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Fandom Blue Exorcist Post-Show

"If you want to shoot them, use a nerf gun. As I just hate to say it, option two is most favorable." Lil laughed. "Do you think we should make groups or just stay as a pair?"
As Leon sat there listening to Arthur tease the doctor, he noticed an young girl walk in the room. A little to his surprise she sat right next to him. As he watched here walk over and sit next to him, he had lost sight of the blackboard. When he shifted he gaze back to the blackboard he noticed the writing on the board. He calmly moved his hands over to both of his swords, reading himself to draw them if the demon decided to make a move. He didn't want to make any moves yet until he knew who the demon was. He first thought was about the girl 'right when she walked in the writing was on the board, could she be the demon' he thought. ' I can't be for sure, but I doubt she is. If she was she wouldn't have sat next to me when I have my swords with me. She would be able to since the demonic power from these is she was, but the others might suspect her.' ,he thought to himself. While he was in deep thought someone threatened to shoot the place up if we didn't start searching everywhere for the demon.
"Well board say's it's in the room, how hard can it ..." Landon pauses as he remembers the room is magically expanded. "Let's pair up." Eric stand's on a table "Okay everyone pair up and start searching for the demon, we don't know the type yet so look everywhere, if you see it memorize it." With that Eric jumps down from the table and walks to the back of the 100 foot room. His shield on his back and his sword in hand. He pauses to look back at Lilith. "Are you coming with me, or do you wanna flirt with the doctor?"
Lilith rolled her eyes and put on her jacket. "Such impatience, yes I'm coming." She caught up with Eric, thinking of where the least likely places the demon would be.
I look at the doctor and state clearly "don't worry, if we pair up you don't need to worry about your scalpels if you come with me, of course if you would prefer someone else you can try to convince them, just know i'm willing to help."
"What?" Joseph looked at Eric and Lilith in shock. Flustered, he regained his composure. "Hey uh... What's your name?" he asks Leon awkwardly, deliberately ignoring Arthur
Elizabeth leaned over to Leon, "Wanna partner up?" Elizabeth looked this boy up and down, he looked almost as if someone had carved him from Ice. Truth be told, she wasn't sure if he wasn't the Demon the board spoke of. Granted, that one boy did look at his hands just after it appeared, and the other seems all to trigger happy. Elizabeth smiled at Leon none the less. "Hi my name's Elizabeth."
Eric looked over at Lilith ... "Any Ideas..." He pretends to be nonchalant about it but it's rather obvious that he just doesn't know where to look. His only idea really was to open the cupboards and shoot, he just wasn't about to admit it.
Leon looked at Elizabeth and replied, "Sure and my name is Leon Chevalier. It is nice to meet you." After he had finished replying to her he watched the others group up and spread out around the room. He started thinking about what demon it could be and where it would be hiding. He wondered how did it get into the room without anyone noticing. "Ahhh, enough thinking I need to do something' he thought to himself. He got up from his seat and headed towards the teachers desk and the blackboard. He was curious about the board and the writing.
"I'm working on it." She tried to think of how to find the demon, but gaps in the information limited her. "The message didn't really give a clue to whether the demon was in human form or not. Can you think of any clues from the message?" She looked at Eric, her arms crossed.
Eric thought about it for a second before he looked over at the board. "Uhm where did the message come from." Eric was most unsettled by that little fact. "Do you think anyone here is a demon?"

(You see a magically extended room the room goes as far as 100 feet lined with bookshelves and cupboards)
"It's possible. If you want, I can scream "Christo' at the top of my lungs." Her smile turned serious. "If someone here is a demon, there should belong to a tamer. If it was a random demon, it would surely try to kill us as soon as possible, correct?"
"Joseph! we must address a issue rather quickly don't you think?" "If we're gonna find and capture a demon, don't we need salt?" " Let's work together till we find something that may be of use for finding/ capturing the beast before we go trotting around the whole room"
Elizabeth follows him pulling out a piece of chalk without thinking, she immediately begins drawing a summoning circle with it upon the the ground. While chanting lightly. "As the dawns light, I request your aid." Standing she spills a drop of blood upon the floor. From the circle rises a seraphim.
Arthur looks at her in awe, although it may be a bad idea to summon the bloodhounds he could admire her work from afar. He must have a get together with that girl sometime, hopefully she'll understand.
"No it would probably belong to a tamer, but you never know, it could just be a low ranking demon." Eric jumps as there is a flash. He pulls the trigger on his sword. "God damned safety." Realizing it belongs to Elizabeth he returns his attention to Lilith. "Perhaps it's her?"
Leon looked over the board and noticed there was no chalk and that is was clean as if no one wrote on the board with chalk. While still looking it over he failed to notice Elizabeth was summoning a demon, until he heard the demon. He then overheard Eric suspect Elizabeth, he decided to let it play out and then interfere if things got out of hand.
"I have some holy water in my med kit... not very potent but it should slow it down." Joseph turns to Arthur with a very serious look in his eyes. "I'm not a killer."
"I thought tamers could only have one demon in their control, though I may be wrong. Do you have any verses on the top of your head that could help?" Lilith had heard Elizabeth summon the demon, so she didn't freak as much as Eric. Lil reached for inside her coat, but realized she had left her pistol in her room. She expected not to need it on the first day.
"I understand, perhaps then it may be a good idea to stick with a man who doesn't mind that line of work, so you have no chance to break your streak, agreed?

He gestures to the cupboards in the back, " then let's find something more potent, hopefully something that'll do abit more then slow as well"
Elizabeth examines the familiar Seraphim it's body of light. She spoke to it. "Hikari, were in a bit of a jam." It responded, it's voice soft and ironically angelic. "I see, so for what purpose have you called me?" Elizabeth explained the situation. "The Seraphim slowly raised it's limb and made a gesture that Elizabeth understood. "It's over there." She announces pointing in toward a small series of cupboards.
"Hmmm..." he mused. He looked to the already skilled tamer, suspicions aroused by the summoning of a demon as powerful as a seraphim. He breaks off from Arthur and follows Elizabeth from a few paces back with holy water readied
"I know nothing about tamers." Eric groaned. "Isn't that in your family Lil?" Eric ask's forgetting how touchy of a subject that is. He silently hopes that the tamer girls yelling is enough to distract her from hearing that comment.

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