Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Mel sat opposite Sorin, still giggling about the look on Yin's face during her performance. She placed Vash to the right of her. There was a huge smile on her face. Performing in front of an audience was so much more exciting than playing in front of Hikaru and Cas back home.
Sorin chuckled at how happy Mel was. "If this is usually what you do in formal events, then I'm pretty sure that in the middle of the wedding you'll start break dancing." he joked and looked at Mels doll for a second. His black hair splayed across his forhead.
Arashi smiled, "I would like that and I think I'll lead this one" he said taking her hand and leading her out onto the ballroom floor. It wasn't really a waltz or a song that required counting or even dancing for that matter. It was a song where you took that special someone out on the floor and held them, swaying softly, while you whispered in their ear. Mel, his sister, was singing and he was happy that she was showing her true colors. She was a flower ready to bloom and she wasn't wilting under the circumstances. When the song ended Arashi and Flower were directed to their seats, he pulled out the chair for her gesturing for her to take a seat with a silly smile.

Just as Yoi was about to answer a girl made her way onto the stage. It was the same girl who had pushed her into the water earlier and gotten her in trouble. For a moment Yoi boiled with anger but than it faded as the girl sang, "Her voice is beautiful," she whispered not sure who the words were for. At that moment Asa jogged back to her laying down by her feet and giving James a harsh look. As the song ended Yoi turned to James the fan and whatever they had been talking about long forgotten, "I"m afraid I've lost my train of thought," she said softly.
James smiled at her and then nodded. "Come on, they said it was time to eat....maybe we can take that walk later ok?" He said and then tilted his head to the table. "Come on." He said and then started walking to the table. He glanced at her. He was trying to be kind. He wanted to get to know her better though.

Flower smiled at him and then gently sat down. She looked at him. "WHy thank you." She said and then looked around starting to feel a bit nervous. She looked at James who seemed to be feeling the same way. She looked at Arashi.

James walked to the table and then pulled out Yoi's chair. He looked at her and then smiled basicly just copping Arashi thinking it was a good idea. He looked down at the chair and then back at Yoi.
Erabella and Arson were late. Not even fashionably late, they had just barely arrived. The good thing was that they looked nice and weren't as scruffy as they usually looked. Erabella sat as far from her brother as possible when they were seated. She was still mad about the hookah incident. Arson shook his head and turned to see Flower and Arashi coming back from dancing. He glared daggers at the young man. Erabella turned to see her brother glaring again. She smirked, she figured this would be good for him. He needed a little competion here and there.
Flower smiled and then looked to see Arson and waved. She stopped and then looked down seeing he was glaring at Arashi. Suddenly she started to feel guilty. She looked at Arashi and lightly smiled. He wasn't a bad guy at all. He was kind and nice. If she wanted to he said she could have an affair which basicly made up her mind that she wouldn't. She looked at Arson again, yet....she has known Arson for a long time. She would have to talk to him about it later. She smiled at him and pushed her thoughts away to make sure that she was and looked happy.
Yoi sat down lightly Asa at her feet. "Thank you, that walk would be nice, our livery is always kept in tip top condition," she said seeming to find some of her voice. She set her fan down in her lap spreading a napkin over it. Quickly she pulled single pin from her hair letting a tendril fall in front of her face so that it cast a shadow over her face. Asa continually was urging her to be more vocal by sending her courageous vibes and images. "So, uh was your trip here pleasant?" she asked trying to start some small talk.

Arashi nodded before taking his seat across from her. Suddenly he felt a piercing stare in his back and he spun loosening his dagger. He wasn't going to throw it but considering the multiple recent attacks he was on guard. However it was just a guest whose gaze flicked between him and Flower. "Um do you know him?" he asked softly.
Flower looked at Arashi and smiled. "Um yes, he is a dear friend of mine....please don't mind his glaring." She said sighing a bit. She looked at Arashi. "He's a bit....protective." She said. Although that wasn't the real reason he was glaring at Arashi she smiled like it was true. In a way he is being protective right? She leaned back in her chair.

James sat down across from her and nodded. "Yes it was." He looks at her and smiles. "So, tell me about yourself." He asked smiling. He wanted to know as much as he could about her in one night. He stretches out his arms and then looks at her.
Mel smiled mischeviously. "Maybe." She looked around at all the people there. Her breathing got a little short. There sure were a lot of people there.
"Should we go speak with him? Maybe once he meets me he will realize I'm not the jerk or a perv that you were worried about me being," Arashi asked starting to stand. A friend of Flower's was sure to become a friend of his and he hated to start out on the wrong foot. Heck wars had been started over getting off on the wrong foot and that was what this marriage was hoping to avoid.

Yoi couldn't help but notice that James was handsome. Not to be shallow but she had hoped that the man she was to marry would at least be mildly attractive to her, James was more than that and he seemed kind. However her father also seemed kind in public but what went on behind closed doors was harsher and darker. Yoi was caught off guard by the question, in her voice the woman's interests were not a subject of conversation unless you wanted to bore the listener. Of course something about that rule irked her but Yoi complied to it especially since she could feel her parents gaze from a few tables away. "Well I'm sure your story is more interesting to hear than mine, what interests you?" she asked quickly deflecting attention from herself.
(James breaths fire! I know I forgot to put his down)

James looks at her and then looks down. "Well um I love to read and fight sometimes. I love to take walks. I'm nothing special at all. I am a good warrior and I guess I can get nervous around people I don't know. I apologize I didn't talk to you sooner I guess I was to nervous to try. It doesn't help that we are getting married tomorrow. It would be beast to not be toldal strangers either I guess. Well I'm getting alittle off topic here. People say I'm kind and caring and as long as you are with me I prefer you be yourself. I do know I'm probably not the best guy in the world." he sighed leaning back in his chair. "I am a bit of a hopeless romantic so please try and put up with that. If you have something on your mind I'd love to hear it, I am a good listener and people tell me a good shoulder to cry on. My parents are meet farmers so I have learned hard work and how and I love to cook." he said and then looked at her blushing lightly. "Apparently I ramble too." he rubbed the back of his head. ____________________________________

flower looks at him and then sighs. "That might help a bit. However I do not know how he will react." she looked at Arasgi and got up as well. She looked at Arashi and then lightly smiled.
Sorin glanced around at all of the people. Suddenly his arm hurt, not from the ninja star, but that is usually what happenes when he gets nervice. He lightly itched his arm under his sleeve and set his hands gracefully into his lap. "Mel, are you nervise?" He asked after a moment. Glancing at his father who was staring rudely into the meat that was infront of him. He was, to put it lightly, repulsive. The only reaon he became a ninja was because he had a certain amount of ninja energy. Being able to slow down time slightly in a battle. If it weren't for that ability he'd be stuck living with... lardo.
Yoi was shocked by the swell of information. He was so open and honest with her immediately and she wasn't sure she could provide him with the same amount of truth so quickly. However she liked the sound of his voice and for the time being she was happy to just listen, following the swell of emotions in his words for they jumped from place to place.

At the mention of him being a hopeless romantic a small giggle escaped her lips and she smiled but only for a moment. Laughing at a man was punishable by blow in her family and she quickly rearranged her face into one of interest instead of humor. Of course she hadn't been truly laughing at him, in actuality she was over joyed to hear that he was romantic it showed his sensitivity and confidence in his masculinity. As he came to a close Yoi spoke, "Some say rambling is a curse but I disagree. I dare say that I like to hear you ramble."

"I mean we can postpone it to another time if you think it may cause problems," Arashi noticing a bit of hesitation in her voice.
James looks at her and then smiled a bit. "Um yeah thanks." He said and then rubbed his head. He looked at her and then smiled. He was happy she liked something about him.

Flower looked at him and then smiled. "Yeah maybe later." She said and then looked at the ground. She was very confused by the whole thing. She smiled but it was a fake smile.
OOC: Just making sure, no one is going to marry themselves, right? lol

IC: "I know what you meen." He mumbled as a man rung a bell and some people dug in, while other just starfedat all the food. Sorin himself wasn't hungry, instead he just gazed at the food. "If you wait a little while for people to drink there wine, then you could be able to sneak out without anyone noticing. That's what I'm going to do later." Sorin said, as he took a sip of his own wine. Jin had always loved to celabrate.

OC: And remeber parallel universe, it's ok for kids under 21 to drink. Just not as much. :P
Mel looked at the wine and took a sip. Immediately she stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Ugh. It tastes awful." She pushed around the food on her plate.

(Is this going to be a fairly short or long story? Because if it's going to be long I think it'd be cool for the ninjas to find out the plans of the masters, escape before they are killed and get declared traitors. This is only a suggestion though. It'd be okay for you to just ignore it.)
OOC: Actually amdreams, that is what I was thinking of doing. But they would have to get married first... :P

IC: "Yeah, I wouldn't recomend wine if you haven't really tasted it yet." Sorin said and glanced around. Jin was laughing while Kilana had her usual dont give a shit expression. While Yin was red in the face with a little anime rage sign on his forhead. "You know, I don't see how you could be able to live without being killed." Sorin said, reffuring to Yin's short temper.
Mel froze a bit and gripped her arm tightly. But soon she looked at Sorin with a bright smile on her face. "Yeah. Yin loses his temper a lot, but it's nothing I can't handle."
Yoi nodded but bfore she could say anything a dish was placed in front of her. It was small and contained only a seaweed salad, she blushed deeply cutting a look at her parents. They constantly pestered her about staying thin and how no man wanted a large woman, a woman bigger or stronger than him so she must always remain petite and weak hiding her talents. She picked up her chopsticks and carefully began to eat. Asa nosed her for scraps but she doubted the small dog would want the food before her even if there was enough to share. "Is the rest of your family present this evening?" Yoi asked searching for a topic of conversation.

Arashi nodded, "Very well but I hope I have done nothing to displease him. I hate to start off on the wrong foot," he paused after saying this. "Wow I sound so pretentious and annoying when I go to these dinners," he said with a small but hearty laugh.
James looks at her and then shook his head. "Yeah....they are over there." He pointed a the two happy couple talking to each other. They were laughing. James smiled. "Well at least they like these kind of dinners." He said and then looked at Yoi. He looked at her plate and then looked at her. He leaned back wondering with she would want more.

Flower looked at him and smiled. She looked away frowning so he didn't see it. "Um..." She looked at him. "I think he will warm up to you. I know I have." She said and then looked down at her food. She wasn't very hungry suddenly.
After 30 minutes almost everyone seemed confortingly drunk. Sorin sliently stood up, glancing around, and luckily no one really saw him get up. He turned and walked out quietly to get away from everything. He made his way outside, sitting on a rock. He had always found rocks more comfortable then chairs, even though it didn't seem as thlugh it were likely.
After Sorin's lead, Mel also escaped the dining hall. Her breathing was still a little heavy but after a while, she calmed down. She found herself outside, climbed into a tree nearby and began thinking. She had seen her father and stepmother at the banquet. They seemed to be having a good time. She also saw Arashi with his bride to be, Flower. They looked like they were having fun too. It seemed like everyone was leaving her.
Yoi pushed her salad around eating it slowly as the dinner passed all the while making small talk with James. *He was so open, answering all of her silly questions with a smile. Unless of course it was all a lie and ploy that he put on for everyone. But Yoi didn't think so he was so kind and she was pretty good at reading people. She noticed a few people leaving the table and could tell her father was drunk. If she stayed here much longer he might do something rash if she made the slightest "mistake". "If you are done dining we could leave," Yoi said some what anxious to get out.

*(I can edit this out if you want I just thought it kind of fit and I wanted to get away from the dinner)

Arashi noticed the subtle shift in mood or maybe he was just imagining it. He had only met this girl who was he to say what she was thinking or feeling but something had changed. He smiled at the compliment, "Well I am glad I have exceeded your incredibly low expectations of me being a horrid monster," he said still trying to bring back her smile which kept vanishing.

James looked at her and then nodded. "Alright." He got up and then held out his arm to her. "That walk?" He asked with a wide smile. He looked as his dad leaned on him. He was slightly buzzed and had a headache. "Why do I have a headache?" He asked James and then looked to his wife. "Come on Dear let's go home." He smiled at his wife and then leaned on her. "Goodnight James....have a good time. But not to good!" He said and then laughed as James blushed. Once they left James looked at Yoi. "Sorry about that." He said rubbing his head.

Flower looked at him and then smiled. "That's not exackly expected that at was just worry." She said smiling at him. She stood up and then looked around seeing a few people were slightly drunk. Maybe it was a good time to leave. She looked at him and then smiled but lightly.

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