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Fandom Blue Exorcist : Demons Rise

Miki calmed heself. "I know your not a bad guy Jayce, but stop acting like a bad guy It wont help you later on." She then looked at Kyo and nodded. "Ok." She said petting her purr cat.
((Most likely Upper First Class access to data banks and libraries and records, dossiers of the team, rumors. Could any of those three really? ))
((I mean maybe the databases. But his last name at he last name of his demon father and at True Cross you aren't supposed to tell people you are a demon. And his magic. Well no one would know about that. So he can know about his first name and maybe his proficiency with a sword but nothing else really. Idk though. Hehe.))
((That was only the case of Rin Okumura since his father is Satan, as Izumo once said there are many half demon exorcist they just make a big deal over Rin because he's the son of Satan. Kyo may not know Jayce's magic but he was mostly generalizing due to the trump card he keeps up his sleeve. A final trump card I'm going to stop talking about now.)
((Haha alright? That's fine then. But I think that since they are equal ranks and their magic are pretty equal in power, shouldn't they be pretty equal in abilities of fighting?))
((Their magic is not exactly equal because once again it goes back to his trump card among other things. Their magic not being equal makes them also unequal in terms of fighting.))
((Pretty much in other words if they fought the fight would be long because you'd really have to push my character to the edge but then that trump card would come in and.....))
Aki kept watching the tension grow until someone broke it up. Sliently giving her thanks. As she chew on her pink hair a habit of hers as she thinks about something. Placing a marker as a possible target where the southern section is with a x drawn in pencil, the last expansion they have done would be weaker considering that they have only had it for a small amount of time. "Here maybe could be a target." She said as she continues to chew her hair still.
((OK i took a while to read all of that)) Raiden just sat there when every one was talking about how powerful they were. Raiden didn't really care about how powerful they were he just wanted to get to the mission."So are we going to go to lower japan now or what," Raiden said .
Miki looked ove at Raiden and nodded. "That's the plan." She said sweetly as she put down her sleeping cat and took a seat. She rested her head on her hand and continued to pet her now sleeping cat.
Raiden stood up. "Well it's no use to stay here and do nothing I'll head over to the area." Raiden said as he went to go outside.
"We should just go and hit the established areas first. Even if we take the weaker areas that surround them the strong holds would simply pump more demons into that area. Meaning we woupd be wasting our time. So we should hit the strong hold first then take the latest expansions. Though we'll have to cut a path through the latest expansions to reach the strong hold." Kyo said. "Aki do you support this course of action?" Kyo had to ask because there has to be a vote between those who hold the highest rank in the group since there's no one person who holds the highest rank. Since there are only three he just needs Aki to support his plan.
Raiden waited by the door waiting to see if aki agreed.

"If you want an opinion from a high rank i say yes, but i just hot this rank about a week ago so I'm not sure if mine counts." Raiden said while he was leaning against the door.
Jayce stared at Kyo. "Umm. Think my vote counts too, kiddo. But I guess to you mine doesn't count. Just know that I would have agreed with you." He stood up to stretch and he put his hands on his hips. He muttered to himself, "This is bogus."
"Figured you wouldn't vote since you feel it's all the same to you." Kyo replied to him. Then he looked "You have to be a Upper 1st Class, but input from others do have a way of swaying the vote. Also could you tell the hangar to prep a helicopter for the team we'll be flyingmto wherever we decide to go."

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