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Fandom Bleach RolePlay!

"O great not another soul reaper what you see one you see them all." Leonhardt said annoyed 'two soul reapers in one day as if my day could get worse' he thought to himself as he looked at the soul reapers one who just left he began thinking if he should use the hollow bait now that their is two of them ot make things more fun but he decided not to and started to head home which was the same way as the female soul reaper.
''but am i allow to know?''

''When the time comes. you will know just not now''

''but---'' ''No buts!'' it interrupted her, it came to a shock as it was just a well.. not knowing what it was... not yet anyway.

She sigh, she went to her wardrobe and pick out casual clothes, black shorts with a simple white vest top though she kept the hoodie. ''I want to know more about the Human, also the Shinigami and the Quincy'' the voice ring in her ear.

''Would you shut up for a moment!'' her face went pink. who knows why.. She open the front door and lean on the side of it.

''maybe i could get to know them'' she mumble as she stared at the blue clear sky.
Ichino looked back and keepslt walking untill she got home 
Ichino looked behind her to see him folowing her and she stoped to look at him"...your leonhardt.."
"And your a soul reaper so just keep doing what every you were doing and leave me be" Leonhardt replied with a hint of anger in his voice
"Well their basically the same thing wait let me guess your a soul reaper in training" Leonhardt said calmly as he looked at her 'I can't be angry all the time now can I' he thought to himself at the same time.
"You make no sense you know that aren't all souls from the soul society unless your dead and lingering in earth" Leonhardt said confused scratching his head.
She shook her head and had the habit of jumping off buildings "well now im out of my school clothes. time to join the world of the living" she said with humor. She walk down a alley, normal people can see her now as her necklace was off.
"Teh i knew a soul reaper would fall into your life somewhere" Leonhardt as he smiled alittle. "Why am I hearing so many sob stories today like I care about you souls or soul reapers." Leonhardt said thinking aloud by mistake.
Ichigo sighed. "Just shut up!" He yelled. "You are so annoying!" He said to the Quincy. He ran into the bathroom, and put his body on. Then the bell rang. "Huh, class is over."

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As she was about to exit the alley way a giant foot stomp infront of her pathway "gah?!!"she fell back "great... hollow brother that wants revenge? hey! don't look at me! im not the one who kill him in the end!" it charge it entire fist down the alley way. she had no choice but to land on it "Well.. I understand if you wanna kill me. I mean I did.. weakened it" she shrug, she wasn't taking this seriously.
As she walks home she scences a hollow neer by as she gos twards it untill she gets interupted with a soul reaper shes terrified as she knew who it was and she falls back scared as it was kenpachi or as the little girl on his back sais kenny. She trembels as the sight as she slowly talks"...y..your kenpachi..."

As the similar fist from before was pulling it self back, it was like a plane for seika as she was just sitting on it ''you do relies that you are being foolish by doing this'' she giggle, jumping on her feet as she was just about getting near it, but surprisingly it had this scorpion tail ''Oh shi---'' It flew straight over it head, daggering it straight through seika shoulder, she scream but it would not stop her from trying to fight ''Your a asshole!!'' It hurt as her shoulder was soak in blood, she grip onto it with her other hand as she was slowly able to move it away.


Strolling down the street with all shopping bags ''eeekk! i cant wait till i can try these clothes on!--..i just hope there not to big for my bust..'' She pouted as she thought, flicking her hair back as it got so many boys attention she wink, their mouth drop and she continue walking on.

Ichigo sighed, and walked out of the school. "Eh, it's over now. Seems unusually quick." Ichigo said, all of his duties as a Soul Reaper took more time than he thought it did. At least he studied, and kept his grades good. Otherwise his life would just suck. He saw everybody was still outside. "Well, I'm going for a walk around town, later." Ichigo said, and walked away, and started walking around town.


He exited the shop behind Rangiku carrying the rest of the crap she had purchased. "To think that women need so much clothes, it's absurd." He said mostly to himself. He followed Rangiku who seemed to be going nowhere. "Where are we going? I assume you have a place to stay, don't you?"

The monster aim the tail at her face but she titled her head enough to just dodge it ''Why are these hollows so strong?!'' then she was just about able to wrap her arms around it and flames travel onto him, it burn like a crisp. But it hurt when she move her arm upward ''Oh.. you are going to pay for what you did asshole!''


She then stop and she spun right around to speak to Byakuya, her lip curve upwards ''..i do actually!'' he gentle smile turn into a grin ''You didn't expect that! did you??'' she grin proudly, Still able to hold her bags on her arm she was leaning her other on her hip, leaning more back ''just follow me Byakuya'' She then spun around once more and continue walking.

He continued his stroll around town, when he felt a twisted Spiritual Pressure, it was like that of a Hollow, but it was stronger. But also it was, familiar. "A Menos Grande." Ichigo declared. He ran into a building, and turned into a Shinigami. He ran out, and looked up at the Hollow. "Watch this you freak! Bankai!" Nothing happened. "Dammit! Why can't I use my Bankai here? I could use it in the Soul Society! So why can't I here!?" Ichigo asked, when suddenly he was engulfed by a Cero. All he felt was pain... Then, nothing...

Hollow Ichigo

A mask appeared on the face of Ichigo Kurosaki, however it only covered the left side of his face, and it was only the upper half. But it continued to slowly get bigger, and bigger. His eyes were wide, black, with a yellow Iris, the mask's eye resembled a Hollow's, much like the rest of the mask. His Spiritual Pressure had also changed, it was much larger than Ichigo's, and much more sinister. The entity jumped straight through the Cero, and shoved Zangetsu straight through the Menos Grande's face. The Menos Grande howled in agony, and faded into the air. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His laughter could be heard all through the city if one could hear a Soul Reaper, or Hollow.


"Hmm... Very well." Byakuya said, and continued to follow Rangiku. He still had all of those bags, and they were very annoying to carry.

The girl cringe at a insane sound of a laugh ''who th--'' the hollow wasn't really burn to a crisp, he was able to chuck her through a brick wall making her not finish her sentence. ''ouchouchouch!'' she moan as her side really hurt, who wouldn't be in pain after that.. The hollow stared down at her as it said in a very monstrous tone. ''Silly girl. your just weak..'' It made her perk up to stared at the hollow with wide open eyes.


''Wala! welcome to my castle!'' She open her door, this was her own new apartment! she giggle cupping her hand over her mouth, she march in and chuck her bags on the sofa ''if you like you can just put it with mine. then you can help your self!'' after all that walking around in the mall she walk into the bath room and close the door behind.
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Hollow Ichigo

The entity continued to laugh for another full minute before sensing the presence of another Hollow. With blinding speed he vanished. He reappeared in between the woman, and the Hollow. "Well well, look what we have here." He spoke, his voice venomous. He turned to the Hollow. "I think I'll kill you first!" He declared, dashing at the Hollow as the Zanpaktou rammed through the Hollow's face.


He sighed and plopped all of the crap down next to the rest of the crap. He sat down on the sofa, and closed his eyes. He started thinking about Aizen's betrayal, and everything else that had been going on lately.

She try to adjust what happen ''w-who are you?'' her voice quickly change to a slight frightened tone, she crawl her way back on her feet and watch the final blow ''your spiritual pressure is different.. but there something similar about you''


''I say! this shampoo is fabulous!!'' she squeal at the top of lunges. After a few minutes.. well maybe half a hour, she finally came out only wearing a towel tied round her breast and below, she walk into the kitchen and made herself a drink ''would you like a drink byakuya?''

Hollow Ichigo

"Heh heh heh, who am I? You know, everybody asks me that when I appear, I am... NOBODY!!!" He hollered. "Who the Hell are you? Is Ichigo making new friends?" He asked with a smirk.


Rangiku's yelling forced images of her in the shower shampooing herself to enter Byakuya's mind. He quickly dismissed them and opened his eyes. He saw Rangiku in nothing but a towel. He sighed. "Yes, a drink would be nice." He replied in his usual monotone voice.

''huh? ichigo? well he a friend i think--'' then her eyes widened much more as it made her relies ''w-wait?! Ichigo? is that you under that mask..?'' Her voice went alittle quite, hoping it wouldn't be, but if it was she had to find out the truth.


The women smile to herself ''alright then'' She went to make another drink for him, walking back into where byakuya was ''here you go sweety'' she lean a little forward to offer him the drink ''I hope it not to sweet for you'' She reply with sparkling eyes.

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