Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Sorin let out a breath, his black hair flopped over his eyes as he stood. He saw Melidiana in a tree, thinking. Pewrhaps she would be better in her room? He thought to himself. He would still have to show all of the other ninja's there room. And it was lucky that Sorin was able to convince Jin into letting them all have seperate rooms. If it woren't for him, they'd all be stuck with sleeping in one bed together. He walkedover to the tree, his ead slightly fogged, but not to mcuh. It took alot more for him to get buzzed. "Would you like me to show you to you're room? Or I could just tell you, but we wouldn't want a repeat of last time."Sorin chuckled, but was somewhat serious at his comment.
Yoi shook her head, "That is fine, no harm done," she said lightly. Asa pranced by her side but with a snap of fingers the pup settled into a peaceful pace as they exited the dining room. "I think we agreed upon the livery however if you have changed your mind we can go elsewhere," she said not having a care either way. Yes Mai was in the stables and she liked to check on her mare in the evening but that could wait.

"Why don't we leave before it gets to rowdy, I hear the gardens are beautiful in the evening or if you are tired I could walk you to your room. Is there a guard posted near your room because we knew need to keep an eye out for that assassin. There has already been two attacks?" Arashi asked offering her his arm.
Mel stuck out her tongue at Sorin. "I can find it myself. Besides, it's nicer outside." She really didn't feel like going back to her room yet. The night sky was clear and beautiful. "I don't want tomorrow to come."
Flower looked at him and then grabbed his arm. "I think I could go for a walk....and I don't think so I can protect myself." She said and then looked at James checking to see if he was ok. He seemed to be and then she looked back at Arashi and smiled. She looked out and then began to walk.

James nodded. "Where ever you want to go." He said and then walked out. He looked back at her and then smiled a bit brighter. (Writers block.)
"Oh so you sleep with your eyes open now," Arashi said with a laugh. "I'm sure they can spare a singular guard just to keep an eye on your tent. I am actually surprised we don't all have a guard of some kind?" he said a look of curiosity falling upon his face. All guests at his family's events had at least a singular guard with them just because dinner likes this were a perfect time to target a person for an assassination. The amount of people could create mass confusion.

"Well I guess we will stick to our original plan, the livery it is," Yoi said beginning to walk towards the exit and into the cool crisp air. She breathed deeply with a smile letting the cold air prick her lungs and cool the welt on her face. She suddenly had an urge to reach back and grab James hand despite the fact that she barely knew him and wasn't even sure how she felt about it him. It just felt right. But she didn't, "The livery is over there," Yoi said her voice wavering in confusion as she pointed.
James looked at her and then smiled but the frowned. "You ok?" He asked looking at her. He smiled lightly and then held out his hand to her. "I mean you sound a bit unsure about something." He said and then tried to look at her face.

Flower looked at him and then smirked. "You'd be surprised." She said and then giggled a bit walking towards the garden. She looked at Arashi and then looked down sighing a bit as se thought about Arson. She turned her head away predending to look at something else.
Yoi nodded, "I'm fine I drank a glass of wine with dinner, a luxury I usually avoid, and I'm feeling the affects," she lied easily, she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because she didn't want him to see her as any weaker than her appearance already made her out to be. Yoi took his hand with a small smile leading him down the well worn path to her favorite place. They entered the mahogany stained livery in a moments and were greeted by the soft sounds of horses.

"Your not okay, before the dinner your laugh was light and uninhibited something is now dragging it down. Was it something I said or was it someone else?" Arashi stopping before they entered the blue and green tinted garden.
Flower stopped and then looked at him. "It's Arson ok..." She looked away. "He's not just a friend....well he is to me told me he was in love with me. I've been feeling guilty ever since I started to really get to know you." She let go of his arm and turned away. "I've known Arson a long time and we are great friends....I've never considered him more but now. Now it's to late he only made my doubts about the wedding worse." She said covering her mouth with her hand. "I feel terrible." she said.

James nodded and then looked around smiling. "So you like it here?" he asked looking at her with a smile. He was pretty happy she took his hand. He looked around smiling. "Sweet." He said chuckling.
"Yeah, you're telling me." Sorin mumbled as he walked away. "Go down three halls, the fifth door on you left." He called back. Going inside, it was preffered that also the Hearts slept in the same building as the rest. Even though he would much prefer his own bed. He walked to his own room. Opening the door an unfamiliar room. Two ninja's were staioned infront of there rooms. Guarding, I suppose. Sorin thought to himself as he made his way to his bed. Laying down he closed his eyes, but sleep didn't come..
Mel had decided to go to her room. When she opened the door, it was dark, but she found her way to the bed and fell face first into clean sheets. Thinking back to the dinner, she was unsettled about Sorin's question about Yin. Fortunately, it didn't seem as though he knew too much. The only good thing about this marriage was that she'd never have to answer to the Thorn's master again. She eventually fell asleep.
Yoi nodded, "You could say its a place of escape," she said running her free hand across the wooden planks. They rhythmic dip and rise of the wood was like the beating of a steady drum leaving her fingers warm and numb. She lifted her hand, changing the path to the place where her mare's brass name plate used to rest. Yoi had had it removed and packed up so she could take it with her.

Arashi listened quietly unsure of his feelings, he was confused by the small swell of anger and jealously that swept across. He had been told to view this marriage as a business agreement and not to take it personally if something like this happened; he was usually better at doing just that. Removing himself from the situation was a strong point of his but in this situation that wasn't happening. Arashi could tell she was upset which only added to his anger, "Whatever you decide, if it makes you happy, I will help you," he said before pausing, gathering his thoughts, then continuing, "this may not be my place but it seems selfish on Arson's part to just spring this on you at a time like this. I am sure he has other redeeming qualities but it sounds as if this statement emerged from desperation. "
Flower looks at him and then smiled lightly. "Thanks....I know it was a bit sudden...I have to say it is causing problems." She said looking at the ground. She looked at him with a smile. "You really are amazing and selfless aren't you." She said with a brighter smile now. He was so kind to her. "I'm sorry....I guess this whole thing has been about me....I'm sorry." She said glancing at the ground.

James looks at her and then blinks. "What are doing?" he asked with a smile. He looked around and then back at her. He wasn't sure how to show her she could be herself around him. Maybe later he'd tell her. Not right now.
Arashi shook his head, "I wouldn't go that far but if that is how you want to think of me I won't object. And don't apology I'm happy to listen, it gives me something to think about," he said as they entered the gorgeous gardens. The vines climbed up trees and statues covering them in beautiful tendrils that blossomed every few feet. The koi pond was moving and swaying with the gold and white fish the inhibited it.

Yoi quickly removed her hand from the wall, "Oh nothing just..." she wasn't sure what to say. In reality she had been thinking but her father always bellowed some garbage like, 'it's a man's job to think' before hitting her and she wasn't sure how James would take it. She hadn't broached even these topics with him yet and a secluded place wasn't the place to make him mad. "I was just looking at Mai," she said finally rounding off her thoughts and releasing his hand to pet her mare. The black horse pressed into her chest nickering softly
James looks at her and then reached to touch her mare. " know you can be yourself around me right? If something is on your mind tell me I'll listen." He said and then sighed deeply. "I do not believe in putting down a women just because she is a women. It is not right." He said and then looked at her. "She's a nice horse."

Flower looked at him and then looked around and then smiled. She walked around and then smiled putting her white hair behind her ear. She looked up at the sky. It was beautiful out, and the moonlight made her hair seem even brighter. She smiled.
Yoi listened quietly to his words and decided to believe them for now. But believing and doing were two different things and right now she was going to deal with the easy stuff so she merely nodded and said "I hear you and appreciate you saying that," clasping her hands and looking up at him before turning back to her mare. "Thank you, her name is Mai and she is my pride and joy," Yoi said running a hand through the mare's mane. "Of course you must have something your proud of."

Arashi walked beside Flower before sitting down on a boulder over looking the koi pond. He patted the space next to him offering her a seat, "You know I have never seen hair like yours, so pure and clear like the moon or the finest silver," he said watching it sway and shimmer in the moonlight.
James looks at her mare. "Not really...I am nothing more then a farmer." He chuckles. "Well I guess I have a german shepherd at home named Dakota. She is the greatest dog in the world. She's not a pure bred so the tips of her ear's droop down and they are really soft. She's is playful and I love to play with her. Mother says it is childish but...I don't care." He looks at her. He smiles and then looks at her mare petting her head gently. "We have a few horses but they are work horses...there is one I ride but he is my dad's." He smiled and then looked at her. " have a dog right...the little one I saw in there?" He asked smiling.

Flower looked at him and sat down beside him. "Thanks." She said with a smile and then looked at him blushing slightly. "That's why my parents called me Flower." She said giggling. She put her hair behind her ears. She grabbed a strand of his black hair. "Flower Full Moon is my full name. I guess my parents were was only luck my dad's last name was moon." She said giggling.
(I think we could probably head back now, I think Fire and I were just killing time and getting to know each others charries. Just let me know when you want a time shift)

Yoi smiled listening to him talk about his family and animals, "To play with a puppy is nothing more than being human and compassionate," as she said this the girl realized she had never once seen her father touch her puppy Asa. She wasn't particularly surprised it just proved her point but she didn't say anything about it. "Your family sounds wonderful and maybe when we return to your home we can go for a ride. The Livery is where I used to spend my time, of course that may change depending on what is expected of me now." She than remembered the question at hand, "Why yes that beige and brown pup is Asa, she must be in the hay right now for she never leaves my side."

"I like it, your name is unique different from everyone else just like your personality and hair. See I match my name Arashi, a simple common name to match my common black hair and simple personality," he said with a laugh. As she touched his hair he couldn't help but feel a small spark between them, unless he was imagining it.
James looks at her and chuckles. "I see." He smiles and then looks around. "Well...I do live on the farm with them but I am really next door. I moved out but you know I love the farm and dad does pay me now. Of course I have other work as well....I think you can work on the farm if you want....take care of the horses and then do harder chores with me and dad. Mom works inside but she comes out to help when she can so you can go inside and help her if you like. Of course it is all up to what you want to could just stay at my house if you wish." He said and then looked at her. "There are lots of stuff you can do." he said with a smile and then stood up. "It's getting late....maybe we should return? I could walk you to your room if you like."

Flower looks at him and then smiles brightly. "Hmm...Well I wouldn't say you are simple. Not at all. You are very interesting in fact." She looked at him and then leaned towards him. "To me you are not one ever is." She said and then patted his head. "Feelings and emotions, your life, your actions make everyone different and no is simple. If so then everyone could read you like a book and that....well that never happens...I mean once you get to know a person you know them well enough, but normaly that's just one side...there is always another side that you never may say one thing but think may think you know someone...and you can think you read them completely but's just one chapter. Um sorry...I hope I'm not confusing you." She said blushing and then looked down.
Arson had been sitting behind a tree doodling on a scratch piece of paper he had found. He stiffened as he heard Flower and Arashi talking. He bit his lip and listened silently as they talked. When Flower started talking about him and what he had told her and how it made her feel guilty he felt a pain rip into his chest. He had made her feel bad. He had hurt her. He stood and began to walk towards the building that they were housed in. Erabella stopped him at the door and raised a dark eyebrow "Eavesdropping, brother?" Arson sighed and shook his head, "I was drawing and they started talking. That's it." He pushed past her and headed up the stairs.
Flower noticed Arson and then stood up. "Arson...." She blinked and then looked at the ground. "Excuse me." She said and then ran off to find Arson. It was kind of hard in her dress but she needed to find Arson and see what was wrong. He was her friend after all.
ERabella stopped Flower at the door. She held her shoulder tight "Leave him be, Flower. I know he's your friend but right now he needs to think over his actions. You're getting married tomorrow and he springed that on you. Yes, I know all about his little crush on you. Go. Be with Arashi."
FLower sighed deeply and then looked at her. "Erabella..." She looked down hiding her face in her hair. "Please don't let him be mad at me...You two....are the only real friends...I don't want to lose that...not now." She looked up at her. "And tell him...Arashi wants to meet him ok?" She said looking at her. She turned and then looked at Arashi. "I need friends....more then ever." she said and then walked back to Arashi.
Yoi smiled as he described the life that could lie before her. All the possibilities of happiness but she knew not get her hopes up, one of many things could happen between now and their journey back to his home. She could discover that he hadn't meant it, or it wasn't his decision and her role was to be described by his family or someone else based on his territory's needs. However for now just thinking about it was enough.

As he offered to walk her back to her room Yoi shook her head vehemently a look of fear flashing quickly than disappearing through her eyes. "Oh no, you don't have to worry about that, no I mean don't concern yourself with that and your right I should be heading home," she said taking a few steps back. Her father would be home and she didn't want James to see his behavior. "Um I had a lovely evening, thank you and goodnight. Asa come," she said with a courtesy, slipping away in a flurry of skirts and a bundle of fur bounding behind her.

As Yoi stepped into her house she could hear her father's bellowing and thunderous steps as he went on a rampage through the house. Of course he had to be standing in front of her bedroom making it impossible to get to her room without the drunk seeing her. Taking a deep breath she scooped Asa into her arms shoving the pup into the folds of her dress, yes there was squirming bulge but her father would be more preoccupied with her tardiness. She hadn't realized how late it had gotten and she should have known better considering the amount of wine her father had consumed. She glided nervously up the stairs and for a moment Yoi thought she had done the impossible, get past her father after curfew. She was wrong, at that moment his beefy fingers gripped her arm wrenching towards him. His hot breath stunk as he slurred something about being late. She tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip digging his fingernails into her skin. He went to slap her for it but missed in his state so he backhanded her instead. The sharp gems of rings left scrapes and Yoi, finally having enough, gripped his wrist twisting and implying pressure to create excruciating pain until he released. The man howled and his guards appeared as he fell to the ground whimpering.

Yoi dashed into her room slamming the door and locking it, she released Asa from her hidden space within her dress and began to change into her night clothes. Her water basin was empty and there was no way she was leaving just to clean up a cut. She refused to touch the hot flesh as she fell into bed her puppy curling up beside her.

"No you aren't confusing me, if anything you are making everything make sense," Arashi said his voice trailing off as he heard something or someone nearby. He looked around trying to spot the potential attacked but Flower beat him to the punch saying something about Arson. It took him a moment to remember but finally he realized this Arson guy was the same one that was in love with her. But before he could say anything Flower had taken off.

He waited nervously, there was an assasin out to get her and she had taken off by herself. Arashi was about to go after her when he saw her coming back through the woods, "Everything okay?"


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