[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread


Malevolent Entertainer
It's nice to have some OOC that's not buried in a sub-forum. ^_^

Also, dear ST, allow me to introduce you to the beauty of the [ spoiler= ] tag.

This is an IC post:


Her shoe touched gently on his chest, bound to the chair.

When she pressed slightly, he could feel the stiletto heel trying to pierce is heart, as well as his balance shifting backwards, towards a painful fall.

Spoiler: using Irresistible Kinky Bondage Technique, spending 10 motes from my Sex Overdrive pool.


This keeps everything Veeery clean, with just that subtle dirty that we all like. :twisted:
This post has officially become the first of many of Sexalted, a game we have all wanted to try out at onetime or another:-)
Sherwood said:
This post has officially become the first of many of Sexalted, a game we have all wanted to try out at onetime or another:-)
Mmmmh, I'd love to show you the logs of a few IM games of ours, but they're strictly classified material.

XXX classified. :twisted:

On another note, you can't complain that EotFS doesn't have sex. ^_^
I am well aware of the spoiler tag and have used it before. :)

And to thank you, here's a movie.
Honestly, I don't oppose sex in my games as long as it has a point. The first edition Lunars book had a huge spread on rape alone. Eh, not that there's a point to rape. :oops:
So, do we have second Airbender thingy?

I'd have troubles with rape in a game.

And not because it is sex, but because it is violence.

In EotFS we already experimentally pushed the limits of violence and cruelty beyond discomfort zone, it was interesting but not vital for the game.

Regarding sex, I agree that it's good when it has a meaning.

I have not much experience in using sex as a plot device, and I am still afraid that it would be cheesy, but I have a couple of funny ideas boiling in my head.
xarvh said:
So, do we have second Airbender thingy?
Yes! It's called Legend of Korra.

xarvh said:
I'd have troubles with rape in a game.

And not because it is sex, but because it is violence.
That's exactly what it is. And it shouldn't be comfortable.

xarvh said:
In EotFS we already experimentally pushed the limits of violence and cruelty beyond discomfort zone, it was interesting but not vital for the game.
Watching relationships form are fun. Knowing if characters are bouncing in the bedrooms isn't necessary.

xarvh said:
Regarding sex, I agree that it's good when it has a meaning.
And that's one ingredient towards having some good times in the sack. Meaning.

xarvh said:
I have not much experience in using sex as a plot device, and I am still afraid that it would be cheesy, but I have a couple of funny ideas boiling in my head.
As a plot device?

Then you might want to create a story like this.

I read three chapters in the first book, and it was so unattractive that getting any farther was impossible. It's about Sleeping Beauty being dominated by Prince Charming instead of being whisked away into a happy ending. It was like Dante's Inferno, but with sex.

But it is cheesy. Unless it is a romance. Then it can be a good cheesy. Well, in an imperial game it could be an element in that. Because of court intrigue, marriage and sex (or visa versa ) are part of the political stratagem. I haven't seen any episodes of the Tudors, but that looks like its brimming with sex, from the commercials I've seen.
In other news, when do Feantari and I get moved to the next scene? :mrgreen:
I'm ready for a new scene too. Lets get the party together!

And just so we know, is there a official ruling on xp yet?
I think I'm ready to move on.

Sorry to you DB's, since you started together I thought you were still in the midst of something. before seeing this post I was about to poke you and see what was up.
There is still no answer about xp. Are you awarding it by the post, page, or some other way?
Sherwood said:
There is still no answer about xp. Are you awarding it by the post, page, or some other way?
I was thinking about doing it by page, and by the stunting rules in the book.

I saw that I can change how many posts per page, and I want to set that number to 10. So, every ten posts (1 page) would give you all 1 xp in the threads you're participating in.

Think this will work?


Looks like I cannot make my changes stick so that each page is only 10 posts long.
One per page is still a fair amount. Every page is going to have is share of short and longer posts, so it balances out. I'd start up a xp thread so you can give your point awards when you want to.
Posting via iPhone today and part of tomorrow. After that I will be MIA until Saturday on a boat. I might pay for silly expensive Internet, but idk yet.
Enjoy your cruise. My wife and I went on one last year and it was a blast. :D
I have no problem with PC vs PC fights, so long as they are in character and not just the players being buttheads. The problem is, xarvh is acting compltely in character. :cry: Hopefully the fight will get interrupted before any casualties are made. :shock:
Yeah. Uhm.

I'll do my best to burn Pearl to ashes, but I'd be terribly sorry if I actually succeeded... Oo

The biggest problem I have is that "reduce your only child friend to a pile of dust" is not a good way to make friends and work together in a campaign.

Heh, worse that can happen Xandra will kill Cindy and I'll restat something more friendly and maybe with Compassion above 1. oO
I was worried about the possible infighting, and I am expecting some character growth. Perhaps Rei can pull in the reigns. Maybe I painted myself in a corner and may have to rely on Deux Ex machina.

A little about Pearl. She's the antithesis of the Lintha, and that was done on purpose to reflect if the Lintha are ruled by their genes or by their culture to reflect your motivations, concepts, and intimacies regarding those rascally buccaneers. I was thinking about having her exalt, and I was going to determine exalt type and all that by your actions.

You can vote on what kind she should become if you want! :D
We get 2 what for our stunts? ^_^

Xandra goes on tick 0, Cindy on tick 3, I'll wait for Sher.

I fear that here I'll end up playing the bad guy that fires a fuckload of ammo on the good guy and doesn't hit once...
xarvh said:
We get 2 what for our stunts? ^_^
Xandra goes on tick 0, Cindy on tick 3, I'll wait for Sher.

I fear that here I'll end up playing the bad guy that fires a fuckload of ammo on the good guy and doesn't hit once...


And that's how it's looking. I didn't see a post for Rei's JB. She'll be participating one way or the other, even if its to just stand there looking all green haired and pretty. :D

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