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Fandom Blue Exorcist Post-Show

The 7th Bard

Landon, Lored of Bards
You walk to a random door in True Cross Academy. Your key sits lightly in your hand. After a deep breath you turn the key and open the door. A long hallway opens to you. You walk slowly down the hallway looking for room 133. You find the door and open it, inside is what appears to be an average classroom, the only difference is all the books are religious texts, or demonology.

(I'll add an image here later ... Sorry my computer is acting up.)

(Posting is open :)
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Eric opens the door and walks to the first seat closest to the door, sets his sword and shield on the table and sits down. He looks around the room attempting to decide if he was going to like this transfer class. Granted no one had arrived yet. He just hopes he won't have to beat the shit out of anyone because they're being snobbish.
Joseph reaches for the door with an outstretched hand, shaking uncontrollably. In a moment of hesitation, he thinks to himself, 'maybe I should just turn around. It's really not too late yet. What if I'm no good at being an exorcist...' He stares at his left hand, resting at his side holding his first aid kit. 'I've come all this way. Mother would probably think I'm a failure if I run home crying now...' He shuts his eyes for a moment, then shouts to the ceiling, "I will become an exorcist! " He threw the door open
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Lilith had heard a man scream in the halls. She walked a bit faster to the classroom. Checking her watch, she made sure she wasn't late. "Great. First day and someone's screaming. Is this class really that tough?" She muttered. When Lil walked in, she saw Eric. She gave a small wave to Eric and walked past the other student.
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Leon made his way down a hallway to his class room. He looked ahead of himself and saw that no one was there. His first thought was that he was late, but after checking his watch he noticed that he had plenty of time. He turned into the doorway and saw three other students in there. He quick looked over each of them with his icey blue eyes, while he made his way in. As he walked by his swords gave of a chill breeze to anyone he passed on his way to the seat he choose. He decided to sit in the front row but opposite of Eric and Lilith. He put one hand on his table and another on his swords. Leon didn't know what to think of his classmates as of yet.
Arthur walked in confidently, he took in the whole classroom, from books to the blackboard. He carefully looked over the students, taking care not to stare as that would be rude. He noticed a strange sight, a doctor in the classroom. deciding that the strange typically meant good in the academy, Arthur sat next to the strange doctor and introduced himself slowly, making sure to speak with as little accent as possible. " Hello, My name is Arthur. You look woefully out of place here, not in a bad way I assure you. So then to break the ice, what's your name?" He look at the messy haired boy, taking care not to seem overpowering or rude, as he talked he drawed out each word and tried his best to sound normal, he still noticed that he spoke with a accent, but not thick and heavy as it tends to be.
Eric stared as all the new members entered the room. Smiling slightly at Lilith as she entered the room. The doctor seemed more or less out of place. Of all the teenagers there's one man in his twenties. He returned to polishing his sword he slowly recited the text on the blade. "In the beginning when god created the heavens and the earth."
Lilith glanced at each person in the room, time to time. She didn't hesitate to pull out a book and start reading. As she was reading, she heard a student speaking slowly. His efforts to befriend the doctor brought some human aspect to the seemingly cold room
Arthur, on hearing his favorite nursery rhyme whispered, "Terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas."bringing back fond memories of his home. God damn it, he thought to himself, I'm already homesick. He then proceeded to focus back on the doctor and his response.
Eric stood up and moved to Lilith's table. taking his sword and shield with him. "The doctor seems interesting huh?" He says with returning to his sword polishing. "Not to mention, wheres the teacher?" Eric glanced up at Lilith.
Lil looked up from the book, putting a piece of paper in to mark her spot as she closed the book. "I can see what you're saying," She remembered how the doctor shouted earlier. Lil smiled. "But ditto on that teacher thing. I mean, even if we are early, the teacher should be early too. Right?" She tilted her head as she tried to explain it.
[QUOTE="A Dark Maple Leaf]" Hello, My name is Arthur. You look woefully out of place here, not in a bad way I assure you. So then to break the ice, what's your name?"

"H-hi. I'm Joseph." he managed to stammer after several awkward seconds. 'these people are so cool,' He thought to himself. 'The guy with the word sword is already talking to girls. And him- (looking at Leon) he's so... cool about all of this. I don't think I fit in here...'

He looked over at Arthur and said, "I forgot about the uniform... Do you think I'll get in trouble? "
"Look at us, we are as uniform as tie-die shirts" he said with a light chuckle. "Although, we will probably need them tomorrow and get a warning today". "May I ask, if it isn't rude, how many people have you treated?" He looked solemn knowing the subject matter, although he tied his best to keep the tone and mood light.
"I've treated... well more than I can count, to be honest... I served 4 years in the Royal Navy... I got to help a lot of people." He turned and smiled with this lat part, making a point to say helped rather than treated.
Leon listened in as the guy in his twenties talked to the doctor. He did have to agree with Arthur about one this, 'this room is filled with interesting people, if there was even normal person here they would be the one to be out of place, but if you think about being an exorcist there is something different about you' he thought to himself. His attention shifted over towards the guy with his sword and shield talking to the girl. Again he agreed with what they are talking about. Despite eavesdropping on everyone else he didn't move an inch. He really isn't the most out going person, and didn't plan on talking to anyone unless spoken too.
Yuki brushes her bangs out of her eyes, examining herself in a piece of metal. Her hair was curled up today. She wasn't wearing the school uniform. While flattering the goody two shoes look never suited her. Instead she wore a short black dress, her father would have thought it scandalous. Fishnet gloves and leggings. Her hair dyed black, she wasn't about to let it grow white. In reality she adored her white hair, it was her father who hated it. The jewelry around her throat had belonged to her mother. The black cross a reminder of why she had to keep fighting.

Yuki took a few deep breaths before slowly opening the door to the class room. The collection of motley exwires seated haphazardly in random seats. Yuki scans the room for a suitable seat. Walking as calmly and casually as possible she chooses the seat next to Leon.
"What? Never!" Joseph is taken aback by the thought of harming patients. "I mean, maybe I stabbed that goblin... I mean I'm not a murderer. I'm not!"
Eric was about to say something when he looked up at the black board. He noticed some writing on the board that wasn't there a second ago. ".Hello class, I'm sorry I'm late. For your first assignment. There is a demon in the classroom. You have until I get there in two hours to find it and exorcise it" Eric tapped Lilith on the shoulder and said "Great that answers my question."
"Truly? don't tell me a bone saw or two haven't asked to be used for something other then merely cutting into bone, perhaps a neck or two?" Arthur was mostly joking, but he refused to believe that they would enroll a doctor with no combat training.
Surprise passed her face for a second, but quickly left as Lil controlled it. She stood up from her seat and took a long look around the room. "Looks like you always have answers, huh?" She replied to Eric
Looking at the board he whispered, "well this is quite awkward" looking at his two fists.

He looked the doctor right in the eyes and said "I got a easy plan for this"
"No! I'd never harm someone! It's my job to preserve human life!" Joeseph was very animated about his denial, and he was obviously steamed about the accusations. He stood up during his rant and moved to a seat in the back corner, removed a scalpel from his med kit, and began twirling it through his fingers
"Of course I do." Eric whispered just loud enough for Lilith to hear. "So I have two plans the first, I shoot every square inch of this room, the second we start checking cupboards." Eric told Lilith. "Of course I prefer option one." Eric's smile appeared slightly manic.

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