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Fandom Blue Exorcist Post-Show

Lilith looked at the watch on her wrist and let out a soft but irritated sigh. "I'm heading to the infirmary to check on Doc and update him on the class situation. Feel free to come, but don't be too slow." She smirked at Eric, then started walking to the infirmary.
Gah, cant wait to get back into my bed, all warm and soft. Thomas thought as he walked down the corridor his body slumped over as that of an old man. He put a hand to his mouth and yawned into it. "cant wait to start tomorrow, wonder who's gonna be on my team". A devious smile twisted onto his face. "I hope one of'em is a babe."
'A team of three each...does that leave room for me? If not, it's fine...I don't need a team...I'd be more of a danger than anything else. These small things I can make is all I can do not to go out of control while in this form.' she thought to herself as she watched her butterflies flutter around her. She smiled a little and tied her hair back up and sealed away her flames again. She started walking tournd the campus, not heading back to the dorms but wondering what the new place could bring. She started to emember a song she once heard and started to sing it aloud. "

Here I am, this is me

There's nowhere else on Earth I'd rather be

Here I am, it's just me and you

Tonight we make our dreams come true

It's a new world, it's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day, it's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here I am

Here we are, we've just begun

And after all this time, our time has come

Yeah, here we are, still goin' strong

Right here in the place where we belong

It's a new world, it's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day, it's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Yeah, here I am

Here I am


Waiting for you

Here I am, this is me

There's no where else on earth I'd rather be

Here I am, it's just me and you

And tonight we make our dreams come true

Oh, it's a new world, it's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day, it's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Oh, it's a new world, it's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day, it's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here I am

Here I am, next to you

And suddenly the world is all brand new

Here I am, here I am, where I'm gonna stay

Now there's nothin' standin' in our way

Oh, here I am

Here I am

This is me" she sang out loud and confident as she danced as she walked. One of the few mortal gifts she had that was gifted to her by her mother. It was one thing she would never lack confidence in and would show it off at every chance she got to show that there was something of her amazing mother in her and she was still alive within her.
Leon heard singing coming closer and closer to the room he was training in. It sounded like Serenity singing. He first thought to stop his practice, but decided that this would be a good opportunity to show her what he was talking about earlier. He set back up some wood dummies around the around in a circle like he had them before. He waited until he could her the singing more clearly, then he released his swords Demonic energy. He was sure that should would be able to sense the presence of the energy, while he waited he stood there focusing on the new wood dummies. Leon wanted to show Serenity that she wasn't the only different ones and that there are other in the ranks of the exorcists just like her. However he wanted to show her, not just tell her.
Landon heard Serenity singing as he was walking down the hall. "Ill see you later I've got a better idea." he sputters out to Lilith. With that he rushed off toward serenity. "Hey serenity wait up!" Catching up he looked her in the eyes "Would you like something to eat. I know a really good place not far away, besides I owe you for being such a jerk."
Serenity heard Eric call to her so she stopped singing and turned to look at him. She smiled a little nervously as he came close to her. She notices he looks right at her and not away and it makes her truly smile. "Really? You want to hang out with me You're not...angry about what I am?" she asked. She then felt a strange sense come over her and it drew her attention for a moment and knew that energy was calling her and she had to go find the sores but she was talking with Eric right now and it was a bit of a conflict she wished she could do both at once but she could only be in one place at one time.
Joseph stirred in the hospital bed, blinking himself awake.

"Where am I, exactly?" he mumbled. "I think I hurt my foot. I should have that looked at..."
Lilith took a seat in a chair. "You dropped a bottle and stepped on glass, cut a major artery, and passed out. Eric brought you to the infirmary after we stopped the demons."
"No Im not angry about what you are. Things are changing demon blooded join the exorcist ranks every day, I was just scarred." He looked down for a second before looking back up. "Do me a favor, just be careful. Not every one is as willing to forget their fear."
yuki peaks into the doctors room. "uhm I know this sounds funny, but are you going to eat that?" He points at the tray of food next to the doctor. "You see I like the pudding." She says as she inches closer to the pudding tray. "And I haven't had anything to eat today." Now standing next to the tray. She looks at the doctor waiting for an answer.
Leon took one of his swords and stabbed it into the ground. He focused on the dummies, and from the sword ice began to spread. It inched its way towards the dummies until, it covered the dummies. He removed the sword from the ground and sheathed it. He couldn't hear Serenity anyone so he decided to leave, training to use the swords abilities usually tired him out. He left the room with ice covering about 50% of the room now. He didn't have the stamina left to remove the ice with his swords.
Serenity smiled, "I will. Thank you for being so honest. I promise I'll be careful." She said happily that she was able to gt a little closer to Eric after their tense first meeting. It was nice to know that she could be friends with someone so careful. "Excuse me, there's something I have to check out, okay? Bye, see you tomorrow!" she called as she ran off to where she felt the demonic energy coming from but by the time she got there the room was half frozen. She didn't know any demon that could do this but she had to get rid of the ice before anyone else saw and got into a panic over nothing. She looked around and untied her hair and let her flames build around her. This was only the second time she let herself just brim with her power and let it warm the room to a scorching blue heat and started to melt the ice. It felt so good to let go a little bit. She also decided to take the opportunity to practice and used the frozen dummies as target practice. Shooting her flames straight at them they became engulfed and started to burn. Once all the ice had been melted she took a deep breath and tied her hair back sealing away her power again.
"Oh, um, sure," he replies, and averted his eyes. "Um- could you get me some crutches...? I want to get to my dorm and tend to my foot properly..."
"Yeah." She walked out of the room and came back with a pair of crutches. "By the way, the teacher came in and told us we were getting teams tomorrow."
'Teams? Teacher? How long was I out of it?' Joseph worried silently. 'Do they all think I'm a liability now? I wonder if I passed the test...' His mind was racing with insecurities as he struggled to his feet with the crutches. He keyed his way through the infirmary door to his dorm room. (GM description? Does he have a roommate or anything else notable about the dorm?)
Wondering through the school for hours (By gods this place is big!) Arthur came across the inferiority that hosted the doctor, how amusing. Although, after asking many questions, he came to learn that his funny friend left, and made his way to his dorm. Arthur, ever caring, decided to investigate the dorms he suspected his wounded friend to be at.
Mr. Iakara, retreats to his office whichis lined with monitors, while he may not be able to speak he is able to watch. He had decided early on that he was going to watch this group rather closely. Two of them are known demon blooded, another two were have history. While yet another has the most absurdly annoying trait of being a show off. Sitting back he watched the students little did they know their first real test would start soon. He smiled to himself.

Eric watched the girl run off. Shrugging he turned around and walked to his dorm. He was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was sleep. Reaching his dorm he threw the door open plopped his head into his pillow and fell sleep.
Once Lilith entered her dorm, she pulled out a book and started documenting the day's events. Once she had, she started reading it over and over again. As if she were trying to actually understand what happened.
Once everything was back to the way it was supposed to be Serenity smiled and sighed with satisfaction and left the gym and went to her dorm room and sat in front of her mirror and saw reflection. She sighed and untied her hair and had to concentrate hard not to let her flames out this time. She then quickly ran a brush through her long hair and then tied it back again. She then relaxed as she stood up then flopped onto her bed. "I hate having to do that. I wish I didn't have to concentrate so hard just to brush my hair. Oh well. Maybe this place will help to seal away some of my demon side so I don't have to focus so much to hold back." she then sighed and fell asleep.
Thomas sat on his bed outstretched. His cat laying on his chest. "Well that was an eventful first day," He said to himself. He snapped his fingers and a puff of blue flame jumped from his finger tips. "Ahgaa. This sucks." His voice on the brink of whining. "I hate having to run around like a good little schoolboy, and pretend to be human." Thomas groaned patting his cat on the head. "Well at least i wont be too bored seeing how there's a bodacious demon babe." He grinned. Thomas lifted up one hand and let the demon flame consume it. "I cant wait to meet you, father."
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Lilith looked up from her reading and surveyed the room. "It seems like things darken after class." She closed the journal and stood up. "Surely Eric has noticed. Hopefully we didn't sign up for a demon school."
(Sadly the roleplay may have died a little. This is my fault. All those who are still watching and interested please post. I'm sorry I let life get in the way and didn't put enough effort into this.)

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