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Fandom Blue Exorcist : Demons Rise

"Well could we please discuss the plan, this is a huge waste of my time." Raiden said. This is taking too much time I could be using this time to train.

Raiden looks at Jayce and then looks away. I'm wasting my time with all of these people.
"Aki" Seeming that we have not gotten over the introductions. As well as resisting the small urge to throw the new guy off the roof. Plans were her specialities, grabbing her map of the world and drawing a sharp line around the areas where demonic presence is taking over the area and a shaded area where they already established their rule over the humans. "Before making plans shouldn't we figure out who is what class?"
"I"m a tamer and a knight." Raiden said while he was raising his hand with little effort. At least we are finally starting to do something productive. (I'm two meisters because in the anime some people have two.)
Miki sighs as she walks towards the meeting doors. 'I'm late.' She took a deep breath and open the door infront of her. She looked around and saw the other students there. "Sorry I'm late." She said walking in and finding a seat relatively close to the others but not to close. She put the bag she caring on the ground next to her and a small mew came from it but with a low pitched whisle it stop at once. "By the way I'm Miki."
Akako simply let out a sigh as she opened her briefcase and pulled up the fake compartment reviling a large sniper rifle. "Dragoon." She mumbled before shutting her case once again. She turned to the late girl someone called Miki who entered not wanting to waste more time on introductions Akako decided just to quickly introduce everyone. "Aki, Ryo, Raiden, Hotaru, Jayce." Akako said as she pointed to each of the people she names once she named them. "And i'm Akako" She quickly added saving her own name for last after all you have to save the best for last.
(Put your summons on the sheet.)

She said sighing as she restarts, "It is alright, what class of meister are you." Aki asks trying to get back on track for the plan. "I am a tamer only." She said as she starts to write down each person in the five categories. Some overlapping making five circles in a venn diagram. She then forgot to ask her if she even knew why she was here in the first place, at least she infered that she already did knew if she came in the first place. Scribbling the names down in each section and placing it next to the map.
(I did. I only summon one demon and i summon two katanas."

"So what is the plan." Raiden asked still unsure if he should stay or go back to fighting demons by himself.
Kyo noted everyone's name and classes. He began to notice no one stated their ranks when doing so. "I am sure you already know my meister as my kind are even rarer in the order than half demoms. If you keep up with standard information about the Order you'd know my meister by my name. But something else I must inquire about. What exactly are your exorcist ranks? I would like to know before we go forward." Kyo said.
"I'm a middle first class." Raiden said while raising his hand. "But about a week ago i used to be an exwire. For some reason i was randomly bumped up to middle first class."
(Sorry it took me so long to reply I had to clean, and then go to the store O.o )

"I'm a knight." Miki said calmly, she bent down and picked up her bag sending it on a table. Then pulled out a synth and placed it next to the bag. After doing so she looked at Kyo as he asked the question. "I'm Upper 2nd class, but only 5 or so months ago I was a exwire, and I don't know why they booted me up." She said with a slight sigh as she did a small black house cat jumped out of her bag and yawned and soon after letting out a small mew.

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"Upper First class." Aki said rubbing her cheek. "I have been there for a while." She says as people gave a brief insight in their life And how they got there also writing that on another sheet. "Ooo a cat." She clears her throat as she tries not to get distracted. Okay then. She starts to think for a bit. Asking what could be seen a awkward question. "Anything else you guys specialise in?." Rewording it.
Jayce smirked with his vampiric teeth and he said in a cool voice, "Im a knight of course. And I'm upper first class because I can fight like hell. If you ladies would like to see I could show you." He snickered to himself not really acknowledging anyone.
Akako Sighed so far it seemed she was the lowest rank there which was no surprise, she had been offered a position as a upper first class but found that she would require to do more work is she took it on, it was expected she would take on the challenge as a upper first class and even have a chance at becoming an Arc knight she was one of a few candidate for the position but upon learning she didn't wish to have more work that position became impossible for her to reach for now anyway. "Upper second class." She muttered barely loud enough to be heard.
Miki shot an annoyed look at Jayce and showed her dog like teeth. "No one wants to see you dance around like a pretty princess, and nows not the time with what's happening." She spat at him, anger laced in her voice, she did not like people like that but she would learn to put up with his annoyince latter on. But right now she had no patience for him or anyone who had something stupid to say.
"I am an Upper First Class as well. To answer your question, I am able to use very powerful magic and am also a Holy Sword wielder which I have been hinting at throughout this meeting. As you may we are extremely rare as you have to have a certain level of compatibility to even wield these things in a standard manner." Kyo explained. He glared at Jayce and considered putting him in his place but then Miki got him so Kyo went back to thoughts of the mission. "Now we know our meisters and ranks as well as the fact we lack a doctor or aria meister we should move on to selecting our target. I vote this one in lower Japan." he said pointing to one of the shaded area.
Jayce lost his smile and said in a mocking voice, "Oh boohoo I'm not as strong or attractive as Jayce! He's so cool!" He intensified his stare and dropped his voice, "But really. If any of you get in my way of getting the job done, I will put you down." He looked at Kyo. "HolySword? Cool. And we really don't need an aria but the doctor might be dangerous for you lot. So ya I guess we can take in the lower areas before we get to the hard stuff. Hard stuff for some of you." He sat back and put his hands behind his head.
"Actually, the shaded piece are areas that have been already taken over aka those are the hard areas. Funny how you talk a big game while you can't read a map. Your attitude right now warrants bad decisions to be made. There is no your way of getting the job done. We should proceed democratically for now and when the time comes on the orders of leader chosen by the whole group. I shall not have this team so divided on the first mission. You've got to learn quickly how to act as a team player!" Kyo said scolding Jayce. "As for the doctor I will cover that my magic should be sufficient enough for that."
Miki shook her head. "What ever princess." She said rolling her eyes. "And I would like to see you try and take me down." She said her voice harsh but when she spoke again her voice was calm and sweet. "Sound good Kyo, it's better to start at the bottom and work up." She smiled slightly but turned her head and gave a spine shilling dog glare and Jayce.
"I've been ranked by the officials and I am higher than you. I am no where near a princess and," he faced Kyo. "I wasn't looking at the map because everything is going to be easy to me. Just because you have a HolySword doesn't mean you are king you mort. Now I think that the voting will go well as long as you don't tamper with it." Jayce said finally taking a breath. He shook his head, very disappointed in this group.
"You can't tamper with a show a hands, clearly your dumber than I thought proven once again by your idiotic words. You claim everything is going to be easy for you, then you might as well leave the team. I will not have your blood on my hands because you sir may be our first casualty. You may be higher than some others in the team but you not higher than me or Aki. Fall in line or die outside of it." Kenshi said with a tone of finality. He found himself questioning why such a scum as Jayce was assigned to the strike team.
Jayce burst out into laughter. "Listen kid." He calme down from the laughter, "I am most likely the highest ranking here. You have no idea what I'm capable of. And you. I know what you are capable of and trust me. You would not have a fun time fighting me. Now lets get te stupid mission started so I can watch you little ones hurt yourself a with your big weapons." He smirked and he thought that he wasn't sure if he liked this kid for standing up to him or if he hated his 'goody two-shoes' personality.
Miki finally had enough. "ENOUGH ALREADY!" She yelled a dark red flam forming around her as she looked at part of her team. "I don't care if you think you are stronger or better than the others, you just need to find you place in this team and in my mind you are not going to be the our leader!" She snapped her voice a low growl like a dog, just like her father. She soon calmed down and pikes up her cat that was looking at her. "Now if we can all just get along for five seconds without someone calling someone weaker or lower or even the worst of the worst we could get along. And that is for you to Jayce and everyone." She said in a calm voice but clearly she had hate laced with her words when she said Jayce but she dident care she would soon accept him for who he was. "Am I understood." She hissed the last word.
"Actually I know all about you Jayson Uccisore. You can't fathom what I can do. You may think yourself superior but beware my magoc and swordsmanship will always be superior to your own. Though I'll let you get it twisted for now." Kyo said it with a smirk before Miki's out burst. Kyo realized she was a surprising voice of angry reason. "She's right this is only delaying our mission. It's time for that vote now if we're going to this area in lower Japan for our first operation." Kyo said deciding to make use of this brief moment of quite to move things along.
Jayce snickered. He muttered user her breath so no one could hear. "Kitty has claws." He rose his voice. "I never said I wanted to be the leader. I'm just tired of Mr. Golden-Pants over here acting like the king." He stopped and sighed. "You know what? What ever. Lets just get along with this stupid mission. If any of you need help from me you better earn it." He relaxed once more.

((Ummm. No one knows about Jayce. He isn't very popular. He would've stated that like your character. How does he know about him? Just curious.))

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