Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

(( Good night fair maiden, I shall see you when the sun breaks the horizon and the rooster cries, good bye for now))
((Good bye UuU *slips into the darkness*))

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((I have awoken...I kept being woken up at 2 a.m because my dog was freaking out. Either my neighbors were lighting firecrackers late at night again or someone was getting shot. Either way my dog didn't like the sound so he kept wining to get into my room and then when I open the door he just stood there looking around. When I got him out and shut the door he wanted back in -_- bluuuugh. I am off to make that comic now~!)) 
((ugggh typo in the comic. sorry))
((Oh my god, F*ck mornings, I don't want to go to work. If I didn't care, I'd call in sick, but then I look like puss and I don't get money. At least there's free coffee at work))
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((That comic, that comic, My side freaking hurts right now. I needed a pick me up)) 
((You could say something like "F*ck it, shoot him" or something like that))
((oh..i see it...the one for me is to vote for RP nation in something...idk if it's the same for you guys but that's what I see)) 
((Glad you liked the comic xD ))
Ellyn was quite amused to say the least. Even if he shot Sebastian, he would stand again so it brought a grin to her lips. Faintly. She took a step back, her eyes narrowed with mirth as she gave him a pleasant smile. "Go ahead." She responded, her hand out stretched to point towards Sebastian. She didn't hate her fellow demon, in all honesty he was amusing and she liked amusing people. Her red eyes glimmered with joy as she crossed her arms, watching and waiting to see if he really did it.
"Throwing your fellow..." Frank couldn't put it into words," nonhuman under the bus is not very ladylike, miss." Frank smiled," Though I should thank you, you confirmed many theories as to what he is, and in kind what you are. From your saying that, I can tell that it won't kill him. I've felt an almost... demonic aura from the both of you for some time now. You know my powers, lets start sharing, miss, you first."Frank's smile grew, this trip was getting more interesting by the second. Just in case, he holstered his weapons, and silently went to one-hundred percent.
Tabitha realized that everyone was gone for a while now. She wanted to go check, but didn't want to leave Ciel, knowing if something happened, he couldn't defend himself.

She turned to Ciel. "They've been gone for a while, let's go check and see if they're all right." She said.

Ciel looked to her. "I'm staying here, I don't want to get mixed in with Sebastian's...actions." He said, looking to her.

"I'll be right back then." Tabitha responded. She would come right back. She wouldn't leave Ciel all alone for long. Tabitha went into the woods, the direction were everyone was at. When she just got a glimpse of everyone, she stayed behind a tree, listening and watching.
Now this was interesting. Her red eyes stared at him, silently watching the flow of aura around him before she to became alert. Of course, that was hidden as she didn't even shift. The gold bangle around her wrist shifted as she reached over to it, brushing her fingers across the demonic weapon that she smiled. One of the few demonic weapons was hers and it was comforting. "Share?" Her voice passed her lips briefly as she tilted her head. "What does a mortal want to know from me then?" She asked in response, raising a brow. "More importantly, why should I even tell you~"
"Simple,"Frank started,"who and what are you, and why are you here."Frank grinned for the second part,"Because, the last time I fought him, I had Sebastian on the run, imagine what I could do to likes of you." Frank cracked his neck and knuckles, this might get fun.
She could only tilt her head to that. 'He had a demon on the run?' Her thoughts continued for a few moments as she shifted her weight to the opposite foot. It truly was something else. So, she spent another few seconds thinking about what she should do, which then escalated to think about a random topic. "My real name is none of your concern but the last name I received from my late master is Ellyn Halberd." She answered, pausing before she ignored the second question about what she was. "I am here to see Mr.Sebastian. He is intriguing." Watching the girl, him and the small human male was just a bonus, the strange well included. She did shrug thought, her eyes showing her lack of concern. "You should assess your enemies before picking a battle." She muttered Alexanders quote, her arms folded.
((Gonna go to work, One more soon post perhaps, may or may not be able to post during the day)) 
"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Halberd,"Frank gave a small bow," I am Frank Jaeger. And believe me," Frank had a mischievous smile,"I sized you up long ago, I was tired and beat when I fought Sebastian, that is no longer the case. My assessment? Strong, powerful of will, some kind of hidden weapon, and surly you are quite the opponent. But you are no match, you should know your betters when you see them. Be wary of your actions, I find it distasteful to hit a lady, but if you try something, I wont hesitate." Frank looked forward to how she would react.
Tabitha couldn't hear a whole lot since she was quite ways away. But she watched. She figured that nothing was happening and she would go back to Ciel, but she stayed a couple extra minutes, in case something does.
She listened carefully before she laughed. It wasn't malicious or dark but instead it was due to amusement. A smile came to her lips as she watched him. "It is my pleasure then Mr. Frank Jaeger." She replied, curtsying slightly before her features seemed to appear with much more emotion. "There is where you are both right and wrong. I am powerful but that is mostly due to my species but you should not assume you are better." She wasn't even saying this because she was egotistical it was that she concealed far to much about herself. "Even I do not know if you or I would win in combat. Specially since you are not normal. I will not attempt to seek the answer anyway." She didn't have to, she was bound to doing it so she wouldn't. She nodded though. "I am with a weapon. A concealed one..and some more." She murmured, tilting her head to the side.

After a few seconds a soft sigh passed her lips. "I knew from the moment I saw the female one that something like this would happen." She brushed a hand through her hair. "Mr.Jaeger, you are correct in saying I have a demonic aura. I am a demon after all. A creature who makes contracts to consume souls." She pointed out, shrugging her shoulders. Why hide it? It was her choice to reveal it or not.
Sebastian watched and listened. They kept talking as if he wasnt there. When there seemed to be a silence, he spoke up and said,"Don't get cocky. I ran because I didn't want to hurt you. And I was hoping you would run out of energy, as you did. I had no interest in fighting you." It sounded childish having to defend his actions. He was somewhat surprised to hear Ellyn say what she was... or rather what they both were... out loud to this ignorant human. He felt the hatred for Frank deepen and his demomic instincts kicked in, making his eyes turn red and his body begging to change into his true form. He refused to allow anger be his source from which he needed to change. He calmed himself and stared at the ground.

He had been subtle and quiet and hoped they hadn't noticed. He looked back up with a small smirk and continued to listen.
Tabitha eyes widened slightly. She couldn't believe what she saw. Sebastian on the verge of turning into...something. When Sebastian quickly got rid of this transformation, she had to decide whether her mind was playing tricks on her, or if she actually saw what she saw. Tabitha decided that was enough spying and quietly returned to Ciel.

"They're all fine." Tabitha said to Ciel when she was back into the clearing. Ciel nodded, but stayed quiet.
"Someone's a little angry,"Frank said," You know Sebastian, denial is an ugly thing." He looked him straight in theye, a look saying' Try something, I dare you, this time I can't lose.' "Demons eh? Not the strangest thing I've heard all day, at least it gives more answers than questions." He looked at Sebastian." I'll give you a rematch anytime."

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