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Fandom Bleach


I like peaches
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Sexual/Romantic Orientation:









Noticeable features:

(What it our characters need to be aware of?)

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The Conflagration Hollow.


Female (Yet the flames make it hard to tell.)


6'000 years.



Anything a hollow could really do but it's more advance, has further intelligence, obviously has Pyro-Telekinesis but the flames are white.



Noticeable features:

(What it our characters need to be aware of?)

''You'll burn, in the depths of despair!''

She actually a lost princess who watch her kingdom crumble before her eyes, she part human and other unknown. That how she manage to reel herself into this world. Tamae, who wielded a quarter of the Hollow's power but somehow lost control and was corrupted into what she is currently now.
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Name: Labolas Vampiro

Gender: Male

Age: 7000 years

Species: Arrancar

Height: 6 foot In unreleased state. 7 '5" in resurrecion

Abilities: Resurrecion, soul manipulation, flight, immense reiatsu, cero abilities, vampiric abilities, Arrancar abilities, swordsmanship

Personality: Nothing very notable. Enjoys preying on and attacking soul reapers and humans.


Noticeable features: In unreleased state, you can see remnants of his hollow mask covering his right eye and part of head. In his released state he resembles an immense bat-like monster with bone plates and wings.

Name: Laomedon Fury

Age: 19(473) Biologically 19, Chronologically 473

Gender: Male

Appearance: Caucasian skin, piercing blue eyes, Dark-colored hair, 5'11, 174 lbs. Wears winter-like clothing. Marking: A black serpent runs along his right arm seemingly crawling towards his neck.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Slightly cold nature, also slightly demented. Keeps his distance from others usually.

Fears: Snakes, Arterial bleeding

Nickname: Levi

Species: Human(Altered)

History/ Backstory:

He had just turned 14 about a week ago and had gone outside to do... something. He was crying at the time, then later running. Not initially from a threat but... after a while, that seemed to change. As he ran, I could sense a fear flooding over him and in his head were completely scrambled thoughts. He wasn't fast enough though. That was when he disappeared... for a very long time.

A random amount of time passed and finally I felt something, a cool breeze sweeping through. I opened up to it because I wanted more of the feeling. I was so... naive. that cool breeze slowly got more intense until it burned! The pain continued to escalate from there. More and more pain! It wouldn't stop! If I could've yelled I would, but nobody would hear me. The "area" around me turned a crimson red and screams started to break through! Then there was silence... nobody would hear me... Nobody- no... He'd never hear me. I talk to him every time he falls asleep, and follow him wherever he goes, but he NEVER hears me!

I'll just have to make him hear...

It lasted for so long... Levi tried to stand up, but a sword ran through him and an immediate force threw him against the wall. His vision was blurred by the blood dripping from his head and the sounds of the world seemed to be meshed together with the constant ringing in his ears. A feminine voice called, "Test Subject number 62 is rejecting it, sir" yet he couldn't hear the man's muffled response that followed. The blows continued... light blows, but for so, so long. He tried to scream, but his voice had already been broken. Nothing except a heavy release of air came out. Maybe it went on for only a few more seconds, but it might have been minutes... or hours. After that was a chill that crept up his body. It was a slow, painless chill originating at the legs. Eventually it covered his entire body. And eventually... everything just stopped.

About 450 Years Later

Levi woke up and immediately started wiping... ice? off of himself. He felt completely rejuvenated and full of vitality. He looked around to find bodies laid out all around him, each with their own individual pool of blood. It was an absolutely horrifying sight, but the strangest thing was the fact that there was a sword-er... katana laid out directly in the middle of the room. It carried an extremely ominous presence, but due to his curiosity, he decided to carefully pick it up. As he picked it up, a black serpent-like marking started to crawl up his right arm. Levi attempted to throw the weapon back on the ground, but it wouldn't drop! He started panicking. His thoughts were rushed and every part of his body began to shake rapidly. "Remember me?" What the fuck was that!? "No, you don't... You never listened... And now, we're going to have some fun"

About 5 Years Later

"Finally..." It felt so good to be back. He stood up and walked over to a woman that was cowering in a corner. The room had blood splashed on practically every wall. "Please don't hurt me!" she begged. He responded in a calm tone, "You're fine. You can go home now." Her face retained a shocked expression and immediately she sprinted out of the room. Levi looked down at Herensuge. "What did you do..." It didn't respond to the question, but he honestly didn't want it to. The truth might have been more than he could handle...

Occupation: None

Weapons: Herensuge(Katana) It is a zanpokto, btdubs. But he's not a shinigami

Skills: Knife throwing experience

Negative Temperature Alteration


Natural Prowess

Can drop own body temperature and the body temperature of those he comes in physical contact with.

Blood Clot- Freezes the surrounding area of a bleeding wound to temporarily stop the blood flow.

Nitrogen morphing- Alter Nitrogen in the air to a liquid state. Only can do a small amount due to high energy requirements.

Hydrogen morphing- Alter Hydrogen in the air to a liquid state. Can do much larger amounts. Smaller energy requirement.

Shatter- When enemy body parts become brittle(like after being hit with liquid nitrogen), Levi can cause the particles to vibrate 8 times as fast as normal after saying the incantation, "Shatter". (If ya didn't get it already, it causes the body part to shatter)

Herensuge Synergies

Water naturally flows from the hilt of the blade while in combat

Frozen blade- transmogrifies Herensuge into ice. When it comes in physical contact with another object, the blade shatters and launches Levi up to 100ft backwards. Once he has landed, it will reform in its sheathed form.

Internal Freeze- When Herensuge comes in physical contact with an enemy, a black serpent-like marking will begin to crawl up their arm. It takes about 45 seonds to set up. When it is set up, the enemy becomes possessed by Herensuge. The enemy will direct its attacks specifically to Levi and its temperature will also drop rapidly and cause the enemy to be fully suspended in animation after about 180 seconds.

Telekinetic Slash- Levi can control Herensuge with his mind by allowing the serpent on his arm to crawl a little higher. If it gets higher than that, he is at risk of being possessed, but he will be able to break Herensuge into pieces that can be controlled.

Possession- Caused by Levi pushing himself past his energy limit. Herensuge will gain FULL control over him and use him as a puppet for a couple minutes. In this form, Herensuge can see 3 seconds into the future and has near unrivaled swordmanship. He will attack anything that stands in his way including allies.

Bankia: Herensuge shatters and the metal shards are thrown into the user. As long as the shards remain in the user, he has supernatural regeneration. He dual wields invisible blades that he can use with telekinesis. If the swords hit the user, the user shatters into pieces and instantly reforms in another spot of his choosing. Hasn't been released yet. AKA- He doesn't know how to do it

Traits: 1. Extremely Agile

2. Possesses extensive wilderness survival tactics

3. Has a sword that occasionally talks to him<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-27_10-51-4.png.cbc99495b16715701f2d82672fe8053a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-27_10-51-4.png.cbc99495b16715701f2d82672fe8053a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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