Blackwood Manor

Piano Keys <3

New Member
Deep in the archives of history, there is a house.

A house so big it needs many owners.

A house so varied, that even the corridors have names.

A house so large, our screams can't even be heard.

For many years the Manor has been the stuff of legend, even myths. The walls have more stories than the owners that walk its halls. For me it is home, where I can serve my masters however they so wish to be served. In this Manor even your wildest fantasies can come true.

While the masters are at rest, the slaves work.

And when the masters are awake... the slaves have fun.

This house, is Blackwood Manor.

The only remaining members of the family, Brothers Marius, Daniel and little sister Robin, share the house between them. After many years a girl named June Augustine appeared on the doorstep with enough money to buy her way into one of the wings of Blackwood manor.

After a few months, June was almost family to the Blackwoods.

Maybe soon you will know more of the Blackwood siblings' stories, maybe even the stories of the slaves that serve them.

But for now, the time has come, time to take your first steps into Blackwood manor,

and watch as the stories unfold...
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Sizzle, clash, bang, crash.

Those where the the sounds of the kitchens of the Blackwood Manor. The young slave Ayra had to deal with the sounds as he put the final touches on the cake that was ordered by one of the masters for their morning tea. The smells of the cooking breakfast filled the young neko's nostrils as he skittered around placing toppings and flipping eggs. He was supposedly the only slave on kitchen duty this morning.

The hectic feeling rushed through his body as he finished flipping and making several plates of pankcakes for the Masters of the household. He sighed and finished the bacon several ways the way each master liked it, eggs the same way. One of the masters liked hers easy another liked it sunny side up. Arya's bare feet slid across the floor and his baggy black shirt slid off his shoulders.

He straightened his shirt and set to preparing plates. Four fluffy pancakes on each of the five plates, eggs the way liked along with bacon. He put a bit of parsley on the eggs and drizzled syrup on the pancakes. He sighed and let them sit before putting the tea in the cups and fixed them properly. He wiped his brow and looked at the undecorated cake and walked to that and finished it. He sighed and placed the plates on silver platters and covered them before taking them out one by one.

He placed them in front of each of the correct seats. He put the tea out and put the cake on its own plate and set it at the head of the table. He rang the breakfast bell and stood there with a silver platter in hand.

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All maids or well slaves were on deck. All but one, a young women with fire red pigs tails was furiously attempting to get her early morning chores done! Mey-rin had been having her hopeless love life day dreams again that she had zoned out for a complete 30 minutes. Like crazy she was mopping the floors while dusting and shining at the same time! She was a made women until she ran into one of the many paintings. "O-Ow.."She groaned rubbing her brow.

a large knot had already began to form, as soon as she head the bell she quickly stood up to attention, smoothing out her uniform and hair before shoving everything into a closet and fixing the painting. It did look squeaky clean and everything was in tip top order, lucky enough as she got there it was just in time! Non of the master had shown up yet.

It was like angels singing in her head, the gods were looking down on her! Giving a broad grin she waved to the other male who normally did the cooking, the burn marks were still in the counter tops after the mac & Cheese incident..
Daniel finally woke up, opened his eyes and simply stared at the ceiling for a moment.

It took him a little while to finally lift himself from the bed, but he managed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Daniels head collapsed into his hands as he still wasn't fully awake. Slowly he lifted himself up from the bed and over to the curtains, drawing them back he looked outside and over the distance of the garden behind the manor. Daniel always considered himself lucky he chose this one instead of the one across the hallway, he always did like the view of nature at its finest.

An hour or so later, Daniel appeared from the bathroom shower with nothing more than a towel and his steamy glasses. Making his way across the bedroom he could heard the faint ring of the breakfast bell, his tummy growled louder than the house could moan.

Finally dressed, Daniel stepped out of his room wearing his favourite black polo-shirt with his light blue jeans.


Yawning off his tired expression, he moved toward the opposite direction of the dining hall. Reaching the door of the room next to his own and knocking 3 times, Daniel moved back and stood against the wall facing the door. A moment later the door slowly creaked open, just wide enough for a little blonde haired girl to shimmy her head through the gap and peer out. "What?" She said sounding more exhausted than he was, "Breakfast," he replied quietly, "It's ready downstairs, you coming?" The little girl pondered for a moment, and then retreated back into the room closing the door behind her.

A few rustles later, the girl finally appeared from the room again this time dressed in one of Daniels hooded tops that was just a few sizes too big for her. "Jesus, Sarah, you take more time than me." He sighed, Sarah looked up from the hood scowling at him. Daniel chuckled and pulled the hood further over Sarah's face, recovering from her attack she pounced on Daniels back and held on. Lifting her up to his shoulders, he carried Sarah all the way to the dining downstairs.

Reaching the room, Sarah jumped down and followed Daniel to his seat and pulled a chair next to his.

Patiently they sat talking while waiting for the others to arrive.
Last night was one of the those nights where the little demoness was simply deprived of sleep due to paranoia. Even with the door locked and none of the slaves ever coming in her room, the stress of being caught after evading punishment for so long still gnawed at her. So much evidence was stashed in her room and all it took was a thorough housekeeper to uncover each piece of evidence relating to accidents happening in the past, promptly bringing it to her brothers' attention. She wasn't really sure either of her brothers had a sense of justice or fairness or would even care that she did any of these, not that she ever wanted to find out.

The bell for breakfast had rung and it snapped her out of her thoughts. I wonder what's for breakfast. Robin got up from the bed and proceeded to tidying up "the stragglers" in her already pristine room then went for a shower. The water temperature felt just right, not skin searing hot and neither bone-chilling cold, which caused her to lapse into another reverie. The sounds of the shower lending a sort of ambient background noise whilst dictating the flow of her thoughts.

Today it would be about her parents. Strangely enough, she could remember what her parents taught her and how they raised her but she couldn't remember what their faces looked like or even what their names were, she had half a mind to ask one of her older brothers but she is afraid they might simply look down on her for forgetting their own parents. Sure she might even get slapped or beaten because of the question, but it was the thought of forever being labelled a disgrace in her brothers' eyes that set her on edge.

She stepped out of the shower, wiped herself down and put on the clothes she had already brought with her in the bathroom. Opting for a simple outfit of a shirt and shorts, she didn't see the need to go out today and her brothers didn't mention anything about going out of the manor either. In an effort to look as tidy as she could, she drew her hair back and tied it in a ponytail, exposing the little horns on her forehead. Sure, she had the red eyes, the fangs, and the horns, but the wings and tail that come with the package still haven't set in, she had already given up hope for having either.

Stepping out of her room, feeling as fresh as she could, she made her way along the dizzying maze that was called the second floor towards the main stairway. Once there, it would be easier for her to get her bearings and find the dining room. It took her longer than expected and she even got lost once or twice but in the end she made it. Daniel and his little pet were already seated at the table. "Mornin, Brother. Good Morning, Sarah." Greeting both with a smile plastered on her face, which exposed her fangs. She took her seat opposite her brother and his pet and waited for the rest to arrive.
June woke up to the sound of ringing, as usual. She sat up and slided off her bed, grabbing her brush and brushing her hair, walking towards her wardrobe, only to pull out one of her favorite outfits. She got dressed and took a good look at her self in the mirror, satisfied with the way she looked. She walked out of her room, leaving the lights on but keeping the door closed.

She walked towards the dining room to find she was one of the last ones to get there, but immediately sat down after saying, "Good Morning."

Yokume sat up, she had fallen asleep on the carpet of a random room in the house. She walked towards the dining room after hearing the familiar sound of a bell. She walked in and let out a simple, "Good Morning." She yawned, directed towards everyone and taking a seat next to June. The two didn't want to sit next to each other but for an unknown reason Yoku preferred one seat over the rest, though June was constantly moving around.

Both girls glared at each other, annoyed at the very sights.
Marius was in his room as always in the end of the deep hallway of the strange maze like second floor filled with paintings of women his room was really difficult to find and that was because he never liked unwanted visitors. No one was allowed there except Isabelle for some reason he preferred her from other servants no one knew why to be honest no one knew much about Marius except his weird love for his art.

Marius stood up and looked his huge room filled with paintings the place was a little messy its been almost a week since the accident with Isabelle and one of his last paintings. He looked the ruined painting with the edge of his eye and felt his rage rising up again. He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. The sun was up it was breakfast time.

He shook his head he hated the noise of others this place was all he needed his personal haven yet lately this was enough there was no inspiration in him there was a pile of broken paintings in a corner of his room. He let caressed his blood red hair and decided to go down today.

He didnt bothered wearing any clothes he put his red silk robe on as always a little loose letting the upper part fall loosely on his arms leaving his shoulders exposed revealing his strange demonic tattoos he slowly opened the door and looked his hallway with a sad smile he start walking caressing the paintings on his way to the stairs.

Marius slowly start heading down knowing that his appearance would probably upset many other masters.

A week ago they dragged him away from Isabelle's unconscious body making many masters furious at him. He walked in the dining room it seemed many masters were there "...great" he said to himself and took his usual seat next to Robin.

He let a sigh and put a relaxed on the chair having his red eyes scan the other masters getting ready for any threats or lectures about the event with Isabelle
Isabelle rushed down the stairs in a panic,she was running late getting into the kitchen to help make breakfast. She fixed her clothes and walked into the dining room. As soon as she walked through the doorway,she instantly froze. Sitting next to Mistress Robin was her Master. She felt the lump of nervousness rise in her throat and the need to flee was overwhelming. She tried to steel her spine and walk through to the kitchen. As she got closer to walking past her Master she slowly bowed her head. She was failing big time at trying not to get noticed. She swallowed and walked quickly the rest of the way to the kitchen.

Once she was in the kitchen she let out a breath. She slumped against the sink and sighed. It had only been a week ago,yet she could still feel his hits as though they only happened just yesterday. She began to shake a bit as the memories of that day flooded her mind. She shook her head,"no,you must not think about that day. It wasn't Master's fault,you were too clumsy". She couldn't remember how many times she told herself that same line over and over. She sighed,shook her hands and went about cleaning the kitchen up.
Ryan gently fluttered her eyelids, waking up in her heap of tattered blankets. She probably could've gotten a bed, but the blankets on the floor were so soft and compelling, her inner cat showed well. She went on all fours and stretched her back by placing her head to the ground, and begrudgingly stood up. There were no windows in her room, so she could only tell the time by the noises of stirring people in the manor. She wiggled her ears gently, but she could only hear pots rattling from deep within the kitchen. Ryan pulled off her large t-shirt, and searched for her maids outfit ( ). Though she rarely cleaned, she found it nessacary to wear a cute outfit. She quickly squeezed in to her outfit', and gazed over at the small wall mirror. Her light blonde hair was now a light blonde mess. Ryan dashed out of her room and in to the bathroom, snatching a hairbrush and tearing it through her knotty hair. The pain forced tears to form at the corner of her eyes, but master would get pissed if she was late. She rushed out of the bathroom and reached the stairs, but as soon as she placed a foot on a stair, she slipped. Suddenly she was falling, desperately trying to catch her balance as she flew down. When she finally landed at the bottom of the staircase, she slid down a couple of feet on her stomach like a penguin (involuntary, of course). "Nya...."

Parker stood in the kitchen, tapping his foot lightly. In the mornings, he would stand in the kitchen and be sure that food was being made accordingly, and Isabelle was merely cleaning. She was late again, but he refrained saying anything because he wasn't really her master. He seated himself in a wooden chair in the corner, listening to its obnoxious groans. "Isn't it ashame that so many trees are put to waste for junk like this? A tree that could've taken 10 years to grow was chopped down for something stupid, like a pad of notes that a bunch of little kids would rip up anyway, or an old chair that barely even does any justice. It should be illegal to chop down trees for such a stupid manner." He finished. It wasn't a morning without his babbling.
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Having her older brother sit beside her unsettled Robin more than usual. Something about the bell ringing at the beginning of the day signaled that somehow things would start going downhill for Robin. She wasn't ready for a downhill ride of course and simply disregarded those all those "symptoms" of her paranoia to set her at ease.

The silence of dining table was broken when Parker arrived, a demon her age who is not exactly part of the Blackwood bloodline but is considered part of the family nonetheless. His rants are either very interesting or boring, it is a fluctuating factor which has no set pattern whatsoever. In simple words, a surprise, and Robin hated surprises.

Today he is simply ranting about the relationship of trees to the multitude of products that can be manufactured from it. Good, nothing to worry about. Robin decided to pay closer attention to the ranting of the demon after one of his rants sounded like an accusation pointed at her for some incidents happening at the manor, her heart almost stopped when she thought she was caught, thankfully no one minded him. At least she thought no one minded him. Back then she was sure she'd get attacked by Marius, who was incidentally seated beside her during that rant as well.

It might simply be paranoia, but if this keeps up, the stress might cause her to break. She was caught in limbo, she had been responsible for so many incidents around the house and was really afraid that her brothers to changing their seemingly none existent opinion of her to that of total disapproval. However, the stress was gnawing at her deep inside and she feels like one day she's either going to spill or break. Neither felt like a pretty prospect. I guess an ultimatum would be given to me soon enough. She felt the stress of it all trying to escape her and did her best to keep down.

Robin caught herself as she realized her face must have been a mask of irritation as she went on exploring the possible effects of leaning to either side of the spectrum, for now she would simply stay in limbo. It looked like everyone was occupied with paying attention to their personal pets and payed no attention to her. She took a deep breath and decided to clear her mind as she waited for the food to arrive.
Ryan slowly rose to her feet, investigating her dress carefully. There were no smudges, rips, or even dirt, which gave her an overwhelming feeling of happiness. Her happiness was cut short when a sudden burst of pain rose in her wrist. She curiously peeled back her sleeve and sighed, investigating the bruised and swollen wrist. She slowly bent it back and forth and twisted it, assuring herself it wasn't broken, merely sprained. If she were home, her dad would get bandages and wrap them around her injury, but no one would dare cater to a slave at the manor. Ryan made her way up the stairs and back in to the bathroom, tugging out a first aid kit and popping it open. She carefully wrapped the bandage around her wrist, occasionally cringing and wincing. She was always the one getting hurt in this house, no matter how delicate or careful she was. Though she shared many traits with cats, she was certainly not agile. She pulled her sleeve down again and very carefully went down the steps. She was pretty late to breakfast, and would most likely get a scorning, if she even had a master today. Ryan pulled out a chair and seated herself, taking a cloth napkin and placing it on her lap. "Good morning." She stated blandly, eyeing her fluffy pancakes with pure desire.

Parker's fuchsia eyes darted around the table, watching everyone stuff their mouths with pancakes. "People don't respect food as much as they did centuries ago. To us, food is just another nessecity that no one pays mind to, but back then you never knew when this meal would be your last, not to mention it wasn't as delectable as now. Think of trial and error, how many eggs should be put in to this batter? How much yeast should I use to make this bread? It's truly wonderful that we have resources and knowledge now, but no one takes the time to respect it. Tsk tsk. If only people could be more like Native Americans, they were respectful of everything and took time to appreciate meals, and they were all much more wise than us. Why do we have to scarf down food like its a contest? When's the last time someone has sat down and really thought about each bite, each flavor, each swallow? I just think its crude that mankind eats food like wild animals." He finished, cutting his pancake and slowly placing it in to his mouth. He chewed it carefully, observing every burst of flavor and tinge of sweetness.
Ayra held the silver plate on in his hands timidly. He let a smile play on his face as the masters enjoyed their breakfast that he made with his heart and soul. He kept his eyes on the ground as a slave should "I hope you find your food to your liking masters." he said with a giggle. He added a little bit of Cinnamon to the batter to give it a sweet taste and the syrup was freshly homemade.

He looked looked up from the corner of his eyes and sighed "I heard that my masters are having a tea meeting today. I wanted to know if my sires wanted something special made from the kitchens?" he said and shifted on his feet the bell on his collar ringing slightly. His loose shirt riding down his shoulders.
Isabelle wiped her brow and let out a breath as she slumped in a chair in the kitchen. Finally she was done with cleaning the whole kitchen. This was her punishment for getting up late and not helping Ayra with breakfast. Her stomach growled loudly and she blushed. She took a drink of her water to silence the noise. She would eat after her master's have sated themselves,that's something that she has done everyday since her employment here. She sighed yet again as she waited for Ayra to come back into the kitchen to let her know what their next orders were.

(sorry about the short post. I just woke up so my brain is still a bit muddled)
Ayra, a being more feminine than I am.....but he's a guy. Actually looks adorable today....but he's a guy. Made this delicious breakfast, no doubt overflowing with love...but he's a guy. How I wish you were my little sister...but he's a guy.....He's a guy.

The breakfast was a heavenly medley of pancakes, each had a different special topping exclusively for that particular master. Although the base composition was there, golden brown discs of bread with a sufficient helping of Ayra's own syrup concotion. Robin took a bite out of the pancake in front of her, the pancake had been sweeter than usual but still felt edible, not like those showered in whatever kind of sugar that was on hand. Another testament to their chef's inherent ability to experiment with food and usually make them twice as better. Another masterpiece created by a master, Envy bubbled up inside of Robin, everyone had their skill while she was finding hers and causing a lot of trouble in process. That desire to be good at something burned bright within the demoness's heart and soul, but desire and determination are nothing if your skill does not even show remote signs of progress. The day just started with a radiant breakfast and Robin was already a little bit down.

Evan's heart sank into his chest as he looked out at his bedroom window. Had he overslept again?

He took a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm himself down, then put on his clothes: tan cargo pants, a faded blue T-shirt, and a black hooded sweatshirt. After quickly stopping at the mirror to fix his hair, he headed out into the hallway.

He could smell bacon and pancakes from the direction of the dining room. Good. Maybe he hadn't slept late after all.

Nevertheless, he nearly ran down the stairs, and took as quiet steps as possible as he approached the table. As always, the food looked like something straight out of a cooking magazine, and everyone seemed to be enjoying it. Evan scanned the room, looking for a chair, and immediately sat down once he found one. He wondered what his orders would be for the day.
Daniel looked up from his breakfast, quietly watching everyone while they ate.

He looked down to his right and watched as Sarah happily nibbled away at the extra pancake he had given her. Pushing his plate forward an inch and dabbing his mouth with the napkin, Daniel pulled his chair back and relaxed in his place. Sarah looked up cautiously, watching Daniel sit and think. Carefully she reached up and tugged on Daniels sleeve, looking down and chuckling he moved his plate over to Sarah and tipped the last half of his pancake onto her plate. Sarah giggled silently giggled away, content with her gift and began to eat away.

Fortunately it didn't take much for Daniel to fill his appetite but Sarah always filled the gap. Still she was the youngest in the manor, it wouldn't take long before she is rubbing her tummy in blissful agony. The idea of a story began to spin in Daniel's head, with ease he reached down to his pocket and took out a relatively small note pad with a tiny pen attached by string. While jotting his notes down, Daniels caught a glimpse of Sarah with her head tilted slightly to a side, "What is it?" he mumbled quietly. Sarah sharply looked up and Daniel and then back down to her pancakes, he sighed and tore off a piece of paper, untied the pen and slid it over to her.

After a moment of discretely writing away, Sarah passed the pen and paper back to him,

it read.

Daniel tied the pen back to the note pad, ripped up the paper and put the traces in his pockets. Slowly he looked up and examined his fellow residents, making his way to Robin. He could see that she was a little distracted, not knowing if it was his place to ask, Daniel leaned to the right, "Thanks, I'll look into it." he said quietly.

He didn't like getting involved in other peoples business to often, but when it came to his family, he felt obliged to help.

Maybe he would do something after breakfast.
Marius frowned everyone was there not that he paid any attention to his surroundings except when Isabelle came in she looked nervous. His eyes were stuck on her the whole time until she went to the kitchen. His demon sister seemed lost in her thoughts again she had strange reactions sometimes especially with that cat boy. He frowned when Ayra talked about the meeting he looked so feminine he was maybe the only male in here that could tolerate maybe because of his cooking. He tapped his fingers on the table nervously and frowned he hadn't draw anything in days and it was slowly eating him from inside.

His eyes turned red from frustration as the clock was ticking not paying attention to anything but his inner demons he banged his hand on the table and got up pushing his chair aside not minding who was in his way he walked in the kitchen where Isabelle was. He kicked the kitchen's door open and shut the door again he walked towards her and pushed her against the kitchen counter and grabbed her neck. "...The hallway with my precious paintings is covered with spiders...SPIDERS ARE ON MY PAINTINGS AND YOU ARE SITTING HERE?" he yelled and squeezed her neck a little harder as his eyes flashed red "...I want you to drag your pathetic excuse for a slave there and dust the place or I swear to you they wont save you again" he growled and let her neck go hitting the kitchen counter he surely wasnt himself lately.
Isabelle had her head leaned back when she heard the kitchen door bang open. She jumped and looked over to see her towering master in the doorway. Her eyes widened and she could have sworn her heart stopped beating. She started to shake as she tried to get her body to move. It responded with no movement and she readied herself for the blow that was sure to come. She heard and felt him come closer to her as she lowered her head and swallowed nervously. Then before she knew it,he had her by the neck and up against the counter.

Isabelle squeezed her eyes closed and clenched her teeth together,as she felt her air supply being cut off. She wrapped her hands around his wrists to try to take some of the pressure off her throat. She felt herself getting a bit light headed the harder he squeezed. She prayed that someone would walk into the kitchen and save her from him,but it seemed that she was alone. She wondered slightly if this time this would be the end of her life. When he let go,she fell to the floor,landing on her knees. She kept her head down and didn't move till he was gone from the kitchen.

Once he was gone,she rubbed her throat and coughed,her eyes watery. After a fewmoments of rubbing her throat,trying to get her voice back,she got up and walked over to the closet with all the cleaning supplies. She grabbed out a dusting rag and cleaning spray. She walked over to the kitchen door and took a deep breath,it stung her throat some but she needed to fight through it. She opened the door and walked through the dinning room,again with her head down low. She hoped with everything that no one heard him yelling in the kitchen at her. She quickly walked to the staircase and up to where all her master's beautiful paintings were. She set about cleaning them quickly and perfectly.
Sarah pushed herself deeper into Daniels arm, she wasn't fond of any negative nature, especially when Marius gets angry. "It's okay." said Daniel reassuringly, "Just wait here."

Dabbing his face with the napkin, he pushed his chair back from the table, "Excuse me for a moment." Daniel moved around the back of the chairs and toward the kitchen door, still swinging from the brute force of Marius.

Sarah wanted to get up and follow Daniel, but she knew she would only get in his way. She noticed some of the other slaves start to awkwardly stand around, some of them even leave early for chores, Sarah felt like going with them and helping but Daniel always said to stay with him. So stay she did.

Carefully he made his way in only to accompany Marius on his way out.

"Mind if we have a talk, Marius?" he asked authoritatively.
Marius looked Daniel coming in his face betrayed his relief of seeing Isabelle alive and unharmed. Everyone was so sympathetic on her he took a deep breath. Daniel liked see people getting along at least that what looked like to him always trying to smooth things in the house.

He closed his eyes and tied his blood red hair loosely giving him an angry look on Daniel as he start walking out damn they were loud there was so much noise in the room. He let a sigh and rubbed his eyes "...I need a break " he whispered to himself.

Daniel's voice broke his thoughts and looked him with the edge of his eye he didnt even noticed that the young man was behind him the whole time. He put his hands in his pockets and start heading to the living room hoping that at least there he could find some peace he stopped and turned to Daniel "...five minutes then Ill go check on that lazy brat"
"Marius!" Daniel Raised his voice, loud enough for Sarah to hear it outside and cower into her usual slouched position to twiddle her thumbs together.

"I was being polite, but now I'll just run on fumes. We need to talk." Daniel hadn't bossed anyone around in a while, but he was no stranger to setting someone straight.

"I don't know what the hell is going on between you two, especially with the other day, but whatever the hell it is, it is stopping before I send you and those precious paintings of yours packing." Daniels voice was getting louder and Sarah didn't like it, hopefully she could make some of her special chocolate milk that he loved to calm him down. Maybe with the little marshma-...

"Do you understand me?" Daniels voice cut through her train of thought. With a question like that this could go two ways, Sarah thought to herself, either Marius agreed and brought the situation to an abrupt end.

Or what Sarah feared the most; Marius would argue back and turn this spat into a full blown argument.
Isabelle jumped when she heard Master Daniel yell out her master's name. Her heart began to race as she feared that Marius would come up here and punish her for Master Daniel saying something on her behalf. She always thought that he was the most kindest of the Masters. He always made sure that the slaves had everything that they needed. She envied Sarah a bit for having a kind master,unlike her harsh one she had. She shook her head,she shouldn't say bad things about her master,he might hear her even though they were spoken in her head.

She finished cleaning her masters paintings and stood there at her masters door. She would stay there until he came up to relieve her of her duty. She looked at the paintings and sighed,she wished her master treated her as kind as the women he had painted. There was many a time when she would have to set things up in his room to prepare the ladies for the paintings. They were all very beautiful and she wished she was as beautiful as them,then maybe her master would be just as sweet to her. She sighed and kneeled before his door,waiting for his presence.
Viza walked down the stairs leisurely. He was in no hurry to begin a new day of servitude. Although he had grown used to being a slave, he would never eagerly serve the Masters. He was still an individual and he sought out anything that would help remind him of that. The stairs were a small reminder, nothing major. They hadn't told him to arrive quickly, so he took his time. Everybody else had probably arrived a considerable amount of time ago and he would be the last. Even if he was to be punished, he didn't care.

Upon reaching the last steps, Viza heard yelling. Curious, he walked towards the sounds. Upon seeing nothing but two of the Masters, his interest waned and he left. Whatever transpired between them was none of his concern. He would avoid them whenever he could. He didn't like the idea of being ordered or punished, just because he was simply around the area.

Viza continued his walk, adjusting his collar as he did so. Although he hated wearing the thing, he found some humor in it. A cat in a collar was to be expected. As he adjusted it, his hands trailed over the small music note. As far as he knew, he was the only one here with this particular symbol. He couldn't really tell if that was for the best or if it just made things worse. Being the only one here for musical purposes, he could either be considered useless or he could be needed more than usual. He would hope for the former.

He looked up from the symbol, to notice that he wasn't near the kitchen. 'I guess I got lost in my thoughts.' Rather than being where he intended, he was near a room. He recognized the the door quite well, considering it was the location of the person he loathed the most in this manor. He absolutely despised Marius, even more so since the recent incident. He had yet to see one ounce of morality from the man.
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Marius looked Daniel he was calm which was worse "...are you raising your voice to me boy?" he said and his eyes glowed red "...I am living in this place long before you or many of the others here I dont know why you care about the slaves so much but what I do with my slave is my business...she made a mistake I corrected her if she does it again Ill make sure she wont have a chance to do another" he said and walked close to him "...and Daniels if you touch a single edge of my masterpieces...Ill burn this place and Ill make sure ill take every single soul with me you starting from your precious little slave of yours AM I CLEAR?" he yelled and smashed the big mirror behind him. Daniel made the worst approach he could on the subject Marius was like a ticking bomb for weeks now.

He took a deep breath and tried to relax "...I have as much right to be in this house as every other of the family do not act like you own the place I never asked for anything except leaving me and my paintings alone...Ill say this only once Daniels...leave my paintings alone trust me on that you wont like to see what will happen if you do something stupid " he said calmly and walked to the door "...this little drama ends here trust me it will make things worse than already is so if you have anything else to say on this matter I am listening if not I have a hallway to inspect"
Evan watched Marius leave with wide eyes. He was in no way unaccustomed to yelling and arguing, but Marius could scare him more than the arguments at home ever did. He sank into his chair and took another bite of his pancakes, then tried to distract himself with a bird perched on a tree outside.

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