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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Sapphire didn't seem to mind that Harmony had ran off by herself. Turning back to Lyrev,she crossed her arms to protect herself from the cold wind in the balcony.

"All right. Tell me who you pissed off this time." Her voice was a bit softer than usually.


The small deer is nearly cleaned, I fall asleep in the woods. I wake up back up after the short nap in wolf form. I run back to the mansion and go into human form, I put on my hoodie and walk in crawling into bed. (Gnight)
Lyrev shook his head at the comment,looking away from Sapphire and into the darkness of the night. He was starting to become a bit paranoid,scared that at any moment he would be attacked again.

"This time it wasn't my fault. I was actually trying to do a good deed for once,just for a change. But then it backfired against me,obviously. Never do a good thing,ever. The guys that are after me couldn't touch my father but they got my mother."

He coughed,feeling a weird obstructing sensation in his throat.

"And then you saw what happened. They nearly drowned me and I really hate water and all and I just don't want to involve you into this and see you getting hurt as well but I don't know what else to do and it's all building up-"

He kept babbling until the sensation in his throat was too strong to handle,and Lyrev felt a watery substance go down his eyes. Confused,he brushed it away and noticed that he was crying.

Lyrev.The Prince of Mischief.Breaking down.He felt like he was ready to jump down the balcony head first.

Sapphire did her best to accompany Lyrev's line of thought,although his state was making things complicated. She noticed his voice getting increasingly rougher and his eyes get red,and predicted what would happen.

She was still shocked when he started to break down in front of her. The man she had defined as completely emotionless was obviously not.

Ignoring any kind of protest,Sapphire took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Lyrev tightly. He was much taller than her,so the best she could do was bury her face against his chest.

"Don't be an idiot. Of course I'm going to help you. I'm really sorry about your mother,but I don't want you to think that you don't have anyone. You are my friend,and I love you."

She didn't try to hide the affection in her tone this time. Lyrev needed her,and she would be there for her friend. Like always.

Lyrev started to sob against Sapphire's body,ignoring his own shame for allowing her to see him like that. If he couldn't trust Sapphire,he couldn't trust else anyone in the world.

He eventually calmed down and brushed the tears away from his face using the sleeves of his coat. Trying to give his characteristic smirk,he looked down at Val.

"Please don't tell anyone about this. It will ruin my reputation. But really...thank you. You will only see me saying this once,but you are the best person in this world."

He sniffed and leaned against the balcony. He couldn't feel the cold,but imagined it was getting freezy for Sapphire. Taking his coat off,he placed it in her shoulders.

"We should probably go down now. It's getting really cold."

Sapphire adjusted her arms inside Lyrev's coat and sighed with some relief from being able to keep away from the cold.

"Let's get back inside,but I'm keeping you under my sight until you feel better. I want to make sure that you won't jump down this balcony once I turn away."

She walked back inside and dragged Lyrev to a room where she had seen a television. She choose some random channel and allowed it to play as she dragged the demon into the sofa and sat down,still wrapped around him.

Lyrev followed Sapphire to the television room,being uncharacteristically quiet and not complaining at all as she pulled him to the sofa. He felt drained out and a night of no worry seemed like just what he needed. He invoked a bottle of wine and placed it on the table,turning his attention back to the television when he was done.

Dragasis said:
@Yappi did you mute me?
(No it's this thing called sleep and exams xD )

Dragasis said:
- he had heard the howl and reacted without thinking, he tripped after stepping forward do to the chains.. he was going to try to find the wolf and fight but not kill her this quickly ended as if the quick fall to the ground made him realize his mistake- @Yappi @Dalamus Ulom

"What got you so riled up" I say as I walk downstairs and see him falling over. I sit and watch him as I read a book.
Dragasis said:
- he caught the packet and began to feed he coughed and then continued- "... Its strange... and cold.. i like it better cold , the blood that remains inside of a human is.. lumpy and hot"-He looked up at jack and wiped his chin with his finger then sucked a drop of his finger-" Is that a good or bad thing?" @Dalamus Ulom
Jack shrugged

Dragasis said:
- he had heard the howl and reacted without thinking, he tripped after stepping forward do to the chains.. he was going to try to find the wolf and fight but not kill her this quickly ended as if the quick fall to the ground made him realize his mistake- @Yappi @Dalamus Ulom
"Fucking moron."

Yappi said:
(No it's this thing called sleep and exams xD )

"What got you so riled up" I say as I walk downstairs and see him falling over. I sit and watch him as I read a book.
"The little kid howled. That is, I think so,"

"Why would he be interested in a werewolf.. Much less a little kid." I say looking at Jack "Ya know, being immortal has its upsides... Like having all the time in the world to read every book and learn every language" I say jokingly "Then again, over time my mind goes numb"
Yappi said:
"Why would he be interested in a werewolf.. Much less a little kid." I say looking at Jack "Ya know, being immortal has its upsides... Like having all the time in the world to read every book and learn every language" I say jokingly "Then again, over time my mind goes numb"
"Yeah. I've learned quite a few languages, actually,"

"As a traveling pastor up have picked up a... Few. German, French and Celtic. Though I have been researching mostly about demonology but we have such limited knowledge on the things, out of that huge library I only found 2 books" I leaning back
Yappi said:
"As a traveling pastor up have picked up a... Few. German, French and Celtic. Though I have been researching mostly about demonology but we have such limited knowledge on the things, out of that huge library I only found 2 books" I leaning back
"I know many languages, and to many dialects to count, suffice to say." Jack said. "Why would you read, when you have access to two demons. I'm sure if you asked them, they'd answer your questions."
Crowley was finished with his shower, and was getting dressed for the day. As he popped is collar and started to tie his tie, Crowley noticed that his hair was getting a bit darker. But the demon simply shrugged and brushed it off. He figured that it had something to do with the sudden change of environment. He was used to the bustling city of London, not mid-western America. But he couldn't complain about the move, even if it was involuntary. He met a man he loved and gained some new friends, even if one of them is the daughter of the bane of his existence.

"Mephistopheles, you old chap, you've really put the 'devil' back in 'devilishly handsome'." The demon said, as he finished tying his tie and rubbed at his stubble. He sat down on his bed and was about to put on his shoes, until he noticed that they were torn up. "Well fuck. Looks like I'll need to get a new pair." He really needed a smoke too. The devil stood up, set the shoes down on his bed, and walked outside to smoke

@aanyone, really.
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"I don't exactly trust them but I have little choice I guess" I close the book I was reading "I just prefere reading I guess"


I walk downstairs to the basement "Heya AJ, Jack" What are you to up to. I say sitting down and pulling on my hoodie sleeve.
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Of course, as much as he loved being a recluse, Soren couldn't stay in the Library forever. He was pretty sure he fell asleep at some point, waking up with the thick perfumed parchment paper of that damned letter stuck to his cheek.

They seemed occupied so I look for that Vampire... Soren was his name? I walk into the library and I see him. I jump next to him "Hiya, names Harmony" I hold my hand out but he seems very sleep.
Yappi said:
They seemed occupied so I look for that Vampire... Soren was his name? I walk into the library and I see him. I jump next to him "Hiya, names Harmony" I hold my hand out but he seems very sleep.
The vampire listens to the child approach him with an air of almost surreal curiosity. He'd never talked to a child before in his life. "And my name's Soren. Harmony is a very nice name to have."

"Nice to meet ya, and thank you" I say with a smile "So your a vampire? That's neat because I'm a werewolf" I say trying to spark conversation @Xan
Yappi said:
"Nice to meet ya, and thank you" I say with a smile "So your a vampire? That's neat because I'm a werewolf" I say trying to spark conversation @Xan
What Soren wanted to say was something like 'Well, Vampires and Werewolves aren't known for getting along, you know' but what he actually said was, "Not only that but I'm a prince as well." Of course, children like princes and princesses right? Hell if he knew, but he smiled charmingly while he said it at least.

"That's neat" I say thinking about what he wanted to say "What's on your mind?"


"Sure" I stand up and follow him

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