Black Ale Character Auditions

This is where you will post character sheets for approval. Once approved then you may make a thread for your character. 

If you post your character in a thread before approval... kiss that approval good bye. 

So I have some ideas for how others will end up upon the Black Ale. Some of you can be new crew members on the ship hoping to win over the Captain's favor to be apart of the Red King's Vanguard team. The group that has the fire power.

Or your character can be aboard a ship the Black Ale is attacking, they either switch sides, or may even become a prisoner. 

If you have any other ideas please let me know. 

CS Layout:

This is a detailed rp. Posts will be two full paragraphs or more. CS will be filled out nicely (Any secrets about your character, please PM me the details).

Th basics of the CS are very simple but I wish for detail and creativity. 






Very basic, but remember, posts will be detailed in the IC. 
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Name: Khaos Takkyn  

Age: 23


His right eye is Hazel brown 

Personality: Khaos is a bit maniacal and greedy. He takes pleasure in other peopled failures. He is a very odd sense of humor and he's the guy who will be the last man laughing at a joke. On the other hand he can be fun and a little crazy. He is daring and holds no regard for his own safety and usual the safety of others. He can be caught talking out loud to a voice in his head he calls Shadow whether it's real or not no one knows. He will do just about anything for money.... literally anything. 

History: Khaos grew up with five brothers and he was the middle child. He didn't have the responsibilities of being the oldest or the spoils of being the youngest. A lot of times he was forgotten about. Always having to compete for attention he would come up with crazy ways to do so, thus becoming the daredevil he is to this day. For awhile he had people convinced he had another person living inside of him just dying to come out so much so that he started to believe it himself. He called this person Shadow and it tended to be the darker side of him (not that he has a really good side). Of course this got bad attention towards him and his own family disowned him for his "illness" as they called it. Feeling defeated he set out onto adventures living however he wanted and doing whatever he wanted. Still unable to leave the childish part of him behind he has "Shadow" to keep him company. Khaos started taking on different jobs for sea merchants to earn extra money for living (well for the important stuff in life, food and alcohol). He learned his way on the sea knowing how to navigate a map and use a compass. He usually took the high risk jobs though, as they would pay more. He was out at sea as usual and had been for a couple of months. Still unclear what the exact task was but he didn't need to be bothered with it, He was their navigator and all he needed to was point them in the right direction. 
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Name: Edward Vengryn

Age: 20


Personality: Edward is a bit of an...oddity for a pirate. Whereas most would rush in and loot and kill, he'd prefer taking his time, picking things off one at a time. He's boarded a ship many a time before, just to have a one on one duel with the captain of the ship whilst his frdellow buccaneers went on a rampage slaughtering the captain's crew. He himself seemed satisfied with only dirtying his blade with only a worthy opponent. Most of the time, if he isn't busy pirating, haggling with shop owners to sell 'his' goods, or smooth talking the authorities that saw fit to try and apprehend him, he's probably inside the captain's quarters of his ship, enjoying a meal that nearly always consisted of a few apples, a glass of water, and two slices of bread. He left most of the good food to his crew, as a way to keep them loyal during the times in-between massive hauls and as a way to keep them properly fed and prepared for a fight. If one asked his crew, he was calm, collected, and about as honorable and just as a sea robber could be. Not to say he doesn't have his bad points. It takes a lot to do teso, but once one breaks through the composure he typically shows, they'll quickly find out how swift anger can change a man. Perhaps it'll start with being a bit shorted on powder for a pistol you might have. Perhaps a bit of rum mysteriously disappeared and the Captain had called you to do something to leave you at the end of the line and no rum for you. That's the first warning sign. If you continue to annoy him, you can quite quickly find yourself on the wrong end of a pistol or a blade. This was his ship after all, and nobody said you had the right to be on here. Be glad you wind up over the edge instead of left in a barrel, on a sinking ship, or in the cuffs of some of the authorities he's paid off. On rare occasions, he may just watch over certain crew members, simply seeing how well they did their jobs. He'd cut those who failed to stay up to scratch on the upkeep of his ship, often quoting, "A ship is worth more then a rat or sea dog."

History: Edward Vengryn didn't grow up as most expect of a pirate. He was well off, parents having been rather successful at selling meat and the fruits him and his father took care of. He wasn't quite a troublemaker, far from it in fact. His mother wanted a nice, proper child. Someone who might one day bring them some form of recognition or allowance into the upper class. Someone to give them respeson ctable grandchildren. He was taught to read, mainly by neighboring store owners. He learned how to count from his father, who always made a fair deal with his customers. He learned the art of the sword early on into his teenage years, both from reading into techniques, watching those that were in the army and navy practicing, and by eventually crafting a sword of sorts from some wood with a knife. Attempting to copy the elegance of those whom he had watched, and combine certain moves with techniques he's read about. Soon enough, he foolishly challenged a navy man to a match with a sword, a friendly match. Just a spar. He got a few good hits in, parrying the blade when possible, dodging when not. Until he tripped over his own feet and fell down, the navy man gently poking his chest with the sword. That was the match. The navy man and military onlookers were impressed by this, despite losing. He had the guts to challenge the navy man to a sparring match, and somewhat held his own. Perhaps they could use him? Seemed so, since soon his parents were contacted with offers to allow their son to be trained to join the navy. Seeing a chance for their child to be recognized, they quickly agreed. Besides, not like he'd be far from them. Just near the docs to train and learn.

Train and learn he did, taking to the blade and ship life quicker then anticipated. Hauling around barrels laden with supplies was somewhat easy after having helped his father most his life with carrying meat, bags of fruit, and the occasional game his father nabbed. Learning new terms to use on ship life was more difficult, yet all he had to do was convince himself that he'd just replace the normal words he used for the nautical terms. Not like he'd be around others who didn't know the terms, except maybe his parents, whom he could impress by teaching them something new. The young teen soon grew up, occasionally out on sea as the ship he was stationed on would leave to protect merchant ships. Whenever he asked why they wasted time protecting merchant ships, he'd simply be smacked and told only one word. Pirates. The word sent a shiver down his spine. He's heard of pirates, little more then highway robbers, just with ships, cannons and blood lust. Sure, it had it's appeals, living life out at sea, traveling with the same folk days upon days, months upon months, years upon years. Almost like moving with a family, except this family is just as willing to kill and steal as you are. Bit more tight knit then the navy as well, since rank only plays a part when one wishes to pull it about. The captain could just as easily make merry with the rest of them one minute as he would discipline an out of line crew member the next. Light hearted insults tossed in between the navigator and the helmsmen. Some say pirates are just boys who never grew up and decided to live their life against the law. Edward would agree, to an extent. It was one particular day whilst musing this over, their ship simply floating alongside a cargo ship, that he got a much more...interesting view upon pirates. Turns out, they could play pretend rather well. Having hired a navy ship to escort their cargo. Dressed up finely, cleaned themselves off and talked properly to convince a lone navy ship to accompany them. Once sufficiently out at sea, whilst they were looking for pirates, the cargo ship opened fire. Then again. In the midst of the confusion of where they were being shot from, two more rounds of cannon fire were loaded and fired, and pirates began to board the sinking ship. The crack of pistols firing, the ringing of steel upon steel. It was chaos, and it was beauty. The teen fought bravely, felling quite a few pirates, having plucked pistols and cutlasses off the fallen, despite the cries from his captain to stop sullying the dead. He was more concerned about survival. Most of his crew-mates were dead, his captain was surrounded, the ship was sinking. So, he sat down, patiently waiting for death, having taken quite a few of the pirates down. Instead, he was taken aboard their ship, assigned to help them, be it information or lending his sword. For better or worse, he was a pirate.

First thing they attempted to do was beat him for being prim and proper, badgering him about this being an outlaw's life, not a noble's. Yet, he'd not falter with it. Soon, they started to tried picking fights with him, trying to put him in his place. Wild swings, cries of steel, blood on the ground. More often then not, it wasn't his own. He did have his fair share of slashes and pretty scars on him because of those fights, yet not nearly as much as those who he fought. His dedication to the captain merely grew as he'd note the old guy watching carefully over him, giving the occasional compliment for a good fight, belittling him for his mistakes. Soon, he was being taught a few things. Almost as if he was being groomed for something. He soon learned when a boarding attempt went wrong and the captain was killed. They needed a new captain, someone who had their respect and the knowledge to lead them. More then half the crew chose Edward, for might earns respect. Consistently beating them and not rubbing their faces in it, not taking smug satisfaction from it, earned their respect. Perhaps the old captain saw he had what it takes, perhaps. Yet now isn't the time to deal with that, not now. He had his duty to do for his crew, and it was about time to head back out to sea. Got to get those fools back on the ship. ~ Captain's log.

The captain sighed, closing his logs, heading off to collect his men.

Ship (Despite the fact it'll probably soon be destroyed): pirate-ship2.jpg

# of Pistols: Four

Weapons: Four pistols, two cutlasses.

// Here ya go, 'ave a pirate
They Black Ale crew might not attack a fellow pirate ship, unless they cross waters to where they should not be pirating. (Like sea territory.) But the character is accepted. You may give Edward his own thread. (^_^)

As for the pirate vs pirate note. I'm sure we can come up with a reason as to why the Black Ale attacks Edward's ship... Who knows maybe they have an item of interest and or value. (^_^)
Hmm...whoever said anything about attacking? Extremely successful pirates usually end up in control of fleets of ships. Edward is a reasonable guy. Surely an agreement or deal can be reached.
Hmm...whoever said anything about attacking? Extremely successful pirates usually end up in control of fleets of ships. Edward is a reasonable guy. Surely an agreement or deal can be reached.

Good point. But it still depends on the situations. 

Maybe both the Black Ale and Edward's ship ends up attacking the same ship. Normally during those situations Captains do one of three things. Both pirate ships split the cargo and anything of value, the crews battle it out for the loot or the captains fight it out and the loot goes to the winning captain..... Sometimes crews switch sides or the winning captain takes the spoils from both the targeted ship and the other pirate ship... Depending on the out come or what the Captain intends they could even take the second pirate ship too. 
Good point. But it still depends on the situations. 

Maybe both the Black Ale and Edward's ship ends up attacking the same ship. Normally during those situations Captains do one of three things. Both pirate ships split the cargo and anything of value, the crews battle it out for the loot or the captains fight it out and the loot goes to the winning captain..... Sometimes crews switch sides or the winning captain takes the spoils from both the targeted ship and the other pirate ship... Depending on the out come or what the Captain intends they could even take the second pirate ship too. 

Hmm, fair point. Chances are, Edward would loose a confrontation So there goes sharing equally when it can be just taken by force. Edward isn't quite a stranger to being forced to work for someone, so he'd simply go along with it assuming his ship isn't scrapped or taken from him. But eh, overthinking here. Let us wait for the roleplay to start and just see how the waves toss here.
Hmm, fair point. Chances are, Edward would loose a confrontation So there goes sharing equally when it can be just taken by force. Edward isn't quite a stranger to being forced to work for someone, so he'd simply go along with it assuming his ship isn't scrapped or taken from him. But eh, overthinking here. Let us wait for the roleplay to start and just see how the waves toss here.

(^_^) Sounds good to me. 

But we will throw in more discussion as things move along. That way we can figure things out a bit before hand. This way we can at least have some structure to the plot so it doesn't get out of hand and run off in a direction that will kill the rp. (^_^)
Name: Kypher Thorne

Age: 16



Personality: Excitable, good natured and honest, Kypher is a hard working happy-go-lucky kid who always enjoys a good fight. Whether it's just for fun or serious, Kypher never backs out of something he's started and is determined to be successful at whatever it is he's trying to achieve. His fighting spirit is paired with his temper as he can occasionally get angry at those who patronise or mock him because of his age, despite him wanting to do many grown-up things. Kypher will never shy away from a challenge, but is also quite impressionable and gullible, leading to him being manipulated by others. Of course, he would just prefer to settle things with fists than words. 

History: Kypher was born on a village island that often traded with the mainland using its rare source of extremely large pearls from overgrown oysters in the area. As such, Kypher grew up in a relatively wealthy town with his parents and brother. His father was a monk that trained in a monastery located deep within the jungle that covered the island. As such, he taught Kypher the hand to hand combat that the monks had created as something to defend himself with. He trained for many years until he was deemed the best at it for his age, often nicknamed 'Silver Blade' for his swift and sharp martial arts style, his blows rumoured to be able to cut into flesh with a single hit big course this was exaggerated, he had serrated gloves after all. It was also coined due to his very developed hand to eye coordination and perception skills, slowing him to block blades and dodge blades easily with his hands or body by employing various techniques, generally made more easy by his equipment that he carried. That included his gloves made of light metal and leather, his leather armour and a few blades and a pistol in his person. This did not mean he was untouchable however, as he learnt the hard way with a gunshot wound in his hand. It was not after his tenth birthday that a terrible tragedy befell him. His island village was raided by pirates, who pillaged their town and made a massacre of its people. The monastery was raided, the place where most of the pearls were stored, and all the monks were killed, including his father and brother, who had only decided to join his father a year before. Fuelled by anger, Kypher vowed that he would make his own pirate crew and get his own pirate ship and he would make those men pay for what they did to him, his family and his fellow islanders. Learning to use the sword and pistol, he spent the next three years training in the arts of seafaring and being a pirate, often joining trader ships as the lookout in the crow's nest, all the while continuing his monk training that his father had taught him from when he was young. It had not been long until he was accepted into a real job, a high risk high pay trade job through uncharted waters known to be ridden with pirates. Kypher thought that it would finally be his chance to join a real pirate crew and learn from those that he saw as his enemies. Fight fire with fire was not lost on him and he knew that it was the only way to beat those villainous pirates that had attacked his people at their own game. 

(This is the same voyage that Khaos will be navigating for when this starts.)
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Name: Damion Vallrus, The Demon of the Mist (That last part is part of his title)

Age: 37




Personality: Damion always gets what he wants, no matter what stands in his way.  He is willing to kill or do just about anything to achieve his goal.  In addition to having an insatiable desire, Damion also revels in games of the mind.  Puzzles and tactics are his most useful tools, though he is never satisfied with just one victory and always pushes his luck, sometimes driving his men into the ground.   

History: Damion grew up so bad off, his father worked on a merchants ship, his mother stayed at home, and him and his sister did not have much to do when they where younger.  As they grew up things changed, Damion was forced to go off and get a job at the docks and then on a ship.  The time he did spend at home was populated with his family, though every other night or so strange men would come around to talk to his father.  Though he did not know it, Damion's father had gotten caught up in some rather unsavory people, the type of people that would kill you if you tried to leave.  Things changed after the visits by the men, money became harder to find and harder to keep, food was scarce and poor in quality.  This turned Damion to stealing in order to keep his sister from and mother from starving, Damion no longer cared about his father as he blamed him for their predicament.  One dark day Damion was heading home from the docks and saw a bright light in the distance, it was his house, and it was ablaze.  Running up, Damion was barely missed by the men that his father had been having dealings with as they left.  The seen before him was a terrible one, his parents lay butchered on the ground dead, his sister was barely alive and as he rushed to her side she told him what had happened.  The men had come for their father, when he would not give them something they wanted they shot him in the head, then they killed their mother, after which they raped his sister and then left her for dead.  She died in Damion's arms as their house crumbled to ashes, it was at that moment that Damion swore he would never fail again and would do anything to ensure he prevailed.  

Fleeing his home, Damion had happened upon a pirate ship that was pretending to be merchant vessel.  Needless to say the Captain saw something in Damion, something that made him keep Damion alive.  After many years Damion learned much and grew to be the best fighter on the ship, and eventually became Captain.  Using his masterful mind, Damion soon became known for maneuvering his ship into nearly impossible positions and showing up out of no where, even using a heavy mist to out play six other pirate hunters.  Unfortunately, after escaping death Damion decided to push his luck, and he pushed it to far.  He ended up losing his ship, his crew, his wealth, and everything else he had. Now he lends his services to those who can pay his wages as he looks for another ship to serve on.
Name: Kypher Thorne

Age: 13



Personality: Exiteable, good natured and honest, Kypher is a hard working happy-go-lucky kid who always enjoys a good fight. Whether it's just for fun or serious, Kypher never backs out of something he's started and is determined to be successful at whatever it is he's trying to achieve. His fighting spirit is paired with his temper as he can ovcasionally get angry at those who patronise or mock him because of his age, despite him wanting to do many grown-up things. Kypher will never shy away from a challenge, but is also quite impressionable and gullible, leading to him being manipulated by others. Of course, he would just prefer to settle things with fists than words. 

History: Kypher was born on a village island that often traded with the mainland using its rare source of extremely large pearls from overgrown oysters in the area. As such, Kypher grew up in a relatively wealthy town with his parents and brother. His father was a monk that trained in a monastery located deep within the jungle that covered the island. As such, he taught Kypher the hand to hand combat that the monks had created as something to defend himself with. He trained for many years until he was deemed the best at it for his age, often nicknamed 'Silver Blade' for his swift and sharp martial arts style, his blows rumoured to be able to cut into flesh with a single hit big course this was exaggerated, he had serrated gloves after all. It was also coined due to his very developed hand to eye coordination and perception skills, slowing him to block blades and dodge blades easily with his hands or body by employing various techniques, generally made more easy by his equipment that he carried. That included his gloves made of light metal and leather, his leather armour and a few blades and a pistol in his person. This did not mean he was untouchable however, as he learnt the hard way with a gunshot wound in his hand. It was not after his tenth birthday that a terrible tradegy befell him. His island village was raided by pirates, who pillaged their town and made a massacre of its people. The monastery was raided, the place where most of the pearls were stored, and all the monks were killed, including his father and brother, who had only decided to join his father a year before. Fuelled by anger, Kypher vowed that he would make his own pirate crew and get his own pirate ship and he would make those men pay for what they did to him, his family and his fellow islanders. Learning to use the sword and pistol, he spent the next three years training in the arts of seafaring and being a pirate, often joining trader ships as the lookout in the crow's nest, all the while continuing his monk training that his father had taught him from when he was young. It had not been long until he was accepted into a real job, a high risk high pay trade job through uncharted waters known to be ridden with pirates. Kypher thought that it would finally be his chance to join a real pirate crew and learn from those that he saw as his enemies. Fight fire with fire was not lost on him and he knew that it was the only way to beat those villainous pirates that had attacked his people at their own game. 

(This is the same voyage that Khaos will be navigating for when this starts.)

His age needs to change. 13 would only allow him to be a cabin boy or something of low ranks. At the age of 13, a captain and crew would not hire him aboard the ship seeing as he lacks the experience of being on one.

Second, his level in martial arts would not match up in the day and age this rp takes place. Most children work at home or around their towns or villages. They don't have time to study, or have opportunities to go to school like those of Nobel families. Even if you are the richest family on the island, does not mean the island has grade A stuff like main stream towns. Getting supplies and even books to an island... The Queen would have much interest in that island for a reason. 

If the character has this level of experience he should be at least 17 to 22. 
Name: Damion Vallrus, The Demon of the Mist (That last part is part of his title)

Age: 37




Personality: Damion always gets what he wants, no matter what stands in his way.  He is willing to kill or do just about anything to achieve his goal.  In addition to having an insatiable desire, Damion also revels in games of the mind.  Puzzles and tactics are his most useful tools, though he is never satisfied with just one victory and always pushes his luck, sometimes driving his men into the ground.   

History: Damion grew up so bad off, his father worked on a merchants ship, his mother stayed at home, and him and his sister did not have much to do when they where younger.  As they grew up things changed, Damion was forced to go off and get a job at the docks and then on a ship.  The time he did spend at home was populated with his family, though every other night or so strange men would come around to talk to his father.  Though he did not know it, Damion's father had gotten caught up in some rather unsavory people, the type of people that would kill you if you tried to leave.  Things changed after the visits by the men, money became harder to find and harder to keep, food was scarce and poor in quality.  This turned Damion to stealing in order to keep his sister from and mother from starving, Damion no longer cared about his father as he blamed him for their predicament.  One dark day Damion was heading home from the docks and saw a bright light in the distance, it was his house, and it was ablaze.  Running up, Damion was barely missed by the men that his father had been having dealings with as they left.  The seen before him was a terrible one, his parents lay butchered on the ground dead, his sister was barely alive and as he rushed to her side she told him what had happened.  The men had come for their father, when he would not give them something they wanted they shot him in the head, then they killed their mother, after which they raped his sister and then left her for dead.  She died in Damion's arms as their house crumbled to ashes, it was at that moment that Damion swore he would never fail again and would do anything to ensure he prevailed.  

Fleeing his home, Damion had happened upon a pirate ship that was pretending to be merchant vessel.  Needless to say the Captain saw something in Damion, something that made him keep Damion alive.  After many years Damion learned much and grew to be the best fighter on the ship, and eventually became Captain.  Using his masterful mind, Damion soon became known for maneuvering his ship into nearly impossible positions and showing up out of no where, even using a heavy mist to out play six other pirate hunters.  Unfortunately, after escaping death Damion decided to push his luck, and he pushed it to far.  He ended up losing his ship, his crew, his wealth, and everything else he had. Now he lends his services to those who can pay his wages as he looks for another ship to serve on.

For this character... The mist part is the question. I like the character, nicely done, but is the mist something he had placed together as a cleaver effect? Or is Damion using magic. 
no magic, it was just there and he used it.  Naturally occurring mist.  But as people heard of it, it sort of snowballed so now that what he is best known for
Well it wasn't studying as such of books and expensive stuff, he just trained in the mountains in martial arts with his monk father. He never went to school. And of course he worked sometimes, but all free time went into martial arts. And I'm fairly that martial arts was first created waaaay before pirating was a thing. I'm talking the beginning of Egypt kind of before, but I could be wrong about that. I can bump his age up if you want but 17 is a bit high for what I'm going for here. Is 15 acceptable?

Well it wasn't studying as such of books and expensive stuff, he just trained in the mountains in martial arts with his monk father. He never went to school. And of course he worked sometimes, but all free time went into martial arts. And I'm fairly that martial arts was first created waaaay before pirating was a thing. I'm talking the beginning of Egypt kind of before, but I could be wrong about that. I can bump his age up if you want but 17 is a bit high for what I'm going for here. Is 15 acceptable?


15 is not acceptable, 17 or higher please. 

As for martial arts, yes it was before the pirating area. But here's the thing about this. Yes there were Asian pirates, but they were more in the Pacific area. Our pirates or mostly where our rp will take place is in the Atlantic area. Not many Asian pirates end up there. A handful at most, and even some would not know martial arts due to their background. 

Plus Monks were still very much located in the Asian countries as Christianity and Catholic religions were tied with the royal families. Religion and law went hand in hand still to some extent. And those of the churches did not study or practice martial arts or any form of combat. Their study was focused on the religion and the people. 

Those that were Asian pirates, did make their way to different waters, but it was still considered rare. Seeing as they had their own water hunting grounds and if they got mixed up with another pirate group from another area.... Life would be really messy. Most pirates keep to their own hunting waters and trade. 
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Okay, so we've established that what I have is plausible, if somewhat very rare. Great, that should mean that I can still have it. Therefore, is this just a case of you not wanting me to have it? If it's to do with balancing then fear not, my guy is screwed if you point a gun at him. 

And fine, age will be 17. :(  
Name: Oliver Finch

Age: 9



Personality: Oliver is hotheaded and fiercely loyal with a crippling fear of abandonment .He is brave, but a bit reckless and often gets himself in trouble. He is a bit sensitive at heart, but refuses to break down in front of others. When upset, he tends to get touchy and argumentative, but in truth he tries very hard to get along with the other crewmates. At his best, he can be gregarious and very forthright, if not always entirely honest.He suffers from occasional hallucinations and seizures, but nothing that makes it too hard for him to do the dirty work around the ship.

History: Oliver is the son of a prostitute and some older man who left town long before his conception was made known. For whatever reason this starving young woman decided not to rid herself of the baby by means of poison or some dangerous back-alley abortion method, and instead gave birth to a not particularly healthy, not particularly handsome little baby who she named after her long dead brother. See, the village in which they lived --Covenshire, it was called-- was ridden with plagues due to the wharf rats from the nearby port town of  Shill. The prostitute's brother had succumbed to one of these plagues at the tender age of five, when she herself was merely eight. Determined to keep her own child from the same unfortunate fate, she took the baby away with her to live in the further out town of Westington, where she took up a more legal job as a barmaid to support herself and her little son. Oliver, meanwhile, grew up into a bright and cheerful lad who was more than content with their life of poverty. He spent most of his time playing with the local street rats, learning their tricks of pickpocketing and lockpicking and breaking into houses and general criminal activity. So, from a very young age, Oliver was accustomed to a life of tomfoolery and wrongdoing.
Unfortunately, by the time he'd turned eight his mother had contracted a fatal pestilence of which she soon demised. Oliver, grieved but not defeated, joined up with his friends the street rats. Due to his early exposure to such a lifestyle, he quickly discovered a natural talent for thievery and practically thrived out on the streets. When that proved boring, he took to the sea on board a local ship intending to mutiny the captain, a plan that needed a lot of work to say the least. Luckily, the ship was attacked by pirates and he was 'forced' into servitude upon the new ship as their cabin boy. Thrilled with his latest adventure, Oliver began his next chapter of a strange but thoroughly entertaining life.

(Apologies for not being very long. Believe me, I'm capable of longer posts, but I'm running out of time at the moment and needed this finished quickly. I'll add more details later..)
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Okay, so we've established that what I have is plausible, if somewhat very rare. Great, that should mean that I can still have it. Therefore, is this just a case of you not wanting me to have it? If it's to do with balancing then fear not, my guy is screwed if you point a gun at him. 

And fine, age will be 17. :(  

Yeah the martial arts part is fine. I just wanted to be clear that is indeed rare to see aboard the ships in the Atlantic area. There were settlements that did have strong connections to the Asian countries and did practice the more towards the Asian ways. 

As for his experience to be hired onto a ship at such a young age... That was the tricky part really. To know such form of fighting and be taken seriously at such a young age was not common at all... It wasn't even rare. It never really happened. Most men who went from the Asian countries to the other countries like France or England... They were much older. Not many young people ventured outside of their backyard hunting grounds until later on in their lives when they became 'men'.

And you have a 50/50 percent of surviving with a gun to your head during this time. Most people don't know that half the time guns didn't even fire. lol.

So yeah... Fun and funny fact about those times. lol. 
Name: Oliver Finch

Age: 9


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Personality: Oliver is hotheaded and fiercely loyal with a crippling fear of abandonment .He is brave, but a bit reckless and often gets himself in trouble. He is a bit sensitive at heart, but refuses to break down in front of others. He suffers from occasional hallucinations and seizures, but nothing that makes it too hard for him to do the dirty work around the ship.

History: The son of a raped prostitute, Oliver was left to the streets as a baby and raised by pirates from birth.  He's barely seen dry land, and the crew is his idea of a family. At the age of six, he started having strange hallucinations of nonsensical sorts of things, often accompanied by violent seizures that would keep him locked in the sick bay for hours nearly every day. However, as he grew older these incidents have been more spaced out, allowing him to keep his job and keep himself from being thrown overboard and replaced. Because of his rough upbringing, however, he's tougher than most children and very good at what he does, and hopes to achieve a higher position than cabin boy by the time he's a bit older.

(Apologies for not being very long. Believe me, I'm capable of longer posts, but I'm running out of time at the moment and needed this finished quickly. I'll add more details later..)

I understand that you were limited in time. But this CS does need a lot of work. 

I will wait until you finish this character sheet to let you know what needs to be changed. Mind you there already is a lot that needs to be changed. 
@NovaNovass Would I be able to have a 16 year old character? It's the legal age of becoming a man in them times. *the prettiest fuckin doe eyes you will ever see in your entire goddamn lifetime* Also, so does that mean I'm accepted?
Agh, crap! I'll get this done as soon as possible. I hope it's nothing too stupid that I did wrong....
I think I'm completely revising the bio skeleton. It's a bit cliche, now that I'm thinking about it. Is there anything you'd like me to keep in mind while i'm editing?
@NovaNovass Would I be able to have a 16 year old character? It's the legal age of becoming a man in them times. *the prettiest fuckin doe eyes you will ever see in your entire goddamn lifetime* Also, so does that mean I'm accepted?

HAHAHAHA!! You are talking to a girl who started to hunt deer with her dad at the age of 10 in New Jersey of all places. lol. Sorry that was too funny to pass up! (you should have stuck to puppy eyes... I'm a sucker for dogs. lol)

16 I will let you get away with, and yes that means your character is accepted. (^_^

I think I'm completely revising the bio skeleton. It's a bit cliche, now that I'm thinking about it. Is there anything you'd like me to keep in mind while i'm editing?

Grammar. And look over your writing before submitting things. It will help bring out a better writer in you. (^_^)

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