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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

MJ: "Because it's your Quirk, most people don't much care for anything else except a heroes Quirk"
Dante: "it wouldn't be so bad if people didn't assume immediately that I'm some dark, brooding Batman knockoff.."
MJ: "Ugh, I know right? Why do people assume I'm like Cable, instead I'm definitely more of a deadpool or spidey. Is is the face? Cause I feel like it's my face"
MJ: "Ugh, I know right? Why do people assume I'm like Cable, instead I'm definitely more of a deadpool or spidey. Is is the face? Cause I feel like it's my face"
Dante: "sorry MJ, but my dad's got you beat on the Deadpool role. Even says he could out-pool Reynolds. But I admit I have my doubts... and I'm not even gonna get started on how hilarious it is that Spiderman fits with your name"
Dante: "sorry MJ, but my dad's got you beat on the Deadpool role. Even says he could out-pool Reynolds. But I admit I have my doubts... and I'm not even gonna get started on how hilarious it is that Spiderman fits with your name"
MJ: "I was meaning more that I'm very quippy, which isn't Cable's schtick, that's DP and Spidey's stuff. Your dad definitely has the power aspect of DP and yeah my mum and dad loved Spidey comics, it's why it's MJ Toomes in reference to both Mary Jane and the Vulture villain Adrian Toomes"
And before you ask yes, i did entirely plan to have the names to reference Spidey, since her power looks like the 'Into the Spiderverse' glitching
MJ: "I was meaning more that I'm very quippy, which isn't Cable's schtick, that's DP and Spidey's stuff. Your dad definitely has the power aspect of DP and yeah my mum and dad loved Spidey comics, it's why it's MJ Toomes in reference to both Mary Jane and the Vulture villain Adrian Toomes"
Dante: "you haven't met my dad. It's not just the powers..."
MJ: "What crazy because he's died so many times? Also like I said it was more about me being quippy in a fight rather than being super serious"
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MJ: "What crazy because he's died so many times? Also like I said it was more about me being quippy in a fight rather than being super serious"
Dante: "my dad is just as quippy and unfiltered. There's a reason mom had to literally sew his mouth shut whenever he came along for her seminars."
MJ: "To quote the Merc with the mouth: Ooh, I wouldn't do that"
Dante: "my dad doesn't care. He knows he's more rockstar and less high society but still likes to support my mom, just like she supports him at all his shows. Ever heard of the local group Against All Odds?"
MJ: "Oh, yeah, I have heard of them mum and her less famous band Error 404 used to open up for them sometimes, I actually have met your father before, Mum used to be able to get us Backstage passes for the shows she opened for."
Dante: "Then you know how he is. Genuine as they come, but he doesn't always think before he starts talking. Gets him in trouble sometimes, but on the other hand, that's how he and mom met. They say he was too dumb to realize she was out of his league, and she was too smart to let a good man go"
MJ: "Yeah Mum and Dad met when Dad was assigned to protect her world travelling band, it was hate at first site. Ah that is always a nice story to remember of them."
Emmy, resting her head on MJs lap in wisdom mode: "mmm, I remember being really really tiny and my mom and dad would sing a song tto me and my daddy would turn each part of his body into a dino-form as he sang'head, shoulders, knees and toes. knees and toes" and my mom would turn each part golden for me. and I'd giggle because I was a tiny baby."
MJ: "I have lot's of memories of my parents cause I lost them only 5 years ago, my biggest memories was learning how to play instruments from my mum and learning how to fight and how to use my Quirk from my Dad, it's why I'm decent at close range combat as well as having a good handle on my Quirk"
Dante: *suddenly reminded that most of his friends are orphaned, his smile slowly fades, and he finds himself at a loss for words*
Emmy: "I am luckier then most. I get to see my mommy and daddy every time I switch to wisdom mode and fall asleep. all my dreams are unabridged memories. if people knew what it was like to see them clear as present, they'd understand why sleep is so powerful a weakness to me."
MJ: "Yes I understand it perfectly, Emmy. Honestly my problem is that nearly all of the stuff I have used to be my parents stuff from all the clothes I have, my phone, headphones, EVERYTHING are from parents. Even the guitar in my room. Unfortunately her drums were destroyed by the bastard that killed her!"
This is one of those conversations where Dante just listens. He can't possibly imagine what they've gone through, nor can he even pretend to relate. He might struggle to look at them, mostly because he feels like an ass for getting them on what he can only imagine is a painful subject.
This is one of those conversations where Dante just listens. He can't possibly imagine what they've gone through, nor can he even pretend to relate. He might struggle to look at them, mostly because he feels like an ass for getting them on what he can only imagine is a painful subject.
Honestly MJ wouldn't care too much since she sees at as if she's talking about them, then they aren't really gone. Losing her parents are why she is such a big sister to all the other orphans because no-one was there to ease her pain, sure there is Skull and Mars but not really someone to confide in, if Mars or Skull isn't around
Emmy can only remember her parents perfectly when she is in wisdom form because her active form has basic memory like everyone else. she remembers the dreams for as long as most people would remember their dreams. so it's sort of a wonderful and sad power to remember her parents to the vary minute detail while she is sleeping and have little to no memories of them after since they died when she was 3.

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