Black Ale Character Auditions

I'm talking about the boat in the rp. I read the first and second post, and figured that would be a good enough place to set him.
I'm talking about the boat in the rp. I read the first and second post, and figured that would be a good enough place to set him.

I don't think that it would. The ship has been out at sea for two weeks already. Not to mention that if he is running away from one fight only to jump aboard for another would place him out of character. Plus how long would he be at sea for? Does he have food? Salt water kills people... So how much fresh water does he have? 

Placing all of that 'logic' into the idea... For him to leave one ship in the middle of battle... He would be spotted by all... Even other men who knew him would try to kill him just for running away in battle like that... Maybe if he just jumped ship quickly no one would notice. But to grab a boat and some stuff... people would notice. 

The other question would be as to how far away was the ship from land when the attack happened? It had to be far from civilization as pirates don't attack too close to them. Authority ships in the masses would catch up quickly. 

As for being close to land... He could be close to land and end up going there.... but out in those waters most islands are deserted. And who knows when the next ship will come around? Especially in areas where pirates hunt. So if he did swim or row to land, and then come across another ship... That ship would be a pirate ship..... The question after that would be 'would that pirate ship stop?'

Name: Novanis 'Claw' Goldenwood, Some will call her Clara

Age: 26

Appearance: Long flowing dreads of white, she wears them proudly tucked behind her head. She isn't afraid to show off her other assets as well, usually preffering to keep a blue neck scarf on along with low cut corset shirts. She always wears pants, not about to put herself in a skirt just to please. She always wears adorning necklaces with various teeth and jewels, something she received a long time ago.

Personality: Not one for being meek or quiet, Novis is one who wears her confidence loud and proud. She is as far from ladylike as you can get, proudly showing off her assets and not afraid to take her fair share, if not more, of alcohol. She tends to be more of a bridging gaps kind of person, able to joke around with everyone on the crew, as long as you don't have a cannon up your ass. She tends to get hot headed when people try and push her buttons or make her a good little girl. She will follow orders to a T if she has enough respect for the person in charge.


Novanis is the only thing she knows of where she was from. She was born in a remote tribe somewhere near the town where she was born. Her tribe was deep in war with the town for land, and soon enough her tribe was defeated and Novanis taken with them. Along with that they stole one of the tribes women to be their slave. She was renamed Clara. As Clara, she grew up on the inside. Her parents were determined to teach her how to behave like a lady, like a formal woman. She didn't agree, and neither did the servant Chalego. Chalego started to tell her about her true heritage at the age of 5, teaching her the way she should have been brought up. They would sneak out at night, and unknown to Clara was often punished for lying. They were not too happy with Chalego. She was executed by the time Clara had turned 14. Clara was to be sold off to some man, and Chalego stood up for her. The night before the execution Clara reassumed her original name. She got the names of a few survivors of their tribe and where they were. The only way to get there was by boat, and with no money, that meant she would have to figure out another way. At first it started with small theft like she had back at the house, taking pieces of men's clothing to wear. Now she was stealing what she could to survive. A pirate picked her up off the street and took her in to his ship, and soon enough Novis was one of the crew. Spending the rest of her days along the ship, Novis traveled around to all sorts of places. She connected herself with the last of her tribe, they told her of their stories, filling in what Chalego could not have. One gave her the nose ring and sets of ear plugs, a few others did the markings. The teeth necklace was from Chalego herself, a last parting gift. It was meant to go with her to bless her in marriage, but considering what she was going to do, Chalego gave it to her for luck. She would never forgive herself if she lost it
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Hm, good point. And now that I look at it, though the character's personality is good in my opinion, it wouldn't work in this setting. So I'll just post up another character.

Name: Gareth Bryne

Age: 24



Personality: He likes to think of himself as the voice of reason. When Novanis goes running off to do something stupid, he's there making sure it isn't to stupid. Needless to say he's basically given up hope on her listening and now does it more out of habit then anything else. When he's dragged along on one of Novanis' adventures, yes he's telling her to not do it but he's also making sure that she doesn't get hurt. His pistol and aim has saved her life more times then one.

History: Gareth wasn't as lucky as some when it comes to finance. In fact, it was rather rough for him. His dad was a fisherman, and his mom did what she could to bring in a little extra coin to feed him. And almost as soon as he could  walk he was thrown into the working world. He was a message runner, plain and simple. He memorized what someone wanted to tell someone else, or summed it up, and ran to where that person hopefully was. It was a good job, he was young and had the energy plus he knew the city like the back of his hand. On one of these message runs he met her, Novanis. Then again, back then she was called Clara and her parents were rich folk. But she seemed nice enough, she actually talked to him a little after he delivered his message and even offered to share the snack she had with him, the ever elusive apple. Of course he turned down the offer, but he found every excuse he could to go back and visit the only other person that wanted to talk to him. And on top of that she seemed to be from another world, being in the upper class and all. But changed when he found her on the streets stealing things like every other street urchin. At that point he liked to think that they were friends and naturally wanted to help her. But she didn't want to go back home, she seemed rather determined not to and avoided the subject when she could. And she wanted to be called Novanis now, not Clara. She had ignored him a couple times when he called her Clara and only listened when he called her Novanis. And from there the rest is history really. She dragged him along on many misadventures and slowly but surely the person that was Clara was replaced by Novanis, or Novis for short. But she wasn't really different, who she was as a person stayed the same. It's just everything else that changed. And now there he sat, or ran as the case was at times, with Novis. Making sure that she wasn't stabbed while she wasn't looking or shot in the back.

Name: Novanis 'Claw' Goldenwood, Some will call her Clara

Age: 26

Appearance: Long flowing dreads of white, she wears them proudly tucked behind her head. She isn't afraid to show off her other assets as well, usually preffering to keep a blue neck scarf on along with low cut corset shirts. She always wears pants, not about to put herself in a skirt just to please. She always wears adorning necklaces with various teeth and jewels, something she received a long time ago.

Personality: Not one for being meek or quiet, Novis is one who wears her confidence loud and proud. She is as far from ladylike as you can get, proudly showing off her assets and not afraid to take her fair share, if not more, of alcohol. She tends to be more of a bridging gaps kind of person, able to joke around with everyone on the crew, as long as you don't have a cannon up your ass. She tends to get hot headed when people try and push her buttons or make her a good little girl. She will follow orders to a T if she has enough respect for the person in charge.


Novanis is the only thing she knows of where she was from. She was born in a remote tribe somewhere near the town where she was born. Her tribe was deep in war with the town for land, and soon enough her tribe was defeated and Novanis taken with them. Along with that they stole one of the tribes women to be their slave. She was renamed Clara. As Clara, she grew up on the inside. Her parents were determined to teach her how to behave like a lady, like a formal woman. She didn't agree, and neither did the servant Chalego. Chalego started to tell her about her true heritage at the age of 5, teaching her the way she should have been brought up. They would sneak out at night, and unknown to Clara was often punished for lying. They were not too happy with Chalego. She was executed by the time Clara had turned 14. Clara was to be sold off to some man, and Chalego stood up for her. The night before the execution Clara reassumed her original name. She got the names of a few survivors of their tribe and where they were. The only way to get there was by boat, and with no money, that meant she would have to figure out another way. At first it started with small theft like she had back at the house, taking pieces of men's clothing to wear. Now she was stealing what she could to survive. A pirate picked her up off the street and took her in to his ship, and soon enough Novis was one of the crew. Spending the rest of her days along the ship, Novis traveled around to all sorts of places. She connected herself with the last of her tribe, they told her of their stories, filling in what Chalego could not have. One gave her the nose ring and sets of ear plugs, a few others did the markings. The teeth necklace was from Chalego herself, a last parting gift. It was meant to go with her to bless her in marriage, but considering what she was going to do, Chalego gave it to her for luck. She would never forgive herself if she lost it

Hm, good point. And now that I look at it, though the character's personality is good in my opinion, it wouldn't work in this setting. So I'll just post up another character.

Name: Gareth Bryne

Age: 24



Personality: He likes to think of himself as the voice of reason. When Novanis goes running off to do something stupid, he's there making sure it isn't to stupid. Needless to say he's basically given up hope on her listening and now does it more out of habit then anything else. When he's dragged along on one of Novanis' adventures, yes he's telling her to not do it but he's also making sure that she doesn't get hurt. His pistol and aim has saved her life more times then one.

History: Gareth wasn't as lucky as some when it comes to finance. In fact, it was rather rough for him. His dad was a fisherman, and his mom did what she could to bring in a little extra coin to feed him. And almost as soon as he could  walk he was thrown into the working world. He was a message runner, plain and simple. He memorized what someone wanted to tell someone else, or summed it up, and ran to where that person hopefully was. It was a good job, he was young and had the energy plus he knew the city like the back of his hand. On one of these message runs he met her, Novanis. Then again, back then she was called Clara and her parents were rich folk. But she seemed nice enough, she actually talked to him a little after he delivered his message and even offered to share the snack she had with him, the ever elusive apple. Of course he turned down the offer, but he found every excuse he could to go back and visit the only other person that wanted to talk to him. And on top of that she seemed to be from another world, being in the upper class and all. But changed when he found her on the streets stealing things like every other street urchin. At that point he liked to think that they were friends and naturally wanted to help her. But she didn't want to go back home, she seemed rather determined not to and avoided the subject when she could. And she wanted to be called Novanis now, not Clara. She had ignored him a couple times when he called her Clara and only listened when he called her Novanis. And from there the rest is history really. She dragged him along on many misadventures and slowly but surely the person that was Clara was replaced by Novanis, or Novis for short. But she wasn't really different, who she was as a person stayed the same. It's just everything else that changed. And now there he sat, or ran as the case was at times, with Novis. Making sure that she wasn't stabbed while she wasn't looking or shot in the back.

Just a quick question..... Does Novanis know Gareth?

Name: Novanis 'Claw' Goldenwood, Some will call her Clara

Age: 26

Appearance: Long flowing dreads of white, she wears them proudly tucked behind her head. She isn't afraid to show off her other assets as well, usually preffering to keep a blue neck scarf on along with low cut corset shirts. She always wears pants, not about to put herself in a skirt just to please. She always wears adorning necklaces with various teeth and jewels, something she received a long time ago.

Personality: Not one for being meek or quiet, Novis is one who wears her confidence loud and proud. She is as far from ladylike as you can get, proudly showing off her assets and not afraid to take her fair share, if not more, of alcohol. She tends to be more of a bridging gaps kind of person, able to joke around with everyone on the crew, as long as you don't have a cannon up your ass. She tends to get hot headed when people try and push her buttons or make her a good little girl. She will follow orders to a T if she has enough respect for the person in charge.


Novanis is the only thing she knows of where she was from. She was born in a remote tribe somewhere near the town where she was born. Her tribe was deep in war with the town for land, and soon enough her tribe was defeated and Novanis taken with them. Along with that they stole one of the tribes women to be their slave. She was renamed Clara. As Clara, she grew up on the inside. Her parents were determined to teach her how to behave like a lady, like a formal woman. She didn't agree, and neither did the servant Chalego. Chalego started to tell her about her true heritage at the age of 5, teaching her the way she should have been brought up. They would sneak out at night, and unknown to Clara was often punished for lying. They were not too happy with Chalego. She was executed by the time Clara had turned 14. Clara was to be sold off to some man, and Chalego stood up for her. The night before the execution Clara reassumed her original name. She got the names of a few survivors of their tribe and where they were. The only way to get there was by boat, and with no money, that meant she would have to figure out another way. At first it started with small theft like she had back at the house, taking pieces of men's clothing to wear. Now she was stealing what she could to survive. A pirate picked her up off the street and took her in to his ship, and soon enough Novis was one of the crew. Spending the rest of her days along the ship, Novis traveled around to all sorts of places. She connected herself with the last of her tribe, they told her of their stories, filling in what Chalego could not have. One gave her the nose ring and sets of ear plugs, a few others did the markings. The teeth necklace was from Chalego herself, a last parting gift. It was meant to go with her to bless her in marriage, but considering what she was going to do, Chalego gave it to her for luck. She would never forgive herself if she lost it

Hm, good point. And now that I look at it, though the character's personality is good in my opinion, it wouldn't work in this setting. So I'll just post up another character.

Name: Gareth Bryne

Age: 24



Personality: He likes to think of himself as the voice of reason. When Novanis goes running off to do something stupid, he's there making sure it isn't to stupid. Needless to say he's basically given up hope on her listening and now does it more out of habit then anything else. When he's dragged along on one of Novanis' adventures, yes he's telling her to not do it but he's also making sure that she doesn't get hurt. His pistol and aim has saved her life more times then one.

History: Gareth wasn't as lucky as some when it comes to finance. In fact, it was rather rough for him. His dad was a fisherman, and his mom did what she could to bring in a little extra coin to feed him. And almost as soon as he could  walk he was thrown into the working world. He was a message runner, plain and simple. He memorized what someone wanted to tell someone else, or summed it up, and ran to where that person hopefully was. It was a good job, he was young and had the energy plus he knew the city like the back of his hand. On one of these message runs he met her, Novanis. Then again, back then she was called Clara and her parents were rich folk. But she seemed nice enough, she actually talked to him a little after he delivered his message and even offered to share the snack she had with him, the ever elusive apple. Of course he turned down the offer, but he found every excuse he could to go back and visit the only other person that wanted to talk to him. And on top of that she seemed to be from another world, being in the upper class and all. But changed when he found her on the streets stealing things like every other street urchin. At that point he liked to think that they were friends and naturally wanted to help her. But she didn't want to go back home, she seemed rather determined not to and avoided the subject when she could. And she wanted to be called Novanis now, not Clara. She had ignored him a couple times when he called her Clara and only listened when he called her Novanis. And from there the rest is history really. She dragged him along on many misadventures and slowly but surely the person that was Clara was replaced by Novanis, or Novis for short. But she wasn't really different, who she was as a person stayed the same. It's just everything else that changed. And now there he sat, or ran as the case was at times, with Novis. Making sure that she wasn't stabbed while she wasn't looking or shot in the back.


Sorry had to do that in all caps. Finally the button comes back!!

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