Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

Saiyan Princess

Always unhappy
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Melody Frazier submitted a new role play:

Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim - She's lost everything. What will happen now?

The night was dark and wet and she had just escaped a near fatal incident when her mother, a local prostitute, was murdered by Jack the Ripper. It was a narrow escape, one that sent Anastasia running for her life. She, herself, was only in training at the time. All she wore was a torn shirt and soiled undies. Anastasia stops in front of Phantomhive manor and crawls through the bars of the gate, falling to her knees in the grass at the foot of the stairs. She sobbed as the figure came and...
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Matt Facious had been staying at the Phantomhive manor since Sebastian had been training him. He had just become a demon and had a lot to learn. For what little training he had, he already understood most concepts of the lifestyle. He had been searching all over London for a troubled soul to sign a contract with. Unlike other demon butlers, he was caring and still had a heart. He wanted a troubled human to truly watch over and help fulfill their destiny. He sat on his bed, blankly staring out the window. He listened to the faint pitter-patter of rain drops falling hard against the siding of the manor. He heard a loud scream and nearly jumped from his seat. With caution he slid open his bedroom window and listened in for more screams. He loudly screamed out, "Is anybody out there?!"
Anastasia didn't hear anything that the demon had uttered from the window above him. All she could hear was the chainsaw blade coming very close to her neck. She screamed again. "PLEASE! I WON'T TELL ANYONE!" Annie screamed. Grell laughed his head off. "DIE, YOU LITTLE BRAT!"
He heard no response but heard the screams once more. He jumped from the window running towards the screaming. He soon noticed the girl along with a familiar foe. He simply smirked and approached the red-haired man, "Ah, Grell. I would drop that stupid chainsaw of yours if I were you. Wouldn't want to have to contact William and have him demote you to a pair of scissors again." He now stepped towards the girl and held out a hand, "Hello Miss, you really shouldn't be out here by yourself in the rain, you could become ill."
Grell stood there, dumbfounded. "I thought you were dead! What the hell happened!?!" He turned his reaper's scythe away from the child. "What do you want her for!?! She's a prostitute!" Anastasia couldn't take her eyes off of her savior. She whispered to herself to make sure that she wasn't heard by the demons. "God, help me, Father." She then turned her attention back to Matt. "I-I'm sorry."
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"Just leave Grell. " He rolled his eyes at the man and adverted his gaze back to the girl. "You shouldn't be apologizing. " He sighed noticing it had been raining even harder. "Why don't you come inside for a while to dry up and I can get you some hot chocolate if you'd like." He smiled , and quickly looked to the side making sure the man had left.
She didn't know what to do. Should she trust him? He had just saved her life. She was cold. Anastasia got up and smiled at him. Grell groaned. "I never get to have any fun!" With that, he disappeared. Anastasia walked up to the door and hesitated. She had been to huge manors like this before, and then, they were never pleasant memories. "I-I don't wanna go in!" She threw her arms around his leg and trembled. "Don't go!"
He was a bit shocked by her reaction, "We can't stay out in the rain forever. I assure you there's nothing you have to be scared of inside this manor."
She stopped shaking long enough to nod, let go and walk inside Phantomhive Manor. It was beautiful! Everything about it was welcoming to Anastasia and nothing was out of place. A maid was cleaning, or rather, dropping almost every piece of clothing she touched. Annie smiled at her and turned back to the man. "She's funny..."
He chuckled and nodded, "That's Mey-Rin she is quite funny. " He led her into the dining room and smiled at her, "Take a seat. Would you like some hot chocolate?"
She obeyed him. "Yes, please, sir." Annie laid her head on the table and attempted to stop her tears that were surely coming. She wanted her mother. "Mommy..." she whispered to herself as she entwined her fingers and started praying. "Dear God, please, please, please...don't let anyone else die." She continued to pray. "Please, protect my mommy."
He turned to leave the room and heard the girl begin to whisper to herself, she seemed quite upset but he chose to leave her be for a few moments. He entered the kitchen and quickly fetched the glass of hot chocolate. He soon returned and placed the glass in front of her. He noticed her tears and spoke quite concerned, "Are you alright?"
She sat up straight and tall almost immediately. "Y-Yes." She trembled. He was behind her. She couldn't see what he was doing. "U-Um, I n-never got y-your name." She started to sweat as he stood behind her. "Um, w-would you m-mind...c-coming in fr-front of me." Her whole body was shaking.
He stood in front of her and chocked out quite worried, "Sh, it's alright. My name is Mathew Facious. You can just call me Matt. What is your name?" After becoming a demon he quickly gained psychic abilities. He already knew her name but didn't want to scare her away.
"I'm Ana-Anastasia. Anastasia Meadows." She also choked. Annie was always the type to trust quickly, but, that might have been what led to her life in the slums of London. "It's nice to meet you." She heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Matthew, have you finished dusting?" Sebastian's voice came from the doorway. He was following a boy with an eye patch and dark hair.
Matt smiled, "It's nice to meet you too." As soon as Matt heard Sebastian's voice he rolled his eyes, "Yes, Sebastian. By the way we have a guest."
"A guest in my mansion?" Ciel asks before seeing the girl. "I don't recall authorizing anyone here, Matthew." Anastasia tensed up. She felt disgusting. She wanted a bath desperately. She jumped out of her seat, cocoa in hand and sipped it as far away from them as she could get.
He carefully watched the girl and sighed, "I apologize Ciel, she was in great danger . Grell was trying to kill the poor girl. " He looked at Anastasia with a smile, "Would you like me to find you an outfit? I'm sure you're freezing in your clothing ."
Something inside her was screaming to tell him to leave her alone, but he was her only friend. "Alright, Matthew. We can go." Ciel closed his eyes. "I want her out by tomorrow." He looked at her up and down and smirked as he looked at Sebastian. The demon understood perfectly. This only made the child nervous.
He led her up a narrow stairway . He whispered out, "I'm sorry, Ciel isn't one of the nicest people. He hasn't liked me from the beginning. I saw the look in Sebastian's eyes, he seems to not mind you but he must obey Ciel."Matt stopped Mey-Rin in the ball. She blushed red and went on and on about how cute she found Anastasia . once she calmed down he asked for an outfit of hers. She quickly retrieved one and he led her to a small room. "I'll stand outside the door. You can change here. These clothes may be a little big but they will be more comfortable ."
Anastasia stayed in the room, but did not want to be alone. She stayed as close as possible to the door, as close as possible to Matthew. She couldn't explain it, but something about him that made her want him. Desire him. He was exquisite in every way and she was so plain. "Excuse me, Matthew, but she needs a bath." Mey Rin smiled at him. "Let me help her."
He hesitated at first but soon agreed, "A-Alright, just be gentle with her. She's been through a lot. I'm not exactly sure what yet..."
Sebastian, hearing all of this from downstairs as he's cleaning up, chuckled. "Don't do it, Matthew. Do not form a contract with her. She is a child. Do not take her life from her." The maid smiled and went in, locked the door, and helped the child get undressed, discard her clothes and bathe. "There you go, Miss."
Not long after, Annie opened the door excitedly and threw her arms around the man. "Matt!" She was excited to see him. "I missed you! Did you miss me?" Her grip got tighter. MeyRin bowed and left. "Goodbye, dear." The girl waved back. "Bye bye!"

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