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Fandom Black Butler RP 1x1!


One Thousand Club

Sebastian woke Ciel by opening the blinds to the master bedroom in the Phantomhive estate...which had recently been re-built in the richer area of Gotham city. Ciel had been the Queen's watchdog before he faked his death upon becoming a demon. When Ciel barely stirred, Sebastian turned on the television hanging on the wall. It played a local news report on a mysterious vigilante known as Batman whom the Gotham city police commissioner: James Gordon, seemed to be working with as an ally.

Sebastian had suggested Gotham city to be their new sort-of Base of Operations. From what Sebastian could tell you about his master over the centuries they'd been together until 2016...is that Ciel sometimes yearned for the old days of being the Watchdog...and liked to strike fear into the hearts of people as he once did...amplified by his new demonic abilities.

However, it seemed this Bat-fellow did all the above with naught but a mask and a cape...and theatricality.

"Jealous are we?" Sebastian said in greeting to the young master as he handed him a cup of tea.
"Jealous?! You think I'm jealous!" Ciel huffed "I don't give a damn.." He took the tea as he sipped it "Yes, I miss being the watch dog but that does not make me jealous." He glared at Sebastian "don't go on making assumptions like that." An idea struck his head "Get me all the detail you can on this 'Batman' I need to know as much as I can" he smiled and took another sip of tea.
"Might I inquire as to why that is my lord?" Sebastian asked with a quirked eyebrow. "You've been quite content to fly under the radar as they say....you've brought Funtom into the present day...and we've made sure to leave no traces to arouse suspicion. What does this vigilante have that could possibly be of use to us?"

The news report warned that they were going to show some security footage that may seem disturbing. The scene showed audio and video of the caped crusader taking out a room full of a dozen mobsters, smashing them through walls and breaking them down with speed and ferocity the likes of which Sebastian had never seen outside of a supernatural being. One thug got hit in the throat and another thrown over the vigilante's head out a window.

A crunching noise was heard as Batman snapped one of their arms and shot the other thugs with the man's gun hand. The final two got a leg sweep and smashed their head into the floorboards, the last got punched repeatedly in the face...his nose smashed.
"You aren't the one to be asking questions Sebastian!" He slightly raised his voice "I told you to go do something now do it." He watched the Tv as the fight scene went away 'Who are you Batman' he thought to himself 'I will become the new protection of this town and nobody will know who you are.' He sipped his tea and looked at Sebastian "Well? What are you doodling about? Go do what I told you to."
Sebastian nodded and bowed, "Yes, of course sir. But you have not had breakfast...which is why I've taken the liberty of hiring on an additional set of hands."

Sebastian opened the door to reveal a teenager with his hair tied back in a small ponytail and a pierced lip. He wandered into Ciel's bedroom and blinked before turning to Sebastian: "This the guy?" He pointed at Ciel.

"Yes, this is Ciel Phantomhive-" Sebastian said.

"And he's all demon and shit like you?" The teenager asked before looking back at Ciel.

"Quite." Sebastian replied.
Ciel looked from the TV to the male and spit out his Tea "Who the hell is this?!" He spat at Sebastian. He looked quite upset "You are a demon you should be able to do everything in this manor, you did it before." He sighed thinking about the past and how he missed it.
"I apologize sir, but since you were once human you retain some human characteristics including taste buds. I must say it is becoming bothersome to keep up with modern cuisine after so long being used to Victorian era cooking. Besides, young Kevin here was quite the master chef at a hospital nearby's cafeteria...he knows how to prepare food on time and make exquisite cuisine that while not appearing as fancy as something you're used to...it might surprise you with it's taste." Sebastian explained.

Kevin smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "Well I did have to improvise with things like packaged ramen and canned sausages before..."
He looked at Kevin "Kevin eh? You're good at cooking? Go make me something to eat then. I shall see for myself. As for you Sebastian, dress me and after that do as I told you to do earlier." He whipped the covers off of himself and sat at the side of the bed "Damn..ill be stuck this young forever." He looked down at how his feet dangled off the side and barley touched the floor "Well get to it you two." He glared
Kevin blinked, "Well...what would you like?" he asked Ciel. Sebastian sighed, "Go and earn your paycheck, just....make something!"

"Sure but I didn't want to make him something he's allergic to or something..." Kev shrugged and left the room.

Sebastian dressed Ciel in his casual daytime clothes as the smell of ham, eggs, cheese and onions filled the house. When Sebastian brought down Ciel into the dining area, the smell grew stronger. Kevin appeared in the doorway carrying a covered dish, he placed it down with some hot tea in a cup in front of Ciel's seat. "I hope you like it..." he uncovered the dish to reveal a ham, cheese and onion omelette and two pieces of sausage.
Ciel looked at the dish and smelled the air "I hope it tastes as good as it smells." He said in a cocky tone as he picked up his fork and knife. She cut into the omelet and took a small bite. His eyes slightly widen "Not bad.." He took another bite "Yes, you will do." He looked at Kevin and gave a small smile then looked at Sebastian "I gave you an order earlier now get to it." He glared
"Yes, m'lord! Apologies but if I didn't assure my master was fed, what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian zipped out of the house and left Kevin with Ciel. "So you're sending him after Batman, huh?" Kevin asked, taking a sip of a Starbucks cappuccino he had picked up on the way here. "That police commissioner, Gordon? I hear he originally was investigating Bruce Wayne as being him."
"Yes that is precisely correct." He looked up at Kevin "Bruce Wayne?" He questioned as he took a sip of the tea that was made for him "Who is that?" He asked as he set down the tea and started to eat again

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