Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}


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In a parallel universe of our own, lay Japan. In the late day of Decmber 14th, a treaty was made. From the Ninja Clans, Roses, Thorns, and Hearts. All strong and cunning in there own special way. These children are forced to be wed, to keep a treaty needed for the Clans. The town of Ginak, they meet. The master of the Thorns, Yin Lung. The Master of Hearts, Jin Loke. And the mistress of Rose, Kilana Likera.

Yin is known for his short temper and skill with poison. Jin, know for a soft heart, and deadly with a blade. Kilana, the youngest one. Known for her beuty and sick obsession with cutting out her victim's tounge. These are the master's, each majorly skilled with death. When the weddings are finished, and the treatie is made. The master's are in war with eachother again, and a war is unfolding. When the children must leave the clans, for there own clan is conniving to kill them. Will they run forever from there past, or face it head on?

___ ____

___This is the plot guys, but we will start role-playing in the clans____

I'll make a post later on, but I'm kinda over run right now.
Erabella and her brother, Arson, sat in a small grove that lay in the middle of the forest that lay to the east of The Ninja Clan of Roses. Erabella lay out her daggers and swords carefully picking one as her brother shot arrows at the burlap sack full of straw that made their target. Erabella chose a small, light, yet sharp dagger and shoved her brother out of the way. She tossed the dagger and cursed as it just sliced the side of the target's head.
Flower was walking around the Roses village. She looked around and smiled waving at a few people. Her friend was walking beside her. She pushed her hair behind her ear as she looked around. She was to join Erabella and Arson. Her friend was just tagging around. She followed into the forest looking for them.
Erabella glanced up to see one of her and Arson's good friends, she also happened to be one of the people who would bond the three ninja clans. After retrievng her dagger she ran a hand through her dark hair and spoke "Hey, Flower." Arson just stood there, dumbstruck by the Flower's beauty as he always was when she came around. He came out of his stupor and grinned "Miss Flower." He said and gave a mock bow.
Flower's friend giggled and Flower looked at her. She looked at the two. "Erabella, Arson." She smiled at them and then walked over. SHe looked at their target and pulled out a knife throwing it and hitting it perfectly at the bull's-eye. "Nice target." She smiled at them. "How are you guys doing so far?" She asked with a smile.
Erabella groaned "I'm doing terribly." She tossed her knife again. It lodged in the dummy's shoulder and Erabella groaned again. Arson nodded "She's sucking but I'm doing awesome." He raised an eyebrow at Flower's friend "Who's your friend, Flower?"
The girl waved. "Stacy." She said and then smiled a bit. She looked at Flower and then at Arson.

Flower looked at Stacy. "SHe's a friend of mine. I'm sorry to hear you're not doing well Erabella." She sighed and then looked at the target. She looked at Arson and then smiled. "Want to show me just how well you're doing?" She asked and then looked at Erabella thinking of how to help her.
Arson shrugged and lifted his bow. He sot and landed the arrow right in the middle of the dummy's 'heart', a plastic bag filled with red wine.

View attachment 2903(Sorry if I got this wrong but this is what I saw when I read the descriptions of the masters. I tried to give them a mark of their clans but making a rose simple is hard so I used a flower. Hope this is okay.)

Meanwhile in the outskirts of the Thorn clan territory . . .

View attachment 2904
Flower giggled and then looked at him. "Oh that's funny." She looked at the target and then looked at Stacy who threw a knife but only hit the shoulder. Flower smiles. "You're getting better." She said to her friend and then held up anothing throwing knife. "Hmmm....Forehead." She said throwing the knife and then it hits the forehead.
Erabella picked up on of her heavier knives and tossed it. She grinned when it hit Arson's arrow, splitting in two. Arson groaned "Bella! That was one of my good arrows!"
Flower looked at Arson. "I have some arrows at home if you need more." She said and then looked at Erabella and then smiled. "Great job." She looked at Stacy who was just silently watching. She looked at the target and then drew her sword. She threw her sword in a way that made it spin. She cut the target in half. "Um I'll have to get you a new target." She said rubbing her head.
Erabella shrugged "I can just make a new one." She rolled up her sheet of knives. She stuffed it in her shoulder bag and slung it over her head. Arson got his bow and began the walk back to town.
Flower looked at them and then grabbed her knifes and sword. She sheathed her sword and knives. She ran and then caught up to them. "Come on Stacy." Stacy ran after Flower. Flower looked at them and then put her hands behind her back. "..." She wasn't sure what to do now. "Um so you guys had lunch yet?" She asked and then walked beside Arson.
((amdreams! That is hilarious! And the ninja masters, they are perfect! Good description, are you a comic artist or something?))

~*In Ninja Clan of Hearts:

Sorin sat, picking at his nails with his blade. His shaggy white hair splayed across his forhead as the sun beat down. The weddings were soon, and he was ot happy at all. In fact he scorned the idea of being forced to wed. The only true one he ever actually loved was Yoi, but she never really noticed him. And now she was also to be wed off to James, belonging to the ninja clan son of Roses. And I was to be wed off to Melidianna Cain, apart of the ninja clan of Thorns. Jin was coming my way, his light blonde hair up with his usual comoanion, a yellow like bird following him.

"Sorin, the chosen are leaving at dawn tommorow. I know you do not wish to be aart of this, but you are one of the best." He said, looking down at me with soft eyes. How he ever became a ninja master was beyond me. He was to soft, or acted to soft. One of the two. "Get some sleep." His soft voice ordered, or more sounded like a sugestion. But the last thinbg he wanted to do was get on his bad side, so he stood and made his way to his house like cabin.*~

~*In Ninja Clan of Roses:

Kilana made her way into the forest, the sun was setting and tommorow would be a long day. She still had to pick who would come along with herself, Flower Full Moon, and James. She let out a sigh and came into a clearing where Flower Full Moon and some of her friends were practicing. "Good to know that you are practicing." Her voice came out smooth as she tucked her hands inside her kimono. "Flower, you must sleep. Tommorow is a huge day for you." She said, glancing at her friends. "They may come if you wish, but be in mind that they will help guard you." Kilana inquired and turned around. Summoning her powers, and disapeared in a slight fog.
arson shook his head as Erabella spoke "Nah, we've been out here since sunrise." She looked back and made sure no one was following them, or had gone into the grove. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled it back in a ponytail. Arson grinned as Flower stood next to him.
Flower looked at see Kilana and then looked at the ground. "Oh ok." She said and then smiled looked at Arson and Erabella and then looked at the sky. She didn't know it had gotten so late. She sighed and then turned to head back to her house. "You guys going to be joining us tomorrow?" She asked hoping they would come. She smiled and then looked out towards her house again.
Arson and Erabella looked at each other and then at Flower. Erabella shrugged and Arson nodded. This was their telepathic twin talk that they did. Erabella and Arson spoke at the same time "Yeah."
(to Sullenkiller, thank you for the compliment. I'm a budding comic artist and still a novice.)

In the Thorn clan:

Mel was standing in front of Yin, who had found her and the others dancing in the forest. He was obviously angry.

"You are representing the clan of the Thorns, act like such! All this dancing and music will make the other clans look down on us! They'll think we are weak!If only you put in half the effort Arashi does in his training! It is the destiny of every ninja here to bring glory to the Thorn clan, and your meaningless hobbies are getting in the way of that! You-" Furious, he stormed off without finishing his last sentence.

All the while, Mel stared at the floor and when he was gone she punched at the wall. Her fist stung and started to bleed. She was never strong without a weapon. Maybe if she had trained more, that would've been fixed. She went outside and sat under a nearby tree. Trying her best to hold back tears, she began thinking. She liked music and performing. What was wrong with that? People could be well rounded right? And all this destiny and fate stuff made her sick. If what we're meant to be is set in stone, what is the point of being born?

(I hope 14hca14 comes on soon. It's a bit embarrassing talking to myself.)
Flower smiled at them "Good." sighed thinking about the wedding suddenly. "..." She looked down as it suddenly hit her. She never wanted this, she wanted to marry for love not being forced to. She looked at them again and then frowned. "Well um...I'm sorry I can't take you guys got to get food....I'll see you later ok?" She said.
Erabella and Arson waved as they walked into the loacal bar. They sat at a table and ordered some food. Erabella ate almost all of her food, saving the rest for later. She stood and Arson stood with her, they headed back to their house where their parents were waiting.
(Okay I'm here but sadly I won't be on much tomorrow)

Yoi sat quietly in her bed chambers. It was merely a few hours before she was to travel to the Rose Clan and meet her future husband. This marriage would bring but would it be at the expense of her happiness? Sighing she padded over to her window and slipped out of it. She could use her door but this was more interesting. Anyway she wanted to see her home one more time before she left it.

Arashi moved lithely through shadows, his sensei had scolded his walking patterns. He said that Arashi's steps disrupted the ancestors and would one day make him an ancestor before his time. He held a gleaming dagger in his teeth, the hilt elegant laced with silver and stones adding heft and class to the weapon. Of course he preferred something lighter and more practical but apparently that wouldn't do. The son of the Thorn Clans Leader was to be admired and glamorous, not practical.
(Maybe......we should reconsider who marries who...because both my characters were to be married to 14ca14's. O.o ')

Flower rolled onto her side, she looked at the darkened sky. It was nightfall. She sighed and then sat up crossing her legs as she looked out her window. She sighed deeply troubled about her arranged marrage. She pushed her white hair behind her ear as she thought aout who she was to be wed to. Arashi from the Thorn Clan. She pulled her kneess to her chest and hugged them.
(Lol! Just noticed that, kk, I'll re-write the matches. Check the character sign-up board for you're new matches!)

Jin wondered about, his yellow bird laying on his shoulder, asleep. He notice Yoi sneaking out her window, no doudt thinking of tommorow. Solin had gone to his room, and is still asleep, he hoped. When Yoi finally got to the ground Jin stood behind her and lightly put his hand on her shoulder. "Thinking of tommorow, I suppose." He returned his hand and his bird chirped in annoyance at being awoken.

(Lol, you captured Yin perfectly, amdreams!)

--- Merged Double Post ---

OOC: I can't change the matchess, I tried but this is the best... Or amdreams would have to marry herself and I don't want her to do that. LOL
Erabella and Arson walked into their house and passes right by their parents, who were eating supper at the dinner table. Erabella slammed the door to her room and grabbed a pair of silk pajamas. She beat Arson to the shower and Arson stood there pouting. Once Erabella had cleaned up and exited the bathroom, she ran to her room. Arson and herself would be up early tomorrow if they were to go with Flower.

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