Blood Is The Best Revenge **wolf rp**


One Thousand Club

Alpha male- Ryo

Alpha female- searching...

Alpha's pups- ...

Deputy- Arashi

Deputy's mate- searching...

Deputy's pups- ...

Territory- a lush green territory, full of large lakes and streams with many fish, and many animals to hunt and feast upon.

Number of pack members- 4


Alpha male- searching...

Alpha Female-Yumi

Alpha's pups- ...

Deputy- Sayomi

Deputy's mate- searching...

Deputy's Pups-...

Territory- a rocky mountain, full of animals to hunt, but the rockiness of the terrain makes it hard to hunt.

Number of pack members- 4

**Form 4 adults**




Personality- (meet me is fine)

Looks- (pictures are accepted)


Powers- (only 3)






Other- (anything i missed??)

**Form for pups**





Powers- (only 3)



Litter mates-

Looks- (pictures are accepted)

Personality- (meet me is fine)

Other- (anything i missed??)

My Wolves :) <3

♥♥Sasaki Pack♥♥


Age- 4 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Sasaki Pack

Powers- Electrisity, shadows, and mind control

Rank- alpha male

Crush- no

Mate- no

Pups- no

Siblings- smiles its a secret > :)

Other- no

Name- Arashi

Age- 3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Rank- deputy

Powers- speed, ogility, toxic soliva

Pack- Sasaki pack

Crush- no...

Mate- no

Pups- NO!

Siblings- ....

Other- nope

Name- Daichi

Age-3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me... i dare you > :D


Pack- Sasaki Pack

Powers- Dagger Claws (?) amazing hearing, and expert vision

Rank- pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- nope


Other- nope

Name- Kite

Age- 2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me ;)


Pack- Sasaki pack

Powers- Beauty, strength, and screech

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope...

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting....


Other- nope....

XKato PackX

Name- Yumi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Powers- teleportaztion, Ice, and unusually large teeth

Rank- alpha Female

Crush- no

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- Sayomi

Other- no

Name- Sayomi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato oack

Powers- Shape shifting and fire

Rank- Deputy

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- yumi

Other- no

Name- Chi

Age-2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Powers- Night

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Kyo

Other- nope

Name- Kyo

Age- 2 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Powers- strength, & rage

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Chi

Other- nope


1- be respectful of other members

2- do not control another members characters

3- when having romance (if you know what i mean) say FADES TO BLACK

4- Make a wolf for each pack

5- put snow flakes at the bottom of your form if you read the rules

6- when fighting an alpha, you win if I say so, You lose is I say so

7- do not fade to black with your own wolves

8- do not come pregnant

9- Have fun!!!

Story line

Sasaki Pack and Kato Pack have a horrible hatred with eachother, why? because.Once long ago Ryo and Yumi were mates, they had four pups. but one day Ryo was caught sneaking out to visit a female rouge. she was pregnant with his pups. Yumi was so hurt, but after pain come hatred, she was so enraged, she went out one night and murdered the female. Ryo didn't know she did it. he was so hurt. he didn't eat for a long while, then he found out Yumi killed her. he was engaged like Yumi had been but worse, due to his rage, he took the lives of his own flesh and blood... his pups. Yumi was heart broken, she left Ryo to start a new pack. she left with her sister Sayomi, & sayomi's best friend Chi & her brother Kyo.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Yumi laid on a log on paw dangling off and she watched the grass blow slowly through the wind, she sighed and licked at her pad like she did when she was nervous or upset
Fang stumbled out of a bush laying in front of Rho."ops .."she said staying down so she didn't seem like a threat
Ryo examines the rounge fae and circles her slowly baring his sharp teeth slightly, Arashi, Daichi & kite slowly begine to circle the fae aswell, smirks of delight & passion cloud their eyes

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ryo- "who are you Fae?" he growled lowering his head so he was nose to nose with the fae
Fang looked at him very scared. "Um..ok? "She put her tail between her leg's kinda worried what he was grinning about.
( So is Mai Alpha Female ? )

Syon scanned the forest, looking for a meal to bring back to the pack. There was a cool wind blowing and the sky was slowly darkening. He needed to get to his pack before it got too late. She heard a rush of footsteps, and his ears pricked up. Hopefully, he could find a good meal. He wandered deeper into the forest, hoping for the best. He had traveled quite a ways, and was slightly weary, but had to continue on. He proweled deeper into the forest and soon stumbled onto a green meadow. It was beautiful. Full of lakes and great places to lay under the sun. Maybe he could claim this as thier new territory! He looked again, spotting a deer ( I dunno, some animal ) And drifted nearer and nearer. Then he stopped dead in his travcks, and sniffed the air. No,no,no,no this cant be Sasaki territory! It just cant be.... He had forgotten everything about them on the long journey, now remembering the boundries. He looked around quickly not seeing anyone. He slowly began approaching the animal once more until ...SnAp.... A growl from behind the tree line came out of nowhere, out popping a Sasaki wolf. Syon lowered his ears and tail whimpering, as to beg for mercy.
Syon bowed, hoping he would not hurt him, but Syon knew he wasnt really a good fighter. Really, he only battled with his meals, since they werent really a threat. Knowingothing else would work, he growled, bared his teeth and ran towards Ryo, knowing he would probably die..
Ryo let out a savage growl and ran at Syon, he slammed his paws onto his chest knocking him onto his back, he bare dhis teeth in Syon's face growling fericly. Arashi smirks and growled loudly "pesky pup." he growled loudly "you dont know who you are dealing with."
A tear gathered in Syons eye. His mother and father, killed by Sasaki wolves, came to mind.. maybe it is fate, sending me to die here, or god, calling me to my parents.. he thought. He yelped loudly, out of breath. He wiggled under his paw, and bit him on his neck. Syon was scared, knowing he shouldnt of done that. Maybe death was a better option, considering he was really no help to the pack, just more of a slave,sent to do the bidding. But he remembered, killing off so many other animals with only little strength. He tried, as hard as he could, bitting deeper into Ryos neck. This wouldnt kill him, nor hurt him very much probably, but he still did it, to prove himself to his parents and pack.
Ryo snarled and knocked Syno off his throat then bit onto the brutes throat the taste if blood poured into his mouth, he put his paws on Syno's chest and dragged sharp nails down his belly leaving large gashes and blood seeped out slowly

Kite watched as the brute struggled against Ryo's will but Ryo wasn't budging. she felt pride of being in such a powerful pack, her pack leader successfully demonstrating on how to kill such puny wolves.

Arashi and Daichi watched with smirks as the brute's blood poured onto the stones. "you should have ran. we would have let you live." he growled into the brutes ear.

Ryo finally let the brutes throat go, he had punctured his wind pipe, and he watched as blood poured out from his mouth and nose, but mostly from his gashed up stomach and ripped open throat. he watched the brute wees for breath but couldn't seem to find any. he laughed at the tortured victim
Syon, although struggling to keep alive, with no fight left in him.. Cried... He weaped, but in a strong way. He saw his life, flash before his eyes, even parts he didnt remember. Then he had one last thought, and said it allowed. " I am young.... My parents loved me... Why did you kill them, you horrible, puny coward? How do you live with yourself, wasting poor souls? You, do not deserve to live..." He panted his last breath, And smiled happily up at the sky... He could finally see his parents....

( Omg i am crying right now litteraly.. LOL.. i get way 2 emotional.. )
Ryo smirked as this brute died slowly he bent down and growled into his ear before he died "because your the son for cowards." he back up slowly and watched the brute die.

Kite was amused this feeling of power washed over her, she tipped her head back and howled, Ryo, Arashi, and Daichi tipped their head back and howled with her, amusement clouded their eyes.
( Ok so, can Mai walk in.. What rank is she anyways. )

Mai, just coming back from a nice walk watched as a young member of the Kato pack was dying. She was apart of the pack, and couldnt change that, uless she dropped out, endangering her life, really. She didnt like watching all these innocent wolves die. She could understand if he randomly attacked Ryo, but her ears picked up what he said to him and she was ashamed to have him as alpha. He walked over to the dead wolf. He was smiling, she could tell. This made a tear come to her eye, but she wiped it quickly, not wanting Ryo to see. She didnt howl like the others. Instead she decided she was going to take off in the night, and explain to Katos Pack. She knew they wouldnt attack her, as she came from a brutal pack.
Once Syno had departed to the world above a pup walked over slowly followed my a beautiful Black, brown, white, and gray fae "you were murdered by a brute that's full of hate and despite. i was the mother of his pups, i was murdered out of cold blood." she said softly but bitterly "and i was murdered buy that brute that i had once called my father." the pup growled "i was murdered out of fear, and out rage. i had barley lived." he said and looked into Syno's eyes. "be happy with what you have done with you life, because i could have ended at any moment." the fae said then stepped aside allowing Syno to enter the world above officially.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ryo stopped howling and smiled at Mai gesturing for her to follow him, he padded off towrds the lake, he stopped at the lakes side he sat down over looking lake as the stars and moon light shimmered off of it.

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