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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

WK: Continues talking to closest female, completely ignoring Dante as his blood blades spontaneously evaporate.
I had a girl in one bnha RP that could heal insanely fast but her healing factor was so good she never aged from the day she got her powers and she basically was comedy relief because anytime a new villain showed up they would kill her in a show of their power and she'd always heal back to life.
I had a girl in one bnha RP that could heal insanely fast but her healing factor was so good she never aged from the day she got her powers and she basically was comedy relief because anytime a new villain showed up they would kill her in a show of their power and she'd always heal back to life.
That's low key Gabriel in this RP. Every time he shows up something is gonna kill him. Literally in my intro he got hit by a bus lmfao
I can't think of cute dragon songs for Emmy
Me neither but I can think of one for Lexi
🎶The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for? 🎶

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