zaharad
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The sun shone brightly in all its glory upon the glistening glasses of the large building before them making the structure look even more grand. The atmosphere was welcoming yet the hint of anxiety and excitement could not be ignored as it was the first day for many novice heroes at Sierra Academy. Listening to the engines roar to life, the bus drove off in haste leaving its previous passengers in the dust with a puff of flue gas. It did not affect the young girl who ignored the smoke while others coughed behind her. Hetero-colored orbs glanced up taking in the lavish scenery before her and stood in awe briefly before shaking her head reminding herself what she was really here for. Steeling her resolve, Aria mustered up the strength to take her first step into the world of a 'hero' with a bright smile plastered on her face, "Let's see how 'great' this year will be..." Aria hummed softly to herself with a hop to her feet heading where she believed the classrooms will be, from her nightly researches.

The ride to Sierra City was quite exhausting for Aria, to say the least, but it could not waver off the thrill of excitement just waiting to bounces out of Aria – as much as Aria wanted to deny it as nerves acting up. Sadly, Aria had to move miles away from home in order to attend Sierra Academy leaving her to live in the dormitories provided by the school. It was very useful for Aria as she didn't bring much on her besides her belongings and some money saved in her bank account she regularly receive from her mother. Just the thought of being so far away from home was a new experience for Aria coming from a place known to be frigid as it was in Canada. The sweltering heat beating onto your back from only a few minutes of walking and the grain of sand tickling your feet was so new to her that it almost made her forget what she was actually here for.

Just almost.

Walking into the building, Aria was not surprised to find the inside just as amazing as it was outside. A bustling crowd of students filled the lobby as new and old gathered chatting away as if they were not blocking the way for some, like Aria, who tsked in annoyance at how obnoxiously loud it was in the packed building. Sadly, she could not use her quirk so freely within school grounds and simply decided to blend in. Talking with a few students that greeted her, Aria gave a bubbly giggle to hide her vexation and searched the never ending corridors until she found the room she was looking for. Class A-1, the hero class, a classroom that would soon be filled with many powerful – and unique – quirks. To some, it would sound intimidating to be in such a competitive environment, but for Aria, it only made her shiver in anticipation to see what was in store for her and she was ready to take on any challenge thrown in her way. Pushing her way through the door, she was pleased to see only a few students had arrived leaving a variety of empty desks Aria could take. Fully exposing her presence into the room, Aria gave the handful of students a sweet smile to lighten the awkward mood, "Good morning fellow classmates. I hope we have a very eventful year together and I look forward to working with all of you." Aria greeted before glancing to the quivering boy sitting up front. Taking a seat next to him, Aria decided to entertain herself by being acquainted with the said boy,

"Hi, I'm Aria. What's your name?"
....Interaction |
............ oxygon oxygon
On a day that was supposed to be so wonderful for Jacob, things hadn't gone too well. When his alarm went off, he'd popped up out of bed and practically scrambled to the kitchen. He could practically taste the eggs and bacon his mother was making already. It wasn't too far; Jacob was currently living in an apartments his parents had rented. He ran into the kitchen with a smile on his face. However, the smile quickly diminished when he saw it was empty. His face darkened. Of course they're not here. His parents had told him...no promised him they'd drive him to his first day at the academy. They'd flown down and spent the night just so they could. Jacob noticed a note on his refrigerator. "Sorry honey, some important superhero business came up. You know how it is. We didn't want to wake you up, but I made you lunch. Good luck on your first day! Love, Mom" It read. Jacob sighed. "Looks like I'll be sticking with old classic today. A nice cold bowl of cereal with milk!" He tried to sound cheerful, but nothing sounded too happy when it echoed off the walls of an empty room. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch in his small living room area. I wonder what's on? He had some time to kill. He'd gotten up extra early to spend some time with his... Never mind that. He flipped on the TV.

Jacob slowly and methodically ate his cereal as he flipped through the channels. Dang, nothing good's on. He flipped into the news. Personally he found the news quite boring, but his parents had always told him it was wise to watch at least an hour of it a day. He began watching but eventually he started droning out the words. Soon he found his eyelids started to droop. Next thing he knew an hour had passed. He looked at clock and hopped to his feet. A look of shock was on his face. What the hell?! I wasn't sitting for that long was I? The next several minutes were a blur as the boy zipped around the apartment complex. If his parents weren't taking him, that meant he had to take the bus. If he had a choice, he'd just fly over to the school, but for some reason the local authorities didn't like that; he'd learned from experience. Besides, he wasn't exactly good at sticking the landing. After a quick shower, getting dressed, brushing his teeth, and fidgeting with his hair a bit, the boy grabbed his lunch, shoved it into his backpack, and was out the door.

Thankfully, he knew where the bus stop was because he was going to have to take it tomorrow anyways. He made a mad dash for it, but Jacob was definitely running late. By the time it was in sight, he could already see the bus start to pull away. "Hey, wait a sec!" He shouted with a frantic waving of his arms, but his cry fell on deaf ears. Jacob quickly measured his options. Well no one's looking. He pulled his goggles down. He'd always carried a pair for his quirk. Using a quick burst of power to the turbines on his back, he launched himself toward the bus...and ended up going completely over it. His precision had never been the best. His second attempt saw more success, and he landed on top bus with a thud. As the bus picked up speed, he quickly reversed the turbines on his hands creating some suction. Clinging on top of a moving bus, Jacob's reaction to the situation wasn't exactly normal. A grin spread across his face. It looks like I WILL be showing up to school today in style. "Woohoo!" He exclaimed excitedly. Oddly enough, this bus ride was the best part of his morning.

Well it was fun at first. By the time the academy came into sight, his turbines had really started heating up. When they arrived, the boy didn't have time to admire the scenery. He hopped off the bus to the confused expressions of some of his peers. To them it seemed like this now wild-haired boy had just appeared out of nowhere. Jacob payed them no heed though, and instead, he was wildly shaking his hands in a futile attempt to cool his turbines. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He exclaimed as he ran into the building and then the nearest bathroom. He quickly turned one of the sinks on and shoved his hands in the water. The turbines steamed as they began to cool. Jacob sighed. It was pathetic; he'd overheated so easily with such a small power output. When someone walked, he quickly rubbed his hands together pretending like he was just washing them. The action made him wince a bit. He had some burns on his hands. They were only minor, and his turbines were just fine, but that would make the wounds sting less. He stuck his hands in his pockets a bit embarrassed that he'd already managed to hurt himself on the first day. Jacob walked out of bathroom. What was my class again? ...A-1, right? Yeah! He looked around. ...Now where is that? He hadn't had the chance to scope out his classroom. He shrugged. He'd find it eventually if he wandered around enough.
"Excuse me? Do you just so happen to be lost?" A silvery voice peppered with hints of curiosity sliced through the silence in the air, seeming to come from directly behind Jacob.

Should he have turned around at that moment, Jacob would have been met with quite the sight. A woman with long, lustrous white hair looked up at him, rose colored eyes gleaming under the artificial light. She was clothed in a burgundy blouse with a black brooch, a white skirt, thigh-high white boots, and black tights. Tilting her head to the side, she smiled at the younger man in a very welcoming manner befitting of a teacher, but rather unbecoming of someone known to be a renown mercenary.

CactusJuice CactusJuice
Jacob damn near jumped out of his skin when he heard her voice. He flipped around. How did she get so close without me notici- He paused for a minute when he saw her. He couldn't help but stare for a bit. She was a very distinct woman. Jacob reddened ever so slightly suddenly becoming a lot more self conscious. Significantly older then him or not, women tended to have this effect on the boy.

He immediately tried to fix the mess his little bus ride had made of his hair but to no avail. "Uh...y-yes, I'm a new student looking for uh class A-1." Although he knew he probably looked like he'd flown through a tornado, he did his best to compose himself. He smiled. "Do you think you could show me the way, Ms.?" It was then he realized he'd foolishly taken his hands out of his pockets to try to fix his hair, and he quickly shoved them back in. Jacob didn't particularly want to discuss the burns. They were more a wound to his pride than his body.
Ineptitude Ineptitude
The woman released a bright, bubbly laugh at seeing the younger boy's flustered behavior. "Irisviel von Einzbern, a pleasure to meet you." She told him once her laughter had died out, a broad smile spread across her lips in a show of amusement and mirth. "But please, call me Iris." She added not a moment later.

Iris, as she is now known, caught sight of the burns on the other's hand, but wisely chose not to comment on it. She simply displayed a dazzling smile like she usually did, making no moves to indicate that she had seen the old injuries. "So, Class A-1?" She hummed a happy little tune underneath her breath, repeating Jacob's earlier words. "Follow me, then!" She declared out loud with little to no hesitation as she turned heel and walked off, in the exact opposite direction Jacob was heading, in fact.

CactusJuice CactusJuice

  • No...it totally wasn´t awkward, getting shoved into the cargo of a schoolbus. I didn´t even know they HAD one, but as it turned out they did, and the dog that was carrying me counted as baggage. I was defintely more careful than the bus driver, though , and nudged Ghost somewhere where he wouldn´t get too hurt even if we took sudden turns. I could hear mutters and whispers from above, and I wondered what people were conversing about. I wasn´t one to meddle, but didn´t exactly have anything to do down there by myself (ok, Ghost was me, but Ghost was a dog) and the bus muffled the sounds just enough for me to be able to tell they were saying something without actually letting me know about what they were saying. Oh man... I bet there were guys having the time of their lives, sitting next to the girls or something, inspecting their rasks and "accidentally" causing physical contact when there was a bigger turn. I wished I could be with them.

    Though it would also be pretty unfair to leave Ghost behind. The poor puppy was only in this mess because I needed his help. A pair of goggles couldn´t exactly climb stairs, walk up to a classroom, or anything of the sort. In fact, I couldn´t even drag myself to the classroom if it was on the ground! With my forms being restricted to clothing and my quirk not giving me much leeway in what I could do beyond the normal capacities of my form, I had needed help ever-since my quirk first activated. So, Ghost was trained to carry me around, and with the little nudges I could force myself to do, he would turn, bark, sit, whatever... I doubted I could be so grateful to an animal when I was a kid. Or even if I had just not gone through this experience. Still, I wasn´t overly found of EVERY animal. Some insects in particular were rather nasty... You´d also think that, if a creature tried eating you alive every now and then, I bet. I found myself shivering a little, making Ghost stand up all of the sudden, whimping in confusion, unsure if to walk left or right.

    "It´s all right buddy, sorry. hmmm....lie down!" I attempted to reassure him. The puppy slowly lied down, seemingly still unsure about whether that was the right thing to do. I should probably be more careful about what kind of things went through my heas in the future.

    It wasn´t long after that that the bus stopped. The voices up there raised a bit more, there were mild stomps to cover their actual words too, soon to vanish into silence. I didn´t even have to wait for the bus driver to come for me to know that we arrived. The lizard person was clearly a bit pissed, after all, all luggage was supposed to have come earlier. How was I suppose to know dogs were considered baggage though? Maybe I should just start coming by foot...well, paw. After a moment´s thought, while the driver pulled Ghost out, I concluded that was not the best idea, after all. Ghost would be so tired, and might even get hurt if we did. It was best to bear with this confusion, maybe try to fix it, talk to a teacher or something.

    Well that food for thought should be eaten another time. I nudged Ghost to rush towards the crowd, so we could follow them to the classroom. Unfortunately, stairs were hardly Ghost´s strongest, resulting in a serious delay. We lost the crowd, but ultimately were able to find the classroom. Unfortunately....

    "The door is closed. Most unfortunate." I sighed. And that guy wearing a costume, entering without even looking down or noticing me here, just closing the door without letting me in, how rude!

    Lacking any other option, Ghost sat down in front of the door, and barked.

    The Legend The Legend oxygon oxygon Zaharad Zaharad King Mediocrity King Mediocrity firefly firefly Anyone Anyone else in the classroom
Donavan still standing against the wall rather than sitting flaps his large ears at the sound of a yip? A yap? A bark. A bark at the door maybe it was another one of the students, many new faces had come through the door at this point all of them looked rather collected but none of them made their quirks obvious like Donavan's he was curious as to what kind of quirks they'd all have. Donavan took a step and a half from his desk to the door and opened it up looking to the left and right down the hallways before looking down near his feet. A white dog wearing goggles.

"Ah hello there are you going to be in our class as well?"

Idea Idea
Robert didn't notice when Aria opened the door, attention fully focused on not drawing it to himself, so it was quite a shock when she took the seat next to his own. Her appearance was what his dad would call "a flower among the soldiers" and Robert breathed a slight sigh of relief that not everyone in the class would be as intimidating or strange-looking as his other two classmates. Her purple hair and different colored eyes drew his gaze away from the piece of wall he had been seemed intent on staring a hole through. "Hi, I'm Aria. What's your name?"

"Oh, uh, My name is, Robert. Robert Gibbler." He stuck out his hand for handshake but relinquished it quickly, wiping off some excess condensation before extending it towards her again. "N-Nice to meet you."

It was at this point that the class began to fill up as more students began to pour through the door. A man in a suit very reminiscent of the sentai comics, a.....dog wearing goggles? This class was shaping up to be an interesting one and Robert couldn't help but feeling that he would be on the bottom rung of that ladder. He turned back to Aria, seemingly the only normal person in the entire classroom, and attempted to continue the conversation. But what should he say? Girls never talked to him. What do girls like?

"So, uh, did you see the newest issue of PropellerHead?" He blurted out nervously as a small bead of water popped out of his forehead. Smooth Robert. Real smooth.
Vonne Tarotnov, or rather, Avery, had already arrived at the school. Since she was a teacher, it was her duty to arrive early and make sure everything had been set for the first day. She let out an impatient squeal in the teacher's lounge- just thinking about the new recruits made her brim with excitement. The Beast had also been "smiling" and shaking it's head. These students were shiny and new, like new tools to a support hero. Her motivation to teach new pupils never died out after being here for a few years- and she didn't see the flame blowing out anytime soon.
Even so, today brought some concerns. Who would she have to reprimand? Who would be deemed unfit, especially after the tests that were designed to weed out the rest? And finally.. her own rowdy and edgy nephew was arriving soon. If only Rowan were still that cheeky, smart kid. He'd have a better time here.
After giving her quirk a little snack (she packed meat cubes every morning), Ms. Avery left the lounge with a travel mug full of coffee, drowned in milk. She made her way to her classroom, greeting the new arrivals alongside the returning students. Vonne did expect students to be in classroom A-1, but she didn't mind excusing any latenesses. She decided to stop at the large windows, half-pretending to admire the view to listen in on her new students.
Doesn't look like today will be as bad as I thought.


Rowan was already awake when Vonne had left for Sierra Academy. He sat in the small living room for about an hour, staring at the map of the city and the school building itself. "If you're just going to mope like that, then don't come. Put on your best, toothy smile!" He had a small breakfast of sunny side-up eggs, crispy bacon, and nearly burnt toast. He enjoyed those foods nearly burnt, but he preferred candy fresh. He unrolled a lollipop before leaving.
Vonne's earlier words to Rowan echoed in his mind as he took the bus to the school. He watched the orange desert roll by and kept the sour look. He didn't give a rat's ass if people didn't like seeing a frown on his face. They would just have to accept it, because it's always gonna be there. An off-putting thump made him look up for a moment. Maybe it's just the crappy bus, he thought. Cabs it is, then.
The song changed in his earphones as he hopped off the bus. The campus, as extraordinary as it was, had been the same as it was last year. It just got polished up for the freshman. Rowan remembered visiting last year with his aunt when considering top hero high schools. His thoughts were severed when another student landed right in front of him. He watched as the other began to freak out over something with his hands- must've overpowered his quirk or something. Idiot.
There wasn't much that Rowan hadn't seen already. While people were gushing over the facilities the school offered, the boy had just wanted to get through the crowd. Annoyingly enough, when he talked to his aunt about the schedule for the first day, she refused to tell him. He didn't take kindly to surprises, but he guessed it wouldn't be fair if his aunt gave him the upper hand in things.
Wishing he could just use his quirk to climb over these students, Rowan maneuvered through. He ended up shouldering that weird student from the bus (who was with a teacher), and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Compared to downstairs, this floor was much more peaceful. A few moments later, he had stood in front of A-1's second door, sucking in a breath. Some anxiety brewed in his stomach, but it immediately digested upon seeing a gross mutt on the ground at the other door. Was it a student? He didn't care. If it wanted to attend class, it would have to find out how to get in on it's own. Rowan had entered the room, and closed the door behind him.
Only now did Rowan see how much he and Vonne looked alike; she was his mother's twin, after all. But if his peers started calling her his mother, he would have to stomp that out immediately. No way in hell did he want to be compared to her in that way. After throwing away the lollipop stick in a bin at the back, the boy took a seat in the middle of the room, about two rows away from the other students. Vonne waved, and drew a smile on her face with her finger. Rowan got the message, but he replied with an eye roll and began to look through his phone. More maps to study.
"Are you done eating?"


"Then get going."

"Working on it."

Ian stood before his temporary caretaker, who was seated at the counter of his cafe. The shop was just about to open. Ian's caretaker, a man named Aden Burloo, stood up from his seat and headed to the door. He was a short man. While Ian had no clue as to his exact height, he couldn't see Aden being any taller than around 5'3". Aden had a gruff demeanor to him. Despite his size, something about the man's appearance was enough to demand absolute respect from those among.

He had blonde hair that was neatly slicked back and a decent amount of stubble on his chin. His one eye was a piercing, icy blue. Despite his neatly pressed clothing, the impression he gave off was much closer to that of a bouncer than one of a man working in a coffee shop.

Without another word, Ian left the building and being him, Aden flipped the sign on the door from "closed" to "open." Unwrapping his earbuds, he began to lose himself in music as he walked. The heavy guitar riffs blocked out any and all conversations that were happening around him. He paused as he approached the bus. A few more steps, and the next few years of his life begin. Doing his best to keep his stride, he pulled himself to the bus.

He sat towards the back on the way to the school. Nobody spoke to him; at least, nobody that he noticed. Scenery flew by his eyes as he lost himself in his memories. With a grimace he remembered the man he had attacked. The horrifying cries that rang through the air as he scarred the man for life. Worst of all, the look on his mother's face. The horror in her eyes...

Before he knew it, the bus had arrived at the school. Ian shuffled his feet as he exited the bus, then let out a light cough as a cloud of exhaust consumed him. While he was nowhere near immune to it, he had grown use to being around exhaust fumes from his childhood. Those in his neighborhood that could afford a car would often rev them in the streets to show off, flooding the sky with a thick layer of exhaust fumes.

Class A-1. Map in hand, Ian began to head to his classroom. Sliding his way through the crowd, he tried to make sure not to push anyone. After all, any one of these teachers could be aware of his situation. There is no way to tell who is watching. Admittedly, Ian got a little lost. The building was stunning, to say the least. Unsurprisingly, there was nothing even remotely close to it where Ian comes from.

Once he finally found his classroom, he slipped towards the back of the room and sat down. The people around him seemed strange. The last thing he wanted was to appear worried, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. Would he really be able to get along with these people? What if they were to find out about his record? Would they shun him? Would they attack him?

Ian finally took the earbuds out of his ears and placed them into his pocket. He pulled a pencil out of his bag and began to fidget with it. Anything that would help keep him occupied until class started was more than welcome.
Kain leaned back on his chair as more students came in. Certainly a colorful bunch, he thought to himself. Watching Donovan open the door for someone, it took him a moment before he had noticed that it was for the dog. He didn't think the barking he heard was coming from under the door, or perhaps he didn't want to believe it. Why would there be a hero that needed people to open the door for him, or was the hero the dog? Why was it wearing goggles? Already Kain felt just a little bit baffled. Yawning, he looked over the classroom. Things were getting crowded, but he wouldn't be surprised if not many, if any more, came into the class save for their teacher. With that in his mind, he began to ponder on what their teacher would be like. Ignoring things like the basic classes such as languages and math, he wondered what kind of person had to run the hero classes. Would it be someone he would know? Would it be someone who's quirk was based on control, or power? Would it be someone that would know who he is based on his family name? What kind of person would he or she be? Would they be kind? Cruel? Eccentric? Sage like? He couldn't help but be curious, as he was sure everyone else was. He had a hard time getting solid reads on people. Some seemed open like a book, others seemed harder to read. He didn't know if this was a clever ploy, or if they were that naive. That said, it was likely the latter. They're all children, they're allowed to be. Kain reminded himself that perhaps he should take this chance to relax, too. With that, his muscles relax as he leans back in his chair, arms hanging at his side letting out a long breath as he tries to relax.
Jacob smiled back at the woman.
"Well I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I think that's a given. It's always a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman, Ms Iris." He responded rather smoothly in his opinion. Jacob could be rather direct for a teenager, and while he was no expert in traditional studies, he liked to think he was an expert at flirting. The boy almost never missed a chance to flirt and few things fazed him. Age and appearance didn't particularly matter much to him; he just found it rather satisfying when he could make a girl smile or blush.

"My name's Jacob. Jacob Blum." He figured she'd probably recognize his surname; his father and mother were pretty well know heros, but there was no point in hiding his identity. Everyone would know soon enough. In fact, some of the faculty might recognize him immediately due to physical similarities with his older brother. Which meant he'd immediately face expectations. Everyone would expect him to be like a serious genius like his brother. That's how it'd always been for him; even when he was dead, Jacob couldn't escape his older brother's shadow.

As he followed Iris, he quickly realized how lost he'd been. He looked around and rubbed the back of his head. "Wow, it would have taken me FOREVER to find my class. I'm lucky you came along when you did." He commented. Jacob realized he probably would have been extremely late without her intervention, and that wasn't really how he wanted to start off the school year. He'd rather make a good first impression if he could help it.
Ineptitude Ineptitude
"You're quite the flirt, aren't you Jacob?" Iris raised a delicate eyebrow at the student's straightforward behavior, adopting an admonishing and reprimanding expression with her arms crossed over her chest. "Though," Here she broke into a dazzling and radiant grin, her eyes crinkling at the corners to show it's authenticity. "I can't say that it's necessarily a bad thing." She chuckled softly in what appeared to be understanding, lowing her arms.

At Jacob's next few remarks, Iris' smile seemed to grow wider, if that was even possible, puffing out her chest in pride and gratification. "Don't worry about it." She practically beamed in a sort of childish fulfillment. "It's a teacher's job to help their students, after all!" The mercenary very nearly yelled out her declaration as the two of them climbed the staircase.

CactusJuice CactusJuice

A loud snore echoed in the hero-infected room filled with posters, figurines, and any hero-themed merchandises that existed in the world. Another snore erupted out of the drooling boy's mouth as he continued to sleep the morning away until the sounds of feet pattered outside the room. Soon, the door burst open with the sound of pots clattering together, "Anan Vaeril! What are you doing still sleeping?" A groan could be heard from the bundle of blankets while it twisted to lay on its side. With a shake of her head, the cheery woman went up to the mount and pulled the blanket right off the boy making him whine in protest, "I remember someone said they were going to wake up early because heroes don't rest. Especailly not on a school day. I wonder what happened to that?" His mother teased and laughed when her son shot up from his bed in shock, "What?! What time is it?! Mom, I'm late!" Anan exclaimed jumping out of his bed, before his mother could answer, and running into the hallway bathroom in haste to prepare for the day. His mother sighed with a small smile letting her son get ready as it was the day he will start his path to become a hero and went downstairs to finish making Anan's breakfast filled with pancakes that would be dripping with a large amount of maple syrup, just as he likes it.

Hearing her son's feet stomp down the stairs, Anan's mother set down the plate of fresh pancakes and took the seat across from Anan who sat down stuffing his face to catch his uncle before he left. Pushing the glass of apple juice for Anan to drink, Ms. Vaeril's eyes soften at the sight of her precious baby finally taking flight to fulfill his childhood dreams, "Have fun at Sierra and remember-""Don't cause trouble. Don't worry, Ma. I know." Anan finished gulping down the last drop of apple juice, "No, remember that I love you." His mother corrected taking his dishes to the sink, "Also, don't forget to call me one in a while or Mommy will be lonely." She teased and chuckled at the sound of her son's groans as a part of Anan's hand hardened with a light coat of crystal. Grumbling under his breath, Anan decided to ignore his mother's constant teasing before getting up to give his mother a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door to spare himself from anymore embarrassment, "Bye! I'm off!" Anan yelled from the foyer and went off to catch his uncle before he left him behind. Ms. Vaeril smiled watching Anan from the window until the silhouette of the car disappeared from sight, "Be safe."


Waving his uncle off after a bit of roughhousing, Anan fixed his hero jacket and looked up to the towering building with the biggest smile he could muster. He was here. Sierra Academy, where the great of greats, had once attended and soon Anan would be among them. Just from the thought of it, Anan couldn't help but let out a loud, "Woo!", and dashing into the building ignoring the weird looks he got.

Once in, Anan wasted no time to head for Class... wait... what was his class again?

Halting to a stop, Anan stood frozen stiff at the sudden realization that he had no clue what his class was. Sure, he got the SA map for the school but he saw no care to give it a single glance when he got the acceptation letter - too busy screaming at the top of his lungs - and here he was with no clue to what to do. Feeling his fingers prick, Anan looked down to see his fingers slowly formed layer of shards. Pulling his sleeve down, Anan willed himself to calm down and not panic despite how little it was doing for him. Looking around, Anan was about to ask around for help until he heard the sound of a dog's bark perk his attention. Turning around to the sound, Anan saw a white fluff ( Idea Idea ) sitting in front of a door waiting until someone opened it. Walking up to the small pup, Anan was about to help open the door for them before a macho man with a elephant's body ( The Legend The Legend ) popped out of the classroom letting the pup in. An inkling feeling poked at Anan to follow along after a few students walked in - an armored-suit, another student with a lollipop stick in his mouth ( Princept Princept ), and a tall guy with earbuds on ( Have You Ever Tasted Sand Have You Ever Tasted Sand ) - as Anan proceeded cautiously behind them.

Looking around, there was a large diversity of students inside all either starting conversations amongst themselves or waiting until homeroom start. From the looks of it, it looked to be a hero class? Walking up to one of the empty desks, Anan sat in the desk closest to the window where he could watch the birds fly around while he examined his fellow(?) comrades/ rivals. Hopefully, he was in the right classroom...

... @No interactions yet

Glancing down at the extended hand in greeting, Aria flashed him another brilliant smile extending her own to shake the now dry hand, "A pleasure to meet you too, Robert." Pulling her hand back, Aria couldn't shake off the growing urge to poke at his irresistible cheeks after feeling how squishy Robert's hands were. To Aria, the moment she saw Robert, she was reminded of a small hamster. She felt compelled to talk with the guy. She wasn't sure what was tugging her to do so but she discarded it as like a cute pet you spot in a shop that you must have. Yeah, she decided to go with that.

As if the heavens were listening to her thoughts, a white dog ( Idea Idea ) walked into the room with a few other students behind it. In an instant, her eyes twinkled with the flutter of her heart at the sight of the adorable creature. She could feel her cheeks heated in color of a tinted red but she shook off the feeling not wanting Robert to get the wrong idea. Shifting her attention away from the pooch, Aria's cheeks still held a slight pink hue to them as she turned to Robert not quite hearing what he had said during her short inner squealing over how she must hug the dog later. Not wanting to give Robert the impression of how she rudely ignored him over a dog, she nodded before saying, "Oh, yes! I did actually." Wait... that didn't sound right.
....Interaction |
.... oxygon oxygon

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