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Fandom ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐จ๐ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐จ๐ | asoiaf / hotd based group roleplay

  • intro

    blood of my blood

    game of thrones


    he Fourth Dornish War having just been concluded, and The Targaryen family reunited in Kingโ€™s Landing upon their return from a victorious war in which no men were lost, life in Kingโ€™s Landing resumes once more. The Small Council takes its place to advise the newly returned King, bringing with them their families and Knights.

    However, the threat of retribution from Dorne hangs heavy in Kingโ€™s Landing, the death of the Prince of Dorne at the hands of the Targeyrans making them a target for the Kingdomโ€™s ire. While the Kingโ€™s various unwed children, have become targets of a different kind, of various lords and ladies who wish to tie themselves to the Targeyran family in whatever means possible.

    Rumblings of another Faith Militia uprising from deep in The Riverlands have started to reach The Crownlands as well. Rumors of some hybrid religion of The Seven and The Old Gods, that wishes to return The Seven Kingdoms to how they were before The Conqueror Came. Though no proof of this group or leader has yet materialized, another Faith threat settles ill with most lords.

    Peace has come to The Kingdom, but for how long ?

    - - - - -

    This will be A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon based roleplay. While the roleplayโ€™s setting is primarily influenced by the books, we will be using elements from the shows as well to supplement and fill in gaps.

    Taking place a little over fifty years before The Dance of Dragon, we will focus primarily on the time of King Jaeherys. Which means dragons are plentiful within the Targeyran family. I will be using the canon Targeyran family for this roleplay, along with some supplemental original ones as well. No Targaryen player characters at this time. However, all player characters do not need to be known canon characters. Though they will need to be from known canon houses in The Seven Kingdoms if they are from one at all.

    All player characters need to have a reason to be in King's Landing. Whether they be on the Small Council, related to a council member, a ward, a friend, spy, etc. You are encouraged to make families for your characters, or adapt canon ones for this time period. Your characters should all have motivations as well, which they should try and further being so close to royalty and power.

    This roleplay will primarily focus on politics, intrigue and relationships of those living in Kingโ€™s Landing. Though the roleplay will branch out beyond there, as time goes on. Further, we will be able to focus on plots and relationships back in the homes of our characters often as well. The events moving forward in the roleplay will be primarily non-canon events, made up for the sole purpose of the roleplay. With some canon events that could be adapted.




in the game of thrones

you either win or you die


fantasy, historical, politicial



spots open







โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Iโ€™m interested in this marvel !
sadly, I can't join this rp atm. however, I would love the follow the plot. everything sounds so interesting! great job on the idea
Here are some Houses I'd recommend people look at to make characters off of. They are either important / powerful houses or ones that are interesting but haven't been touched on as much in the shows. A lot of great information on the A Wiki of Ice and Fire

Stark - Lord Paramounts

Bar Emmon

Baratheons - Lord Paramounts

Tyrell - Lord Paramounts

Lannisters - Lord Paramounts

Tully - Lord Paramounts

Arryn - Lord Paramount
Arryn of Gulltown

Dorne - Please note Dorne is not part of The Seven Kingdoms at this time
Martell - Prince/ss of Dorne
I love me some Game of Thrones. Might I join?

Also, I'd love to play a maester, would that be possible?
I'm so wildly down for a non-Targ ASOIAF roleplay! Given the fact that all the characters need to have reason to be in Kings Landing does that mean we could apply for council positions or would you prefer those remain as the canon houses holding them and can multiple people apply for a House so if let's say Massey/Manderly/Redwyne Master of Ships with the consent of that player could have siblings/wards and such? Are players allowed multiple characters?

(Apologies if that was covered in the post, I saw that this is application based and about the discord but the code is a tad hard to read on mobile and I do not have access to my laptop rn but really wanted to express interest as Dorne is my favourite region but I also find every other region really unexplored in a roleplay context!)

Going to be very hard to choose where to go with it as I'm eyeing up Manderly, Westerling, Bracken, Royce and Hightower as very cool Houses. Hightower's have been my favourite ever since Leyton and his mad daughter got a mention but there's really cool stuff to explore with the others too given Westerling's date back to the first men but are pretty poor so there's a lot of ambitious scheming you can do there - Manderly is just a cool thing with former Reach and now seven worshippers in the North. Bracken is a classic for the Riverlands as you get free drama and Royce's magical bronze armour that each wearer of it has died in is very silly but very fun. Also classic Darklyn Kingsguard option.

Just wanted to say which ones I was interested in just in case someone else wanted to apply for one of those with very specific ideas in mind as I'd hate to step on any toes! Sorry for the absolute word vomit just really the sort of roleplay i've been hoping would come around.

๐Ÿ‘€ watching this roleplay with great interest!
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I'm so wildly down for a non-Targ ASOIAF roleplay! Given the fact that all the characters need to have reason to be in Kings Landing does that mean we could apply for council positions or would you prefer those remain as the canon houses holding them and can multiple people apply for a House so if let's say Massey/Manderly/Redwyne Master of Ships with the consent of that player could have siblings/wards and such? Are players allowed multiple characters?

(Apologies if that was covered in the post, I saw that this is application based and about the discord but the code is a tad hard to read on mobile and I do not have access to my laptop rn but really wanted to express interest as Dorne is my favourite region but I also find every other region really unexplored in a roleplay context!)

Going to be very hard to choose where to go with it as I'm eyeing up Manderly, Westerling, Bracken, Royce and Hightower as very cool Houses. Hightower's have been my favourite ever since Leyton and his mad daughter got a mention but there's really cool stuff to explore with the others too given Westerling's date back to the first men but are pretty poor so there's a lot of ambitious scheming you can do there - Manderly is just a cool thing with former Reach and now seven worshippers in the North. Bracken is a classic for the Riverlands as you get free drama and Royce's magical bronze armour that each wearer of it has died in is very silly but very fun. Also classic Darklyn Kingsguard option.

Just wanted to say which ones I was interested in just in case someone else wanted to apply for one of those with very specific ideas in mind as I'd hate to step on any toes! Sorry for the absolute word vomit just really the sort of roleplay i've been hoping would come around.

๐Ÿ‘€ watching this roleplay with great interest!
Hi there, thank you so much for your interest ! I love the Targs, but I think shifting the focus to those around them will be more fun for all.

You can absolutely apply for council positions. Obviously people on the council should be of appropriate age / rank. However, you can also state that your character's brother, father, cousin, etc. is on there as well. Especially as you'll be allowed to play the entire house. It does not need to be the canon houses holding them at the time.

Yes, multiple people can apply for a House ! Or have connections to the same house. Such as a Tarly that is being warded by a Redwyne at King's Landing and there's a Redwyne character. Obviously, people with connections like that would need to work together to make sure timelines matched up. So if someone makes a character you want to make a sibling / relation of just talk to them.

Technically, yes. You'll be able to play your character's entire family, should you like as side characters, of course. If people want to apply for more than one character they can but it'd be after the profile for the first character is done.

I will be posting the apps and making the discord this evening ! But if you have anymore questions in the meantime please let me know !
Sketching out two characters whilst I decide which I'd want to apply with and with the whispers of a new faith brewing wanting to go back to the andal/first-men/pre-targ ways with a combination of old and new faiths are some characters expected to be involved in that from the start or would you prefer that's more of a plot/reactive thing?
Sketching out two characters whilst I decide which I'd want to apply with and with the whispers of a new faith brewing wanting to go back to the andal/first-men/pre-targ ways with a combination of old and new faiths are some characters expected to be involved in that from the start or would you prefer that's more of a plot/reactive thing?

Completely up to the players. People can start off with characters involved, in which I'll give them additional info / work with them on the new faith or can develop into it.
Apps are now open
app thread is here. please no placeholder apps, they will not be considered.
happy to answer any questions anyone has in the meantime.

year at the start of rp will be 83 AC if that helps anyone !
never has master of laws been a more popular position, poor rest of the council! Very curious as to what other positions are popular as I really thought people would go for Coin and Whispers.
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everyone wants to be master of laws until the king has an unpopular opinion and then you're blamed for it ๐Ÿ˜‚
Ser Theomore Manderly is currently greatly regretting his life choices ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ knew I should have gone for coin but if both myself and Reyne are accepted the funniest thing can happen to poor Willam who just never gets that promotion, Willam out here full of self pity for being a third son and he's doubled that - Queen Alysanne should have gone to Castamere before she decided to give Theomore shit for having such a big family.
I honestly forgot that master of laws was even a thing before I checked the wiki when I started writing my character. I can't believe that three different people choose to make characters involving that position in some way.
Regali Regali
Honestly, it's a relativity minor aspect of my character (and was never really meant to be anything more than a pipe dream). If you want I could change it to make him want to be captain of the guard or something else.

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