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Fandom Bleach RolePlay!

she landed away from them "huh?!" she watch on how just ramdomly he appears and makes it look so easy.. but then her focus snap as he ask "I uh..--no wait!? who are you I-i mean what are you. .?!" think that she already knew the first question, she didn't understand if he really was a soul reaper or not.
Upon seeing the new comer kill the hollow Leonhardt noticed it was a shinigami and none the less Ichigo. "Teh why would i tell you Shinigami." Leonhardt said in a angry voice showing a hate towards shinigami's 'Ichigo is a shinigami i should have guess' he thought to himself. "Hey shinigami i got a game we can play who can slay the most hollows" Leonhardt said as he pulled hollow bait out of his pocket.
Ichigo put his hand on his forehead. "Damn it, you're an idiot." Ichigo said. "You remind of Uryu before he came to his senses. Look the grudge between Quincy's, and Shinigami isn't worth endangering the lives of all of these innocents. So put the bait away." Ichigo said. He could feel the Hollow inside clawing away, trying to get free.
The steam she had that was suddenly let out on the hollow was gone. She didn't see why she needed to get involve in these two fighting. but his reaction made her thought just another harmless fella.. so. she just awnsered his question "My name is Seika Anno"
"O I'm a idiot am I then please tell me what you would do if a member of the group that slaughtered your ancestors stood in front of you and Uryu." Leonhardt began to laugh at the last part but other than that he said it very angrily. "Ichigo O you poor thing you don't know well no need to spoil it you may call me C" Leonhardt said with s light cockiness in his voice putting away the hollow bait.
"You sound a lot like him to. I'm getting those headaches all over again. Besides, I'm not a Shinigami. I'm a human." Ichigo said. "I do what I do because a Hollow killed my mother. The Hollow I should say, Grand Fisher. That bastard's still alive too. So I'm gonna kill him, and I'll do my best to make sure nobody ever has to go through that again." Ichigo said. "Uryu realized that not all Shinigami are bad, in fact he told me when he heard about the war between Quincy, and Shinigami, that he sided with the Shinigami. Now stop taking your anger out on people who had nothing to do with the death of your ancestors. Besides, we have to get back to class." Ichigo turned to the woman. "Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki."
she pull her hood down to reveal her face "your mother got kill by a hollow?" sadness then grew on her face "I..." she wondered if she shoud say "...lost my mother too by some greep.. but unfortunately I was to young to recognise his face at that time.." She explain. she then turn her head to leo to see what he was going to do about there conflict.
Leonhardt just nodded his head "and whole generations of my family were wiped out by Shinigami you point is?" He said annoyed thinking to himself 'You may not be a Shinigami but you seem to only think about yourself like one'. "well then Uryu is a hypocrite" Leonhardt said quietly once a Quincy always a Quincy he thought to himself with a little smile on his face.

((OOC: Just a quick question have you only seen the anime or read the manga as well because if you haven't read the manga what I am on about will sound strange))
((OOC: I know about the war between the Shinigami and the Quincy of that's what you're asking.))

Ichigo sighed. "No, Uryu was just different, unique. He believed that the Shinigami were right, because while Shinigami purify the souls of Hollows, Quincy's simply kill them." Ichigo explained, figuring this guy already knew that, and simply didn't care. At least this guy wasn't trying to pick a fight.
(that goes same for me)

she started to get a bit nervous on where this was heading to "umm hey guys.. we could like... head back to class now right' but.. even though we only have 5 minutes in there.." The time went fast extremely quickly with the hollow fighting. For her, there wasn't much point in going back as she took her human body with her.
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"Fine whatever" Leonhardt said signing deeply its not like its worth saying anything else he thought as he began to walk back down the path to the school. "That took more time that i thought it would" He muttered looking at his watch.

((Ah okay so erm if you want to know what I was on about since I may come back to it http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Wandenreich click on the link but be warned spoilers))
She nodded. she followed Leo back to the school incase there was more hollows. "So.. what kind of quincy uses close up combat? I mean.. don't they use a bow and arrow?" she ask leonhardt. "hey Ichigo. also, how can you be a human? well w-what I mean is you look like a shinigami to me" hehe, guess seika was finally was being sociable.
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A girl ran past you guys bumping into Seika and almost tripping as her bag spills all her stuff out and then she trips over her owen shoe"omph ow ah sorry about that im in a hurry to get home"the girl sais as she picks up her stuff quickly
She got push to the side ''where did you come from?'' she stared and blink confusingly ''ermm.. are you alright?'' She questioned, she kneel down to help her pick up her stuff and placing it in her bag.
She tried not to smile sheepishly but she just rubbed the back of her head ''yeah.. um.... you really don't. your not in the school.. your on the street'' a sweat drop came from her head then just relies she had her necklace on that hide her from humans and she was communicating with her.. ''wait hang on. how can you see me?''
''A soul reaper?'' she smile, trying to be social ''What your name?'' she added more question on her shoulders.
''Oh right? well, I'm Seika'' she was placing her hood over head ''If your a soul. then how exactly are you able to be in a human forum?'' As her hood went over her head her eyes couldn't be seen, She narrow her eyes with cautious.
"Its cause of my fauther he was able to make me a human form of me but nice to meet you"then something falls out from her side"oh god damnit stupid strap broke again"she said as she picked up a dagger in a leather case.
before she could touch it she lifted it by her foot kicking upwards and catching it like a football than she offered it to her as it was in her hand ''here you go'' she smile with a low brow.
She nodded ''It time for me to go. i hope ill be able to see you all again'' she left the scene ''something strange about these people...'' She thought as she continue walking.

She finally got to her own little apartment, shutting the door behind her she sigh melting to the ground, leaning against the door

''Are you alright Seika?'' A voice ask. ''Yeah.. just worry?''

''About what?''

''That spirit capture.. i cant really remember if he dead or not.why...?''

''It okay, you don't have to worry, if he show up again ill protect you!''

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