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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}


Family Disappointment
Levana Coraelis

The cool November day was young, and Levana Coraelis was finishing up her duties as head maid of the Phantomhive residence.

She was helping Sebastian clean up the remains of dinner, and the dishes. Picking up the plates, she balanced them on her arms, and a few on the top of her head. Thanks to her near perfect stamina, it was easy for her to do things like this without breaking anything. Unless, that is, it wasn't her fault.

The one disadvantage of working with the Phantomhive head was his other employees. She was find of them, yes, but they were quite the troublemakers. They were always making her or Sebastian mad.

There was a gust of wind behind her, and suddenly the plates were being lifted from her head. She turned around to see Sebastian rather close to her, with the plates. She smiled.

"You have to stop doing that" she laughed. They both turned and walked into the kitchen, where there was a disaster. She put the plates down and looked at the one in charge of meals.

"Five minutes. I leave for five minutes and this is what I come back to?" She sighed and turned. "Clean this up. Now." She turned and walked away, Sebastian behind her.

She walked towards her young Master's study, where he most likely was. Turning a corner, she accidentally bumped into you.

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry" she apologized, looking at you.
Carmine Indigo took a step back, readjusting the suit he wore from the bump, still holding onto his cane.

"Quite alright, no trouble caused. I was just looking for the bathroom."

Carmine had arrived not too long ago as an esteemed guest of the Phantomhives. He was discussing business with Ciel today, but it seemed he was a little preoccupied at the moment. When Carmine had arrived, he was told to wait in the parlor, which he did...for a while. His curiosity got the better of him eventually, and he decided to explore a little bit, see what he could find. To be honest, he had expected to see more people running around, but so far he bad only seen five people; The butlers, the cook, the gardener, and the maid. It was a little strange to have such a small staff for such a large manor, and even stranger still to still have it in peak condition. Indeed, there was something curious going on. Most curious...
"The restroom? Oh." She turned around, and pointed with her foot in front of her, since her hands were full.

"You're going to go straight two halls down, and take a left. It's right next door to the kitchen." She instructed.

Sebastian came around the corner, carrying the same number of plates she was.

Greetings, Sir Indigo. It is a pleasure to have you back at Phantomhive manor once again." He greeted, nodding at him.

May I ask, have you seen Lord Phantomhive?"

@Knight Nate
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"Ah, yes. Thank you, miss."

He tightened the scarf around his neck as he turned to Sebastian.

"Good afternoon, Sebastian. It's nice to be back. The Phantomhive Manor is so much larger than the Indigo Estate, not to mention well maintained for its small staff. You certainly do your job well, Sebastian."

He looked behind him down the hall to the large door of Ciel's Study, then back to Sebastian.

"Yes, Lord Phantomhive and I were out walking around the garden for a while. My apologies if I didn't alert you, but we arrived back at his Study not too long ago. I was just on my way to the restroom."
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
"Ah, yes. Thank you, miss."
He tightened the scarf around his neck as he turned to Sebastian.

"Good afternoon, Sebastian. It's nice to be back. The Phantomhive Manor is so much larger than the Indigo Estate, not to mention well maintained for its small staff. You certainly do your job well, Sebastian."

He looked behind him down the hall to the large door of Ciel's Study, then back to Sebastian.

"Yes, Lord Phantomhive and I were out walking around the garden for a while. My apologies if I didn't alert you, but we arrived back at his Study not too long ago. I was just on my way to the restroom."

"Thank you for your kind words, sir." He gave a slight smile and bowed. "And thank you for telling me where Young Master is. I wish to ask him about something."

Levana looked at the man. "I apologize, sir, but I must be attending to my duties. It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

She adjusted the plates and walked off, after giving a curt bow, Sebastian in tow. "If you need anything, just send for either Levana or I." With that, he glided off, following the woman before him.

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy knocked on a door of the Phantomhive residence. It was quite a marvelous place, and also the place of residence of Ciel Phantomhive. Lucy favored this human, but another demon had already beat her to a contract. Speaking of Sebastian, that was the reason she was knocking at the door. She had a letter she had to deliver from somewhere else she'd visited. It wasn't much, just something. She held the letter in her hand. This better be quick! She had places to be, people to see. Ah, actually, not. But still!

Lucy would also take the chance to enter the large estate, scope around for anything interesting. She also had to go to the bathroom. The small, boy-looking girl knocked on the door.
Carmine nodded and watched the both of them walk away before he sighed. He walked down to the bathroom and stepped inside, locking the door behind him. He stepped to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror, his pale purple eyes staring back at him. He ran a hand down his face and sighed. He knew there was something going on around here, and he was close to seeing what it was! All he needed now was to complete the deal and get cozy with Lord Phantomhive, and then he might finally know how he keeps things so efficient. He just needed a little more time. He took off his gloves and splashed some cold water on his face, putting his gloves back on right after. He opened the door once more and began making his way back to the Phantomhive Study.

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy knocked harder on the door. "Hurry up!" she said to herself with frustration. She figured they must have been busy inside. Well, they won't mind if I let myself in, right? Lucy, with her demon stealth, leapt up a building towards the closest bathroom she knew. Obviously, she'd have to go to a male bathroom since she was supposed to be a male butler. She used to a simple trick to open the window and leapt inside the bathroom. Of course, like the rest of the Phantomhive residence, it was fancy and lavish. She darted into one of the toilet stalls. When she went out again, she realized there had been someone here. Yes, she could smell it. ...Wow, it smells like a human! "Now, I didn't expect them to have another human over. Perhaps Ciel's?" she said to herself, amused. Lucy went outside the bathroom to try and find both Sebastian and the origin of the scent.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Levana Coraelis/Sebastian Michaelis

Soon, Sebastian and Levana walked out of the kitchen, in the direction of Ciel's study. They wished to discuss a pressing issue with the young lord.

As they walked by the restroom, a girl walked out. "Who are you?" Leans asked, focusing her turquoise and midnight blue eyes on her face.

"I don't recall Lord Phantomhive having another visitor today" she said, playing it off. "Nor do I remember Sir Indigo having a companion."

It was obvious that this girl was a demon, most likely looking for a contract. She had no idea if her master would employ another, as he already had two demons under his home's roof.

"Forgive me for asking, but what do you want? What is your business here?"

She saw Sir Indigo walking behind them. "Sir Indigo, may I ask you if you know this young lady?" She pointed at Lucy.

@Knight Nate

Carmine looked up from where he was walking to see Sebastian, the new girl who he believed was called Levana, and yet another new arrival. He stopped walking, his cane striking the ground roughly. He looked to the....boy and shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, miss. This person is new to me."

Lucy Montgomery


As Lucy walked out, a woman with magnificent blue eyes walked near her, peering at her. Lucy could tell she was a demon... though, perhaps not fully.

Lucy looked at the woman.
"Certainly a lady like you would know to introduce themselves before asking someone else to do the same," she answered back.

Lucy couldn't recall seeing this woman the last time she came here, but then again, she only visited for a brief time.

"I am giving this letter to Sebastian Michaelis," she said as she held up the letter. It wasn't important, just some sort of small little letter from somewhere. Lucy noticed a human male walking nearby. The lady asked if he knew her, his name being 'Sir Indigo'. Lucy immediately recognized the scent and bowed, grinning. "Also, I am a boy," she said to the lady, though it was a lie. But she pulled it off, if she didn't say her name.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Levana nodded as soon As he spoke, revealing that he really did not know the young demon before her.

"Alright then" she said. "Let's take a walk. Come with me." She put her hand on the girls back, and guided her towards Ciel's study. "I am not the master of this estate, but Lord Phantomhive is, so it will be up to him to determine your punishment for trespassing and entering our home without permission."

She knew that the girl was a demon, that was actually a girl. She wasn't that stupid. She was also very strong, and knew she could easily overcome her. She had been training with Sebastian, after all. They needed to keep their skills sharp.

She opened the door to Ciel's study, after knocking, and walked in. The met eyes with her master for a split second and then began to speak. "Sir, Mr. Indigo is looking for you. On another note, this young one here was inside our home uninvited. Claiming they were delivering a message to Sebastian. She's obviously one of us."

Her voice dropped low at her last sentence. By 'one of us' she meant demon. She did not need Indigo to hear and question it.

Sebastian walked in a moment later, reading the letter. "What is this?" He asked.

@Knight Nate


Lucy Montgomery


Lucy walked with the lady to Ciel's study. Ah, the young Lord of the Phantomhive estate? She's never met him before.

"Trespassing and entering?" she repeated. "Why, that's awfully formal, isn't it? I'd call it... a surprise visit. Wouldn't you?" Lucy folded her arms. Hopefully this Ciel person wouldn't actually give her any punishments or anything. Because, she could easily kill a little human like him. But killing this lady and Sebastian? Not so much of a piece of cake.

They arrived at Ciel's study. The lady opened a door. To Lucy's surprise, he was quite a young boy. He had an eye patch on one eye, making Lucy wonder if that was the place chosen for his contract seal. Now that she recalled, she caught a glimpse of one of the lady's hand as well. Hm. Lucy didn't have a contract. Well, not yet.

Lucy looked at Ciel and bowed slightly. "I would have to disagree with her. I was sent to deliver a letter to Sebastian," she said. She didn't see any reason to refer to Sebastian with any honorific or anything, she was a demon too, wasn't she? Pfft. Lucy also recalled the lady mention she was a demon, and Lucy folded her arms somewhat proudly.

Sebastian walked in moments later, reading the letter. Lucy looked at the demon.
"I have not that knowledge. Really, do you all take me as a person who'd look into letters?" she laughed, with some sort of arrogance in it.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
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Carmine watched them walk past him with his usual smirk, but followed shortly after. Clearly, this was something that didn't happen so often. Curious as to how an intruder managed to invade the Phantomhive Manor, he picked up the pace to the study. He entered slowly, but said nothing as he stood to the side of the doorway, walking in right after Sebastian, who seemed to be entranced by a letter of sorts. Interesting...
Upon hearing her words against her trespassing, that she was only bearing a message, she looked at her.

Ciel stood, his cane in his right hand. "You have no right to be trespassing on our property. But alas, you are of Sebastian and Levana's kind. You could easily dispose of me."

He looked to the dark Levana. She automatically let Lucy go, and walked back to stand next to Sebastian, who looked at her. By the way they dealt with each other, and acted around the other, it was obvious that something was going on between them. That, or the fact that he just wrapped his arm around her waist?

Ciel looked at Lucy. "What do you wish of me? I know that you were not just delivering a message to Sebastian. What else are you here for?"

Sebastian and Levana watched on silently, neither failing to hear footsteps in the hall outside, and Carmine entering soon after them.

@Knight Nate
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Lucy Montgomery


Lucy grinned, and bowed once again to Ciel, before being let go by the lady - who'd been referred to as Levana. She raised an eyebrow as she went beside Sebastian and the male demon may have put an arm around her waist. She let it go, and faced Ciel again.

"What do I wish of you?" she repeated. Lucy laughed a little. "At first, I only came here to pass on this letter to your butler here. But, ah, while I was in the men's bathroom, it seems I picked up the scent of something quite interesting. A human, perhaps. And I was captivated," she said. Lucy could pick up the scent again. In fact, she could even feel an aura. She heard footsteps silently creep up in the hallway.

Lucy knew that Sebastian and Levana must have heard it too. "In fact, I think it's back," she said. Lucy leapt over to the door and opened it, to reveal the boy from before, creeping up nearby.

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
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"Yes" Ciel said, sitting back down. "That is Carmine Indigo. He's an old business partner of mine. He's staying at the residence for a few days while we negotiate and come up with more plans for our factories and businesses." He rest his cane against the desk.

Sebastian and Levana both disappeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and soon returned. It was time for tea. Sebastian carried a tray that held his master's favorite type of tea, as well as sugar cubes. Levana,on the other hand, carried a plate of scones. They placed the trays gently on the desk, and Sebastian prepared the tea.

"Young Master" Levana addressed Ciel. "We have prepared your favorite scones, as well as your favorite type of tea." With that, she bowed to him and returned to the back of the room.

Trying to remain professional, Sebastian and Levana kept a bit of distance from each other, not wanting to show too many personal displays of affection before the time came.

"Thank you, Levana and Sebastian" Ciel said in a monotonous voice, before looking back at Lucy. "And what is so special about him?" He asked quietly

@Knight Nate @kurol
Carmine said nothing as he waited patiently in the corner of the room, just listening to everything that was going on. It seemed this person had come for something other than this letter. He gripped the top of his cane tightly, ready to pull out his short sword in it if neccesary.

Lucy Montgomery


Carmine Indigo? "Two very refined colors," she said. "Is he now?" Lucy looked at the young man.

Lucy noticed Levana and Sebastian disappear off somewhere and return, with trays of scones and tea, and sugar cubes.
Tea time? Lucy inspected the morsels and the drink. She watched as they prepared the tea for Ciel. Is that was a demon does for their master?

Lucy looked at Ciel once he addressed her again.
"I don't know," she said, shrugging casually. "Perhaps unlike these two," Lucy nodded towards Levana and Sebastian, "I am awfully deprived of contact with a human. So it intrigued me." Lucy shifted the weight on her feet.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
"Sir Indigo" Levana said to Carmine, turning to face him. "May I escort you back to your room? I believe Lord Phantomhive will want to speak with his guest about their matters in private." She opened the door for him, and bowed slightly, waiting for him to exit.

"Come, Sebastian. Let us move to the kitchen, and see if the others are doing their jobs." She looked up at the two. "Just ring if you need either of us."

Sebastian nodded and walked out, leaving the two alone. Ciel looked at Lucy. "I'm assuming that letter was about you wishing for a contract?" He asked, sipping his tea

@Knight Nate @kurol

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy watched as Levana and Sebastian escorted Carmine back to his guest room. Her blue eyes followed him all the way out the door with interest.

She faced Ciel once more. The room was empty of people, besides the two. Lucy grinned.
"I see. You are smarter than I thought you were," she said. "But not with you, Phantomhive. You already have two, and that woman... Levana? I don't think she has a particular liking towards me." Lucy paused. She walked closer to Ciel, a little bit. "You see, I already knew that Mister Indigo was going to stay here to do some business with you. Please don't ask how. I'm a demon, aren't I? And so I thought to myself, 'That's an interesting looking human'. And I was intrigued. So I come here to seek contract with that human," she said.

She'd been looking for a human to contract with for a long time now. Ever since she decided to become a male butler to carry on her family's traditions, she hadn't had much luck finding a master.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
"I may be young, but I'm not mentally inferior." He said, sipping his tea once more.

He looked back up at Lucy. "I wouldn't be so direct with that. You see, Carmine does not know about Sebastian and Levana, or about demonic contracts at all. We would need to explain that to him first, do you not think?"

"And please, pardon Levana. She doesn't trust people easily. It took her a long while to get used to Sebastian. And you could obviously see how they turned out." He looked down into his tea cup. "Quite frankly, I'm expecting Sebastian to come and tell me one day that there would be yet another demon in my home, their offspring." He spoke to himself more than her on that last part.

@Knight Nate


Lucy Montgomery


Lucy looked back at Ciel after he sipped his tea. "I would be aware of that. I can't tell how he'd react. Alas, he might reject me as well. But, on the other hand, he may accept this and agree!" Lucy nodded. Of course, a human wouldn't be aware of all these complicated demon things.

Lucy nodded. She was even taken aback a little by the final statement, but she supposed she saw it coming.
"I don't want to marry the woman or anything ridiculous, but perhaps I shall consider a politer manner," she said. Not that it was true; she was hot tempered, and when ticked off, could lash out easily.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
"You still must tell him about the fact that you will be taking his soul one day, like Sebastian and Levana will do to me." He said.

"And if you treat her better, it will make her more comfortable around you a lot faster. Trust me."

Sensing a type of tension about the topic, he continued. "She's actually a rather nice woman. I can see why Sebastian loves her so."

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy tapped her chin. "Ah, yes, there is that component as well," she said, nodding slightly. The thought of a human soul to devour made her crazy excited. Wasn't it the goal of all demon butlers? The thing that drove them to serve their masters?

"I must say, I've never pictured Sebastian as the type to be that way," she said. "I suppose I was wrong. They get along quite well, don't they? Very well indeed." Ciel had hinted that something was definitely going on between the two, and Lucy could already pick it up herself.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate

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