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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)


The God-Emperor of Mankind

Blood & Steel

"They... They never explained what it really means. But, now I see for myself. Soldiers, because they carry blood.

Blood is the only actual currency on the battlefield, and soldiers are the shopkeepers. Steel? Steel is how they pay."

Far to the northern east of the continent of Irin, lies the infamous nation called Agrea, by it's people. Why is it infamous, you ask? It is due to the leadership. The country is under strict, authoritarian rule by the individual known only as Fuhrer-President.

Do not think that this is out of place. Since times long forgotten this self-proclaimed Great Empire has been at constant wars with it's neighbours. Is it just how Agreans are? Perhaps. Or maybe it's some darker power?

The age of Steam has come. The new type of weapons, called Guns and Tanks are being slowly introduced. With this development, the military is expanding, so is the corruption within the country.

Abandon all hope those that enter this damned country, if you can even call it that.

@RedTeam Grif @FireMaiden @Inheritance @GreenEyedStranger @Gabriel97 @The Unamed Beast @Dalamus Ulom @DarknessSpirit @Airagog
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RP Starts once we have enough characters. - Keep in mind that this is Contemporary Fantasy (AKA Modern Fantasy)
I'm happy to announce: It's time to start

@FireMaiden @Gabriel97 @Paint The Wind @Safety Hammer



The capital of Agrea: Frenbert. This city has remarkable history behind it, with most of the active politicians of the regime living somewhere within the main circle. It is split into 3 different circles, each one with different purposes. The outer circle is where most of the private businesses, factories and also military structures reside. Rumours say that an uprising is starting in the district. The inner circle has most of the shops and houses for poor and average people. The middle circle houses the rich folk, politicians and military figures. It has most of the recreational buildings, like theatres, cinemas and such.

While Parks are rare in Frenbert, there's still a lot of places to admire. Like the city itself, that is placed within a huge hole in the ground... literally. Who even thought that this was a good idea? Each day, at the airport many baloons arrive, shipping goods and people from other cities or countries. The military police controls literally every street, so in other words: Life is shit.

On the streets, a stench of authoritarian rule lingers in the air, carried by the proud, insanely devoted, brainwashed soldiers. Propaganda posters fly everywhere, and the unjust leaders behind it sit and live their lazy, disgusting life. This has to come to an end, we must stop this.

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Vanessa Hass

Vanessa was walking in a huge crowd of people, with her sniper rifle slinging from her left shoulder and her revolver in its holster. As she walked, her ankle hurt; she was limping. Her military tag was hanging from her neck, on a necklace. Her hands were covered in bandages, as she kept walking. After some time of walking, she reached a narrow hallway. She walked into it and reached a ladder, climbing it and reaching a rooftop. She took out her rifle and deployed the bipod, laying on the rooftop, looking into the scope towards an apparently fat and greasy man.

She took out the mag, checking for ammo, "Ten bullets." She muttered to herself, as she inserted the mag back in the gun and loaded the first bullet in. Her finger was not yet on the trigger, she was waiting for him to start his speech, to listen to some of his bullshit before ending his tyranny. She put on a pair of headphones and weird googles, scrambling and fixing something on both of them. The googles zoomed a bit, and the headphones were a radio connected to the main radio as she could listen to him.

She smirked, the man began speaking. "Greetings, dear citizens! Today it's a great day, since my company finally reached its 10th anniversary!" He yelled with an annoying, high pitched tone. She frowned, as her finger slowly slid down on the trigger. She exhaled, slowly pulling it back. A 20cm bullet got outside of the gun's barrel, traveling at high speed towards the man's head. "And I shall hire more empl-" The bullet hit his head, making it explode.

"Bullseye." She muttered, getting up and putting her rifle back on her shoulders, climbing down the ladder and disappearing in the shadows.
Jakob was watching around his families house. It was routine for him to hunt around for any soldiers wanting to pick his family off. "Hmm nothing on this side. Well time to go in the city and buy the usual meal for the family."
Baku said:
Jakob was watching around his families house. It was routine for him to hunt around for any soldiers wanting to pick his family off. "Hmm nothing on this side. Well time to go in the city and buy the usual meal for the family."
A figure with white hair and blue eyes approached the house, with a lit cigarette in their mouth. Observing the house for any movement, he walked up to it with no hesitation. Chris knocked on the door several times.
Jacob heard the knocks and gestured for his mom, dad, and little sister to hide. "What's your business here? If you're from the government walk away while you have the chance."

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Baku said:
Jacob heard the knocks and gestured for his mom, dad, and little sister to hide. "What's your business here? If you're from the government walk away while you have the chance."
Chris smiled and laughed at him. "If I really was from the government? Several things would be different. First of all, it's a bad idea to make a threat against the military-police. Second of all, if I wanted your death you'd be dead. Same with your relatives." he stopped, then took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it to the ground, crushing it under his sturdy, leather shoe with great force.

"Call me Nova, I need to speak to Jacob." he added, with a remarkably cogent voice. "It's about your talents. The last years were very unfortunate for the whole nation. I'm here with an offer that you may refuse. Do you want to make this nation a better place?" he asked.
Jacob started to unlock the door. He spoke as he was unlocking the dorr. "You have no idea how little of a crap the government cares about this Area. And if I may be so bold how do we make this nation a better place? It's already a shithole as is."

Baku said:
Jacob started to unlock the door. He spoke as he was unlocking the dorr. "You have no idea how little of a crap the government cares about this Area. And if I may be so bold how do we make this nation a better place? It's already a shithole as is."
Chris smiled, in a weirdly arrogant way. "Really? Tell me more." he said sarcastically. Then with a mocking face added "I believe anyone could have figured out this much, brainiac. But we can change it. I come from an unnamed group of... revolutionists, I suppose. We search for people with talent, and you are what our Leader needs. He has chosen you himself." as his face slowly shifted to a serious one, with his tone also being very impervious and genuine.
Rosemary was wandering through the streets with her guns hidden in her jacket. Her home was in a more dangerous part of town so she spent as little time there as she could. Military-police were everywhere. She sighed and saw a group of them walking towards her. Fuck. She looked around for an easy escape route and couldn't see any.

@Safety Hammer
Jacob was more than willing to join the group. But he had some questions. "So say I join you what about my family? I practically keep us afloat. They can't last that long without me. If you want me to join they come along with me."

Baku said:
Jacob was more than willing to join the group. But he had some questions. "So say I join you what about my family? I practically keep us afloat. They can't last that long without me. If you want me to join they come along with me."
Chris responded "Hm. I suppose he foresaw this too. And if not, it won't hurt - So, yeah. Sure, whatever." whilst tilting his head slightly and rolling his eyes around. Clearly, he was trying to crack something up, and his voice was the one of an undecisive thinker. "Well. Nova's not my real name, obviously. It's a code-name. While I know you real name, you gotta think one up for yourself too, for the other members - that is. Anyway, we'll talk at the headquarters." he added.

Chris took out a piece of paper, then another paper and wrote something down on one of them while staring at the other one as if he was taking instructions, then gave it to Jacob. The paper read as such: "Nvvg nv zg gsv Afnprm Kzip, rm gdl slfih uiln mld lm."

Chris took a few steps back, preparing to walk away, and said "Use Atbash. If you don't know what I'm talking about go to the library, I don't care how you figure it out. Also, if someone asks: I was only telling you to stop making noise, because you woke up my old father, when he was sleeping. Do not follow me."

Then Chris took off into the direction of the outer district of the city.
Paint The Wind]Rosemary was wandering through the streets with her guns hidden in her jacket. Her home was in a more dangerous part of town so she spent as little time there as she could. Military-police were everywhere. She sighed and saw a group of them walking towards her. [I]Fuck. [/I]She looked around for an easy escape route and couldn't see any. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32535-safety-hammer/ said:
@Safety Hammer[/URL]
"Psst! Get in the dumpster on the left. The bottom's open!"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Psst! Get in the dumpster on the left. The bottom's open!"

Rosemary heard a voice and decided since she had nothing else to try she did as she was told, ducking to the side and hiding in the dumpster.
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Rosemary heard a voice and decided since she had nothing else to try she did as she was told, ducking to the side and hiding in the dumpster.

As soon as Rosemary jumped into the dumpster, the bottom would collapse and fold back up above her. She would then be going down a rather large twisty slide.
It was unlikely to find Rei outside of her home, and even less likely that she would notice the actions of others in this crowded city, but a quick flash of movement in her periphery caused her to look to her right just in time to see a girl across the street leaping into a dumpster. Something was off and her curiosity was piqued, she quickly crossed the street and began investigating the dumpster, pulling back in surprise as a cry was heard from within. A quick analysis of the possible repercussions led her to open it and see that it was somehow void of both trash and mystery women. Deciding to follow through with her search Rei held her nose and climbed in and after a minute or so of groping around in smelly darkness she managed to activate a mechanism that caused the floor to vanish, dropping her into twisty
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Rosemary heard a voice and decided since she had nothing else to try she did as she was told, ducking to the side and hiding in the dumpster.

As she neared the bottom, she would be flung up into a safety net. She was in an old abandoned subway station. A red headed guy in the corner, laying on a cot with bookshelves and gears scattered all around him was sitting, reading a book. He looked up.

"So, are you gonna sit there all day or...?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]As she neared the bottom, she would be flung up into a safety net. She was in an old abandoned subway station. A red headed guy in the corner, laying on a cot with bookshelves and gears scattered all around him was sitting, reading a book. He looked up.
"So, are you gonna sit there all day or...?"

"Who are you?" she asked, getting down pretty easily.
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]"Who are you?" she asked, getting down pretty easily.

"Arthur Winters. The bloke who just saved your ass."

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