Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]


One Thousand Club
Megasourusrex submitted a new role play:

Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [OCs Accepted] - The future meets the past, can the future generation help the past save the world?


(I got this idea from the anime least the well part)

It is not totally complicated, if you need further explaining, message me. (Plots are not my strongest so if you have suggestions or anything, message me those as well)

There is a well, with an enchantment engraved in it. This enchantment connects the 19th century and the 21st century. Although, this well is well hidden, and not many find it, so it is rare for anyone to pass...
Read more about this role play... 
(Sorry if you are notified of this xD just trying to bump this up in the thread list) 
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Bump again UuU 
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( @UnholyRedemption )

Tabitha walked through the forest. Her parents were not home, so she was pretty bored and decided to take a walk. After a few minutes of walking, she stumbled upon a well with engravings around it, and inside it. She walked closer, curious. She put her hands onto it and looked down. It was pretty deep for what she could see. Even though it was deep...she wanted to go inside of it. She wanted to investigate the well.

She removed her phone from her pocket and tried to shine some light down, but she still couldn't see. She put her phone back and just jumped in. Her vision turned black, but then she could see the inside of the well but it seemed lighter out. She looked up and saw the same view. She sighed, thinking that was a stupid idea. There was a vine attached to the well, she used that to climb back out. She was confused at the site. Everything seemed a bit out of place. There were plants that were not there before and trees that she thought wasn't there. She walked a little further, examining her surroundings, very confused.
Ellyn remained a shadow within the dark forest, her eyes keeping their bloody red colour as they studied the lonesome are with little care. It was boring and so she felt bored. Her fingers, nails almost claw likes ran through her hair as it was pulled up into a neat ponytail. Her body forced itself forwards as she looked around, the red kimono fluttering with the cat like demons steps as she began to notice one odd thing. There was a well. It roused her curiosity, shifting closer till she watched a human step out. The scent of her soul caressed the air as the demon cocked her head, eyes as bored as ever. The only thing that poked at the back of her mind was how a human, dressed so...odd was in a well. She raised her shoulders before lowering them with a soft sigh, the sword at her waist as silent as ever as she began to follow her, merely trying to satisfy the curiousity she felt by the situations that followed the oddly dressed girl.
Tabitha looked around, looking more and more confused with each step. She pulled out her phone, but there was signal...nor a time or date.

"Where the heck am I?" She thought aloud. She put the phone back into her pocket, seeing as she has no use for it.

As she walked, she felt like somebody was following her. She stopped in her tracks and looked right, then left, and slightly behind. She noticed a girl, dressed in red. Perhaps she could help!

"Um...excuse me?" Tabitha said, turning fully to face the girl in the distance, she didn't want to say anything more at the moment. She just needed to get the mysterious girl's attention before she said anything else.

( @UnholyRedemption )
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Frank found himself here again, in this forest, every night since he'd come visit the old country for his great-uncle's funeral, he'd been drawn here. He wondered, "Did great-uncle Leo know about his place?" it was so close to his home he must have, perhaps if he were still around he could answer his questions. He found the forest oddly unsettling, but he could not stop coming. He couldn't explain it, there was nothing special about it on the the surface, but it called to him all the same. This time he had gone deeper than usual, he must be nearing the heart of this place. He looked around when he noticed a clearing not but fifty feet in front of him, was that there before? He walked towards it, it drew him, like it was taking a breath but never exhaling. In the center of the clearing it sat, a ring of stone a few feet tall, as he neared it he saw it was a hole, no, a well. He looked over the side, it was pitch black, it pulled him closer, trying to drag him to the bottom. He noticed the side was cover in lichens, he tested them, they were dense and could support his weight. He began his descent in to the earth.when he reached to the bottom he could see nothing, just dirt and water.

"What a waste of time," He said, as he climbed back up, "hmph, doesn't matter anyway, the plane leaves for home in two days, I'll be able to finally put this place behind me". As he cleared the top he could see something was different, the forest was similar but, no, something was off, he could feel it. His gut told him something was wrong but he couldn't, for the life of him, figure it out. He could not find the route he had taken in here and had left his compass at the house,

"I thought this B.S. of getting lost in the woods was over when I left the army," he said coolly, "next time I'm bring the camping gear.", he would have to find his way out of here alone and unaided. He looked around, picked a random direction, and started walking.
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(I will change my last post around a little...but I'm on my phone so I can't edit it xD )

Tabitha looked around the woods, not noticing a girl watching her. She sighed and slightly aloud said, "God dammit! Where the hell am I?!"

Nothing really looked familiar to her, the forest was much different.

She continued walking around, trying to find some kind of town or city so she could direct herself.

Although, they never really taught any survival skills in high school. She looked up to see where the sun was and followed that direction. She was always told to follow the sun if she didn't know where to go, so she decided to put it to the test.

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"Damn, it feels like I've been walking for hours and i still haven't reached the edge of the forest," Frank said, "it never seemed this large before."

As Frank walked, he observed, taking note of the local flora and fauna. It was not until he was on top of it that he realized he was back in the clearing with the well. Stressed and rather annoyed he cried out at the the top of his lungs,


He considered climbing down the well and back up again to see if it would take him back home, but in his heart he knew it would not, this was a one way street, not a revolving door. He looked to the sky, exasperated, realizing that sitting around moping would do him no benefit, he looked to the setting sun and said

"West it is, even if my feet and this forest deceive me the sun shall not."

He rose once more and set off after the sun, he would find his way out of here come hell or high water.
After walking for hours, Tabitha still did not reach the end. It was beginning to get dark.

"HELLO?!" She cried out. "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?!"

In her mind that was probably pointless to do. She couldn't see anybody around, but hopefully there are at least one or two people out...she hoped.

"Should I just find a place to sleep...or keep going?" She wondered to herself as she stood in her place. All she could see was trees, trees,a couple of bushes, and even more trees. She giggled to herself a little bit.

"I hope I'm not in Slender." She said to herself quietly, referring to a game she used to always play.

The sun was going down, her next bet was to follow the north star when it comes out...if she can find it. A lot of these trees were blocking the sky, so she would really have to move around to find a good angle.

"I hate forests..."Tabitha muttered to herself.


(I took the role of Ciel so our Sebastian can come in :) )

Ciel looked out the window that sat behind his desk, looking out to the forest that wasn't too far from his mansion. He knew that by the sun setting, that Sebastian would come in soon and tell him he must retire for the night. Ciel sighed slightly and walked to his desk and sat down, organizing his paperwork so that he could finish them tomorrow. Now all he had to do now was wait for Sebastian to come and get him ready for the night.
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Frank stopped his march, it was nightfall and he could no longer had a his ray of light to guide him. He sat pondering,

" Perhaps I should stop until after midnight and follow the moon?" he said to himself.

As he sat he felt a great thirst come upon him,

"Damn, when was the last time I had a drink, or seen it for that matter? He looked around searching for a source of water, Nothing. he said disheartened Another reason to get out of this damned forest."

He nestled in the the crook of a tree to rest for a while.

A short while later...

Frank awoke with a start, almost smacking his head on a branch.

"Was that a voice?" He wondered, he jumped to his feet and looked around, "I don't see anyone." He stated simply. He decided it was worth a shot.

"HEY!" He called, "IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE?... HELLO?" He sat in silence, maybe there wasn't anyone out there, but maybe there was. He tried to discern the direction from which the sound originated but, alas, he could not. He would sit and wait for a while, perhaps someone had come looking for him he'd been gone quite the while, but if he barley heard them he doubted they would hear him. It was a forlorn hope, but it was hope.
As Tabitha looked around, she heard a response. Relief flooded over her.

"YES! THANK GOD THERE IS SOMEONE OUT HERE!" She shouted back to the voice.

She wasnt too sure if her voice could reach, so she walked to the direction of the voice.

She walked as fast as she could. Perhaps the owner of the voice could help her out of the forest.
His head snapped to the right so fast Frank though he would pull a muscle, but he heard it, faint, a voice in the forest. He jumped down from the branch on which he was sitting and hit the ground running, he'd find the voice in the night if it killed him. He was in a dead sprint, jumping over roots and gullies at breakneck speed.

"OVER HERE!" He yelled, "I'M OVER HERE!" he ran and ran, but then he saw her, a silhouette in the forest walking in his direction, maybe fifty yards out. "HEY!" He cried out, relieved to see another person. He ran with renewed vigor, he would survive, he would get out of this forest. He smiled, the first in over a year.
Tabitha ran, and she soon saw a male figure in the distance.

"I SEE YOU!" She called out. She slowed down and stopped when she was infront of him.

"I thought...I was...not going to...find anyone...out here!" Tabitha said between gasps of breath from running. Exercise was not her best skill, especially running.

"I'm you happen to know where a town is?" She asked the tall man infront of her.
Sebastian was amused watching the two run wildly towards each other. He was watching from the top of a tree. He looked up and saw the sun going down. I'm going to be late... he thought to himself and raced back to the manor. He entered his master's study and said,"You ought to get some rest. You look very tired." He walked closer to Ciel's desk. "Or would you like some tea before you go to bed?"
Ciel looked towards the door when Sebastian entered the room. "Finally." He muttered.

"I'd much rather get rest, I have a lot more work to do tomorrow." Ciel responded to his butler.

"May I also ask where you have been? You've been gone for quite a while." Ciel asked as he got up from his desk.
He stopped, here she was in front of him, his rescuer, his savior, his... Shit, she's lost here too.

"No, I thought you did knew." he said somewhat dispirited, "Please don't tell me you came from that god-forsaken well too? It doesn't matter, we have to get out of this place before we starve, I don't plan on either of us dying in this place." He said determinedly. "So tell me young lady," he said soothingly," who are you? My name is Frank."
He came from the well too? That made her realize that they both might be screwed.

"Nice to meet you, Frank. My name is Tabitha. Tabitha Rayne. It's nice to meet you." She smiled politley, extending her hand out for a hand shake.

If both have no idea were they were going, perhaps they could put two minds together and figure out how to get out of the forest.

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As he shook her hand Frank thought to himself, that something had changed, imperceptibly. "The pleasure is all mine Tabitha, if nothing else two heads are better than one, we will find a way home, I guarantee it."

He looked about, the feeling of the forest had changed, but not it's appearance.

"Let us head to the North, if we go in a straight line long enough we're bound to find our way out of here and back to civilization." He spoke in a manner of assurance, he did not know how old she was, but he could tell she was young and inexperienced. " I will protect you from harm so you need not worry, there is nothing to fear when you are with me young miss." He offered his hand and pointed his head towards the brightest star in the sky, the North star. He would not, no, could not fail, for her sake as much as his own.
Tabitha smiled to Frank, happy to have found someone who could aid her. "Alright! Thank you so very much." She said to him and accepted his hand. She was glad to have found someone much more experienced in survival than her. If she did not find him, she was probably better dead if she could not find her way. She decided to make a promise to herself. When this was all done and over with, she will take some sort of survival class.

Tabitha liked Frank's politeness. She never could really find that in a person, at least the people that are generally were around her. It was nice to actually see and meet a person who had manners and was generally kind.
As he led her through the forest was thinking of ways to survive if they never got out of this place, but as soon as he realised the significance of the thought he put it out of his mind, that he felt, is how losers think.

"So tell me Tabitha, where are you from?" He said, somewhat out of the blue. "Never seen clothes or hair like that before, it's pretty groovy though. That the new 'Top fashion' in England these days?"
Tabitha looked up to Frank when he asked the questions. "I'm from London, England. There are a lot of different High School cliques of the days. I happen to be..I guess scene...or a little bit gothic...perhaps both. I'm not really sure." Tabitha said giggling to herself. She caught Frank using the word 'groovy'. "I suppose you like the slang of...sixties...seventies?" She asked. She was never caught up with slang of the the 1900s. "That isn't a bad thing of course! I just never hear it often." She said, assuming that perhaps that Frank shared her time period...or does the well give access to all time periods?

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