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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

Birdsie said:
Chris nodded and said "Turns out that not many people have their brain synapses connected right in this country." with a really annoyed voice, then he looked at Vanessa and asked "And what the fuck are you doing with a weapon out in THE PUBLIC? In the view of patrols? And random bystanders?" with an angry tone. He scowled at her and crossed his arms, awaiting an explantation and looking at her as if she had no brain at all. Showing up in public with a weapon out, in the middle of the day must have been the worst idea anyone had in the whole group, so far.
"I already have shown you my power." She said with a rather neutral tone. If you look carefully, you could see that compared to the environment, she was pretty much of a darker color. The gun went completely invisible, while she put it on her back. "So, what to do now?" She asked, leaning on a wall behind her.
Gabriel97 said:
"I already have shown you my power." She said with a rather neutral tone. If you look carefully, you could see that compared to the environment, she was pretty much of a darker color. The gun went completely invisible, while she put it on her back. "So, what to do now?" She asked, leaning on a wall behind her.
Chris smiled in the most dickish way possible, then said "Oh, wow! Look at me!" taking out his lighter, and lit the fire. "I can do fire magic! And SURELY, No telepath, or mage that works for the MP's will detect invisibility spells that I'm using! I am a genius for using my abilities irresponsibly and for trivial things!" as he put the lighter back inside, closing it and thus disabling the fire.

"Do you know how RISKY it is, to use magic in the middle of a city... at day, when the enemy knows most of our identities? Even the Leader doesn't talk to me 24\7, because Telepathic waves can be intercepted so easily! But you? You just use magic like it's free candy! Oh-ohoho~! Look guys! We have a master mage over here! Tell me, what would you do if your abilities were to randomly dissapear? You'd be long dead, is what you would do... And we're waiting for the rest." crossing his arms, and leaning back against the wall again.
Birdsie said:
Chris smiled in the most dickish way possible, then said "Oh, wow! Look at me!" taking out his lighter, and lit the fire. "I can do fire magic! And SURELY, No telepath, or mage that works for the MP's will detect invisibility spells that I'm using! I am a genius for using my abilities irresponsibly and for trivial things!" as he put the lighter back inside, closing it and thus disabling the fire.
"Do you know how RISKY it is, to use magic in the middle of a city... at day, when the enemy knows most of our identities? Even the Leader doesn't talk to me 24\7, because Telepathic waves can be intercepted so easily! But you? You just use magic like it's free candy! Oh-ohoho~! Look guys! We have a master mage over here! Tell me, what would you do if your abilities were to randomly dissapear? You'd be long dead, is what you would do... And we're waiting for the rest." crossing his arms, and leaning back against the wall again.
"Oh, I love you too," She said with a really, REALLY sarcastic and pissed tone. She then took out a watch from her pocket and looked at it. "They're late." She muttered to herself, looking around for them.
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FireMaiden said:
"Knock it off you two, there's no point in fighting amongst ourselves now is there?" August said sternly.
"We're not fighting, we're just joking around." She responded with a honest tone, looking around for something. While they spoke, an extremely high-pitched and loud scream could eventually be heard really really really deep within Lord Raven's mansion.
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Gabriel97 said:
"Oh, I love you too," She said with a really, REALLY ironic and pissed tone. She then took out a watch from her pocket and looked at it. "They're late." She muttered to herself, looking around for them.
FireMaiden said:
"Knock it off you two, there's no point in fighting amongst ourselves now is there?" August said sternly.
He looked at Vanessa and said "I hope a demon rapes you in your sleep." as then you could hear Kefka giggle aloud, and the demon whispered "Gladly~!..." as then he heard August talk. He turned around to her and yelled "Look who's talking!" with an annoyed tone. You could sense a lot of frustration and irritation in his facial expression, but then he said "Well, I suppose you're right." with a reluctantly admittant tone, as he leant back on the wall and crossed his arms, scowling at the ground.
Gabriel97 said:
"We're not fighting, we're just joking around." She responded with a honest tone, looking around for something. While they spoke, an extremely high-pitched and loud scream could eventually be heard in the streets near Lord Raven's castle.
Birdsie said:
He looked at Vanessa and said "I hope a demon rapes you in your sleep." as then you could hear Kefka giggle aloud, and the demon whispered "Gladly~!..." as then he heard August talk. He turned around to her and yelled "Look who's talking!" with an annoyed tone. You could sense a lot of frustration and irritation in his facial expression, but then he said "Well, I suppose you're right." with a reluctantly admittant tone, as he leant back on the wall and crossed his arms, scowling at the ground.
"That didn't sound like joking...." The woman murmured in response. Then, she threw a sharp glare at Chris, "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a fake pout, refering to his look who's talking comment.
FireMaiden said:
"That didn't sound like joking...." The woman murmured in response. Then, she threw a sharp glare at Chris, "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a fake pout, refering to his look who's talking comment.
"Where's Arthur?" She asked with a curious tone, looking down at the watch again.
FireMaiden said:
"That didn't sound like joking...." The woman murmured in response. Then, she threw a sharp glare at Chris, "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a fake pout, refering to his look who's talking comment.
He looked at her and said "That's supposed to mean that you behave like a child, so you have no right to call me out for fighting." with a sarcastic, and purposefully annoying tone. He made a stupid, irritating smile while he spoke, to add it to the annoyance factor. "In other words: You suck... and you're short." and then covered himself with his hands, as proper shielding, preparing for her rage and possibly a lot of his bones breaking, a lot more bones breaking than yesterday. He shielded his face with his arms, then looked away and closed his eyes, standing in a defensive position and preparing for satan's will, or whatever else was the force that drove August onward to hurt him for his words.

(Boy, he is gonna get some character development. By the end of this RP, he will be a nice, and kind per- Yeah, that won't happen. This individual cannot be reformed. I'm sorry.)
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Birdsie said:
He looked at her and said "That's supposed to mean that you behave like a child, so you have no right to call me out for fighting." with a sarcastic, and purposefully annoying tone. He made a stupid, irritating smile while he spoke, to add it to the annoyance factor. "In other words: You suck... and you're short." and then covered himself with his hands, as proper shielding, preparing for her rage and possibly a lot of his bones breaking, a lot more bones breaking than yesterday. He shielded his face with his arms, then looked away and closed his eyes, standing in a defensive position and preparing for satan's will, or whatever else was the force that drove August onward to hurt him for his words.
(Boy, he is gonna get some character development. By the end of this RP, he will be a nice, and kind per- Yeah, that won't happen. This individual cannot be reformed. I'm sorry.)
August, instead of getting mad, sighed. "I know I act like a child, I have to, for....the reason isn't important. Drop your arms, you look like an idiot," She said, in a relatively serious sounding voice. Her face took on a grim look for a second, before she seemed to go back to normal. "You swallow," she said, in her normally cheerful tone.
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FireMaiden said:
August, instead of getting mad, sighed. "I know I act like a child, I have to, for....the reason isn't important. Drop your arms, you look like an idiot," She said, in a relatively serious sounding voice. Her face took on a grim look for a second, before she seemed to go back to normal. "You swallow," she said, in her normally so cheerful tone.
Vanessa looked at August with a worried look. "Is everything alright?" She asked with a rather quiet tone, looking at her.
Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa looked at August with a worried look. "Is everything alright?" She asked with a rather quiet tone, looking at her.
"Yep! Everything's okie dokie!" August said with a closed eyed smiled.
FireMaiden said:
August, instead of getting mad, sighed. "I know I act like a child, I have to, for....the reason isn't important. Drop your arms, you look like an idiot," She said, in a relatively serious sounding voice. Her face took on a grim look for a second, before she seemed to go back to normal. "You swallow," she said, in her normally so cheerful tone.
Kefka, if he had a normal body would have probably grabbed popcorn by now, so when he heard her NOT getting mad, he got mad. "A-Aww! Come on! You're not even going to slap him? He deserves it!" with a dissapointed, and genuinely sad tone. Then Kefka sighed and shut up again. Chris returned to his normal stance, and looked at August with eyes of surprise, and shock. He still had the feeling like she'd avenge herself in some way, later on.

Chris giggled, in amusement and pride. "Just WHEN did you get so mature? Explain to me how you grew up so fast, my brother could use your methods. All he thinks about is how he can serve to our cause, despite his spine not working." he asked her, with a fairly curious voice. "Beyond doubt, you must have some sort of secret to your persona, do you?" he asked again, leaning over a bit with a meddlesome smile.
Birdsie said:
Kefka, if he had a normal body would have probably grabbed popcorn by now, so when he heard her NOT getting mad, he got mad. "A-Aww! Come on! You're not even going to slap him? He deserves it!" with a dissapointed, and genuinely sad tone. Then Kefka sighed and shut up again. Chris returned to his normal stance, and looked at August with eyes of surprise, and shock. He still had the feeling like she'd avenge herself in some way, later on.
Chris giggled, in amusement and pride. "Just WHEN did you get so mature? Explain to me how you grew up so fast, my brother could use your methods. All he thinks about is how he can serve to our cause, despite his spine not working." he asked her, with a fairly curious voice. "Beyond doubt, you must have some sort of secret to your persona, do you?" he asked again, leaning over a bit with a meddlesome smile.
"Just like you act like an asshole to prove people don't get to you, I act like a child to 'prove' I'm 'alright'. Can we drop it now?"
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FireMaiden said:
"Just like you act like an asshole to prove people don't get to you, I act like a child to 'prove' I'm 'alright'. Can we drop it now?"
Chris said "Oh, do I? I act like an asshole for my own reasons. Won't say it's in my character, I'm just used to it - That's all. And you're stupid to talk as if you were a philosopher." with a cold, rigid tone. He looked around if the rest of the people were coming anytime soon, then with an annoyed tone muttered "Ugh, what's the hold up? I'll just go alone if I have to."
Birdsie said:
Chris said "Oh, do I? I act like an asshole for my own reasons. Won't say it's in my character, I'm just used to it - That's all. And you're stupid to talk as if you were a philosopher." with a cold, rigid tone. He looked around if the rest of the people were coming anytime soon, then with an annoyed tone muttered "Ugh, what's the hold up? I'll just go alone if I have to."
August scoffed, "Whatever." She really didn't feel like talking anymore, and for the first time in a while, she was starting to get annoyed. Sure, there had been times when Arthur had gotten on her nerves, but not like this. She never liked cocky people. "Knowing Remy, he's probably fucking Red," she muttered, before fixing the messy, but somewhat neat bun she had her hair in.
FireMaiden said:
August scoffed, "Whatever." She really didn't feel like talking anymore, and for the first time in a while, she was starting to get annoyed. Sure, there had been times when Arthur had gotten on her nerves, but not like this. She never liked cocky people. "Knowing Remy, he's probably fucking Red," she muttered, before fixing the messy, but somewhat neat bun she had her hair in.
Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa looked at August with a worried look. "Is everything alright?" She asked with a rather quiet tone, looking at her.
Chris responded "Fucking is the least he could do to her. He literally raped your brother and watched you shower. I am definitely, positively NOT going to any parties with that guy. I plan to lose my virginity with a woman, not a pedophilic rapist with perverted fictions about everyone he meets." With the wait killing him, and general boredom in the group, Chris decided to ask "So, what do you people plan to do after we've freed this country?" with a half-curious voice. Mostly he just wanted to talk with someone, because standing around silently was too boring and grimdark for him.
Birdsie said:
Chris responded "Fucking is the least he could do to her. He literally raped your brother and watched you shower. I am definitely, positively NOT going to any parties with that guy. I plan to lose my virginity with a woman, not a pedophilic rapist with perverted fictions about everyone he meets." With the wait killing him, and general boredom in the group, Chris decided to ask "So, what do you people plan to do after we've freed this country?" with a half-curious voice. Mostly he just wanted to talk with someone, because standing around silently was too boring and grimdark for him.
Vanessa blushed slightly, looking down at her feet. She didn't want to say it out loud...
Birdsie said:
Chris responded "Fucking is the least he could do to her. He literally raped your brother and watched you shower. I am definitely, positively NOT going to any parties with that guy. I plan to lose my virginity with a woman, not a pedophilic rapist with perverted fictions about everyone he meets." With the wait killing him, and general boredom in the group, Chris decided to ask "So, what do you people plan to do after we've freed this country?" with a half-curious voice. Mostly he just wanted to talk with someone, because standing around silently was too boring and grimdark for him.
August had to think for a moment, "Maybe come out of hiding and go vist what little family doesn't hate me..." she shrugged, "That would be a fucking long shot though."
Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa blushed slightly, looking down at her feet. She didn't want to say it out loud...
FireMaiden said:
August had to think for a moment, "Maybe come out of hiding and go vist what little family doesn't hate me..." she shrugged, "That would be a fucking long shot though."
FireMaiden said:
"Something to do with my brother?" August asked with a slightly curious tone.
Chris thought for a moment, then said "I will continue my piano and violin lessons and make a living that way. And I'll make a living for my brother too, obviously. He can't work in the state he is." sighing afterwards. His attention turned to the two of them, as he heard August's question and was genuinely a bit curious himself.
FireMaiden said:
"Something to do with my brother?" August asked with a slightly curious tone.
She grinned and smiled a bit. "Perhaps." She joked, looking at August and then turning to Chris.

Birdsie said:
Chris thought for a moment, then said "I will continue my piano and violin lessons and make a living that way. And I'll make a living for my brother too, obviously. He can't work in the state he is." sighing afterwards. His attention turned to the two of them, as he heard August's question and was genuinely a bit curious himself.
"I used to play the piano too." She muttered, shaking off the blush.
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Birdsie said:
Chris thought for a moment, then said "I will continue my piano and violin lessons and make a living that way. And I'll make a living for my brother too, obviously. He can't work in the state he is." sighing afterwards. His attention turned to the two of them, as he heard August's question and was genuinely a bit curious himself.
Gabriel97 said:
She grinned and smiled a bit. "Perhaps." She teased, looking at Chris.
"I used to play the piano too." She muttered, shaking off the blush.
"Ugh, piano lessons. My old teacher was insane," August said with a shudder. "Totally called it."
Gabriel97 said:
She grinned and smiled a bit. "Perhaps." She teased, looking at Chris.
"I used to play the piano too." She muttered, shaking off the blush.
FireMaiden said:
"Ugh, piano lessons. My old teacher was insane," August said with a shudder. "Totally called it."
Chris laughed and said "I think everyone in this country had piano lessons." and then noticed the weird look that Vanessa was giving him while answering. "What's that supposed to mean, exactly?" he asked, slightly disturbed.

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