Black Ale Character Auditions

sorry! I'm 12 and my grammar's not that great. I'll try to skim it over for mistakes.

............ I have nothing against young rpers in my rps... But this rp might get graphic when it comes to the gore and cursing sections. And as a young rper I do encourage you to grow as a writer and a story teller..... Hhhmmmmm.... 

How about you PM and we can go from there. I will be asking for a writing sample and will see how well you can catch onto things. This is a more advanced rp.... I hope you understand why I have my concerns. But if you really want to join I can help you out. (^_^) Think of me as a mentor. lol. 
Yes, we are the elite of rpn... Veterans of the roleplay world... Masters of being bored with our real lives... xD  
Ehehehe, I'm only just getting started! *leans back on reclining chair with ergonomic keyboard at the ready whilst staring at 87654345678 billion inch screen waiting for the next noti*

Yes. I have a 87654345678 billion inch screen. No, I did not just mash the keys with my face there. How barbaric. *sips tea and eats crumpets*
You know I talk about you guys and your characters so much that people think they exist and look at me very strangely... 

even my book characters get angry with stuff cause I'm neglecting them lol
Okay.. .I think my Bio's done for now. I just need to fix the personality and then I'll be all set for judgement
Ehehehe, I'm only just getting started! *leans back on reclining chair with ergonomic keyboard at the ready whilst staring at 87654345678 billion inch screen waiting for the next noti*

Yes. I have a 87654345678 billion inch screen. No, I did not just mash the keys with my face there. How barbaric. *sips tea and eats crumpets*

No.... I believe that you just took a bunch of other screens and placed them next to one another. lol

You know I talk about you guys and your characters so much that people think they exist and look at me very strangely... 

even my book characters get angry with stuff cause I'm neglecting them lol

This is common among people like us.... It's a burden we all love to carry. (^_^)
OhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhHHhhHHHHHhHH!!!!!!!!!!! That sounds like an awesome idea! A bunch of screens put together to make a massive one, and it would still work like a normal screen! Imagine how many screens you would need if each one was one pixel? And you did it in 1080p? I think my number comes into play there, me thinks... :D  
Hate to cut this short at the moment. But I have to leave for work..... Real life is indeed a drag. lol

But I will be on tomorrow for most of the day. (^_^) I look forward to starting this rp soon. (^_^)
Nothing could have ever prepared me for writing a scene and my character told me no and did something completely different. I was so mad cause I wrote a scene I did not intend nor wanted to write to which the character ended up dying. 
Nothing could have ever prepared me for writing a scene and my character told me no and did something completely different. I was so mad cause I wrote a scene I did not intend nor wanted to write to which the character ended up dying. 

OMG!OMG!OMG! I have that same problem!!!! When you give your characters.... Well Character... They tend to tell you what to do... Not the other way around. And when you try to tell them what to do, they give you the 'bird' and then do what they want. lol

The woes of being a writer. lol 
Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 19



Personality: Whose number one? Connor's number one that's who. And he acts accordingly. Those that run away live to fight another day and all that good stuff. But that doesn't mean he's a complete and total coward, he just won't take needless risks for things. Is he willing to get his finger chopped off for a gold piece? No, but if it was a chest full of valuables he might reconsider. This way of thinking, weighing the risk vs the reward then acting, has gotten him in trouble with those that deem themselves his superiors. Some of their orders are stupid, and Connor doesn't want to go risking his neck.

History: Connor's a simple guy with simple beginnings. He was born into a small family, well enough off to not have an empty belly even in winter, and did his chores like every normal child should. Then he joined the navy, and there things went wrong. He was trained as a normal crew member, raise the sails, load the cannons, that end of the sword goes into the bad guys. Simple stuff, stuff he could deal with. That is until the first 'mission'. It wasn't a planned mission, they were just lucky enough to stumble upon a pirate ship to lazy to lower the black flag and hide it. He thought it was just going to be like training, load the cannon, light the fuse when told and repeat. But it was nothing like the training. Holes were blasted into the ship he was crewing, people died from ball shot and were sent flying over the opposite side of the ship. Cannons, the massive hunks of metal that needed a crane to move, thrown around like sticks. He couldn't take it, and so he did the only rational thing any deserter would do. After some how surviving the fight, the ship had to be put into port for repairs. And Connor simply didn't get back on the ship.
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Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 19



Personality: Whose number one? Connor's number one that's who. And he acts accordingly. Those that run away live to fight another day and all that good stuff. But that doesn't mean he's a complete and total coward, he just won't take needless risks for things. Is he willing to get his finger chopped off for a gold piece? No, but if it was a chest full of valuables he might reconsider. This way of thinking, weighing the risk vs the reward then acting, has gotten him in trouble with those that deem themselves his superiors. Some of their orders are stupid, and Connor doesn't want to go risking his neck.

History: Connor's a simple guy with simple beginnings. He was born into a small family, well enough off to not have an empty belly even in winter, and did his chores like every normal child should. Then he joined the navy, and there things went wrong. He was trained as a normal crew member, raise the sails, load the cannons, that end of the sword goes into the bad guys. Simple stuff, stuff he could deal with. That is until the first 'mission'. It wasn't a planned mission, they were just lucky enough to stumble upon a pirate ship to lazy to lower the black flag and hide it. He thought it was just going to be like training, load the cannon, light the fuse when told and repeat. But it was nothing like the training. Holes were blasted into the ship he was crewing, people died from ball shot and were sent flying over the opposite side of the ship. Cannons, the massive hunks of metal that needed a crane to move, thrown around like sticks. He couldn't take it, and so he did the only rational thing any deserter would do. Find a row boat, it was one of them large ones, and bail in the middle of the chaos. His life wasn't worth what they were paying him, and he figured he'd take his chances with the navy trying to find him. They had better things to look for then one deserter.

Not sure about the ending part to his history..... Where he takes a row boat and runs away. Those things take more than one man to lower correctly and how far away is he from land? Even with all the fighting going on his little escape would be hard to miss. 

Even after the fact the pirates would either go after him if they think he has something of value.... Or if he gets lost at sea, not many people know how to navigate. (Especially not during his first mission.) 

The rest of Connor's CS is fine. It's just the ending to the history part that kind of throws me off. 
Name: Alexandra Thrain 

Age: 19

Appearance: IMG_1572.JPG

Personality: arrogant and a bit snobby are two words that best describe her. She is well educated and therefore can come across as s know it all. She is definitely all girl and finds men less than a gentleman repulsive. Because of her family name and wealth she expects to be given respect and get what she wants. She can be opinionated but in public she keeps her thoughts to herself. She is very outgoing and doesn't have a shy bone in her body. As educated as she is she can lack common sense at times and thinks nothing bad will ever happen to her. 

History:  she grew up among the wealthy people and her family was highly respected. As such she was given the pressure to live up to their name and represent them with class and dignity. She was taught everything to say and do to be a proper woman. Although she enjoys days that she can relax and not be a proper lady she still lived for the finer things in life. Travel started to become popular for her family when she was 15 she had gone to some amazing places and at age 19 she was about to embark on a great adventure. The captain she hired found a crew that would work without little details to where or what they would be doing. It was odd of course for all the secrecy and even she didn't understand why she had to be so secret about it. Nevertheless she found herself aboard a ship ready for travel that only the captain knew where according to her father's instructions. 
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Name: Alexandra Thrain 

Age: 19


Personality: arrogant and a bit snobby are two words that best describe her. She is well educated and therefore can come across as s know it all. She is definitely all girl and finds men less than a gentleman repulsive. Because of her family name and wealth she expects to be given respect and get what she wants. She can be opinionated but in public she keeps her thoughts to herself. She is very outgoing and doesn't have a shy bone in her body. As educated as she is she can lack common sense at times and thinks nothing bad will ever happen to her. 

History:  she grew up among the wealthy people and her family was highly respected. As such she was given the pressure to live up to their name and represent them with class and dignity. She was taught everything to say and do to be a proper woman. Although she enjoys days that she can relax and not be a proper lady she still lived for the finer things in life. Travel started to become popular for her family when she was 15 she had gone to some amazing places and at age 19 she was about to embark on a great adventure. The captain she hired found a crew that would work without little details to where or what they would be doing. It was odd of course for all the secrecy and even she didn't understand why she had to be so secret about it. Nevertheless she found herself aboard a ship ready for travel that only the captain knew where according to her father's instructions. 

Alexandra is approved. (^_^) I figured that when you find an image of her you can add that to the CS.
I change the backstory but I'm still not happy with it. I want to keep the desserter thing in there still but not sure how.

Name: Katerina Rose Delaurntis

Age: 20

Appearance: Katerina has long wavy raven hair that nearly reaches her waist, with porcelain skin and bright hazel eyes. Katerina has more of a seductive arch with her eyebrows, and a dark shade of lips, she stand to be 5'7" with a petite but curvy form. 


You don't want to meet Katerina. Nobody does. When you meet her, it generally means trouble for you. When Katerina doesn't get her way with her honeyed words, since she's quite persuasive, she'll resort to violence, if she doesn't want something from you, she'll keep to herself, if you approach her, she'll become hostile, unless she sees something to gain from you. She'll often have a negative attitude or become sarcastic of forced with conversation, and has no feelings towards anyone, she shows no empathy towards anyone, and only cares for herself. 

History: Katerina was born into one of the most wealthiest families alive, they were known to have an object if large value in their home, locked away with high security, an amulet. which resulted in Katerina's families death. She came home one day to find there blood spilled everywhere, mercilessly slaughtered. The amulet was stolen, and rumors said it was stolen by pirates, resulting in Katerina having a deep hatred for pirates. Katerina was forced to live on the streets, only at age 10. She begged for days, but the people were cruel, fewed payed her, and she could hardly scrape by. So she began to steal instead. It was minor stealing at first, from food to minor silverware, to plates and jewels. She began her own heists at a young age, perhaps around 15. She remained infected for a time, but quickly grew until she got bounty over the thousands, then she began stealing from pirates, she dabbled in other theft, but she mainly became a Thief to the pirates. Becoming well known among all the pirates. Now everyone calls her Sparrow, everytime she robs, she leaves a black sparrow feather, just to make it known it was her, and is a famous enemy of pirates. She had never once been caught. Katerina then began to plan her best heist yet, she located one of the Seven Kings of the pirates. After hearing they would attack a ship because of the cargo on it, she stowed away on the ship in hopes the Black Ale would attack it. 
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I change the backstory but I'm still not happy with it. I want to keep the desserter thing in there still but not sure how.

I understand, I'm just thinking logically over the situation of him deserting a ship in the middle of a battle. It's not common. Most of the time after a fight, those still alive and on the loosing team, they try to move over to the winning team. 

Name: Katerina Rose Delaurntis

Age: 20

Appearance: Katerina has long wavy raven hair that nearly reaches her waist, with porcelain skin and bright hazel eyes. Katerina has more of a seductive arch with her eyebrows, and a dark shade of lips, she stand to be 5'7" with a petite but curvy form. 


You don't want to meet Katerina. Nobody does. When you meet her, it generally means trouble for you. When Katerina doesn't get her way with her honeyed words, since she's quite persuasive, she'll resort to violence, if she doesn't want something from you, she'll keep to herself, if you approach her, she'll become hostile, unless she sees something to gain from you. She'll often have a negative attitude or become sarcastic of forced with conversation, and has no feelings towards anyone, she shows no empathy towards anyone, and only cares for herself. 

History: Katerina was born into one of the most wealthiest families alive, they were known to have an object if large value in their home, locked away with high security, an amulet. which resulted in Katerina's families death. She came home one day to find there blood spilled everywhere, mercilessly slaughtered. The amulet was stolen, and rumors said it was stolen by pirates, resulting in Katerina having a deep hatred for pirates. Katerina was forced to live on the streets, only at age 10. She begged for days, but the people were cruel, fewed payed her, and she could hardly scrape by. So she began to steal instead. It was minor stealing at first, from food to minor silverware, to plates and jewels. She began her own heists at a young age, perhaps around 15. She remained infected for a time, but quickly grew until she got bounty over the thousands, then she began stealing from pirates, she dabbled in other theft, but she mainly became a Thief to the pirates. Becoming well known among all the pirates. She had never once been caught. Katerina then performed her heist yet, she located one of the Seven Kings of the pirates. She attempted to steal from the Black Ale. She nearly succeeded but was nonetheless caught, resulting in her capture and her becoming a prisoner. 

I like this character a lot. The only small issue would be her as a captive on the Black Ale at this time. Maybe she stowed away on the ship the Black Ale is about to attack? Mostly because she heard that the captain and his crew were interested in the 'cargo'. So she stows away on the ship in hopes the Black Ale does show up. (Which it did. lol)

But if you wish to stick with what you have I can somewhat work around it. seeing as the Black Ale has been at sea for some time, and they don't really do well with thieves.... Especially famous ones that steal from pirates. 
I like this character a lot. The only small issue would be her as a captive on the Black Ale at this time. Maybe she stowed away on the ship the Black Ale is about to attack? Mostly because she heard that the captain and his crew were interested in the 'cargo'. So she stows away on the ship in hopes the Black Ale does show up. (Which it did. lol)

But if you wish to stick with what you have I can somewhat work around it. seeing as the Black Ale has been at sea for some time, and they don't really do well with thieves.... Especially famous ones that steal from pirates. 

Sounds good to me! Just edited it. 

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